CourseSpecification-Introduction To Linguistics Spring21

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Abasyn University

Islamabad Campus

Course Specification Form

1. Department 2. Program
Department of Management and Social

3. Course Code 4. Course Title 5. Lectures/Lab Timing & Location

Introduction to D/B-4: 12:30 PM – Block-D
Linguistics 01:30 PM
6. Credit hours 7. Pre-requisites 8. Course Web-Page 9. Course Coordinator
3+0 None AUIC LMS (Moodle) Mr. Mohsin Zaheer

10. Academic Year 11. Semester

2021-2022 Spring

12. Course
13. Email 14. Office 15. Office Hours
Posted outside the
Mr. Mohsin Zaheer A-106

16. Textbook(s)
.Yule, G. (2020). The study of language. Cambridge university press
17. Reference(s)
.Allan, K. (Ed.). (2016). The Routledge handbook of linguistics. Routledge
Aarts, B., McMahon, A. M., & Hinrichs, L. (Eds.). (20216). The handbook of English linguistics
.(pp. xviii+-806). Malden, Oxford–Victoria: Blackwell
18. Other Resources used (e.g. e-learning, field visits, periodicals, software, etc.):
Class handout, slides
19. Course Description (as approved by the dept.)
This course is an introductory survey of linguistics, focusing on natural language phenomena and
the methods used to understand them. It will help the students to get a sense of the nature of
linguistic phenomena, as well as their interaction with domains of human action such as cognition
.and social structure

21. Course Assessment

Assessment Type Weight (%age) Date(s)
Assignments 10 To be announced in the class
Quizzes 10 To be announced in the class
Midterm Exam 30 To be announced by the exam dept
Final Exam 50 To be announced by the exam dept
Total 100

22. Course Teaching Methods

1) Interactive learning
2) Audio-Visual Method
3) E-learning
4) Discussion Method

Abasyn University– Quality Assurance& Accreditation - Course Specification

23. Course Weekly Breakdown
Week Date Topics Covered Assessment
Introduction to Linguistics, Language
1 01-02-2021
The tool making sources, The genetic
2 08-02-2021 source, Human Language vs animal Assignment1
Properties of Human Language,
3 15-02-2021 Chimpanzees and language, The Quiz 1
4 22-02-2021 Word Formation and its processes Assignment 2
Conversion, Affixes, Free morphemes
5 01-03-2021 Quiz2
Bound Morphemes, Morphological
6 15-03-2021 Quiz 3
Traditional Grammar, The Perspective
7 22-03-2021
and Descriptive Approaches
8 29-03-2021 Midterm Examination
9 05-04-2021 Syntax, Phrase Structure Rules
Semantics, Semantic Features, Lexical
10 12-04-2021 Assignment 3
Pragmatics, Speech Acts, Politeness
11 19-04-2021
Discourse Analysis, Interpreting
12 26-04-2021 Quiz 4
Discourse, Conversation Analysis
First Language Acquisition, The
13 03-05-2021 Acquisition Schedule, The acquisition Assignment 4
Second Language Acquisition and
14 10-05-2021
Applied Linguistics, Language and
15 17-05-2021
regional variation
16 22-05-2021 Final Term Examination

Prepared by: Mr. Mohsin Zaheer

Date: 10/03/2021
Approved by the Department on:

2 Abasyn University– Quality Assurance& Accreditation - Course Specification

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