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GRUPO 40117
17 DE MAYO DE 2021
1. OBJECTIVES..............................................................................................................................................4
1.1 General..............................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Specific objectives..............................................................................................................................4
2. ACTIVITY TO BE DEVELOPED IN SECOND LANGUAGE (ENGLISH).............................................................5
2.1 Labor competencies..............................................................................................................................5
2.1.1 Test.................................................................................................................................................5
3. Conclution...............................................................................................................................................9
4. References.........................................................................................................................................10

The purpose of this work is to develop an essay on the topic “labor competencies which

are the set of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that a young student must develop to

perform appropriately in any productive environment, regardless of the economic sector of the

activity, the level of the position, the complexity of the task.


1.1 General

Develop an essay related to job competencies that every person should have

1.2 Specific objectives

 Carry out research regarding the subject of study in this case labor competencies

 Put this research into an essay

 Make a document with APA standards and send it to the teacher for their respective


According to the activity to be carried out, I selected the topics that I mention below, in

order for each group to take a specific topic and develop an essay in a second language (English)

focusing on the Colombian case, that is, to explain how the current situation is. In our country in

relation to this issue, this document must have a maximum of three pages.

 Labor skills

 Labor demand market

 Universities Profiles

 Conception and nature of the workConcepción y naturaleza del trabajo

2.1 Labor competencies

2.1.1 Test

Developing life skills implies the training of job skills, that is, skills associated with

productivity and competitiveness. The experience of the country shows that young people need

better conceptual and methodological tools that enable them to perform successfully in their

work activities and an educational proposal that prepares them to confidently face the challenge

and responsibility of being productive for themselves and for those who they are. surround. This

need is growing today when social, economic, cultural and technological changes place new

demands on the productive world every day.

General Labor Competencies are those that apply to any kind of job and economic sector,

while the specific ones are related to the knowledge of an occupation; Both are part of the policy
of "Articulation of Education with the Productive World". In this document we will refer to the

General Labor Competencies, which are used in any work space and which prepare for any kind

of work, regardless of their level or activity; They allow our young people to be trained to

overcome difficulties, organize and maintain their own and collective initiatives, know how to

manage and obtain resources, work with others, have a sense of personal, collective and social

responsibility, obtain the best results and, something essential, keep learning.

These competences are part of those that the Colombian educational system must develop

in young people and, like basic and civic competences, constitute a point of reference for the

urgent improvement of the quality of education that the country has proposed since the basic and

half education. This document shows what they are, how they are grouped, how to promote them

in the educational institution, who are the protagonists of the process and how to promote their

development, taking into account that they require the contribution of all areas and subjects of

the institution. I call on the education sector to value the training of labor competencies in order

to be certain about the job success and personal, professional and social fulfillment of students,

and I invite the productive sector to show, more and more, the importance of opening its spaces

for the training of students for the productive world and offer the best of itself in order to

promote learning experiences for the benefit of Colombians.

Including skills training in students is one of the basic elements to improve the quality of

education; therefore, it is an effort that should be consigned in the institutional improvement

plan. An approach is required that gives way to a more inclusive education, which articulates
theory and practice, and guarantees learning applicable to everyday life. The competent student

has knowledge and knows how to use it.

Having a competence is using knowledge to apply it to the solution of new or unforeseen

situations, outside the classroom, in different contexts, and to perform efficiently in personal,

intellectual, social, civic and work life. The competences that the educational system must

develop in students are of three kinds: basic, civic and labor.

Basic competencies allow the student to communicate, think logically, use science to

understand and interpret the world. They are developed at the levels of basic primary, basic

secondary, academic middle and technical middle education. Citizen competencies enable young

people for coexistence, democratic participation and solidarity. They are developed in basic

primary, basic secondary, academic secondary and technical secondary education. Labor

competencies include all those knowledge, skills and attitudes that are necessary for young

people to perform efficiently as productive beings.

Labor competencies are general and specific. The general ones can be formed from basic

to secondary education. The specific ones are developed in technical secondary education,

training for work and higher education. The formation of General Labor Competencies in all

students of basic and secondary education is one of the objectives of the policy of Articulation of

Education with the Productive World, proposed by the Ministry of National Education. This

booklet has the purpose of presenting a series of basic ideas about what the educational system

should do for young people, in relation to the formation of General Labor Competencies.
These ideas constitute the starting point of an unfinished reflection and dialogue with the

educational community of the country. As in the cases of basic and civic competences, the

Ministry of National Education presents for consideration some minimum achievable by

pedagogical practice. It is up to educational institutions to enrich the subject with their own

knowledge and experiences, as well as with the most appropriate methodologies to develop it.
3. Conclution

The CLG are transversal knowledge. These competencies are not part of a particular

subject, although they can and should be enhanced from different academic disciplines and at all

school levels. For this reason, project work is one of the training options most recommended.

The CLGs are not a parallel course. Create a subject on General Labor Competencies

would only allow approaching the from knowledge and not necessarily from know-how. His

training is would limit them to a very short period of time that does not allow exercising them

continuously, and in different situations, which is what ensures its development. On the other

hand, its incorporation into the PEI objectives ensures, to a large extent, the sustainability of

training actions.

CLGs can be transferred to different contexts. These competencies have important and

necessary applications in the family, community, social, personal development and, of course, in

the workplace.
4. References

General Labor Competencies: methodological route for their incorporation into the curriculum of
the middle education. Bogotá, Colombia, 2004.
Ausubel, David P., et al. Educational psychology. A cognitive point of view. Mexico: Trillas,
CUN University. (2021, May 6) cun virtual / cun digital

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