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Antecedent F^nt<=

was app^orad^TtheTpresTd^nl'etnlt s°a 5 <Th?nBUreaU °f C°rreCti0nS Act 0f 2013)

professionalism and restructurino of thp R r C,?lno to Prov,cfe for the modernization,
number of its personne uoTadin rn , i b/ UP9radin9 itS faCilities' increasi'^9 the
standardizing ,hPerbasr ay rSrerl aen eV: “I qua'ificatioas ‘heir personne'and
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (B^pJ 08 'tS' mak'n9 '* ^ Paf Wi,h that °f the

The pertinents provisions are;

Personnel. - (a) ^^TorslmTshan the. APP°in"r’^nt of BuCor

following minimum qualifications: P & °f the QuCor unless one possesses the

(V A citizen of the Republic of the Philippines:

(2) A person of good moral character.
(3> Pu.oseof

eZoyL'r been <"Sh“" or cfian^ssoO for cause fr0m previous

<7> tZt an? been COmiC,ed by - offense or crime involving more,

<8> ZlZri ZZvlTsi^nTZVTZ:(162m> in heigM for an<#

ropu,remenUsLyregZ7ZpZe2br \ iat B WaiVBr f°r hei5ht and
further. That a new aptiicant must not be leZha ! 9 CU"Ural communit'es: Provided
Of age Exceot for thiJ nlZ , S thdn (21) or more than (40) years
PonLngZiZZTdTntZlZranZ:^^^^^^^^^ “fcnS sia"

^f^eBuZl^'ZZihZ'’ and UP9rading Standards in the Designation of Personnel

a ZZfLTJZdZh9enZnd t0 ,he f0"0mng keyg0sit'ons °f -te- °™ /-as mef the

oZyelUrPZ^^^^^^^ "

program in management, public administration 12 UmtS In a masters degree

national secunty administration, defense studieLr o^e/^ateTrf/7 T' pe^ology‘ sociology.
institution of learning, and must have satisfac^orilv Lssan lht d!aaplmes from a reoognized
courses for such position as may be established by the BuCor neCeSSary trainin9 or career

-"f Of Chief inspector, who must have

masters degree program fn ZnaTmJnt nnZ llmed ? Ieast tWQn^y-(our (24) units in a
penology, sociology national secuhtv ari^in i aaminiajratl0n- Publlc safety, criminology.
discipliZsfroma rLgni^^^^^^^ stadiaa other related
necessary training or career courses for such posiL as ZhZs%S

public safety, criminology, penology socioloav natfnnai irl^a?a9Sment' PUbllC administr3tion,

BuCor: Provided. That in pLn and

in management, public administfa^Tauh^^^^^^ 0rS holderofa
seni°i sUPerinlsnden, 0f CMef
security administration, defense s?L/esPor Pfnol°9y- soctolo9yl national
of learning, and must have satisfactorilv nL^ad h fd dlsclplines from a recognized institution
such position as may ^oarses for
With an inmate population % Jhat in pfi^o^ and penal farms
Regional SupedaLdent sh^lLlem^^ be?WrVe th0USand {5-000^’ the
Superintendent. Provided, further. That in orison Lri nLj^fff^Catl°t2 °f■ a Colony Sen‘or
over five thousand (5 000} the Reaional Sunprintfindfefnah fnT1S Wlth an inmate Population of
a Chief Superintendeni 3 SuPenntendar^t shall have the rank and qualification of

qualifications menfeLd^mere/n^s/?^/Tvefsrvearst1 P0Sltia,nS Put lacks any of the

otherwise, the personnel shall be^dZm theloLhoT t0 C°mp!y W'th the

Sec. 24 (Transitory Provisions)

Age Basis in Computing RpnAfifc

57 62
58 63
59 64
60 65

newly hired will have a mmnrn^r.n. ^ l'orncers or sixty-five (65). Those who shall be

withrninfRA10575 was iss-’

EmmantrCapTra^7 23' 2°16' 3 ReViS8d 'RR W3S iSSUed then DOJ Secretary

COO Master’s Officers s^,or bxecutfve Course for Custodial (OSEC-C)yequrvalent | Career^';
CCS degree Career Sen/ice Exec. Elb.
CSS (CSEE)/ Career Exec. Service
CS Eligibility (CESE)
CCl Officers Advance Course for Custodial (OAC-C)/equivalent
Bachelor's CSP/ Second Level Eligibility
CSI degree
Cl ,Officers Basic—--------
•xsr------------ Course for Custodial (OBC-C)/eauivalfint
wwo|,|^'gl twou-^i/eauivaiftnf
Officers C.ani4ir<at.^ r'^.r\. _____L-"^'
CSO IV -^1^J?a.ndidale_CQijrse for Custodial fOCC.f:>/pl-..,r;ii^
CSO Senior Custodial Supervisory Course (SCSC)/equivSlent------
CSO Junior Custodial Supervisory Course (JCSC)/equivalent
CO il CO Custodial Sasic Course (COCBC)/equivalent
Reformation Education Training

Education Program Supervisor, Medical Speoafet I. Supervising RPO, Accountant IV 22 more than 5 years CTCINSP 24
Medical Officer III. Attorney ill 21 more than 5 years CTSINSP 23
0-5 years CTINSP 22
uentist III. Senior Phiebotomist, Executive Assistant III, and Nurse V 20 CTINSP
Accountant III, Enaineer III, Nurse IV. Veterinarian III 19 CTINSP
Master i eacfier l, PWebotomist 1, Sales & Promotion Supervisor III, Senior PIPO. Admin. Officer 18 more than 3 years CTINSP 22
V, Fingerprint Examiner V, Religious Guidance Adviser Attorney 11
uentist II, Nurse III. Executive Assistant II 17 CTS04
onapiain, veterinarian it. Accountant II. Enaineer II Attorney 1 16 CTS04
AO IV, Agriculturist II. Farm Supt II, IG Ofcr II. Med Tech, H, Nurse II Nutritionist Dietitian II IS more than 5 years CTS04 19
PIPO 11, PsycholoQisl II, Sociologist II, Pharmacist II. Proi Eval Ofcr II FE IV
Admin. Officer III, Head Teacher 1 14 more than 5 years CTS03 18
CTS02 —----
i-reighl Service Supervisor 11. Veterinarian I. Freight Supervisor II. Data Entry Machine Operator 13 more than 3 years CTS02 17
IV. Senior Admin. Assistant 1
Eiiyineer 1, Legal Assistant ii, teacher ii, Postmaster II, Engineer 1, Accountant i. 12 more than S years CTS02 17
Ayncuiturisl 1, hood tservice Sup. II, Med Tech i. Nurse 1, Nutritionist Dietitian 1. PIPO 1 11 more than 8 years CTS02 17
Pharmacist 1. Psychologist 1. Social Welfare Officer 1, Sociologist 1, Teacher 1, AO II, ADAS V. 2 yrs. & 1 day to 8 yrs. CTS01 16
Computer Programmer i, Fingerprint Examiner ill. Special Investigator 1. Music Director
0-2 years CT03
AOniin Assistant IV, Admin, (Jtticer 1, Information Systems Researcher 1. Sales & Promotion 10 more than 3 years CTS01
Supervisor 1, Agricultural Technologist 16
Food Service Supenrisor 1, Recreation & Welfare Services Officer 1, Admin Assistant 111 9 more than 5 years CTS01 16
Fingerprint Examiner II, Foundry Foreman. Machinist 111
harm supervisor. Handcralt Worker III, Labor & Employment Assistant, Master Fisherman It. 8 mote than 8 years CTS01 16
Medical Equipment Technician ll, Sanitation Inspector 1. Admin. Assistant II Automotive 2 yrs & 1 day to 8 vrs. CTOS 14
Equipment Inspector 1, Firefighter II, Security Guard III. Master Tailor If
Admin. Assistant 1, Fingerprint Examiner 1, Security Guard III 7 more than 3 years CT03 14
farm foreman, Laundry Worker Hi, Saies Rep. 1, Admin. Aide VI. Blacksmith ii. Welder ii. Medical 6 more than 5 years CT03 14
Laboratory Technician 1, Medical Equipment Technician l. Draftsman 1
ooDK II. fianaicran worker II. Admin. Aide V. Legal Aide. Security Guard II Master Tailor i Bill 5 more than 10 years CT03
Collector 14
5vrs&1 day to 10 vrs CT02 12
iNursing Attendant i, Admin. Aide IV, Heavy Equipment Operator 1, Machinist 1 4 more than 8 years CT02 12
AUA1. AUA III. Cook 1, Handicraft Worker 1, Light Equipment Operator. Sec Guard 1 Tailor 1-3 CT01 11

in a letter dated June 13, 2017, then Department of Budget and Management (DBM)
Secretary Benjamin E. Diokno informed then DOJ Secretary Vitaliano N. Aguirre II and then
Bucor Director General Benjamin C. Delos Santos of the approval of the Indicative Staffing
Pattern (ISP) of the Bucor pursuant to R.A. No, 10575, with the information that the said ISP
consists of “3137 uniformed items and 293 civilian positions fora total of 3,426positions".

On Septembers. 2017, President Rodrigo R. Duterte appointed Mr. Vaifrie G. Tabian

as then Bucor Deputy Director, vice Rolando G. Pasamba.

Thereafter, by virtue of Bucor Special Order No 617 dated November 2, 2017, the
Bucor Placement Committee RA 10575 was created and passed the following resolutions:

1. Resolution No. 001-2007 dated November 27, 2017 adopting a Rating Point
System equivalent to 100% for the placement of incumbent custodial personnel
to the Indicative Staffing Pattern pursuant to RA 20575, with the following criteria:

Education 25 Doctorate 25 pts

points Masteral/LLB 23 pts
Bachelor’s deqree 20 pts
Hiqh School qraduate/ Underqraduate 15 pts
Eligibility 20 2M Level CSP/ CS Pen. Officer/ RA 1080 (Bar/Board) 20 Pts
points I*1 Level CSSP/Res. 15 pts
Length of 30 40 years & above 30 pts
Service points 30-39 years 25 pts
20-29 years 20 pts
10-19 years 15 Pts
Below 10 years 1 10 pts
Time-in 25 15 years & above 25 pts
Grade points 10-14 years 20 pts
Physical Therapy Technician. Duty Psychologist Minimum Rank; Duty Radiologic Technologist Minimum Rank; Duty Sociologists
Minimum Rank; Duly Teachers Minimum Rank Duty Parm Pnreman; Duty Farm Supervisor. Food Service Supervisors Minimum
Rank; Handicraft Worker Supervisor Minimum Rank. Heavy Equipment Operator: Master Fisherman, Nursing Attendants, Penal
Institution Program Officers Minimum Rank; Project Evaluation Officers Minimum Rank: Psychomelriclans; Recreation and
Welfare Service Officers, Religious Workers; Sales and Promotion Supervisor Minimum Rank; Sales Representative: Sanitation
Inspectors Minimum Rank; Social Welfare Officer Minimum Rank; Sports Development Officers Minimum Rank; Training
Specialist Minimum Rank, Carpenter Foreman: Carpenter General Foreman; Communication Equipment Operator Minimum
Rank: Construction and Maintenance Foreman; Driver; Duty Draftsman; Duly Electronic and Communication Equipment
Technician Minimum Rank, Duty Field Electricians/Electricians; Duty Mechanics, Duty Pump Controller Electronic Technician;
Duty Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Technician; Electrical Inspector: Fire-Fighiers Minimum Rank: General Construction
Foreman Minimum Rank. Mechanical Plan Operators: Mechanical Shop Foreman Minimum Rank, Motor Pool Dispatcher,
Warehouseman; Bookkeeper; Buyers Minimum Rank: Cash Clerks; Cashiers Minimum Rank; Document Examiners Minimum
Rank; Duty Computer Maintenance Technologist Minimum Rank, Computer Programmers Minimum Rank; Duly Stenographer;
Financial Analysts Minimum Rank: Fingerprint Examiner Minimum Rank, Human Resource Management Assistant: Human
Resource Management Officers Minimum Rank, Information System Researcher, Inmates Carpeta Record Officers Minimum
Rank; Legal Aide; Legal Secretary: Logistics Management Officers Minimum Rank Management and Audit Analysts Minimum
Rank, Management and Audit Assistant: Personnel Analysis! Minimum Rank. Photographers; Project Development Officers
Minimum Rank, Property Custodian, Properly Officers Minimum Rank, Public Relation Officers Minimum Rank: Registrar
Minimum Rank; Research Analysts Minimum Rank: Security Guard: Special Investigators Minimum Rank, Storekeepers
Minimum Rank: Supply Officers Minimum Rank: Administrative Assistant, Budgeting Assistant. Encoders Minimum Rank;
Finance Officers Minimum Rank; Monitoring Officers Minimum Rank, Records Officers Minimum Rank; Supply Officers Minimum

Also, Section 23c (Absorption, Transitory Provisions) of said Revised IRR states:
"The following incumbent personnel of BuCor shall fill-up the following CO and CTO ranks, in order to
effect the transition of the Bureau into a Uniformed Service, whose qualifications and eligibility shall
be subjected to the conditions provided in Sections 11 to 19 of said Revised IRR:

Old Position Title SG Length of Service Rank SG
Penal Superintendent IV 26 More than 12 vrs DDG
0 to 12 vrs CCSUPT 27
Penal Supenntendent III 24 More than 12 vrs CCSUPT 27
0 to 12 vrs CSSUPT 26
Penal Superintendent II 22 More than 12 vrs CSSUPT 26
0 to 12 vrs CSUPT 25
Penal Superintendent I 20 More than '8 vrs CSSUPT 26
I2vrs, Id to 18 vrs CSUPT 25
0 to 12 vrs CCINSP 24
Penal Supervisor & 18 More than 18 vrs CSUPT 25
Security Officer III I2vrs 1d to 18 vrs CCINSP 24
6vrs. Id to 12 vrs CSINSP 23
0 to 6 years CINSP 22
Security Officer II 15 More than 18 vrs CCINSP 24
12vrs. Id to 18 vrs CSINSP 23
6vrs, Id to 12 vrs CINSP 22
0 to 6 vears CS04 19
Security Officer I 11 More than 12 vrs CINSP 22
6 vrs. Id to 12 vrs CS04 19
3 vrs. Id to 6 vrs CS03 18
Ivr, Id to 3 vrs CS02 17
0 to 1 vear CS01 16
Prison Guard 111 10 More than 10 vrs CS04 19
6 vrs. Id to 10 vrs CS03 18
3 vrs. Id to 6 vrs CS02 17
Ivr, Id to 3 vrs CS01 16
0 to 1 vear C03 14
Prison Guard II 7 More than 10 vrs CS03 18
6 vrs. Id to 10 vrs CS02 17
3 vrs. 1d to 6 vrs CS01 16
Ivr Id to 3 vrs C03 14
0 to i year C02 12
Prison Guard 1 5 More than 10 vrs CS02 17
6 vrs. Id to 10 vrs CS01 16
3 vrs, Id to 6 vrs C03 14
Ivr. 1d to 3 vrs C02 12
0 to 1 vear C01 11


Old Position Title SG Lenath of Service Rank SO
Medical Officer V & Chief of Hospital II 25 CTSSUPT 26
Chief Accountant with Master in National Security Administration (MNSA) 24 CTSSUPT 26
Chief Accountant. Chief Administrative Officer, Chief of Hospital 1. Chief Penal Institution Program 24 CTSUPT 25

Medical Officer IV. Attorney iV 23 More than 5 vears CTSUPT 25

0-5 vears CTCINSP 24
j 5-9 years 15 pts
I Below 5 years 10 DtS

In instances of tie in points, Seniority in present position, Entry in the Service

and Age shall be applied as additional criteria.

2. Resolution No. 002-2017 dated December 7, 2017, approving the Bracketing

System for the placement of incumbent custodial personnel to the ISP. It
stipulated that “those who got the highest scores under the Bracketing System
will be prioritized to the next Correction Officer (CO) ranks” and “in case of tie in
the Bracketing System, the following order of priority shall be considered: 1)
present position (with date designated); 2) date started in the service; and 3) age.”

3. Resolution No. 003-A-2017 6ate6 December 22, 2017 amending Resolution No.
003-2017 dated December 7, 2017 and adopting its criteria for placement of
incumbent reformation personnel. It also provides that “these criteria shall be
applied within the same professional class discipline and further applied within
the same functional grouping, the top three (3) of which shall be qualified for the
Directorate positions” and “in case of tie, the following in the order of priority shall
be considered: 1) present position; date started in the service; and 3) age”.

4. Resolution No. 004-2017 dated December 12. 2017. adopting parameters for
“objective assessment in the placement of qualified incumbent civilian personnel
to various positions at the Administrative Group. ” It also provides that “the above
criteria shall be applied within the same professional class/discipline and further
applied within the same functional group, provided further that seniority in the
Salary Grade shall be given preference to the next higher position, provided finally
that only the holders of Salary Grade 24 shall be qualified for Directorate position
and in instances of tie in points, the following additional criteria shall be applied in
order of priority: Entry in the Service and Age. ” Moreover, it also provides to
accommodate all civilian personnel who are willing to transfer to uniformed ranks
only on Correction Officer I (CO I) and Corrections Technical Officer I (CTO I)
positions upon submission of letter of intent to the Human Resource Development
Section and waive the height and age of the personnel, subject to the condition
that they will undergo trainings as required for the position.

5. Resolution No. 005-2017dated December 14, 2017 recommending the adoption

of the placement of custodial personnel in the ISP.

6. Resolution No. 006-2017 dated December 27. 2017, adopting the placement of
the reformation and administrative personnel in the ISP pursuant to RA No.

On January 24. 2018. then OIC Director General Tabian submitted the requirements to
the Civil Service Commission (CSC) for the approval of Qualification Standards (QS) for the
Uniformed Personnel of the Bucor as indicated in the DBM approved ISP pursuant to RA 10575.

On March 13, 2018, the CSC informed BuCor of the result of the review assessment of
the proposed QS:
1. The proposed years of experience are higher compared to the equivalent ranks in the
Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)
and Philippine National Police (PNP);
2. The Corrections Officer 1 and Corrections Technical Officer 1 positions, which are
considered entry level positions, requires Corrections Officer Custodial Basic Course
and Corrections Technical Officer Basic Course for Reformation, respectively. As a
general rule in the formulation of QS. positions which are considered entry level
positions, whose duties and responsibilities are generally done under immediate
supervision, with detailed rules and procedures, and involve performance of the
simplest work do not require esperience and training. This is also true with the entry
level positions in BFP, BJMP and PNP.

On March 16, 2018, based on the recommendations of the Placement Committee, then
OIC Director General Tabian issued the following appointments consisting of:

1. 1,953 Corrections Officers (225 with ranks from Corrections Inspector to

Corrections Chief Superintendent, and 1726 with ranks from Corrections Officer I
to Corrections Senior Officer IV);
2. 454 Corrections Technical Officers (with ranks from Corrections Technical Officer
I to Corrections Technical Superintendent): and
3. 50 Non-Uniformed Personnel;

In a letter dated April 2, 2018, then DBM Secretary Diokno informed then DOJ
Secretary Aguirre and then Bucor OIC Director General Tabian that the approval of the
following staffing modification as part of the implementation of the Bucor’s approved
Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern (OSSP) pursuant to RA 10575:

1 NOSCA Serial No. 0002013-03-018 Transfer of 32 Dositions

NOSCA Serial No, 0002018-03-020 Conversion of 23 oositions
NOSCA Serial No. 0002018-03-021 Creation of 164 oositions
NOSCA Serial No. 0002018-03-023 Reclasstfication/Transfer of 50 oositions
NOSCA Serial No, 0002018-03-024 Abolition of 443 oositions
NOSCA Serial No. 0002018-03-025 Abolition of 2426 oositions (conversion of civilian items to uniformed

Said letter also stated that: “Moreover, for filled positions that are in excess of the
approved ISSP, they shall be marked as coterminous with the incumbent (CTI), to be
abolished once vacated by the present incumbent. With said staffing changes, the Bucor
will now have a total of 3430 positions (293 civilian items, including 4 CTI items and 3137
uniformed items."
Director General (DGl 30 1 1 1
Deoutv Director General (DDG) 29 3 3 3
Corrections Chief Superintendent 27 1 2 3 3
Corrections Senior Superintendent 26 1 8 9 9
Corrections Superintendent fCSl 25 4 16 22 22
Corrections Chief Inspector (CCD 24 4 31 35 35
Corrections Senior Inspector (CSD 23 7 64 71 71
Corrections Inspector (CD 22 14 78 92 92
Corrections Senior Officer IV 19 105 105 105
Corrections Senior Officer III 18 116 116 116
Corrections Senior Officer II 17 140 140 140
Corrections Senior Officer i (CSOD 16 160 160 160
14 247 247 247
12 449 449 449
Corrections Officer I (COD 11 1140 1140 1140

Administrative Assistant til (DRO) 9 1 1
Administratwe Assistant III (DSOi 9 1 1
Administrative Assistant Mi (DRI 9 1 1
Administrative Assistant III (OER) 9 1 1
Administrative Assistant III 9 11 11
Plannina Assistant tPMOi 8 1 1 1
Administrative Assistant II tAO) 8 6 6 26
Administrative Assistant II (FDi 8 4 4
Administrative Assistant II lOPPFsi 8 16 16
Administrative Aide VI fAD) 6 7 7 36
Administrative Aide VI (GSD) 6 5 5
Administrative Aide VI (FO) 6 8 8
Administrative Aide VI (OPPFs) 6 16 16
Administrative Aide V (ODG) 5 1 1 17
Administrative Aide V (OPPFs) 5 16 16
Administrative Aide IV (ODG) 4 3 3 75
Administrative Aide IV (PMD) 4 3 3
Administrative Aide IV (DA) 4 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (AD) 4 8 8
Administrative Aide IV (GSD) 4 9 9
Administrative Aide IV (DRD) 4 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (CMD) 4 1 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (APMD) 4 1 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (DSO) 4 1 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (SSD) 4 1 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (IIO) 4 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (IDPD) 4 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (COD)
Administrative Aide IV (DR)
1 r 1
Administrative Aide IV (ETD) 4 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (HWD) 4 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (MSD) 4 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (WLD) 4 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (DER) 4 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (EAO) 4 1 1
Administrative Aide IV (OPPFs) 4 36 36
Subtotal , 293
TOTAL 3.430

Said letter further stated;

'^Corollary, w© wish to emphasize that the renaming of the organizational units will not hesitate
the issuance of NOSCA. xxx Moreover, no NOSCA will be issued for the creation of custodial and
reformation ranks. In Us stead, a report herein presented as Annex A. is issued indicating the authorized
total troop strength of the Bucor. Appended to as Annex A is a summary of the items converted to
uniformed ranks, xxx May we note that NOSCA No. 000201B-02-205, reflecting the abolition of the
2426 civilian employees for conversion to uniformed ranks, shall be activated once the Bucor has
completed the placement of the civilian staff to the unformed ranks, xxx The Bucor is given until April
10, 2018 to complete the deployment of its civilian personnel to uniformed ranks, as agreed upon during
the meeting of the DBM and the Bucor on the matter on January 10, 2018. A deadline is set to ensure
proper allocation of the Personnel Service (PS) cost for both civilian and uniformed personnel in the FY
2019 budget of the Bucor".

On May 22. 2018, Acting Director-General Tabian submitted the enhanced proposed
Qualification Standards, as follows:


CCS Master’s 2 years as CSS Corrections OHicer Senior Executive Course (COSEC) or RA 1080/
degree i years as CS its equivalent CSP/ CSC
3 vears as CCI Corrections Officers Advance Course (COAC) or its Police Officer
eouivalent (July 1996
CCI Bachelor’s 3 vears as CSI
Corrections Officers Basic Course (COBC) or its onwards)/ CS
CSI degree 3 years as Cl
Pen. Officer/
Corrections Officers Candidate Course (COCC) or its Other
Cl 3 years as CSO IV/ Appropriate
Lateral Entrv eouivalent
Second Level
CSOIV 3 vears as CSO 111 Senior Corrections Supervisory Course (SCSC) or its
CSO III 7 vears as CSO 11 eauivalorit
CSO 11 2 vears as CSO 1 Junior Corrections Supervisory Course (JCSC) or its
CSO 1 2 years as CO III eouivalent
CO III 2 vears as CO II Corrections Officer Custodial Basic Course (COCBC) or
coil 2 vears as CO 1 its equivalent

COI None reauired None reauired

CTCS Master's 2 years as CTSS Officers Senior Executive Course for Reformation RA 1080/
CTSS degree 3 years as CTS (OSEC-R) or its equivalent CSP/ CSC
CTS 3 years as CTCI Officers Advance Course for Reformation (OAC*R) or Its Police Officer
CTCI 3 years as CTSI equivalent (Jufy 1998
CTSI Bachelor's 3 years as CTI Officers Basic Course lor Reformation (OBC-R) or Its onwards)/ CS
degree equivalent Pen. Officer/
3 years as CTSO Officers Candidate Course for Reformation (OCC-R) or its Other
IV/ Lateral Entry equivalent Appropriate
Senior CT Supervisory Course for Reformation (SCTSC- Second Level
CTSO !V 3 years as CTSO
III R) or its equivalent Eligibility
CTSO II! 2 years as CTSO II
CTSO II 2 years as CTSO 1 Junior CT Supervisory Course for Reformation (JCTSC-
CTSO 1 2 years as CTO III R) or its equivalent
CTO 111 2 years as CTO II CT Officer Basic Course for Reformation (CTOBC-R) or
CTO 11 2 years as CTO 1 its equivalent
CTO 1 None reouired None required

In the letter dated May 28. 2018. the CSC informed BuCor that the enhanced
proposed QS shows that they are comparable with the approved QS for the equivalent
ranks In the Bureau of Jail Management and CS Pen. (BJMP), Bureau of Fire Protection
(BFP) and Philippine National Police (PNP). except for Corrections Senior Officer
IV/Corrections Technical Senior Officer IV, which are proposed to require 3 years
experience as Corrections Senior Officer Ill/Corrections Technical Senior Officer III for the
positions of Corrections Senior Officer Ill/Corrections Technical Senior Officer 111.

On May 30, 2018, then Director General Ronald M. Dela Rosa informed CSC that
the BuCor will adopt the required 2 years of experience as Corrections Senior Officer
Ill/Corrections Technical Senior Officer III for the positions of Corrections Senior Officer
IV/Corrections Technical Senior Officer IV.

On July 11, 2018, the HRPSO-CSC requested BuCor to clarify if the education
requirement for Corrections Chief Inspector under custodial rank is bachelor's degree while
the education requirement for Corrections Technical Chief Inspector under reformation rank
is Master’s degree. In addition, the proposed training requirements for custodial rank and
reformation rank state "Officer” in some ranks and "Officers” in other ranks.

In a letter of even date, Director General Dela Rosa informed HRPSO that the correct
education requirement for Corrections Technical Chief Inspector is bachelor's degree and
the corrected word for training requirements is "Officers''.

Thereafter, then Director General Dela Rosa issued the following appointments:

1. RAI dated September 2018, consisting of 3 NomUniformed Personnel; and

2. RAI dated October 4, 2018, consisting of:
a) 498 Corrections Officers (with Corrections Officer I rank);
b) 80 Corrections Technical Officers (with Corrections Technical Officer I rank);
c) 84 Non-Uniformed Personnel.

On December 4, 2018, the CSC issued Resolution No. 1801364 approving the QS
for the uniformed ranks in the Bucor, which shall be the bases of the CSC in attesting
appointments and in evaluating other human resource actions, as follows:


CCS Master's 2 vears as CSS CO Senior Executive Course (COSEC) or its equivalent RA 1080/
CSS degree 3 vears as CS CSP/ CSC
3 vears as CCI CO Advance Course (COAC) or its equivalent Police Officer
3 vears as CSI (July 1998

CSi Bachelor's 3 years as Cl CO Basic Course (COBC) or its equivalent onwards]/ CS
Cl degree 3 years as CSO IV/ CO Candidate Course (COCC) or its equivalent Pen. Officer/
Lateral Entry Other
CSO IV 2 vears as CSO III Senior Corr Supervisory Course (SCSC) or its equivalent Appropriate
CSO III 2 years as CSO II Second Level
CSO II 2 vears as CSO I Junior Corr Supervisory Course (JCSC) or its equivalent Eligibility
CSO 1 2 years as CO lit
CO III 2 years as CO II CO Custodial Basic Course (COCBC) or its equivalent
CO II 2 vears as CO 1
CO 1 None required None reauired
CTCS Master’s 2 vears as CTSS Officers Senior Executive Course for Reformation RA 1080/
CTSS degree 3 vears as CTS (OSEC-R] or Its equivalent CSP/ CSC
CTS 3 vears as CTCi Officers Advance Course for Reformation (OAC-R) or its Police Officer
CTCI Bachelors 3 years as CTSI equivalent (July 1998
CTSI degree 3 years as CTI Officers Basic Course for Reformation (OBC-R) or its onwards)/ CS
equivalent Pen. Officer/
CTI 3 years as CTSO Officers Candidate Course for RefPmiation (OCC-R) or its Other
IV/ Lateral Entry equivalent Appropriate
CTSO IV 2 years as CTSO Senior CT Supervisory Course for Reformation (SCTSC- Second Level
III R) or its equivalent Eligibility
CTSO III 2 vears as CTSO 11
CTSO 11 2 vears as CTSO 1 Junior CT Supervisory Course for Reformation (JCTSC-
CTSO 1 2 vears as CTO III R; or Its equivalent
CTO III 2 vears as CTO II CTO Baste Course for Reformation (CTOBC-R) or its
CTO 11 2 vears as CTO 1 equivalent
CTO 1 None reauired None reauired

On December 28, 2018, then Director General Nicanor E. Faeldon of BuCor issued
appointments, consisting of 108 Corrections Officers (with Corrections Officer I rank), 11
Correction Technical Officers (with Corrections Technical Officer I rank) and 3 Non-
Uniformed Personnel.

In 2019, Underscertary Faeldon issued the following appointments:

a) RAI dated April 11, 2019, consisting of 32 Corrections Officers (with Corrections
Officer I rank);
b) RAI dated June 14, 2019, consisting of 1 Non-Uniformed Personnel;
c) RAI dated July 11.2019, consisting of 1 Non-Uniformed Personnel; and
d) RAI dated August 9, 2019, consisting of 1 Non-Uniformed Personnel.

I. March 2018 RAI

The placement of incumbent employees from their old positions to the new ones
should be in consonance with RA 10575 and RA 6656 (Act to Protect the Security of Tenure
of Civil Service Officers and Employees in the Government Reorganization) dated June 10.

As earlier stated, Section 23c (Absorption, Transitory Provisions) of the Revised !RR
of RA 10575, the placement of incumbent employees is based on the length of service.
However, RA 6656 requires that the placement of incumbent employees during
reorganization should be based on the comparability of the old and new positions:

Section 4. Officers and employees holding permanent appointments shall be

given preference for appointment to the new positions in the approved staffing pattern
comparable to their former positions or in case there are not enough comparable positions
to positions next lower in rank.

Section 1, paragraph 2 of CSC Memorandum Circular No. 3, s. 2014 (Clarification on the

Guidelines on the Placement of Personnel Relative to the Implementation of Approved
Rationalization Plans of Agencies) dated February 6, 2014. defines comparable positions:

"Comparable position is determined based not solely on salary grade but also on the
duties and responsibilities of the positions and the level of position in the organizational
structure or plantilla of the agency Positions may be considered to be comparable if they
belong to the same occupational grouping and the duties and responsibilities of the positions
are similar and/or related to each other. These positions may not necessarily be of the same
salary grade but may be a grade higher than that of the old position. To illustrate, the position
of Senior Manpower Development Officer (SG 18) is comparable to the position of Senior Labor
and Employment Officer (SG 19) ”

In case the number of incumbent officers and employees holding permanent

appointments exceeds the number of comparable positions, order of preference shall be based
on length of service, performance, merit, and seniority (CSC MC No, 3, s. 2014). The excess
shall be given preference for appointment to positions next lower in rank (Section 4 of RA 6656).

Incumbents of positions under permanent status who are reappointed to the same or
comparable positions during reorganization are considered to have met the qualification
standards for the position (Sec. 39. Rule VIII of CSC MC No. 24, s. 2017 or the 2017 Omnibus
Rules on Appointment and Other Human Resource Actions, issued on August 24, 2017).

The tables below will show the salary grades, duties and responsibilities, and the level of
position in the organizational structure or plantilla of the agency, of old positions in BuCor to wit:


Penal InsUtution Superintendent IV (PISUPT4). SG-26 {2'-1 Level-Executive/Manageriat)

1. Supervises and controls the management of a prison and penal farm with one or more sub-prison/camps charged with custody,
maintenance and rehabilitation of national prisoners corollary to intensification of agro-industrial projects;
2. Advises and assists the Director of Corrections on penal institution matters or penal management;
3. Delegales/assigns with the corresponding authonty to officers and employees the performance of some inherent functions;
4. Plans, supervise and develops programs and projects that will optimize efficiency and productivity in a prison.
5. Implements the rules and regulations necessary lo upkeep the policies and programs of the BuCor;
6- Recommends annual proposals/projections for the inclusion in agency budget estimates;
Coordinates with staff officers of BuCor for proper technical guidance and support sen/ices____________________________________

Penal InsUtution Superintendent III (PISUPT3), S6-24 {2na Level-Executive/Managerial)

1 Supervises and controls the management of a prison and penal farm with one or more sub-prison/camps charged with custody,
maintenance and rehabilitation of national prisoners corollary to intensification of agro-industrial projects:
2. Advises and assists the Director of Corrections on penal institution matters or penal management;
3. Delegates/assigns with the corresponding authority lo officers and employees the performance of some inherent functions;
4 Plans, supervise and develops programs and projects that will optimize efficiency and productivity in a prison,
5. Implements the rules and regulations necessary to upkeep the policies and programs of the BuCor;
6. Recommends annual proposals/projections for the inclusion m agency budge! estimates,
7. Coordinates with staff officers of BuCor for proper technical guidance and support services__________________________________

Penal Institution Superintendent li (PISUPT2), SG-22 {2na Level-Managerial)

1. Supervises and controls the management of a prison and penal farm;
2. Advises and assists the Director of Corrections on penal institution matters or penal management;
3. Delegates/assigns with the corresponding authority to officers and employees the performance of some inherent functkjns;
4. Plans, supervises and develops programs and projects that will optimize efficiency and productivity in a prison;
5. Performs related functions as may be assigned from time to time.

Penal Institution Superintendent I (PISUPT1), SG-20 [2'u, Level-Managerial)

1. Supervises and controls the management of a small prison and penal farm charged with custody, security, maintenance and
rehabilitation of national prisoners: ... . ,
2 Serves as assistant to the Penal inslttullon Superintendent II in all matters relating to the operation of a particular pnson and penal
3. Takes over the duties of Penal Institution Superintendent II in the latter’s absence;
4. Assists in the formulation and execution of standard operating procedures for a prison and penal farm;
5 Supen/ises the operation of a sub-prison and penal farms;
6. Acts on administrative matters and signs those that are delegated to him by superior;
7. Performs related functions as may be assigned from time to time.__________ ____________________ ________________________

Penal Institution Supervisor (PIS), SG-f8 (2nd Level-Supervisorial) ......... ......

1. Directs and supervises the operational activities in a sub-prison and penal farm or small prison for which he shall be responsible to the
Penal institution Superintendent;
2. Enforces prison rules and regulations within the sub-prison and penal farms;
3. Maintains peace and order within the compound of sub-pnson;
4 Prepares and submits report of activities and recommendation for improvement of a sub-prison to the Penal Supenntendent;
5. Investigates branches of prison rules and regulations including infractions committed by inmates and staff personnel;
6. Makes requisition of supplies and materials needed In a sub-prison;
7. Performs related functions as may be assigned from time to time.---------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------------------

Security Officer HI fS03). SG-fg (2M Level-Technical)

1. Exercises overfall commarKl of the custodial staff in a prison and penal farm in the custody, maintenance and rehabilitation of national
2 Executes and enforces orders and instruction relating to security operations of a penal institutions and disoplinary measures governing
the conduct / behavior of prisoners including employees and civilians inside the prison reservation;
3 Plans the organization and deployment of guard into effective units maintaining peace and order into prison compound;
4 Reviews conduct of investigations for violations of prison rules and regulations by inmates, employees and civilians;
5. Submits reports of activities and recommendations on matters related to security operations:
6. Assists the Penal Institution Superintendent in the formulation of security defense plans in the prison;
7. Performs related functions as may be assigned from time to time

Security Officer II (S02). SG-15 |2nl, Level*Technical)

1 Supervises and controls the activities of the security command to a prison and penal farm;
2. Plans and develops security measure and controls;
3. Plans working schedules and methods for carrying out the basic custodial processes;
4. Investigates infractions / violations of prison rules and regulations against pnsoners and civilian inside prison reservation:
5. Trains members of the custodial staff.
6 Assists the commander of the custodial force m the enforcement of rules and regulations governing the management of a penal institution
and conduct / behavior of prisoners including employees:
7, Performs related works as may be assigned from time to time

Security Officer I (SOI), 5G>f f {2M Level-Technical)

1 Assists in the supervision and control of the security command to a prison and penal farm in the custody, maintenance and rehabilitation
of national prisoners,
2. Plans and organizes the work assignments and activities of the custodial force under his direction;
3. Assists in the planning and controlling of security measures and operations of a prison and penal farm;
4 Checks compliance of existing prison rules and regulations governing the management of a prison and conducts of prisoners,
employees, civilians inside prison reservation,
5 Investigates violations I infractions of existing prison rules and regulations of a prison;
6 Performs related works as may be assigned from time to time.

Prison Guard III (PG3), SC-fO (1‘' Level-Clerical)

1. Supervises the works assignments of prison guard in the custody, maintenance and treatment of national prisoners;
2 Enforces all orders and instructions issued by the supervisors and cbecks prison guard for its compliance,
3, Responsible for the enforcement of prison rules and regulations among the prisoner under his supervision.
4 Prepares work distribution chart and checks effectiveness of security control measures being adopted,
5. May assist in the planning and formulation of security measures ana in me scheduling of work assignments.
6- Maintains disciplinary orderliness and sanitation within the prison compound.
7. Inspects all buildings in the prison compound where there maybe any danger as often during tour of duty;
8. Performs related functions as may be assigned from lime to time

Prison Guard/Wardress II (PG2/WAR02), SQ-7 (1“ Level-Clerical)

1- Supervises a small number of prison guards in all matters of guarding and escorting;
2. Conducts periodic inspection of guards at posts.
3 Makes daily report and entries in the blotter of any violations and unusual incidents that takes place in a prison.
4. Transmits to prison guard, order and instructions issued by the supervisor
5. Investigates petty offenses and violations reported by guards and decides minor cases:
6 Complies daily reports of activities.
7. Performs related functions as may be assigned from time to time

Prison Guard I (PG1), S6-5 (1*' Level-Clerical)

1. Safe Keep prisoners in the BuCor and its operating institutions,
2. Guards the activities of prisoners at confinement, at field works and while moving from one place to another and derails attempts of
prisoners to commit disorder or escapes;
3 Enforces prison rules and regulations and reports any violations or untoward incidents;
4. Escorts and supervises prisoners assigned to different agricuitural and industrial projects in a prison and penal farm:
5. Protects loss of life or property of prisoners and civilian wrthin the area of supervision/lour of duty;
6 Maintains peace and order within the prison compound, escorts prisoners to the different courts of justice in compliance with court
summon or orders, maintain peace and order and quells riots within the prison compound,
7. Performs related work as may be assigned from time to time.

old'non-uniformed personnel positions

(Reformation, Engineering and Administrative Officers)
Chief of Hospital II. SG-25 {2nd Level-Executive/Managerial)
Directs the technical activities of the hospital and supervises a small group of technical and clerical personnel;
Conducts consultation and gives medical attention to cases referred by lower guard physicians:
Recommends oisciplinary measures to penal superintendents on chief of colony and acts as his medical adviser;
Evaluates perfomiance and enforces discipline to subordinates;
Supervises the physical and medical examination of applicants for emptoymeni and the physical check-up of laborers.
Exercises general supervision over ail clinical and administrative functions and serves as professional head;
Conducts clinical conferences with medical staff on difficult and perplexing cases for discussion and decision,
May direct the training of physicians, nurses and technicians conducted by the hospital.
Coordinates with the penal superintendent in health and medical program of the colony
Conducts physical examination, diagnosis and treatment of inmates and employees.
Teaches inmates on personal hygiene, cleanliness, sanitation of pnsoners and its surroundings;
Supervises medical health services of employees.

Medical Officer V. SG-25 (2nd Level-Executive/Managerial) ^ .

1. Instructs physician and medical students undergoing training In a hospital In diagnosing and treating diseases as a specialty in a
particular field of medicine;
2. Gives work assignment and reviews work for accuracy:
3. Personally gives medical attention to drfhcutt and complicated cases, although superiors may be consulted on unusual or controversial
4. Performs major surgical operations;
5. Assists the head of the hospital in the administrative supervision over personnel and evaluates work performances.
6. Perfonns other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or authorities.

Chief Accountant. SG-24 (2nd Level-Managerial)

1. Supervises the proper recording of financial transactions of the Bureau or office.
2. Gives technical advise on financial and budgetary matters to the Chief of Bureau or office;
3 Prepares and submits statement on the financial status of the Bureau or office,
4. Assistsin the preparation of budget estimates and attends budget hearings;
5. Implements administrative and financial policies.
6. Certifies on the correctness of the journal vouchers, journal bills, statement of accounts, trial balances, budget estimates and other
financial statements and records:
7. Certifies the availability of funds on expense vouchers, treasury warrants nd requisitions for supplies and materials;
8. Drafts, reviews and signs correspondence:
9. Plans distribution of work among employees supervised,
10. Gives instructions and guidance;
11. Makes recommendation on promotion of deserving accounting personnel;
12. Responsible for discipline and efficiency of personnel;
13. Does other related work.

Chief Administrative Officer, 56-24 (2nd Level-Managerial)

Administrative Officer V
1. Prepares necessary papers for signature of the Director of Corrections in connection with the execution of death penalty, withdrawal
of appeals of prisoners, granting of parole, privileges, deaths escapes, recaptures of prisoners and other court matters affecting
2. Develops personnel programs and policies:
3. Develops and administers training program for officials and employees of the Bureau.
4. Provision and maintenance of a systematic filing system of all incoming and outgoing communications and provides records
disposition program of the Bureau:
5. Supervises the general services and procurement management of the Bureau

Budget Officer V
1. Participates in the formulation of fiscal policies and implements those laid down by the agency,
2 Advises agency head on matters pertaining to fiscal policies;
3. Directs, corrdinates and supervises activities on the financial transactions, budgeting and related matters;
4. Passes upon budgets in the review and consolidation of budgets and piantilla and presents themas annual budget estimates of the
5. Prepares supporting statement of budget estimates and attends budget hearings to justify proposals to reviewing authorities;
6. Confers with proper officials on release funds;
7. Certifies availability of funds on appointment:
8. Reviews prepared correspondence relative to finances;
9. Reviews fiscal documents relating to disbursement of funds;
10. Supervises and participates in the preparation of budgetary reports.

Management & Audit Analyst V

1. Reviews all proposed actions pertaining to the organization of the Bureau of Corrections for conformance with established policies,
work procedures and general quality;
Performs research on (he organizational structure of the Bureau of Corrections,
Prepares reports on activities and accomplishments:
Acts as adviser to the Chief Budget and Finance Division on reorganization plans:
Assumes full responsibility for the functions and personnel of division;
Plar^s work methods and procedures.
Provides for the proper implementation of office policies, rules and regulations.
Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Supply Officer V
1 Manages activities pertaining to engineering, property, and logistics,
2. Directs and coordinates the different general utility services of the Bureau;
3. Takes charge of construction, repair and maintenance of building prisoner dormitories, employees quarters and other structures inside
the prison reservation:
4. Takes charge of the maintenance and operation of the fire departments;
5. Provides and maintains the operation of ail mechanical installation and transportation services of the Bureau;
6. Takes charge of the maintenance and operation of all electrical facilities of the Bureau:
7. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Chief of Hospital I, SG-24, (2n0 Level-Executive/Managerial)

I. Directs the technical activities of the hospital and suoervtses a small group of technical and clerical personnel;
2- Conducts consultation and gives medical attention to cases referred by lower guard physicians:
3. Recommends disciplinary measures to penal superintendents on chief of colony and acts as his medical adviser;
4. Evaluates performance and enforces discipline to subordinates.
5. Supervises the physical and medical examination of applicants for employment and the physical check-up of laborers:
6. Exercises general supervision over all clinical and administrative functions and serves as professional head;
7. Conducts clinical conferences with medical staff on difficult and per flexing cases for discussion and decision;
8. May direct the training of physicians, nurses and technicians conducted by the hospital.
9. Coordinates with the penal superintendent in health and medical program of the colony:
10 Conducts physical eiamioation. diagnosis and treatment of inmates and employees;
II. Teaches inmates on personal hygiene, cleanliness, sanitation of prisoners and its surroundings:
12. Supervises medical health services of employees.
13. Evaluates performance and enforces discipline to subordinates.
Inmate Guidance Chief. SG-24, (2M Levei*Managerial)

1. Plans, organizes directs and coordinates activities of the Reception and Diagnostic Center;
2. General supervision over personnel and prisoners:
3. Prescribes schedule of activities of inmates:
4. Presides over classification staff meeting:
5. Recommends custody, job placement, type of institution and treatment program for each inmate;
6. Conducts periodic muster inspection, counsels inmates who have personal, social and emotional problems.
7. Conducts orientation lectures to familiarize the prisoners with prison rules and regulations and prison's facilities available for their
improvement and prepare them for prison regime.
8. Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higriar authorities.

Medical Officer IV, SG*23 (2nd Level-Supervisorial)

1. Performs consultation, diagnosis and treatment of various ailments of inmates, employees and employee's beneficiaries in a clinic or
infirmary and is consulted by lower grade physicians on difficult and complicated cases; performs routine laboratory examination of
blood, urine, sputum and feces for diagnosis and therapeutic purposes, leads and inleiprels x-iay films or performs fluoroscopic
examination and treatment purposes: arranges confinement of serious cases in hospital; performs periodic physical and medical
examinations, assists in administrative supervision over physician, dentist, pharmacist, nurses and laboratory personnel and serve as
acting head dime in the absence of the incumbent
2. Conducts physical examination of applicants for employment and periodic physical examination of employees; performs consutlation
and treatment of minor ailments: gives inoculation and vaccination to employees for immunization; makes arrangement with specialist,
laboratories and hospitals for diagnostic medical services to employees; recommends hospitalization of such employees and makes
hospital visits; requisition of medical supplies and responsible for medical equipment.
3. Examines patients and decides cases requiring surgery and arranges for their confinement in hospitals; performs surgical operations
on employees and on victims of accident, causes tne Bureaus equipment, directs the case management of surgical patients; approves
discharge of patients from hospital; instructs employees in first aid treatments: acts as clinic physician when not attending to surgical
4 Performs consultation, diagnosis of venereal and skin diseases extracts blood for laboratory examination to detect presence of
venereal diseases, gives lectures and trains physicians on post graduate studies on detection, control, treatment and prevention of
venereal diseases; assists in administrative supervision of clinic personnel.
5. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Accountant IV. SG-22 (Supervisorial)

1. Directs and supervises Accounting Division activities;
2- Prepares plans and program policies concerning Office Management and Personnel Movement,
3. Signs accounting documents, statements and communication pertaining to accounting transactions;
4. Certifies availability of funds;
5. Submits periodic financial report to Head of Agency and other offices requiring such reports:
6. Implements administrative and financial policies;
7. Supervises the proper recording of financial transactions

Education Program Supervisor, SG-22 (Supervtsoria!)

1. Directs and supervises the functions and activities of the Educational Section.
2. Assists the Chief in planning, directing and supervising administrative functions of the Division and acts as QIC in the absence of the
3. Provides direction to RDC classification staff in classifying inmates m preparation for their transfer to other operating penal institutions:
4. Conducts orientations and lectures to familiarize the prisoners with prison rules and regulations;
5. Interviews inmates and determines his educational/vocationai needs.

Medical Specialist I, SG-22 (Supervisorial)

1. Conducts a thorough mental and neuroiogica! examination of all patients and prescribes psychiatric treatment; gives medical attention
to psychiatric patients, to criminal insane and to important and difficult cases: performs major surgical operations; trains lower grade
orthopedists in the management and care of bone cases, diagnosis of skin ailments, examines individuals to detect presence of
tuberculosis through x-ray film interpretations: gives temporary collapse therapy and explains to patients with positive diagnosis to
significance of medical findings and necessity for prompt treatment;
2- Examines suspected leprosy cases and determines type and stage of disease, complication and other co-existing diseases, gives
tentative diagnosis subject to review of more experienced leprotogists; supervises the giving of standard anti-leprotic drugs and
foliows-up treatment to detect untoward effects on patients; observes and studies interesting cases for research materials: performs
special laboratory examination like waddle and frog test, histopathological, hematological and toxicological examinations, gastric and
bronchial larvae, conducts research work in mycologicai and serology, performs autopsy in non-medico legal cases: examines
necropsy specimens to determine cause of death and tissues biopsies to Identify disease,
3. Prescribes treatment with the application of the techniques of physical and occupational therapies; assigns work to masseurs and
technicians: personally treats patier’i on more difficult and complicated cases; instructs trainee physicians on physical medicine through
lecture and demonstration; evaluates and checks works of subordinate tecnnicians._____ ___________________________________

Supervising Penal institution Program Officer, SG-22 (Supervisorial)

Conducts research regarding the status of the agro-industrial production and makes recommendation for its improvement;
Assists the Chief Penal Institution Program Officer in providing policy guidance on industnal and agricultural operations and
Conducts regular survey regarding agro-industrial problems and makes recommendation to solve the problem,
Assists the Chief PlPO m the implementation of all agro-industrial programs of poliaes in coordination with all Heads of Penal
institutions so as to achieve the success of prison agro-industries.
May attend seminars, workshops, trainings regarding modern techniques and procedures on agro-industrial operations.

Attorney ill (Legal Officer III), SG-2f (2nd Level-Technical)

1, Provides the Director of Corrections advises on legal matters.
Supervises and directs the work of a small number of legal officers, legal aides and clerks.
Reviews the findings and recommendations of all administrative cases handled by lower legal officers;
Passes upon the merit of the findings and recommendations submitted by the subordinates including sufficiency of evidence;
Reviews and approves preliminary actions and rulings made by the subordinates relative the administrative and enforcement of case;
Reviews for higher authorities reports on decision on the administrative cases against ernng officials and employees submitted by the
division chiefs/penal superintendents:
Handles investigation and filing of administrative charges against every officiate and employees of the Bureau.
Medical Officer III. 50*27 (Z*- Level*Technical)
1. Conducts physical and medical examination and gives out-patient medical services to inmates, employees, dependents and
beneficiaries of the Bureau:
2. Responds to emergency calls and gives first-aid treatment,
3. Prescribes medicines and suggests treatment:
4. Gives vaccinations and Inoculations for immunization:
5 Answers sick calls in home of sick employees and their families and gives medical attention,
6. Performs surgical intervention like opening boils and draining abscess;
7. Refers difficult and complicated cases to supervisor;
5. Inspects health facilities in work areas, building premises, shops and warehouses to determine their adequacy for prevention of
industrial hazards and evaluates observance of safety measures and adequacy of first-aid equipment's;
9. Gives medical consultations and treats minor skin and common respiratory infections and other ailments.
10. Holds session for pre-natal and post-natal and child care for mothers and gives lectures on public health education:
11. Confers to government authorities on health problems and recommends sanitary control measures:
12. Works with other health officers in combating present diseases and in control'ing epidemics:
13. Makes and submits periodic reports of accomplishment.

Dentist III, 56-20 {2'”1 Level-Technical)

1. Inspects dental dime m assigned areas:
2 Observes and evaluates the work of dinic dentists:
3. Checks equipment’s and supplies;
4. Reviews clinic reports and requisitions:
5. Conducts investigation of complaints against subordinates and makes recommendation thereon.

Executive Assistant III, 56-20 (2"*’ Level-Technical)

Assists in planning, directing and supervising the work of lower executive assistant engaged in staff program;
Assists the Director of Corrections in reaching or impiementing substantive decision:
Directs and supervises research and studies on variety of specialized supports;
May take final action on a vanety if routine matters in accordance with the law. rules and regulations or established policies or
Assigns works to subordinate personnel;
Gives instruction on work method and procedures.
Reviews work tor conformance.
Does related work.

Nurse V, SG-20 (2"° Level-Technical)

1. Supervises, trains, coordinates and controls nursing activities in operating room:
2 Supervises surgical nurses m pre-operative nursing care:
3 Supervises operating room nurses In carrying-out post-operative order assists surgeon in attending to emergency operation:
4. Prepares requisition of supplies, technical equipment and inslcumenls for operating room use;
5. Prepares and submits E.R., O.R , EENT, OPD, and inventory report of stocks of medicines:
6. Supervises the preparation and sieniizaiion of supplies, linen or instruments and unit.

Senior Phtebotomist, 56-20 [2'"> Level-Technical)

Responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Lethal building;
Supervises the works of three (3) Phlebotomists,
Supervises the administration of lethal chemical agents to the convict scheduled for execution;
Supervises the appropriate intravenous catheters into a peripheral or central vein and shall ensure the potency until the time of
execution by slow infusion of normal saline or dextrose 5% in sterile water, supervises the proper storage of the lethal injection
machine or equipment, its paraphernalia and reagents;
Shall supervise the following functions during non-execution period:
Supervises the performance of various chemical microscopic and bacteriologic tests to obtain data for use in diagnosis and treatment
of diseases:
Supervises specimen for laboratory analysis,
Supen/ises preparation of tissues for microscopic pathology, parasitology, hematology, serology and chemical and morphological
Engages in research activities.

Accountant ill, S6-79 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Assists the Chief Accountant in supervising the accounting activities of the personnel:
2. Signs all accounting documents m the absence of the Chief Accountant;
3. Reviews vouchers, general payrolls of all allowances for valid claims of all officials and employees and other creditors:
4. Check journal entries and verifies supporting documents of claims on vouchers, payrolls for the signature of the Chief Accountant;
5. Checks all disbursement reports for the correct journal entries to certain conformity with the established practice and existing
accounting regulations before taking up In the books of accounts;
6. Implements administrative and financial policies, as the control allotment, expenditures and collections;
7 Plans distribution of work among subordinates and gives loslruction and guidance in work methods and procedures;
8- Process voucher and payrolls of PPFs. does monthly report;
9- Advises the Superintendent of PPFs on financial matters.
10. Directs and supea-ises the activities of the bookkeeping section;
11. Reviews the accuracy of financial report for NBP and Colonies;
12. initiates the preparation and interpretation of consolidated financial report;
13. Checks the adequacy of accounting records for NBP and colonies,
14. Coordinates with various government agencies regarding the financial activities of the Bureau.
15. Assists the Division Chief in formulating addilional measures that will improve the system in accounting in general________________
Engineer III. SG-t9 (T* Level-Technical)
1. Supervises the construction, erection and installation of mechanical machinery and equipment on the mechanical shop, plant or
2. Acts as a general assistant and technical adviser to the shop foreman In the supervision and coordination of technical shop work;
plans and drafts mechanical equipment and machinery parts, structures and installations,
3. Prepares specifications and estimates of mechanical equipment and machinery delivered before final acceptance of adherence to
plans and specifications;
4. Directs field offices civil engineering works in the construction, maintenance and repair of building and other structures;
5. Prepares plans, layouts and design of less complicated and statistically determined structures;
6. Makes ocular inspection of jobs in process in convention with design work.
7. Prepares estimate bills of materials and program of works:
8. Prepares and follow-up requisition for materials and equipment; makes recommendations on (easibiirty of proposed construction, repair
or improvements, reviews plans and specifications;
9. Acts as technical supervisor to the shop foreman in the supervision and construction of technical shop work;
10 Prepares and submits work accomplishment reports checks dally work assignments.
11. Supervises the Installation of mechanical, machineries, Supervises and coordinates technical shop works;
12. Plans and design mechanical equipment and machineries; Prepares specifications and estimates of mechanical plants;
13 Performs technical inspection of mechanical equipment: makes ocular inspection of jobs in process in connection with design works.
14. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor_______ ___________________________________

Nurse IV, SG-19 [2"° Level-Technical)

Organizes, directs and supervises the nursing services on a penal hospital with capacity of 500 and does related work to ensure
sufficient and competent nursing care of patents;
Carries-out the policies cf the administration with regards to the nursing staff;
Establishes routing policies of the administration with regards to the nursing staff,
Makes round in the wards and different sections of the hospital to maintain adequate supplies and equipment;
Conducts meetings among the nurses and nursing attendants;
Provides for a counseling program:
Evaluates performance of nursing personnel;
Promotes and maintains harmonious and effective working relationship with various departments of the hospital and community
health agencies; . ,,
Supervises the clerks in the hospital administration office m the preparation of the daily reports of accomplishments and activities of
the hospital, official certificates, communications and memorandum relative to hospital correspondence to and from various offices:
10, Prepares monthly, semi-annual and annual reports of the hospital activities;
11. Compiles hospital records, directives, memorandum clinical charts medical certificates and others.
12. Assists in surgical operations during emergency cases;
13. Promotes and maintains peace and order among the patients and inmate attendants.__________________________________

Veterinarian ili, SG-19 {2'", Level-Technical)

1. Directs and supervises the proper care of the livestock projects of the Bureau of Corrections;
2. Directs and supervises the personnel involved in livestock projects,
3. Prescribes and requests necessary medicines for the livestock proiects._________________

Administrative Officer V. SG-18 (2na Level-Technicai)

Administrative Officer III

1. Assists the Administrative Officer V (Chief Administrative Officer) in planning, directing, and supervising administrative service
functions of the Bureau,
2. Directs and supervises the functions and personnel of the Administrative Proper Section,
3 Checks all communicationsradministrative matters pertaining the section;
4. Reviews appraisal performance of employees in the section,
5. Supen/ises the preparation, recording and controlling of the whereabouts of all communications received and disposed of for the
signature of the Director of Corrections.

Budnet Officer III

1. Supervises and coordinates in the preparation of the agency's budget proposal including special and supplemental budgets;
2. Supervises the control, distribution and allocation of funds: for the signature of higher officials or head of agency; determines the
appropriations by the number of the projects or programs and the nature of funds and annua) obligations and assists Budget Officer
V of the Division; . , .
3. Assists the Division Chief in supervising and coordination activities in the preparation and consolidation of supporting justifications and
4. Acts as Acting Chief in the absence of the Division Chief and advises the Chief of Sections on budgeting matters;
5. Attends budget hearings and justifies budget proposal to reviewing authority,
6. Reviews and initials requests for obligation of allotment for retirement- terminal leave, purchase order, and vouchers

Cashier III
1. Supervises, accounts for and responsibilities for the receipts, custody and disbursement of funds,
2. Supervises and participates in the payment of saianes and wages vouchers:
3. Reorders and submits required reports.
4. Safekeeping of cash and accountable forms;
5 Maintains cash book of regular accountable officers'
6. Over-all close supervision of all personnel of the cashier section.
7 Draws cash advances to cover payments for salaries, allowances and other benefits/emoluments due officials and employees of Bucor
8. Issues and signs checks in payment of the agency's operational expenses and other modes of payments, payments of payrolls;
9 Renders and submits required reports:
lO.Safekeeping of cash and accountable forms (blank checks),
11 .Maintains cash book of regular accountable officers (General form No. 103)
12.Supervises the activities of the cashier section;
13.Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Human Resource Management Officer U!

1 Plans and supervises staff engaged in personnel functions; LJ
2, Supervises the preparation of actions on appointments, leaves, transfers, resignation, reinstatement, insurance or rebrement.
reclassification, perfonnance rating, fringe benefits and services; ________________________ _________ ■■■■

3. Coordinates personnel activities designed to attain greatest degree of personnel activities as possible:
A. Directs and participates m the review and preparation of a variety of personnel matters for approval of the Director of Corrections. Civil
Service and Office of the Compensation and Position Classification;
5. Gives wort( assignments and instructions:
6. Reviews finished work for conformance to established policies and pertinent regulations:
7. Does related work.

Management & Audit Analyst III

Plans work method and procedures;
Confers with head of office and organizational bodies on proposed reorganization plans:
Reviews finished work for quality, consistency and conformity with policies and procedures:
Prepares periodic report: rates efficiency of subordinates and initiates any required administrative action;
Assists in planning and supervising the work of a group of employees engaged in the study and analysis of management and
organization problems of the Bureau:
Assists in directing research m an effective internal organization, workflow, work simplification, preparation of organization procedure
and manual and studies conducted in connection vrith measurement analysis, machine time utilization and performance standard and
other management matters.
Reviews for consistency and adequacy recommendation for improved or new organizational set-ups and functional and operational
Takes charge of the unit and acts as management or organization adviser in the absence of the chief;
Directs the preparation and management of the budget of BuCor:
May act as secretary to various personnel management committees of the BuCor
Represents the BuCor in reorganization and management planning bodies

Records Officer III

1- Directs, plans and organizes the functions and personnel of the Document Section,
Supervises the custody and maintenance of record/carpetas of all the prisoners confined in the Bureau of Corrections;
Recommends to the Department of Justice prisoners to be considered by the Board of Pardons and Parole;
Attends to all requests and other matters relaLng to the prisoners' records and statistics.
Supervises processing and computation of carpetas and the recording of all statistics/references about the prisoners;
Formulates measures on systematic filing and management of documents, recording of important statistics and information about
Checks request/reports of accomplishment of the section

SuDolv Officer III

1 Supervises or performs work involved in the determination of fiscal requirements of supplies and materials or equipment and makes
periodical inventories thereof.
2. Maintains a record of all accountable properties:
3. Directs work of storekeeping, buying and property personnel:
4. Responsible for office equipment and supplies.
5. Issues clearance certificates to employees separated from the service.
6. Prepares claims against insurance companies for damaged cargo
7. May serve as an administrative foreman to temporary workers;
8. May direct the maintenance and repair of buildings, office equipment and furniture;
9. Does other related work

Attorney II (Legal Officer II), SG-f8 (2"a Level-Technical)

1. Provides the Director of Corrections advice on legal matters:
2. Supervises and directs the work of a small number of legal officers, legal aides and clerks;
3. Reviews the findings and recommendation of all administrative cases handled by lower legal officers;
4. Passes upon the merit of the findings and recommendations submitted by the subordinates Including sufficiency of evidence;
5. Reviews and approves preliminary actions and rulings made by the subordinates relative the administrative and enforcement of case:
6- Reviews for higher authorities reports on decision on the administrative cases against erring officials and employees submitted by the
division chiefs/penal superintendents:
7. Handles investigation and filing of administrative charges against every officials and employees of the Bureau.

Fingerprint Examiner V, SG-18 {1*' Level-Clerical)

Assists the Chief of the Section in supervising the staff/personnel of the Identification Section:
Renders opinion on questionable tingerprini issues;
Reviews and correct all reports prepared by subordinates:
Appears in the court of justice to testify as an expert witness with reference to fingerprint:
Assists the Chief of Section tn the certifications and examination of death penalty prisoners before/after the execution;
Acts as the Chief of the Section m the absence of the latter;
Verifies and reviews the fingerprint classification of the examiners before filing_________________________________

Master Teacher i, SG-18 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Prepares lesson plans and other instructional materials;
2. Conducts Classes:
3. Prepares, administers and corrects test and evaluate results,
4. Guides and counsels students.
5. Rates student's accomplishments and defiaencies.
6. Certifies students to be recommended to award of certification or proficiency:
7. Prepares and submits forms or reports:
8. Helps gather materials for the preparation of a course or study for prison education;
9. Helps prepare literary-musical programs for the entertainment of prisoners:
Helps select news item for daily papers to be broadcasted to the 'nmates.____________

Phlebolomist I. SG-fS (2R8 Level-Technical)

1. Administers lethal chemical agents to the convict scheduled for execution; . ,
2. inserts appropriate intravenous catheters into a peripheral or central vein and shall ensure patency until the time of execution oy stow
infusion of normal saline or dextrose (5%) in sterile wafer;
3. Stores properly the lethal injection machine or equipment's, its paraphernalia and reagents;
4. Performs the following functions during non-execution period: . rj-
5. Performs various chemical micfoscopic and bacteriologic test to obtain data for use in diagnosis and treatment of diseases,--------------

21 ^
6. Receives or obtains specinrten for laboratory analysis:
7. Prepares tissues for microscopic pathology, parasitological, hematology, serology and chemical and morphological examinab'ons.

Religious Guidance Adviser, SG-18 (2nd Level*Technical)

1. Advises and assists the Director of Corrections with regard to the moral and spiritual rehabilitation of the inmates;
2. Plans and develops the over-all religious programs of the BuCor;
3. Coordinates the guidance and religious work of the Chaplain in different institutions and penal colonies;
4. Attends staff meeting and conferences called by the Director of Corrections;
5. Formulates programs and policies for the Bureau’s religious programs and activities;
6. Offers Holy Mass and administers the sacraments as well as the promulgation of the religious instructions to the inmates and civilian
inside the prison reservation especially to the sick

Sales & Promotion Supervisor III, SG-IS (2n0 Level-Technical)

1. Plans and organizes sales promotion work:
2. Conducts periodic inspection of shops/centers for compliance with policies, rules and regulations:
3. Supervises and instructs agency personnel on sales promotion, merchandising and warehousing;
4. Approves requisition for merchandise, office forms and supplies:
5. Allocates merchandise for distribution;
6. Investigates reports o' anomalies and irregularities.
7. Submits required financial and sales reports;
8. Keeps constant track of prices;
9. Studies requests for reduction of prices on old. slow or non-moving stocks and makes recommendation;
10. Studies stock movement, with a view to securing a system of efficient and economical distribution:
11 ■ Supervises maintenance of a record control of stocks distribution to sales offices

Senior Penal Institution Program Officer, SG-18 (2™* Level-Technical)

1. Conducts research regarding the status of the agro-mduslrial production and makes recommendation for its improvement;
2. Assists the Chiel Penal institution Program Officer m providing policy guidance on industrial and agricultural operations and techniques;
3. Conducts regular survey regarding agro-industrial problems and makes recommendation to solve the problem:
4. Assists the Chief PlPO in the implementation of all agro-industrial programs of policies in coordination with all Heads of Penal
Institutions so as to achieve the success of prison agro-industries;
5. May attend seminars, workshops, trainings regarding modern techniques and procedures on agro-industrial operations.___________

Dentist II, SG-17 (2"<, Level-Technical)

1. Conducts dental examination, makes diagnosis:
2. Performs oral prophylaxis work:
3. Treats mouth diseases such as abscesses and pyorrhea.
4. Checks the cleanliness and orderliness of the clinic equipment and supplies.
5. Performs oral examination, diagnosis and treatment of prisoners and employees;
6. Teaches inmate about dental hygiene and dental health,
7. Submits dental reports
8. Gives dental care and treatment.

Executive Assistant II, SG-17 {2M Level-Technical)

1. Performs a variety of research, administrative and technical duties which assists executives in reaching or Implementing substantive
Refers matters pending action in such filed as public works, banking and credit, capital labor relation or education to appropriate
government entities for comments;
Studies replies and prepares executive actions or decisions for approval;
Studies and acts on a variety of local government and corporate matters;
Examines request for reconsideration of decision of various administrative bodies and recommends approval or dis approval to
Prepares agenda for meeting of staff and follow-up implementation of their decision;
Prepares research and investigation work; does related work.

Nurse III, SG-17 (2nfl Level-Technical)

Assists the Chief Nurse by participating in direction and supervision of the nursing personnel to insure sufficient and competent
nursing care patients;
Promotes and maintains a systematic record on the qualification, experience and accomplishment of the nursing personnel;
Acts as the Chief Nurse in the latter’s absence;
Performs such other duties as may be required by the higher authorities;
Makes round and inspection of the wards;
Coordinates with the escorting unit and transportation section;
Makes daily schedule of patients for following-up to outside hospital,
And attends to emergency referrals of patients to be brought to outside hospital._______________ __ _______________________

Attorney 1 (Legal Officer 1), SG-16 ^2n', Level-Teclmical)

I. Examines and processes claims, application and articles to determine conformity with the law;
2 Conducts legal or administrative investigations to gather information,
3 Determines responsibility and extent of infractions of laws, rule and regulations for purpose of recommending appropriate actions;
4. Examines and processes money claims and appreciated evidence to determine sufficiency and compliance with the law, office rules
and policies;
5. Determines legal heir and distribution of money: j
6. Provides legal assistance to minors and dependents to the disposition of their estates and recommends appropnale action to proper
7. Submits findings of action with recommendations to immediate supervisor;
8- Answers legal queries or acts on related legal matters affecting office:
9. May study and revise decisions and findings coming from their office for final action;
10. May preside over hearings of simple administrative cases:
II. Attends hearings and file pleadings, motions, notices etc.; ,
12 Studies and evaluates investigation and incident reports as referred by other offices and operating institutions.

22 yJ
Chaplain, SG-16 (2"a Level-Technical)
1 Teaches and guKles tninates m their religious beliefs;
2. Plans and directs program of instructions in the doctrines, rituals and ideas of faith groups;
3. Says mass and conducts religious services;
4. Hears confession and administers the sacraments;
$. Conducts catechism classes;
6. Extends moral guidance through counseling and lectures on Christian doctrines;
7. Consoles sick persons;
8. Promotes lay ministries.

Engineer H, SG-16 (2'“ Level-Technical)

I. Supervises the construction, erection and installation of mechanical machinery and equipment on the mechanical shop, plant or
2- Acts as a general assistant and technical adviser to the shop foreman in the supervision and coordination of technical shop work;
3. Designs, plans and drafts mechanical equipment and machinery parts, structures and installations;
4. Prepares specifications and estimates of mechanical equipment's and machinery delivered before final acceptance of adherence to
plans and specifications:
5. Makes ocular inspection of Jobs in process in convention with design work
6. Directs field offices civil engineering works in the construction, maintenance and repair of building and other structures.
7. Prepares plans, layouts and design of less complicated and statistically determined structures;
8. Makes recommendations on feasibility of proposed construction, repair or improvements; reviews plans and specincations;
9. Prepares estimate bills of materials and program of works;
10. Checks payrolls and vouchers covenng the projects: prepares and follow-up requisition for materials and equipment's;
II, Acts as technical supervisor to the shop foreman in the supervision and construction of technical shop work.
12 Prepares and submits work accomplishment reports; checks daily work assignments
13. Supervises the installation of mechanical, machineries;
14. Supervises and coordinates technical shop works;
15. Plans and design mechanical equipment and machineries,
16. Prepares specifications and estimates of mechanical plants
17. Performs technical inspection of mechanical equipment; makes ocular inspecaion of jobs in process in connection with design works.

Veterinarian 11, SG-1$ (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Handles care and treatment of all livestock in prison
2. Inspects and supervises livestock projects;
3. Manages the upgrading and improvement of all livestock and improvement of pasture/grazing areas in PPFs

Administrative Officer IV (Accountant H), S6-15 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Processes, journalizes, and certifies disbursement vouchers for the availability of funds;
2 Prepare monthly financial report;
3. Maintains Subsidiary Ledgers and Index Cards.

Agriculturist II, SG-15 (2‘"1 Level-Technical)

1 Reviews and recommends changes in agricultural program;
2 Prepares estimates for Agro-industrial projects;
3. Directs and supervises the activities of personnel in attaining the goal of the projects;
4 Checks and reviews progress and final report:
5. Approves requisition of supplies and equipment for agricultural projects.
6. Takes charge and oversees all security and production activity of the sub-colony.
7. Prepares memoranda, office order/instruction;
8. Supervises and manages sub-colony personnel and resident inmates,
9. Reviews all official correspondence:
10. Represents on official and other function as authorized by the Superintendent;
11. Assists in the custodial, agro-industrial and other institutional projects.____________

Computer Programmer It, SG-f5 (2"rt Level-Technical)

1. Analyzes and designs detailed computer system application to ensure efficient utilization of the computer
2. Tests and debugs programs manually and makes program modification if required:
3. Writes programs and their corresponding manual
4. Analyzes documents, files and reports on relation to the present workflow of the project/system for development;
5 Supen/ises the activities of the personnel under the unit:
6, Performs other functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Farm Superintendent II, SG-15 (I*"1 Level-Technical)

1. Directs, coordinates and supen/ises farm activities;
2. Develops and administers work plan design:
3. Checks compliance by farm workers with existing work system and procedures:
4. Advises and assists the Director of Corrections on penal institution matters or penal management;
5 Recommends annual proposals/projections for the inclusions in the Agency's budget estimates:
6. Coordinates with staff officer of the Bureau for proper technical guidance and support sen/ice.

Fingerprint Examiner IV, SG-15 [2na Level-Technical)

1 Assists the Chief of the Section in supervising the staff/personnel of the tdenlificalion Section;
2. Renders opinion on questionable fingerprint issues;
3 Reviews and correct all reports prepared by subordinates;
4. Appears in the court of justice to testify as an expert witness with reference to fingerprint:
5, Assists the Chief of Section in the certifications and examination of death penalty prisoners before/after the execution;
6, Acts as the Chief of the Section in the absence of the latter;
7. Venfies and reviews the fingerprint classification of the examiners before filing

inmate Guidance Officer II. SG-15 (2nd Level-Technical) ^

13. Studies, analyzes and interprets the diagnostic reports of medical doctors, psychologists, teachers and chaplains.
14. Prepares summary report for each prisoners; interviews prisoners to gain further background information about them;
15. Gives orientation lectures, guidance and connects to prisoner.________________________ ___________________
16. Attends and participates in the staff meeting of the center;
17, Reports annual and semi-annual reports of the center.

Medical Technologist II, SG-15 {2^ Level-Technical)

1. Performs various chemical microscopic and bacteriologic tests to obtain data for use in diagnosis and treatment of diseases;
2. Receives or obtains specimen for laboratory analysis:
3. Prepares tissues for microscopic pathology and applies techniques used in the field of bacteriology, pathology, hematology, urology,
and chemical and micropathotogical examinations;
4. Records laboratory test results, may engage in research and teaching activities:
5. Performs other related duties.

Nurse II. SG-75 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Supervises the nurses and attendants;
2 Ensures that the policies of the institution on matters such as medicine, supplies, admission and discharge of patients are carried out
in the ward, visits patients regularly and makes round with outgoing nurse and with physician:
3, Reports to physician any unusual symptoms and ensures that the physician writes his orders and that the ward nurse has carried out
such orders and performs her other duties: promotes the physical and mental comfort of patients by providing them with healthful
atmosphere and advises patients on health matters, may render nursing care.
4. Evaluates performance of nursing personnel under his/her supervision; coordinates and supervises works of a small group of nurses;
ensures that the physician orders are carried out.
Participates m pre-service and In-service training of nurses: gives treatment as per physicians' orders; makes schedule of duties of
nursing personnel;
Directs requisitioning of supplies and medicines:
Evaluates performance of nurses and attendants: assists a surgeon during major or minor operations by anticipating what he needs
and handles the needed instruments, equipment, dressing, etc
Keeps the operating room ready for any emergency operation, adjusts the room equipment to keep the surgeons wish;
Gives post-operative care to patients and notes patients reactions and inform surgeon.

Nutritionist Dietitian It, SG-15 {2c'e Level-Technical)

1. Tests menus for food and nutrient values;
2. Demonstrates techniques of preparing food in accordance with approved menus;
3. Conducts experiments to ascertain the best way of mixing vaned food elements to improve the preservation of food and food products;
evaluates meals in institution with respect to nutritional adequacy, economic and psychological aspects for different age groups,
4. Surveys food services and facilities and recommends changes to improve dietary standard.

Pharmacist II. SG-15 {2'ul Level-Technical)

1. Supervises a group of pharmacy employees in the preparation and dispensation of drugs and medicines and chemicals:
2 Receives prescription and order and assigns work to pharmacists.
3. Revises completed work for conformance with orders and instructions:
4. Approves orders and requisitions for medicine, drugs and chemicals:
5. Enforces administrative regulations in the office;
6- Rates subordinate employees' efficiency and recommends any disciplinary action to supervisor.
7. Prepares reports on work accomplishment.______________________________________________ ________________

Penal Institution Program Officer II. SG-15 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Assists the Penal Supervisor in the management and supervision of agro-industrial projects of the Bureau of Corrections:
2. Checks the activities in all agro-industrial shops and makes recommendation for improvement; makes final inspection of all articles
produced for quality and workmanship,
3. Plans and designs job order for customers,
4. Assumes the duties of the Penal Supervisor m the absence of the latter,
5. Performs related functions as maybe assigned from time to time

Psychologist!!, SG-15 (2oa Level-Technica!)

t. Assigns and supervises tlie work of psychologist in interviewing and treating prisoners.
2. Reviews and revises if needed, the evaluation and recommendation of psychologist for approval or further testing;
3. Plans and administers group test and interprets test results:
4. Determines the Kind of tests to be administered to mmates.
5. Observes inmate to detect any failure or adjustment preparatory to giving further diagnostic tests:
6. Attends and participates in staff conferences to divide the disposition of individual cases with respect to the prisoner's program of

Sociologist li. SG-f5 {2°° Level-Technical)

1. Supervises and coordinates the activities of the Sociology Section relative to:
a. Gathering backgrour^d information of each inmate
b Preparing social case history of each inmate
c. Interviewing and preparation of special case histories (death convicts, abnormal individual etc.)
2. Represents the section in RDC staff conference which decides in the institutional training program:
3. Assists in the supervision of the inmates' orientation and training program,
4. Assists in the research studies on crime causatioh and other information for a better understanding of crime, rts prevention as well as
the treatment of offenders,
5. Takes initiative in effecting coordination with government agencies on social welfare and services which can assist In supplying
information regarding the prisoners' background:
6. Assists in the tn-service training and seminars of personnel as resource person:
7. Prepares and submits semwannuai and annual reports on the activities and accomplishmer^ts of the Sociology Section,
8. Stands as member to New Bilibid Prison Classification Board.

Administrative Officer III. SG-14 {2,,,1 Level-Technical)

Cafthipr II
1. Pays out or receives cash for vouchers, government treasury, checks or warrants, payroll overtime services, transportation expenses,
per diem and other refundable expenses of employees;
2. Makes deposits and withdrawal of cash,
3. Prepares statement of cash accountability; .. ..
4. Supervises a small group of employees engaged in the collection of obligations and other receipts: consolidated daily collection reports^
5. Collects and submits cash funds to supervising receiving cashiers;
6. Verifies cash balance of lower goods receiving cashiers by comparing cash on hand with book balances.

Records Officer II
1. Classifies the different incoming papers for file or dispatch;
2. Indexes the different papers for file in their respective jackets;
3. Maintains systematic filing of decimal files and 201 files;
4. Fonnulates policies and standard operating procedures in the conduct or operation of the section;
5. Represents the Bureau in subpoena duces tecum to different courts in administrative bodies;
6. Assumes supervision of the different tasks of the section.

Supply Officer II
1. Directs and supervises the work of a small number of staff engaged in various supply activities such as inspection, deliveries,
storekeeping, buying and property control;
2. Takes charge of the requisitioning, issuing and recording of supplies and equipment or books for the organization unit;
3. Checks contract papers and proposals;
4. Compares estimates price and contract price;
5. Makes recommendation in determining the kind and quality ofsupplies, equipment and materials or books needed, availability of slock
and need for such materials;
Renders reports on sales or rental of books;
Acts on requests for relief from responsibility for loss of equipment on books:
May canvass prices and makes purchases to limited extent;
May supervise maintenance and repair of buildings, furniture, equipment and office machine;
May prepare semesiral and annual report;
Helps the Supply Officer III supervise supply and property activities of the BuCor.
Does other related works.

Head Teacher I, SG-14 [T0 Level-Technical)

1. Supervises adult education classes in reading, writing, arithmetic and regular classes of the secondary school level; directs the
preparation, administration and evaluation of tests; observes classes and checks lesson plans: evaluates accomplishments and
efficiencies of adult inmates: plans teaching assignments and class schedules; reviews teachers' reports and forms; conducts meetings
and conferences among teachers, receives and distributes supplies and equipment's; prepares vouchers and requisitions; may teach
adult education
2, Coordinates with the Officer-in-Charge of the colony in the implementation of Non-Formal Education Progress; coordinates in planning,
directing and supervising teachers activities; conducts supervision to appraise proper implementation of the non-formal education
targets, executes and implements policies, orders, memos and directives of Chief Education Coordinator and Officer-In-Charge and
other related duties and responsibilities that superior officer may assign.
3, Plans leaching assignment of teachers; directs the preparation and evaluation of tests to teachers: evaluates accomplishment and
efficienaes of inmate students and teacher's capability; conducas meeting with the teaching staff in line with the rehabilitation of
Submits enrollment and promotional report to the Division Office. DECS: makes requisition of office and school supplies; gives
guidance and counseling to newly committed prisoners in line with prison rules and regulations, sits with member of the Classification
Board and Board of Discipline classifying inmates to difficult work assignment and hearing sides of erring prisoners and imposes
correctional measures: lectures students from different schools and colleges pertaining to prison rules and regulations: programs and
supervises athletic and entertainment activities of inmates, prepares program for the muster inspection.
Performs other dunes and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities______________________

Freight Service Supervisor II (GSD), SG-f3 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Coordinates and supervises functions of agency units dealing with local and foreign shipping claims;
2. Signs ail customs entries of importation and exportation, sales taxes, and customs duties declaration, local bills of lading purchase
and issues orders, invoice of goods and local and foreign claims:
3. Verifies and responsible for any misdeclaration or miscalculation of goods:
4. Endorses foreign and assorted bills, hauling charges and laborer's wage;'
5. Prepares and signs all communications related to their functions:
6. Makes requisition and confers with customs and internal revenue authorities, contractors and shipping companies;
7. Performs other functions as may be assigned from time to time.

Veterinarian I, SG-13 (2n0 Level-Technical)

1. Prepares plans that will enhance the livestock projects of the Bureau of Corrections;
2. Directs and supervises proper care of livestock projects;
3. Directs and supervises personnel involved in the livestock projects;
4. Prescribes and requests necessary medicine in tho livestock projects;
5. Instructs inmates in raising and taking care of animals;
6. Supervises the mixing and preparation of feeds, milking operations and gathering of eggs;
7. Inspects animals for health and sanitation;
8. Directs artificial insemination;
9. Prepares the production and other required reports
10. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities^

Accountant I. SG-12 (2•", Level-Technical)

I. Determines adequacy of appropriations pe GAA.
2 Checks propriety of expenditures (per Smau) and ensures that all sums expanded are properly accounted for;
3. Verifies accuracy of accounting reports in order to test the propriety of the transactions such as; report checks issued, report of
disbursements, report of collections and report of production;
4. Prepares corresponding adjustment;
5. Prepares Trial Balance:
6- Maintains Subsidiary Ledgers for Fmanaal/Inventory/Fixed Assets Accounts and reconciles with General Ledger;
7. Performs Bank Reconciliation for each fund:
8. Acts as Accountant-ln-Charge and financial adviser of the Superintendent. PPFs;
9. Supervises the accounting activities of the PPFs:
10. Prepares and signs accounting documente and financial statements,
II. Controls obligation of allotment and certifies the availability of funds; does related works.._________ ________________________
Engineer I, SG-12 (2r>° Level-Technical)
1. Computes, makes sketches and diagrams of plan estimates and specifications among systematic elevators and conveyors system
and part of water works, pumping plants and other allied plant system:
2. Prepares specifications for the mechanical electrical and mechanical equipment;
3. Studies and recommends bids for electrical and mechanical equipment;
4. Makes acceptance test and prepares reports on pumping units, road construction equipment and units;
5. Supervises installation of electrical power plants, air conditioning pumping and other system;
6. May direct the work of mechanical electrical draftsman and mechanics.
7. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities

Legal Assistant II. SG-72 (2n<‘ Level-Technical]

Performs varied and relating difficult non-professional legal work in the Legal Office:
Conducts Investigation of simple administrative cases against employees and submits findings and recommendation to the immediate
Makes preliminary studies of legal claims against his office in violation of law and contract and prepares action on decision for the
4. Supervises clerical personnel.

Postmaster II, SG-f2 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Exercises immediate supervision over letter carriers and postee clerks;
2. Opens mail bags and examines contents
3. Fills out cash money orders and telegraphic transfers:
4. Receives deposits and pay withdrawals from postal savings bank:
5. Sells thrift and postage stamps:
6. Weighs rales mails.
7. Keep books of collection, payments and consolidated (double entry accounts)
8. Furnishes postal information verbally or m writing;
9. Answers complaints on trie postal service, as well as routine correspondence referred to him;
10. Submits accomplishment reports
11. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Teacher ll, S6-12 (2"“ Level-Technical)

1. Supervises the implementation of Adult Education campaign in prison and penal farms;
2. Recruits and trams qualified inmates for the adult education teaching
3. Plans and checks work detail of inmate teachers.
4. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities

Administrative Assistant V. SG~11

Buyer IV nfl Level-Clerical)

Supervises the work with small group of buyers and allied personnel;
Assigns requisition to buyer and guide them in classifying items for bidding and evaluation of bids;
Opens and checks bids and tender received;
Decides on the lowest bidder and prepares correspondence and buyers orders.
Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities

Construction & Maintenance General Foreman (1u-Level-Mechanicall

1. Supervises the construction of road, bridges, canals, piers, seawalls or a combination thereof;
2. Reviews the works to be done and estimates time necessary to finish the project;
3. Makes rough estimates of labor, materials ana amount of construction materials needed;
4. Interprets and prepares bill of materials and equipment needed;
5. Submit progress and accomplishment report.
6. Assigns and checks the works of foreman engage in the construction of roads and structures such as bridges, buildings, irrigations
canals, etc.;
7. Interprets plans, design and advices on work methods ano procedures and resolves difficult construction problems;
8. Prepares sketches and estimates of labor and bill of materials ot proposed works; supervises the maintenance and repair of other
9. Reviews and approves payrolls, work reports and materials requisitions submitted by the foreman;
10. Undertakes inspection of buildings/ quarters/ dormitories to determine need for improvement, renovation and repair.

Mechanical Plant Supervisor 112"" Level-Technical)

1. Supervises the construction of road, bridges, canals, piers, seawalls or a combination thereof;
2. Reviews the works to be done and estimates time necessary to finish the project:
3. Makes rough estimates of labor, materials and amount of construction materials needed;
4. interprets and prepares bill of materials and equipment needed:
5. Submit progress and accomplishment report.
6. Assigns and checks the works of foreman engage in the construction of roads and structures such as bridges, buildings, irngations
canals, etc.
/. interprets plans, design and advices on work metnoas and procedures ana resolves difficult construction problems,
8. Prepares sketches and estimates of labor and bill of materials of proposed works;
9. Supervises the maintenance and repair of other structures;
10. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Mechanical Shoo Foreman (1M Level-Mechanical)

1. Supervises, coordinates, inspects and checks the works of mechanic and helpers engaged in mechanical, repair shop;
2. Supervises the works of mechanics in the repair and maintenance of machineries and mechanical equipment:
3. Coordinates the works of men in the various section of the shop:
4. Prepares daily cost of labor and materials reports;
5. Supervises the testing of machinery and equipment repaired and participates m the work of a group of mechanics.

Storekaeoer IV Cl” Level-Cleficah

1. Supervises the operation of a nationwide system of storage and warehousing:
2- Inspects warehouses tor storage conditions
3. Makes reports on inspected warehouses and recommends necessary improvements
4. Instructs warehousemen on basic principles of storekeeping;__________________________________ ________________________

26 rJ
5. Devises ways and means of improving storage techniques and enforcing central office regulations;
6. Does other related works

Administrative Officer II, SG-11 (2n4 Level-Technical)

Administrative Officer I
1. Assists the Penal Superintendent/Administrative Officer V in planning, directing and supervising administrative service functions of the
penal farm/Bureau;
Directs and supervises the functions and personnel of the Administrative Division.
Supervises the preparation, recording and controlling of the whereabouts of all communications received and disposed offer signature
of the Pena! Superintendent/Administrative Officer V
Checks and refers communication to officer/section/chiefs:
Reviews and submits accomplishment report of the section

Budget Officer I
1. Supervises in the preparation of ROAs,
2 Records and computes status of allotment under functions 1 and 2:
3. Assists In the preparation of budget estimates to be submitted to DBM.
4. Reviews and analyses budget estimates of the Bureau;
5. Assists in the preparation of Budget of the Bureau as determined by the size of appropriation and the nature of funds and amount
6. Supervises and participates in the work of the budget examiners ^ complicated and fiscal system
7. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Human Resource Management Officer I

1. Assists the management in formulating and administration of personnel poliaes and standards.
2 Aids in interpreting management policies to employees and employees point of view to management.
3. Advices and assists management in the promotion of sound employees, management relations as well as relation to the public; assists
in the line personnel (rank and file, supervisors and Division Chiefs): m implementing personnel policies and programs;
4. Assists individual employees in solving problems which affect their general morale and efficiency: attends to government and public
Bitis-Aksyon Chairperson-BuCor(CSCMCNo 3s. 1994): other related personnel matters to be implemented from time to time:
Directs, supervises and coordinates the training activities.
Plans and organizes adequate inservice training and leadership program to ensure continuous development and effectiveness of the
Bureau's personnel;
Makes surveys and studies of agency functions to determine training needs and requirements;
Devices means for evaluation of the effectiveness of designed training program: supervises the development of instruction training
programs, prepares and submits accomplishment report.
Maintains liaison with officers concerned with personnel management and development
Coordinates various training activities of the BuCor.

Agriculturist!, SG-11 (2n0 Level-Technical)

1. Investigates soil and determine the adaptability to plant varies:
2. Detetmines the negative growth and fielding capabilities of different crops:
3. Conducts research on seed testing and storage and make comparative tests of standard varieties of plants;
4. Supervises routine activrties of laborers and other non-techmcai assistant,
5. Plans, formulates and submits outlines and procedures of experiments to be undertaken for approval.
6 Consolidates, computes and interprets experimental data;
7. Prepares progress and other required report;
8 Supervises inmates in the care and maintenance of the coconut plantation;
9. Supervises inmates in harvesting and hauling of matured young coconuts for inmate's consumption;
10. Supervises the planting and harvesting of vegetables;
11 Takes charges of the custody and care of prisoners at the coconut section

Computer Programmer I, SQ-11 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Provides computer programming formulation;
2. Undertakes speafication analysis to come out with program requirements;
3. Codes and edits source programs.
4. Undertakes program testing/debuqging and program modifications.

Fingerprint Examiner III, SG-11 (1” Level-Clerical)

1. Prepares and distributes descriptive records of escaped prisoners from NBP and other penal colonies;
2. Verifies fingerprint of prisoners due for release, living out and colony assignment:
3. Verifies classification formula of fingerprint examiners under the unit,
4. Assists the Fingerprint Examiner IV;
5. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities

Food Service Supervisor II, S6-11 (2na Level-Technical)

1. Supervises the preparation and distribution of cooked foods to inmates;
2- Prepares and submits reports on the domestic service sections;
3. Approves planned menus and requisition of food supplies for inmates' consumption;
4. Supervises the inventory of all kitchen supplies and equipment used;
5. Supervises the planning of normal and special diets as well as the preparation of funds and distribution of meals to Inmates.
6 Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities_______________

Medical Technologist 1. SG-tl (2,", Level-Technical)

1. Helps maintain quality control of the reagents and equipment;
2. Helps maintain and update inventory control of all laboratory equipment, on use supplies and reagents
3. Performs routine, special and stal procedures of the available tests/assays on the assigned section of the laboratory
4. Performs preventive maintenance of the equipment with proper documentation and maintain orderliness and safety on the assigned
working area/ documentation/ records-keeping/inventory as needed
5. Performs other duties that may be assigned by higher authority_________________ _____________________ _______
Nurs« I, SG-11 (2"* Level-Technical)
1. Gives injections or administers medicine to patients as ordered by physician.
2. Feeds those acutely til:
3. Bathes patients.
4. Observes and reports symptoms and conditions of pattents:
5. Takes ternperature, pulse and respiration rates and blood pressures
6- Records treatment and medication given to patient:
7 Dresses wounds and applies liniments and ointments:
6 Supervises a small group of volunteer nurses and attendants
9. Treats burns, wounds and inflammation;
10. Exposes patients to ultra-violet, infra-red or other healmg rays.
11. Assists in blood extraction by making ready the necessary instruments and takes urethral smears;
12. Operates apparatus during operation or treatment of tuberculosis patients.
13. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Penal Institution Program Officer 1, SG-ff (2na Level-Technical)

1. Plans, directs, supervises and checks activities and work progress of different agricultural areas in prison and penal farm;
2. Makes plans for the management on progress of the penal farm;
3. Makes periodic visit to the different agricultural projects and makes recommendation for its improvement;
4. Renders report to the Penal Superintendent of the Prison and Penal Farm;
5. Coordinates the implementation of agricultural program affecting production and expansion of cereal and cash projects of the penal
6. Assists in the planning and budget estimates of the agricultural projects;
7. Conducts field production programs to attain self-sufficiency.
8. Conducts research regarding improvement for the agricultural production;
9. Performs such other duties as directed by the supervisor from time to time.

Pharmacist I. SG-tf (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Classifies and weighs drugs:
2. Compounds and dispenses pharmaceutical preparations, drugs and medicines as prescribed by licensed physicians, dentists and
3. Prepares such solutions as dextrose, magnesium sulfate and methyl salicylate
4. Records prescriptions requiring opinion m the opinion book and is accountable for stocks of offices:
5. May supervise pharmacy aides

Psychologist I, SG-11 (2na Level-Technical)

1. Administers ora! and written tests to determine degree of intelligence, vocational interests, occupational preferences and attitudes of
Conducts interviews to approve their personality stnjctures:
Studies and analyzes their life and family histories to identify causes of their anti-social behaviors:
Interprets and evaluates test results to predict adjustment of inmates to institutional life:
Reports lest results and recommend the type of custodial security that will be provided for the inmate, the job which he is fitted and
the grade level to which he may be placed in the adult school:
6. Furnishes guidance and counsel to inmates who have personal occupational, social or emotional problems._____________________

Social Welfare Officer I. SG-11 ^2'", Level-Technical)

1. Interviews inmates to determine eligibility and type of assistance needed:
2. Verifies reported facts and identifies conditions contributing to the problem,
3. Prepares reports and case studies:
4. Provides counsel and assistance that may be possible to inmates:
5. Refers inmates to other agencies and private employees and write a contact of referral letters:
6. Follows-up cases and evaluates benefits and assistance received:
7. May receive occasional field assignments to assist in the distribution of relief goods;
8. Supervises and participates in studies on methods and techniques for rehabilitation and reformation of inmates:
9. Makes and submits reports and gives suggestions or recommendations to immediate chief concerning the improvement of the project.
10. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor anti/or higher authorities_____________________

Sociologist I, SGf 1 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Gathers background mfoimation on each inmate through interviews;
2. Prepares social case history on each inmate;
3. Details interview and prepares case history of special cases (death convicts, abnormal indivkiuai etc.);
4. Assists in research studies on crime causation and other related information for a belter understanding of crime, its prevention as well
as the treatment of offenders:
5. Takes initiative in effecting coordination with government agencies on social welfare services which can assist m supplying information
regarding the prisoner's background;
6. Performs other duties assigned by the Chief from time to time.

Special Investigator I. SG-11 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Interviews prisoners and others: ... , . . u. .
2. Conducts correspondence and examines records to gather data relative to personal circumstances, institutional record, social history,
family status, facts and circumstances of the offense as found by the court and prisoner s version of the case.
3. Studies legal aspects of the cases; ,u . • -win*.
4. Obtains information from family of prisoners, prospective guarantor and the offended party to assist in determining the sustainability
of the prisoners for Pardon & Parole;
5. Analyzes and evaluates the data obtained and assesses the prospects of the prisoners social aojustments;
6- Prepares pre-parole and pre-pardon reports containing findings and recommendations,___________________________________

Teacher I. SG-11 {2W| Level-Technical)

1. Prepares lesson plans and other educational materials;
2. Conducts classes.
3. Prepares, administers, corrects and evaluates results;
4. Guides and counsels students:
5. Rates students' accomplishments and deficiencies;
6. Certifies students to be recommended for award of certificates of proficiency:
7. Prepares and submits forms and reports.
8. Helps gather materials for the preparation of a course of study for prison education;
9. Helps prepare literacy musical progress for the entertainment of inmates;
10. Helps select news items from daily paper to be broadcasted to inmates:
11 Instructs and gives assignments to inmates handling adult classes:
12. Prepares materials and devices needed in the classrooms:
13. Reviews and checks lesson plans:
14. Keeps records and prepares reports regarding students and the teaching programs.
15. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediatesupervisor and/or higher authorities

Administrative Assistant IV, SG-10 (1" Level)

Carpenter General Foreman (Mechanical)

1. Plans and estimates materials needed in a proposed project:

2. Supervises and assigns personnel and inmate workers in their job assignment;
3. Inspects building and other government edifices for repair/renovalion and maintenance needed
4. Follows-up the delivery of materials needed in the project:
5 Prepares accomplishment report
6. Supervises the construction of road, bridges, buildings, irrigation canals, pier, seawall or a combination thereof;
7. Reviews the work to be done and estimate of time necessary to finish the project:
8. Makes rough estimate of labor cost and the amount of construction materials needed:
9. Interprets plans and prepares bill of materials and sketches
to. Makes requisition of supplies, materials and equipment needed:
11. Submits progress and accomplishment report,
12 Does related work.
13. Perfoims other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Administrative Officer I. S6-f0 (2nfl Level-Technical)

Cashier I
I. Classifies and counts cash balance and total collections.
Makes entries in cash book and official receipts
Turn-over collections received to servicing books;
Renders reports on accountable form:
Pays salaries, wages and disbursement vouchers.
Prepares payment of cash for payrolls, vouchers, treasury warrants.
Verifies and pays salaries, overtime pay, treasury warrants and vouchers for travelling expenses;
Computes and deducts insurance, premium, government taxes, and other payroll deductions.
Makes entries in cash book and official receipt collection books.
10. Accounts for cash advances received;
II. May supervise a few clerks engaged in the preparation of payrolls, vouchers and pay envelops, does related work.

Records Officer I
2. Provides and develops records management program for the Bureau of Corrections:
3. Directs and supervises custody and maintenance of discipline;
4. Maintains systematic filing system of all incoming and outgoing communications of the Bureau:
5. Supervises dissemination of all communications and circulars issued by the Bureau and other reports

Information Systems Researcher I, SG-fO {2nB Level-Technical)

1. Reviews ano analyses me present systems and procedures,
2. Organizes systems documentation;
3. Researches and studies the design of procedures and schedules for supplementary recommendation;
4. Provides liaison with management and personnel on the uses of department:
5. Performs other functions as may be assigned by the higher authorities._____ _______________ _

Sales & Promotion Supervisor 1, SG-fO {2na Level-Technical)

1. Conducts personal interview with officials of private firms or government entities to close sales contract;
2. Checks and approves purchases made by the customer
3. Keeps-lrack of price fluctuations;
4. Recommends reduction of prices;
5. Attends to all correspondence and communications;
6. Signs and approves requisitions;
7. Gives and reviews work assignment:
8. In-Charge of selling and distributing a variety of merchandise within an assigned area;
9. Accounts for sales and receipts of cash,
10 informs retailers of the advantages of buying from the agency
11. May perform duties of attorney-in-fact in commercial contracts
12. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Administrative Assistant 111. SG-9 (1st Level-Clerical)

Buyer III
1 Does skilled buying work in the acquisition of office supplies and other common materials on the basis of requisition from various
2. Prepares daily request of offices for distribution
3. Reviews specification for requisition submitted:
4. Checks canvass sheets; supervises preparation of letters of credit licenses and documents necessary for imports;
5. Decides when bids are to be opened and determines lowest bidders;
6. Prepares correspondence on articles handled,
7. Keeps track of price reductions,
8. Studies stock movements.

Secretary II
1. Serves as Secretary to the Director of Corrections;
2. interviews callers, refers them to proper office and makes appointments for Supervisor
3. Maintains confidential files;
4. Takes dictation and transcribes shorthand notes of staff meetings;
5. independently assumes routine correspondence;
6. Prepares clerical reports;
7. May supervise other clerical employees:
8. Does other related work.

Storekeeper III
1. Supervises a group of employees engaged in receiving, checking, sorting and issuing supplies, materials and equipment's;
2. Supervises a group of employees performing a particular storekeeping functions in large store like shipping, storage and issuance,
receiving and packing;
3. Supervises the preparation of issue vouchers, requisitions, shipping documents and other reports and the maintenance of store on
warehouse records:
Participates in the work of a group of storekeepers:
Does other related works.
Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Fingerprint Examiner It, SG-d (1st Level-Clerical)

1. Undertakes classifications and examinations of more difficult criminal and civilian identification cases
2. Appears in court as fingerprint expert:
3. Maintains an orderly filing system of the Inmates' fingerprint examination.

Food Service Supervisor I, SG-9 (2p0 Lovol-Technical)

1. Plans the daily menus and directs the preparation of ordinary and therapeutic diets for normal and morbid individual or groups:
2. Receives and interprets dietetic prescriptions of the physicians:
3. Receives food supplies to be distributed to cooks and kitchen helpers:
4. Issues food supplies to cooks and kitchen helpers:
5. Supervises all food service personnel and maintains the cleanliness of kitchen and mess areas and equipment;
6. Performs related functions as maybe assigned from time to time

Foundry Foreman, SG-8 (1st Level-Mechanical)

1. Responsible for the interpretation and lay-out of foundry work and the effiaent utilization of men and matenals in the foundry shop;
2. Approves material requisitions and requests for sick and vacation leave;
3. Perfomis inspection of matenals and apparatus being used in the shop;
4. Coordinates with pattern shop and order for patterns and directs the correct positioning of pattern during molding
5. Represents the shop in the production conference.
6. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Machinist III. SG-9 (1st Level-Mechanical)

1. Supervises the work of machinist in the fabrication of spam parts for mechanical equipment and related devices and the machining of
rough castings into a smooth finish;
Receives and distributes job orders;
Interprets sketches and blue prints for machinist.
Checks attendance and progress of work,
Prepares job orders request and recommends the requisition of materials and supplies needed;
Acts as machine shop foreman in the absence of the latter and may direct and supervise the overall repair and maintenance of
mechanical machinery and equipment in the mechanical repair shop;
May perform machining work which Is difficult and delicate in nature: may train new workers

Recreation & Welfare Services Officer I, SG-9 (2na Level-Technical)

1. Develops and improves athletic programs for the personnel and inmates of the Bureau of Corrections:
2. Supervises all athletic, recreational and entertainment activities of the employees and inmates as well;
3. Represents the Bureau in any athletic conferences as well as the training of athletes under hie supervision
4. Requisition of supplies and materials necessary in the athletic, recreation and entertainment facilities of the employees and inmates
and takes custody of the same:
5. In-Charge of the preparation of facilities necessary in the recreational activities of the Bureau personnel and inmates as well
6. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities______________________

Administrative Assistant II, SG-6 (1st Level)

Accounting Clerk III tClencali

1. Keeps and controls subsidiary ledger;
2. Prepares journal vouchers for adjustment;
3. Posts bills to subsidiary ledger of accounts of employees:
4 Prepares semi-annual statement of account, receivables;
6. Prepares trial balance, computes, consolidates and remits monthly withholding tax of officials and employees.
6. Performs other related funclions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Administrative Assistant (Ciencall

1. Assists the Administrative Officer I in supervising functions:
2. Supervises and controls clerical personnel:
3. Checks and reviews correspondence;
4. Takes charge in Administrative matters;
5. Provides assistance in the preparation of plans, progress and other operational activities:
6. Executes, disseminates, implements orders and instructions emanating from the higher authorities.
7. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Bookkeeper (Ciencall
1. Processes/joumalizea all sundry vouchers, general payrolls cash advances, gratuity and compensation of released and compensated
2. Prepares trial balances monthly statement of income and expenditures;
3. Reconcile treasury account current and bank balances:
4. Keeps any of the book of original entry; prepares correspondences pertaining to financial and bookkeeping entry,__________________
5. Determines adequacy of appropriations granted to NBP per GaA: checks property of expenditures (per SMAU) and ensures that all
sums expended are properly accounted for:
6. Verities accuracy of Accounting reports in order to test the propnety of the transaction such as; Reports of checks issued, disbursements,
collections, productions:
7. Coordinates with departments concerned regarding funding noted if any,
8. Prepares corresponding adjustment when necessary:
9. Maintains subsidiary ledger for financial/inventory/fixed assets accounts and reconcile with general ledger,
10. Coordinates with section chief problems encountered if any,
11. Attends to seminars/conferences that will keep abreast with current trends in the GA-system.

Budaetino Assistant fClericah

1. Examines and reviews budget and plantilla:
2. Performs preliminary budget analysis and examination work and correlates programs and project within the Bucor;
3. Prepares comparative analysts of funds from previous year to current year to determine increase/ decrease of funds and expenditures;
4. Examines items of proposed expenditures to determine availability of funds:
5. Reviews and verifies requisitions, procurements, job orders and pre-audit disbursements:
6- Processes vouchers, payrolls, reports of collections, disbursement and checks issued;
7. Prepares remittance of employees and dealers:
8. Prepares financial reports;
9 Maintains basic subsidiary ledgers/records

Carpenter Foreman (Mechanicaii

1. Assists the Carpenter General Foreman in preparing the work schedules of the carpenters and carpenters-helpers;
2. Directs and assigns work to carpenters
3. Receives job orders; makes initial preparation of the cost of the materials and equipment needed and submits It to the Carpenter
General Foreman;
4. Assists the Carpenter General Foreman on ocular inspection of building, bridges and other structures in determining maintenance and
repairs needed.

Cash Clerk III fClericall

1. Prepares and submits reports of checks issued;
2. Supervises and participates in the work of Cash Clerks;
3. Reviews money collection and reports of subordinates Cash Clerks:
4. Counts and verifies cash
5. Deposits collections.

Construction and Maintenance Foreman/Automotive Equipment Inspector I (Mechanical)

1. Supervises the construction of road, bridge, canals piers, sea walls or a combination thereof:
2. Reviews the works to be done and estimates time necessary to finish the project:
3. Makes rough estimates of labor, materials and amount of construction materials needed;
4. Interprets and prepares bill of materials and sketches, makes requisitions of supplies and materials and equipment needed:
5. Submits progress and accomplishment report.

Human Resource Management Assistant fClerical)

1. Supervises the work of a small number of human resource management aides engaged in a variety of specialized personnel functions
such as review of proposed appointment to check the correctness of the proposed salary rate, the qualification requirement in accordance
with the testing laws, rules and regulations;
2- Processes application for leave, retirement, insurance, fringe benefits for propriety and legality:
3. Computes amount due and prepare action for approval and signature of higher officials.
4. Prepares necessary reports:
5. Does related work.

Management & Audit Assistant fClericali

1. Assists in the collection of data and information pertaining to the organization and functions of government units under study;
2. Analyzes and reviews functional statements:
3. Prepares process charts to reflect work flow;
4. Assists in the formulation of hypotheses, working outlines, questionnaires and other interview guides;
5. Conducts research and preliminary survey works;
6. Studies methods and techniques of approaching reorganization problem
7 Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Painter Foreman (Mechanical)

1 Receives job orders and assigns work to painters:
2. Makes requisitions of materials and equipment;
3- Inspect painting works in progress;
4. Advises crew on painting problems;
5. Responsible for proper completion of work;
6. Inspects buildings, structures and equipment to determine need lor painting; estimates cost of labor and matenals;
7. Checks and signs daily time records:
8. May prepare written inspection reports:
9. May inspect and certify painting work by contract and recommend approval of partial payment.

Farm Supervisor, S6-8 (1st Level-Mechanical) ^ .,x_

1. Directs and supervises foreman and laborers infield activities, plans details of work in the farm; keeps inventory and records all farms
inputs, seedling procedures and others, ascertains the availability of seeds and inputs to fill orders of workers; distributes farm workers
to various field areas and farm activities; prepares requisition for farm materials; supervises the care and management practices of
livestock and plants. , .
2. Takes charge in the development and production of certain agricultural projects within NBP including plant propagation, planting,
maintenance and harvest: effects proper application or required farm inputs such as fertilizers, farm chemicals m order to boost
production, supervises inmate workers in the whole process of farm activities from land preparation to harvest; observes existing
institutional policies and program in farming production. x. . r„..
3. Supervises the care and management practices of livestock and plants; supervises the distribution of labor to vanous field activities.
gathers data for experiment of plants and livestock and submits report to immediate supervisor supervises the keeping of records,
inventory of all government property such as animals, plant, planting materials and equipment; plans and formulates the detail work
assignments and instructs the in charge of work units, consolidates report of activities and submits to immediate supervisor.

Firefighter II, SG-8 (1st Level-Clerical)

Supervises and maintains the alertness of crew members: checks equipment and supplies for immediatefemergency use;
Schedules and dispatches fire truck to provide with projects and government quarters
Responds to fire calls:
Checks condition of fire trucks,
Submits accomplishment reports.

Handicraft Worker III. SO-8 (1st Level-Manual)

1. Supervises and oversees the operational flow of the handicraft industry:
2 Prepares training program;
3. Supervises and reviews work of skilled prisoners to see that products meet the desired quality
4 Prepares production report,
5. Prepares plans and programs for more production, marketing and processing of new design and craftsmanship;
6. Checks daily attendance and prepares requisition of supplies and has custody of inmates.
7. Gives vocational handicraft training to a large number of prisoners, prepares training progress.______________

Labor & Employment Assistant, SG-8 (1st Level-Clerical)

t. Interviews inmate m order to determine hi$ special skills and general vocational abilities, interest and skills:
2. Prepares the vocational abstract which includes findings and recommendations as to suitable vocational training open to the inmates
dunng his stay m the institution,
3. Conducts shop tows and gives lecture to acquaint the new inmates with the different occupational opportunities available to them;
4. Attends staff meeting where the different treatment recommendation are consolidated and rechecked prior to the turn-over from the
Receptions and Diagnostic Center to the operating institutions,
5. Gives vocational counseling and guidance to inmates that need such service____________ _________________________________

Master Fisherman II, SG-8 (1st Level-Manual)

1. Supervises the construction of fishponds projects,
2- Supervises the operation of offshore fishing gears like tight raps units, fish corals and dntt nets;
3. Supervises fishpond construction, maintenance and husbandry;
4 Supervises fishery collections and nursery management;
5. Supervises the operation of the solar slat works.
6^ Supervises the custody, care and treatment of inmates assigned in the fishing proiects._______

Medical Equipment Technician 11, SG-8 (1st Level-Clerical)

1. Receives and checks incoming x-ray supplies, such as films or plates and developing solution;
2. Instructs inmate technicians as to priority of work and specific task to be performed,
3. Trains inmate technicians in operating specialized equipment and new x-ray techniques,
4. Responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of x-ray machines on ordinary and special cases:
5 Prepares and couples reports
6. Performs radium jobs to patients:
7. Checks equipment for breakdown or another possible repairs
8. Requisition and receives supplies for the unit;
9 Trains inmates' lecnnician on the operation of the equipment;
10. Responsible for the daily maintenance of the equipment.
11 ■ Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Sanitation Inspector II. SG-8 (1st Level-Clerical)

1. Immunizes barrio and rural populations against cholera, typhoid, diphtheria, small pox and other communicable diseases;
2. Inspects waterworks, reservation and toilets for observance of sanitary measures:
3. Instructs community on the construction of sanitary toilets,
4 Inspects water supply to determine freedom from contamination;
5. Makes house to house Inspection for presence of communicable disease and general sanitary conditions,
6. Gives lectures to inmates, families and individuals on health matters:
7. Prepares and submits work report._____________ _________________________________________ .. ______________

Administrative Assistant 1, S6-7 (1st Level)

Computer Operator I (Clerical)

1 Processes salary and allowances payroll.

2. Generates computer printouts/outputs;
3. Performs data entry operation:
4. Assists in coding and validation of data;
5. Assists in the collation of computer printouts/outputs;
6. Assists in the preparation of periodic report on the computer operations;
7. Encodes data on incoming and outgoing prisoners;
8. Performs other functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Photographer II (Mechanicari
Gives work assignments and instructions on methods and procedures to subordinates;
Reviews photography work for conformance and for quality level;
Estimates photography costs;
Takes charge of requisitioning and safekeeping of supplies, materials and equipment;
Maintains personnel discipline and lecommends lequiied adminislralive action to supervisors,
Does related work

Secretary I fClerical)
1. Serves as Secretary to the Assistant Director
2. Maintains confidential files:
3. Takes dictation and transcribes shorthand note of staff meetings;
4 Types correspondence, reports and documents coming on the Assistant Director Office;
5. Prepares clerical report,__________ ________________________________________ _—
6. Does other related work.

Fingerprint Examiner I. SG-7 (1st Level-Clerical)

1. Classifies and verifies fingerprints of prisoners and other persons through the use of Galton-Hery System;
2. Files fingerprint charts;
3. Identifies prisoners and other persons through examinations and comparisons of fingerprint on file;
4. Interviews, takes a fingerprint Bertillon marks, assigns file numbers, accomplishes clerical and technical works on the fingerprint and
indexes cards of newly committed prisoners
5. Ascertains the identity of ail prisoners committed in the BuCor based on Dactyloscopy of fingerprints;
6. Maintains and keeps tingerpnm charts properly classified and indexes files based on names for verification purposes;
7. Classifies, verifies and searches all fingerprint charts in the fingerprint files:
8. Identifies prisoner for colony assignments, releases or recommitted escapees, parolee, court orders for assignment and trial and
transfer to other government agencies;
9. Issues descriptive records of escaped prisoners to the different police agencies for the apprehension of same___________________

Administrative Aide Vi, S6-6 (1st Levei)

Accounting Clerk II fClerical)

1. Checks and reviews accounting reports;
2.Controls trust liability, account funding and posts to subsidiary ledger.
S.Computes and remits withholding tax of officials and employees.

Clerk III (Clericali

1. Under general supervision, performs highly skilled and responsible clerical work:
2. Supervises and participates in the work of a few tower level clerical workers; and does related work
3. Prepares drafts of official letters, endorsements and communication of complicated nature
4 Composes routine letters and communications; performs liaison work with other offices, following up on disposition of Important papers:
5. Assigns, reviews and supervises the work of a small group of clerks doing typifig/inputting, recording, posting and other routine and
repetitive clerical tasks.

Communications Eouioment Operator II (Clerical)

1. Transmits and receives radiograms for and from Penal Farms:
2. Delivers radio message to office concerned;
3. Tunes and sets radio apparatus to the assigned frequency;
4. Undertakes minor service and repair of radio unit;
5. Maintains files of alt messages transmitted and received; , J|
6. Receives radiograms for transmission and to service them (work counts, data/time group noted, etc.) before readied for transmittal.

Electronics and Communications Equipment Technician I (Clerica!)

1. Repairs and maintains telephone switchboard:
2, Replaces defective switchboards etc.;
3. Repairs telephone apparatus and its accessories.
4. Supervises in the installation and repair of local telephone lines:
5. Receives reports on telephone and telephone lines which are out of order:
6. Performs regular routinely criecK-up of PABX and associated equipment to keep them in normal operating condition:
7. Supervises in the installation and repair of local telephone lines;
8. Repairs telephone apparatus and its accessories;
9. Supervises telephone operator in the performance of their duty;
10- Permits payment of telephone rental to PLOT

Labor Foreman (Mechanicail • » w

1. Directs and supervises loading and unloading of materials and supplies, cleaning lubrication and greasing of machine:
2. Reviews work of labor group for quantity and quality,
3. Gives work assignment and instruction of work procedures to labor and crew leaders;
4 Supervises large group of inmates in penal institution performing manual work:
5. Prepares accomplishment reports;
6. Supervises the maintenance of bulk storage and bagging equipment.

''f00 Supervises and participates in the work of mechanics and helpers in the repair and maintenance of machinery, mechanical equipment
and accessories:
2. Performs complex repair work;
3. Checks the work of mechanics:
4. Prepares report of work accomplished
5. Recommends types of materials and supplies needed;
6. May estimate the cost of repairs to be made;
7. Supervises the testing of machinery and equipment repaired and makes necessary adjustment thereto.

Mechanical Plant Operator II (Mechanicaj)

Op^tes, lend^and maintains boiters, water and steam turbines, evaporators, coal washing plant, gasoline or drivers’ generator sets,
air conditioning unit and other related equipment and machinery;
2- Records reading of meters and gauge;
3. Maintains records of monthly machinery activities of the unit;
4. Prepares requisitions of materials and supplies needed;
5. Inputs and checks machinery parts equipment for possible breakdown and repairs;
6. May supervise mechanical plant operator helpers In their work

Motor Pool Dispatcher (Clencal)

1. Supervises the work of the Transportation Section;
2. Approves travel schedule of vehicles based on request received;
3. Approves schedule of maintenance work of the vehicles:
4. Approves requisition for automotive supplies and assignments of drivers.
5. Plans and makes recommendations for Improvement of Transportation Section;
6. Submits accomplishment reports to the Chief. General Services Division;____________ _____________ ___________________ —
Issues fuel end lubricants needed by vehicles;
Makes monlhly/weekly allowance attendance reports.

Storekeeper II fClerical)
1. Supervises the operation of a warehouse engaged in receivmg, storing, checking and issuing a variety of equipment;
2. Checks incoming and outgoing stocks for performance with requisition on invoice;
3. Prepares and signs daily summaries of issues and balances of supplies and materials;
4. Supervises the arrangement and classification of stocks in the warehouse and its environs,
5. Keeps warehouse in good condition to prevent pilferage and damage of stocks,
6. Responsible for the general cleanliness of the warehouse and its environs;
7. Does other related works

Blacksmith li, SG-6(1st Level-Manual}

1. Receives job orders and gives specific assignments and instructions to helpers:
2. Makes requisition of supplies ano equipment:
3. Personally performs dWcult and skilled blacksmithing works in bonding, drawing out. heating, shaping and tempering metals;
4. Checks work while in progress and reviews completed work for conformance to specifications and standards;
5. Prepares progress and accomplishment reports
6. Supervises inmates working in the different field proiects

Farm Foreman, SG-6 (1st Level-Mechanical)

1. Gives instructions and assignments to farni laborers, farm aides, plant propagator and inmate farmers in penal farms; determines
proper time for planting, gathering or harvesting seeds; supervises and participates in classifying or storing of products crops or seeds
and other related works, checks the works of farm worker/inmates as to quality and quantity; checks the daily attendance of personnel
under direct charge, conducts and records the daily and monthly physical inventory of farm animals, effects proper application of
required farm inputs such as fertilizers, farm chemicals in order to boost production; prepares and submits reports regarding farm
2. Immunizes farm animals to prevent hog cholera and other diseases and segregates those already affected; imparts to inmates the
techniques of raising farm animals; prepares and signs requisitions and issues vouchers for supplies and materials: conducts and
records daily and monthly physical inventory of farm animals; perform related works.
3. Takes charge in the operation and maintenance of tractors and other heavy equipment, farm machineries, motors and pumps;
coordinates with the different project officers in the land, preparation calendar and harvest in order to program the utilization of needed
equipment such astraaors, rice thresher, trailers, pumps and others; effects the availability of needed spare parts and supply materials
to ensure the operation status of all farm machineries and equipment: supervises the repairs and preventive maintenance of all heavy
equipment and farm machineries.
4. Determines proper time for planing, gathering of seeds; supervises and participates in classifying or storing of products and other
related works; imparts to inmates as part of their vocational training in all farm activities: prepares and signs RIV's for supplies and
materials; conducts and records the daily and monthly farm implement, checks the work of farm worker/inmates as a quantity and
quality; submits daily, weekly and monthly reports.___________________________________________________________________

Laundry Worker 111, SG-6 (1st Level-Manual)

1. Supervises a group of laundry workers in institution and inmates in sorting, washing, drying, ironing and delivering clothing and clothing
2. Reviews laundry work and assigns it to subordinates:
3. Approves completed work for conformance to orders and quality.
4. Gives instructions on work methods and procedures:
5. Takes charge of delivery of laundered items;
6. Maintains laundry equipment
7. Prepares necessary reports
8. Enforces administrative regulations in the office

Medical Equipment Technician I, SG-6 (1st Level-Clerical)

Receives and checks incoming x-ray supplies, such as films or plates and developing solution:
Responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of x-ray machines on ordinary and special cases;
Prepares and couples reports;
Performs radium jobs to patients;
Checks equipment for breakdown or another possible repairs;
Requisition and receives supplies for the unit;
Responsible for the daily maintenance of the equipment________________________________

Medical Laboratory Technician I, SG-6 (1st Level-Technical)

1. Examines and tests microscopically and chemically urines, feces, sputum, spinal fluids and other body fluids and substance;
2. Makes blood counts:
3. Prepares special kinds of media, reagents and solutions; examines and tests blood for parasites, surf, albumin, hemoglobin content,
"rh~ factor or penicillin level.

Sales Representative I, SG-6 (1” Level-Clerical)

1. Solicits orders from authorized retailers;
2 Accountable for all goods/products loaded in truck while in transit
3. Makes an accounting and submits proceeds from sales;
4. Ooserves nse and fail of prices of certain goods and submits report thereon.

Welderll. SG-6(1$t Level-Manual)

1. Prepares or receives design and working required in the repair of projects and other improvement of the building of BuCon
2- Prepares specification estimates and review of iron works for the repair of building activities,
3. Conducts inspection and recommends repair corresponding to work accomplished:
4. Gives specific assignment and instruction to welder helper and leads m doing the job
5. Supervises inmates in wekJing and actual demonstration______________________________ _______________________

Administrative Aide V, SG-5 (1st Level)

Carpenter II (Manuall
1. Receives job orders and give specific assignments and instruction to carpenters and helpeiSL
2. Performs difficult and skilled carpentry works:
3. Assists in inspecting or checking the quality of finished product;
4. Receives orders and instruction from supervisor;
5. Prepares furniture designs and estimates bill of materials;
6. Reads selection, designs and directs work of carpenters.
7. Gives instructions, assigns and checks on subordinates;
8. Keeps record, control of materials and work orders in process:
9. Assists in inspecting or checking the quality of finished product;
10. Makes proper distribution of work.

Construction and Maintenance Capataz (Manual)

1. Gives work assignment to laborer and directs the construction and maintenance of small shed, roads, canals etc;
2. Reports condition of Duildmg and other structures in the work areas including major repair needs;
3. Makes simple arithmetical computation in determining man-hour and amount of materials needed;
4. Prepares requisition for maintenance of materials and equipment:
5. Keeps records and submits report on the work undertaken.

Photoorapher I (Mechanical)
1. Takes pictures of newly committed prisoners;
2. Develops and prints copies of picture from negative.
3. Prints prisoner pictures from negatives whenever needed especially when there are escapes to alarm the different police agency for
the recapture of the prisoners:
4. Takes picture of victims of prison's disturbances and prison's gangs wars;
5. Takes pictures of important official affairs and special occasions:
6. Keeps and maintains records and files of negative of prisoners;
7. Prepares and types official correspondence of the photography section,
8. Prepares requisition of office and photo supply.

Cook II, S6-S (1st Level-Manual)

1. Supervises cooks and kitchen helpers;
2. Supervises the distribution of foods:
3. Assists the custodial personnel of the general kitchen in maintaining peace and order;
4. Makes inspection on storage, cooking procedures and other food preparation:
5. Regularly makes inventory of kitchen tools and equipment._______________________

Handicraft Worker II, SG-5 (1st Level-Manual)

1. Takes charge of one industrial shop (PiLCO) manufacturing handicraft Items;
2. Directs and leaches inmate workers the whole process of handicraft making for production purposes;
3 Supervises inmate workers in the manufacturing/ processing/finishing of different handicraft items;
4. Receives job orders/PO’s from PiLCO Office for fulfillment of contracts and coordinates with client exporters for details and
5. Creates new design for various arts and handicraft articles;
6. Checks finished products for quality and arts: prepares and submits program of work transaction and accomplishment report.______

Administrative Aide IV. SG-4 (1st Level)

ry VtI I U> Clerk
*> • 1 t (Clerical)

1. Assists in posting to ledger, journals, report vouchers and documents:

2 Assists in adjusting and reconciling ledgers, reviews bills and collections;
3. Assists in prepanng correspondence and issues statement of accounts;
4. Prepares payrolls for salary and allowances:
5. Prepares bill of officials and employees and other creditors;
6. Indexes salary and sundry payments:
7. Prepares remittances covering salary deduction;
8. Maintains simple subsidiary ledgers with small volume of transactions
9. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor

Budgeting Aide fClencal)

1 Receives sorts, and files communication and reports from other Divisions and Penal Farms of the agency;
2. Posts and dispatches communication/reports:
3. Records and dispatches vouchers,
4. Participates in the preparation of budget estimates;
5. Gathers, computes and maintains budget data in current status;
6. Keeps records of allotment and status funds;
7. Assists in the preparation of reports pertaining to budget matters.

Buyer I (Clerical)
1. Prepares.'types invitation to bid and other things needed In the bidding.
2. Distributes bid proposals to dealers;
3. Computes, receives performance bond of winning bidders;
4. Prepares/types purchase order, slock position, report of awards;
5. Serves approved purchase orders to winning bidders;
6. Helps in the canvassing of price and make queries in case of low estimates.
7. Prepares abstracts and bids received for decision;
8- Canvasses price and makes queries in cases of low estimate:
9. Distributes local bids and circular proposal to bonded dealers;
10. Makes limited purchases.
11. Causes advertisement of items and may recommend bid awards;
12. Controls the receipt and delivery of materials to requisitioners.
13. Prepares correspondence relative to purchase;
14. Verifies cash deposits filed by dealers;
15. Assists and supervises in the withdrawal of rice from NFA to NBP bodega;
16. Does related work.
-V, ■J-V

Cash Clerk I fClericaH

1. Prepares payroll;
2. Prepares and submits disbursement report:
3. Receives money and issues receipts for all kinds of payment made:
4. Sorts and counts cash and prepares reports:
5. Makes simple visual checks to detenrtine genuineness of currency notes,
6. Prepares daily periodic report of collections

Clerk II (Clerical)
Under general supen/ision, perfomis a variety of skilled clerical tasks;
Does related work;
Prepares, certifies and endorses records and correspondence relative to employees assignments, payrolls, resignation, service
records, appointments, leaves, and other personnel actions;
Performs anthmetical computation such as calculation of percentages, cost of materials/supplies delivered, levels of existing supplies
and materials, earned salaries, leave accruals or other calculations of equivalent difficulty:
Prepares repr>rt and tabulates statistical data
Sorts and complies records for retention and for disposal.
Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor

Communications Eauiomer>t Operator I {Clerical

1. Tests and maintains normal operation of the radio equipment: transmits, receives and transcribes ait messages to and from the BuCor;
2. Operates the automatic and manual switchboard system of the telephone service,
3. Refers reports to supervisor regarding defects of communication lines:
4. Acts as infoirnation center regarding radio/telephone service.
5- Operates the two-way radio trances:
6. Transmits and receives message to the central office and other colonies;
7. Repairs and replaces defective wiring;
8. Repairs minor trouble of equipment.

Driver II IManual)
1 Supervises the activities of the subordinate drivers in the section;
2. Checks working conditions ot government vehicles;
3. Makes minor repairs and adjustment;
4. May operate truck mounted compressors,
5- Performs preventive maintenance of equipment;
6. Submits daily reports on gasoline and oil consumption

Electrician I fMechanical)
1. Installs and alters wiring, conduit switches and fuse boxes to connect electric motors and generators in building, dormitories and
employees' quarters;
2 Repairs fully the electrical wires and equipment etc.;
3. Checks and maintains electrical installation in the prison compound and reservation;
4. Tests electrical circuits for proper operations:
5. Builds electrical posts and replaces weak ones

Human Resource Management Aide ^Clerical)

1. Performs various specified personnel functions where actions are governed by established policies or precedents and requited no
legal interpretation or decision; prepares action on employments, applicant, salary adjustments, transfers, separation, reinstatement,
change of names, application for salary or insurance policy loans and leaves; prepares appointment papers and requests, assists in
the preparation of piantilla: do related works:
2. Assists in employee selection, tecruitment. physical examinations, clearances, clearances etc.; assists in placement. pTOmolion,
change status and resignations, testing agility. HP examinations, etc. with referrals to authorities concern; prepares appointments;
assists in the preparation of service records; processes application for retirement.
3. Analysis of all jobs of the Bureau at all levels: writes description and specification for each job or position; DBM salary administration,
salary standardization; employees periodic review and whereabouts: government regulations, laws affecting salaries; performance
appraisal/ment system; researches on DBM (ES officers) laws/ruling, personnel relations audit: reviews and checks payroll;
4. Supervises the work of a small member of personnel aides engaged in a variety of specialized personnel functions such as review of
proposed appointments to check the correction on the proposed salary rate, the qualifications requirements in accordance with existing
laws, rules and regulations; processes application for leave, retirement, insurance and fringe benefits for propriety and legality:
computes amount due and prepares action for approval and signature of higher officials, prepares necessary reports; does related

Mechanic I (Mechanical)
1. Inspects, lepaiis, overtiauls. adjusts and maintains machinery and other mechanical equipment usually the heavy-duty type such as
shapers, milling machineries, printing machines, saw mill machinery, refrigeration, gasoline and diesel engines;
2 Inspects, repairs and services power plant equipment, heavy duty pumps, boilers and other mechanical equipment,
3. Does trouble shooting jobs, tuning and testing of engines,
4. Performs bench fitting work and minor repairs;
5. Makes specifications of spare parts requisitions and issue them,
6. Does fabrication jobs on parts, machine tools and blueprints.

Mechanical Plant Operator I (Mechanical)

1. Operates, tends and maintains machinery and equipment such as heavy-duty pumps, compressor and other related equipment,
2. Cleans and lubricates machinery parts and auxihanes;
3. Keeps surrounding area clear,
4. Assists mechanic m overhauling and repairing machinery, equipment and auxiliaries,
5. Perfonns other duties as may be assigned

Storekeeper I iManuall
1. Operates a small storeroom or has responsibility on a larger storeroom or warenouse;
2. Operates and has custody of small store facility such as storeroom for liner, laboratory, office and other supplies or a section of a
larger storeroom.
3. Keeps record of stock received, issued on hand;
4. Makes requisition replenishments when stocks are low:
5. Receives, counts, inspects and classifies all store incoming shipments/deliveries;----------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Recommends reiection of shipments/deliveries not meeting standards;
7. Fills orders and issues stocks.
8. Checks, counts and labels outgoing shipments and directs or does packing;
9. Prepares various kinds of shipping, receiving aixl storing documents such as Dills of leading, delivery receipts and tickets, custom bills
and statements,
10. Makes Inventory of supplies, materials and equipment;
11. Reports shortages. da.maged and unsen/iceable supplies on materials and equipment;
12. Recommends disposal and is responsible for the reshipment of surplus materials:
13. Maintains records Of accountable property:
14. Does other related works.

Heavy Equipment Operator I, SG-4 (1st Level-Mechanical)

1. Operates road rollers, trucks over 2-1/2 tons, heavy tractors and other allied equipment:
2. Operates trucks mounted compressors:
3. Cuts to grade, moves pile earth and other materials and makes fill:
4. Removes and spreads matenals.
5. Rolls press asphalt and earth surfaces
6. Transport machineries, construction materials and other heavy loads on heavy trucks;
7. Makes minor reports on gasoline and oil consumption.
8- Provides assistance in the beautification project of the administration needing the utilization of heavy equipment.

Machinist I, SG-4 (1st Level-Mechanical)

1. Fabricates simple machine parts such as keys, bolls, nuts, pin raw for couplings, screws, washers, pulleys, pinions and other related
spare parts using lathes preliminary and also shapes, places and slitters as the nature of the work demands;
2. Machines rough casting to a smooth finish,
3. Measures and controls the quality of the work using precision measuring devils such as calipers and micrometers;
4. Performs within close tolerances,
5. Fabricates, sharpens and maintains tools and equipment used in the work;
6. May supervise and participate in the work of a group of machiners and helpers and may engage in mechanical repair work;
7. May make lay-out and plan lob procedures; may interpret blueprints.

Nursing Attendant I, SG-4 (1st Level-Manual)

1 Works in hospital ward;
2. Performs such elementary nursing work as bathing the patients, making beds, removing bed pads, serving meals, sterilizing
instruments, running errands, making the patient set or he properly and holding them from the treatment:
3. Takes physical measurements of employees undergoing physical examination;
4. Keeps the place clean and ready
5. And do minor clinical works.

Administrative Aide III, SG-3 {1st Level)

Clerk I (Clerical)
1. Receives, sorts, records, copies and stamps incoming and outgoing office correspondence, bills and other documents,
2. Stores, issues and maintains simple control records of office supplies:
3. Sorts and files communications according to numerical or alphabetical designation;
4. Does simple counting and posting of figures on record form; checks and verifies information on form and other documents
5. Fills out form, letters and endorsements,
6. Keeps records of employees

Driver I (Manual)
1. Picks-up and transports inmates and BuCor personnel according to lime schedule and destlnallons;
2. Transports and assists in loading and unloading of BuCor passenger’s cargoes.
3. Makes minor repairs and adjustments.
4. Submits daily reports on gas/fuei and oil consumption;
5. Performs preventive maintenance of equipment.

Painter I (Manual!
1 Paints buildings, furniture, tanks, offices, hospitals and automotive equipment using spray gun. brushes and cotton bails;
2. Tints, mixes and matches paints, varnishes and stains;
3. Varnishes desks, cnairs arid cabinets.
4. Removes old paints and prepares surface with the use of hand tools, power lolls and liquid paint removers;
5. Letters road signs and markers.
6. Paints and letters sign windows, sign boards and equipment.
7. Mixes paints and pigments;
8. May lay-out. sketch and paint posters and drafts.

Plumber i (Manual)
1. Bends, cuts and threads air. water, steam and gas pipes;
2. Installs and repairs water pipes, valves, gates and hydrants;
3. Taps connection from the mam pipe to house meters;
4. Lays and joins different sizes of pipes;
5. Installs and repairs toilets, sinks, fountains, faucets and showers,
6. May work from blueprints and sketches;
7. Performs related work.

Utility Worker II (Manual) , „ ^ ^- ,

1. Does a variety of routine manual and clerical tasks in receiving, stonng issuing and shipping of supplies and matenais.
2- Packs or creates materials and supplies to be shipped;
3. Checks articles and packages against purchase orders, delivery slips or bill of coding;
4, Arranges tools or supplies systematically in bins and rack compartments.
5. Poriodically inspects tools and other slocks and prepares lis! of thus© needing repair, ^ c
6, Fills orders and helps in the delivery of outgoing merchandise, supplies, rice, materials or equipment according to order slips or
requisition vouchers;
7, Posts reports on matenais received to ledger cards;
8. Types reports, correspondence and records transactions, makes requisition of supplies to replenish stocks..------------------------------
Cook I, SG-3 (1st Level-Manual)
1. Stores food for subsequent use;
2. Supervises kitchen helpers;
3. Assists the Cook II in preparing raw foods to be cooked; superwses Uie cleaning of kftchen facilities and utensils
4. Assigns custodial and inmates under supervision as to the time and nature of works:
6. Prepares daily menu;
6. Prepares monthly estimates subsistence of imnates.
7. Makes monthly consumption report of inmate as well as foodstuff received;
8. Supervises kitchen personnel and inmate helpers in preparation and distribution of cooked foods;
_9;_Implements strict measures and policies to prevent pilferage.__________________________________________

Handicraft Worker I, SG-3 (1st Level-Manual)

1. Teaches inmates how to select and prepare corresponding materials needed for handicrafts to be made:
2. Directs and supervises inmates in the making of handicrafts;
3 Prepares accomplishment report, requisition and other paper works;
4. Does other related duties that may be assigned from time to lime

Security Guard I, SG-3 (1st Level-Mechanical)

1. Takes charge of the security of prisoners assigned in various prison agro-industries:
2 Escorts prisoners on field work/on the job training;
3. Maintains peace and order, sanitation and orderliness in places of assignments;
4. Makes reports of the daily activities/accomplishment of assigned projects:
5. Enforces rules and regulations and reports violations/disturbances to superior;
6. Performs related work as maybe assigned from time to time

Tailor, SG-3 (1st Level-Mechanical)

1. Masters and cuts doth to pattern and suits the pieces together to make pants, polo shirts, gown, caps, camisss. dresses or rompers;
2 Mends oi repairs worn out garments.
3. Does related works from time to time.

Light Equipment Operator, SG-2 (1st Level-Manual)

Operates equipment such as forklifts, cars, small towcar tractors:
Loads, unloads and transport cargoes, stock pile supplies irr designated place:
Tows train of trailers in transporting and moving materials, cargoes, equipment in the warehouse depots, piers or wharves;
Connects and disconnects trailers, makes minor adjustment and repairs.
Performs routine maintenance of equipment;
Submits reports on fuel and oil consumption,
May assist in piling, storing and issuing supplies.

Administrative Aide t (Utility Worker I), SG-1 (1st Level-Manual)

1. Does a variety of routine manual and clerical tasks in receiving, storing, issuing and shipping of supplies and materials;
2. Packs or creates materials and supplies to be shipped.
3. Checks articles and packages against purchase orders, delivery slips or bill of coding:
4. Arranges loofs or supplies systematically in bins and rack compartments:
5. Periodically inspects tools and other stocks and prepares list of those needing repair;
6. Fills orders and helps in the delivery of outgoing merchandise, supplies, rice, materials or equipment according to order slips or
requisition vouchers;
7. Posts reports on materials received to ledger cards;
8. Types reports, correspondence and records transactions, makes requisition of supplies to replenish stocks

Thereafter, we have to compare the same to the salary grades, duties and
responsibilities, and the level of position in the organizational structure or plantilla of the
agency, of new positions in BuCor, to wit;


Corrections Chief Superintendent (CCS). SG-27 {Z^3 Level-Executive/Managerial)
1. Acts as Director. Directorate for Security and Operations (DSO) who shall plan, control, direct and coordinate the BuCor’s security and
operations and integrated support activities:
2. Formulates policies plans and programs on BuCor Security and Operations matters and monitors its implementation;
3. Advises and assists the BuCor Director General (DG) on penal institution matters or penal management;
4. Executes policy. Memorandum Order, contingency plan and other similar nature involving security issues;
5. Implements effective and strong security measures for all confined Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDLs) and ensures that PDLs undergo holistic
rehabilitation programs, ____
6. Ensures proper and effective utilization of resources in the adminisiration of prison camps m the Operating Prisons and Penai Farms (OPPFs):
7. Formulates plans, policies and provides land security control management of BuCor property/ies;
8. Recommends annual proposals/projections for inclusion in agency budget estimates;
9. Supervises the Divisions under DSO;
10. Coordinates with Staff offices within BuCor for proper technical guidance and support services;
11. Provides technical advice and assistance to National Government Agencies (NGAs), Local Government Units (LGUs), Non-Government
Organizations (NGOs) and competent authority or uniformed service counterparts such as AFP. PNP. BJMP. BFP, PCG. NBI. PDEA etc. who
transact or enter into contract/agreement with BuCor
12- Directly implements the custodial and reformation programs, projects and activities;
13. implements the orders, decisions and directives of the BuCor DG: , l, j
14. Endorses new applicants and promotion of officer and non-officer ranks within his/her area of responsibility to the National Head Quarters

15 Performs otner reiaied duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorijles^

Corrections Senior Superintendent (CSS), SG-26 (2"“ Level-Executive/Managerial)

1. Acts as Deputy Director, DSO;
2. Acts Of) other matters as directed by the BuCor DG or Director, DSO;

3. Advises and assists the Director, OSO in the formulation of policies, plans and programs on BuCor Security and Operations matters, monitoring
of implementation and supervision of Divisions under DSO.
Advises and assists in the formulation of plans and policies and provides land security control management of BuCor property/ies;
Oversees/supervises the DSO Admin Staff and/or acts/performs the duties of Director. DSO in the latter's absence and/or as directed by the
Director, DSO or BuCor DG;
Advises and assists in planning, controlling, directing and coordinating the BuCor's Security Operations and integrated support activities;
Advises and assists the Regional Supenntendent on penal institution matters or penal management.
Advises and assists the Regional Superintendent in the supervision, control and management of a prison and penal farm to ensure that proper
and effective utilization of resources in the administration of prison camps m the OPPF's are carried-out:
Acts as Regional Superintendent in the absence of the latter;
10. Acts as Chief Inlerr^al Affairs Service (highest);
11. Executes policy. Memorandum Order, contingency plan and other similar nature involving security issues:
12. Directly implements the custodial and reformation programs, projects and activities;
13. Implements effective and strong security measures for ail confined PDLs,
14. Reviews communication, letter, memorandum, contingency plan, policy and other similar nature involving security issues and evaluates all
incoming and outgoing documents particularly endorsements, queries, reply letters, passes, transmittal letters of carpetas for release of PDLs;
15. Advises and assists in the crafting of annual proposals/projections for inclusion in agency budget estimates;
16. Assists in coordinating with staff officers of the BuCor technical and support services:
17. Advises and assists in providing technical advice and assistance to other counterparts like AFP, PNP, BFP, PCG, NBI, PDEA and other
NGAs, LGUs and NGOs;
18 Performs other related duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Corrections Superintendent (CS), SG-25 (2n,, Level-Managerial)

I. Acts as Colony Superintendent of prison and penal farms with an inmate population of below two thousand (2,000):
2- Acts as Chief of Divisions under DSO,
3. Acts as Division Chief for Security and Safekeeping Division (SSD) who shall provide advisory and technical support in crafting strategies and
program of operations to ensure the safe keeping of PDLs:
4. Acts as Division Chief for Intelligence and Investigation Division (tID) who shall formulate and plan to pre-empt the entry of contrabands arid
thwart the proliferation of Illegal activities inside the prison, as well as review security arrangements, investigates incidents involving PDLs and
visitors and file cases if warranted:
5. Acts as Division Chief for Communications Operations Division (COD) that serve as the Message Center Network of the Bureau who shall
provide technical and administrative support to the DSO m monitoring, conducting surveillance, and management of all incoming and outgoing
communication networks in OPPFs:
6. Acts as Division Chief for Inmates Documents and Processing Division (IDPD) who shall develop standards and guidelines relative to prison
sentence structures:
7. Acts as OPPF's in-Charge in sub-prison/camps who shall supervise and control the management of a prison camps within his area of
8- Advises and assists the Regional Superintendent or Deputy Superinlendenl in the formulation and execution of standard operating procedures
in prison and penal camps; .
9. Supervises the operation of sub-prison and penal farms, ensures the security and control of the prison camp fadlities and provides PDLs
10. Assists and advises in the formulation of plans, policies and provides land security control management in BuCor property;
II. Reports promptly in writing to the Regional Superintendent any escape, or any attempt to escape of PDLs.
12. Establishes linkages with NGAs/NGOs or Media to promote PDLs rehabilitation programs,
13. Submits annual report to Regional Superintendent;
14 Performs other related duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities______________________

Corrections Chief Inspector (CCI), SG-24 (2na Level-Supervisorial)

1. Acts as Colony Assistant Superintendent;
2. Acts as Assistant Chief of Divisions under DSO and performs the following;
a) SSD - assists and advises the CSSD in technical support, crafting strategies and program of operations to ensure effective safekeeping of
PDLs: ^
b) COD - assists and advises in technical and administrative support to the Directorate for Security and Operations in monitonng, conducting
c) IID - assists and advises in formulating plans to pre-empt the entry of contrabands and thwart the proliferation of illegal activities inside the
prison, as well as review security arrangements.
d) IDPD - assists and advises in developing standards and guidelines relative to prison sentence
3 Acts as Chief of Administrative Office under DSO/Division Office/Regionai Superintendent Office and perform the following;
a) Supen/ise the receipt and disposition of alt incoming and outgoing communications;
b) Responsible m the implementation of all command and office administrative policies, rules and regulations;
c) Formulate plans and policies for the morale and welfare of personnel,
d) Responsible in the general housekeeping activities of the office such as maintenance of cleanliness, minor repairs of office facilities, furniture
and fixtures and equipment;
e) Supervise tne preparation of the schedule of daily duty detail, and
f) Attends conferences pertaining to administrative matters. . , •
4. Advises and assists m the preparation of communications, letter, memorandum contingency plan policy and other similar nature involving
administrative Of Security issues;
5. Advises and assists in the formulation and execution of Standard Operating Procedures in prison facilities;
6. Assists and advises m the formulation of plans, policies and provides security control management of lands and properties of the BuCor;
7. Acts as Chairman of the Board of Officers in the hearing of administrative cases against PDLs and personnel involved;
8. Performs other related duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.-------------------------------------

Corrections Senior Inspector (CSI), SG-23 Level-Supervisorial)

1. Acts as Sub-Colony Supervisor: .
2. Assists the Chief Administrative Officer under DSO/Division Office/Regionai Superintendent m the following functions;
a. Review the receipt and disposition of all incoming and outgoing communications,
b. Implementation of all command and office administrative policies, rules and regulations:
c. Formulation of plans and policies for tne morale and welfare of personnel: ^
d. General housekeeping activities of the office such as maintenance of cleanliness, minor repairs of office facilities, furniture and fixtures ana
Formulation and implementation of security measures of the office;
f. Supervising the preparation Of the schedule of daily duty detail;
f. . . « r» 4-
3 Acts as Chief of Section under DSO/Division Office/Regional Superintendent Office such as Investigation Section, Inmates Documents Section,
Intellioence Section. Communications Operation Section. Camp Mailing and CommunicaUon. Base Police Support Servica etc.;--------------------

4. Assists the Chief Admin and Security Operations In the preparation of communications, letter, memorandum, contingency plan, policy and other
similar nature involving adminislfative or security issues.
5. Assists and advises in the formulation of plans, policies and provides security control management of lands and properties of the BuCor;
6. Assists in the formulation and execution of Standard Operating Procedures in prison facilities;
7. Acts as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Officers in the hearing of administrative cases against POLs and personnel involved;
6. Performs other related duties ana functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Corrections Inspector (Cl). SG-22 (2M Level-Supervisorial)

1. Acts as Assistant Sub-Colony Supervisor and assists in the formulation of policies, rehabilitation program and monitors its implementation:
Acts as Assistant Chief at Administrative or Security Operation Office under Colony Superintendent/ Officer-ln-Chsrge of Prison and Penal
2. ActsasChief of Units under direct supervision of OSO/Division Office/Regional Superintendent Office, such as, Clean and Green Beautification
Unit, Diversified and Maintenance Unit, Fire and Emergency Response Unit; Gate Reservation and Control Unit etc.;
3. Advises and assists in the formulation and execution of Standard Operating Procedures in prison facilities:
4. Assists and advises in the formulation of plans, policies and provides land security control management of lands and properties of BuCor.
5. Responsible for monitoring the serviceable condition of the equipment in his/her possession as well as other governmer>t properties belonging
to the post/unit;
6. Conducts an hourly inspection of all buildings in the prison compounds where there may be any danger from fire at night, and as often during
the day as may be consistent with their duties;
7. In- Charge of the discipline, orderliness and sanitation of his zones within the prison compound and sees to it that all prison rules and
regulations are stnctiy enforced:
8. Performs other related duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Corrections Senior Officer IV (CS04). SG-T9 {2n6 Level-Technical)

1. Acts as Senior Non-Commissioned Corrections Officer (SNCCO)/Admin Staff of Divisions under DSO: in-charge in monitoring, data gathering,
collating of monthly and annuai accomplishment reports and compiling of vital documents submitted by the units/sections under the Division
and takes appropriate action pertaining to their concerns.
2. Acts as SNCCO/Admin Staff for Research under DSO; in-Charge of research relative to the security and operations of other allied agencies
like PNP, BJMP, BFP and other uniform services;
3. Conducts research on policies, guidelines. Memorandum and/or any significant documents and producing the same rf needed, and/or acts as
may directed by higher authorities;
4. Acts as SNCCO/Admin Staff for Inter-Communication under DSO; In-Charge of preparation of communications, endorsements, routing slip,
disposition form, transmittal, memorandum, request letter and other related matters, and/or acts as may directed by higher authorities:
5. Acts as SNNCO/Security and Operation Staff Support to the DSO conducting surveillance and management of ail incoming and outgoing
communication networks in OPPFs.
6. Acts as SNNCO/Support Staff for Admin or for Operation to the Colony Superintendent In-Charge of prison or camps (Maximum. Medium.
Minimum Security Camps);
7. Enforces total security and control in the lands and properties of the BuCor;
8. Supervises a small number of Junior COs.
9. Acts as Admin Officer Staff who shall lake charge of the monitoring, data gathering, collating of monthly and annuai accomplishment reports
and compiling of vital documents submitted by the units/sections under its Division and takes appropriate action pertaining to their concerns
and/or acts as may directed by higher authorily;
10. Acts as Security Staff in Operation with corresponding functions such as Post Tower Supervisor. Escort Supervisor, Gate Supervisor, Patrol
Supervisor. Building or Dormitory Supervisor and Senior Searcher,
11. Implements effective and strong security measures for ail confined PDLs:
12. Performs other related duties and functions as may be required by immediate supeivisor and/or higher authonties.______________________

Corrections Senior Officer ill (CS03). SG-18 {2M Level-Technical)

1. Assists the SNCC0/CS04 as Admin Staff for the Divisions under DSO in the monitoring, data gathering, collating of monthly and annual
accomplishment reports and compiling of vital documents submitted by the divisions under its office and takes appropriate action pertaining to
their concerns and/or acts as may be directed by higher authority;
Assrsts the SNCC0/CS04 as Staff for Research under DSO m research relative to the security and operations of other allied agencies like
PNP, BJMP, BFP and other uniformed sen/ices:
2. Conducts research on policies, guidelines, memorandum and/or any significant documents and producing the same if needed and/or acts as
may be directed by higher authority;
3. Assists the SNCC0/CS04 as Admin Staff for Inter-Communication under DSO in the preparation of communications, endorsements, routing
slip, disposition form, transmittal, memorandum, request letter and other related matters and/or acts as maybe directed by higher authority;
4. Assists the SNCCO/CS04 as Security and Operation Staff in performing support functions to the DSO, monitoring, conducting surveillance
and management of alt incoming and outgoing communication networks in OPPFs;
5. Assists the SNCC0/CS04 m security/admin matters as directed by Colony Superintendent In-Charge in prison camps (Max,, Med.. Mm.
Security Camps);
6. Enforces total security and control of the BuCor lands/property:
7. Assists in the supervision of small number of junior COs;
8. Assists in the implementation of effective and strong security measures for all confined PDLs;
9. Performs other related duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Corrections Senior Officer II (CS02), SG-17 (2™1 Level-Technical)

1. Assists the SNCC0/CS03 for Divisions under DSO in-charge of monitonng, data gathering, collating of monthly and annual accomphshmerit
reports and compiling of vital documents submitted by the OPPFs pertaining to security and operations, takes appropriate action to their
concerns and/or acts as maybe directed by higher authority;
2. Assists the SNCC0/CS03 for Research under DSO.
3 Assists (he SNCCO.’CSOS for Inter-Commurication under DSO,
4. Assists the SNCC0/CS03 for Admin or for Security Operation relative to issues in prison camps (Max.. Med.. Mm. Security Camps);
5. Enforces total security and control of the BuCor lands/property;
6. Assists m the supen/ision of small number of junior COs; .
7. Acts as Senior Gate Officer, Post Tower Supervisor, Senior Escorting Officer, Assistant Senior Keeper, Assistant Senior Searcher and Senior
Security Reservation Patrol;
6. Performs other related duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities,_______________________

Ccrr«ctions Senior Officer I <CS01}, SG-16 {2"" Level-Technical)
1. Assists the SNCC0/CS02 under DSO/Division office/ Regional Superlnlendenl office:
2. Acts as support staff In offices or In security operations;
3. In-Charge of the daily attendance of the personnel at DSO office, monthly attendance report, monthly attendance for meal allowance, logbook
for attendance and other similar matters and/or acts as maybe directed by the higher authority:
4. Assists the SNCC0/CS02 for Research under DSO.
5. Assists the SNCC0/CS02 for Inter-Communication under DSO;
6. Assists the SNCC0/CS02 for Research. Inter-Communication and for the Divisions under DSO.
7. Assists the SNCC0/CS02 for Admin and Security Operations in prison camps (Max., Med.. Min. Security Camps) under direct supervision of
Superintendent In- Charge;
8. Acts as Desk Officer of the Day;
9. Enforces total security and control of BuCor lands/property:
10. Assists in the supervision of small number of junior COs;
11. Performs duties as Team Leader in the day to day operation of his/her unit;
12- Assists in the implementation of effective and strong security measures for all confined PDLs:
13. Performs other related duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Corrections Officer lit (C03), SG-74 (2IKI Level-Technical)

1. Administers security and safekeeping of PDLs in the BuCor IMHO and OPPFs;
2. Supervises a small number of COs;
3. In-Charge of gate guarding, escorting, building keeper, post tower guard, searcher and security patrol functions;
4. Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Corrections Officer II (C02), SG-12 (2lia Level-Technical)

1. Administers security and safekeeping of PDLs in the BuCcr NHQ and OPPrs,
2. Assists the personnel Irt-Charge of gale guarding, esconing, building keeper, post tower guard, searcher and security patrol in its Unctions;
3. Assists in supervising the general administrative functions of the office/unlt.
4. Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Corrections Officer 1 (C01), SG-I? (2"° Level-Technical)

1. Administers security and safekeeping of PDLs m the BuCor NHQ and OPPFs;
2. Performs the security functions such as gate guarding, escorting, building keeper, post tower guard, searcher and security patrol functions:
3. Performs general administrative functions of the office/umt such as encoding, receiving dispatching, filing and sorting;
4. Performs other ouues ano funaions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or nigber autnorities


Corrections Technical Chief Superintendent (CTCS). SG-27 (2l>a Levet-Execulive/Managerial)
1. Acts as Director Directorate for Reception and Diagnostics (DRD) who shall formulate and oversee the implementation of policies, standards
and rules on reception and diagnostics of newly admitted PDLs and shall develop long, medium and short range plans for OPPFs Reception
and Diagnostic Centers (RDCs):
2. Acts as Director, Directorate for External Relations (DER) who shall formulate pre-release and post release plans and programs, projects and
activities and shall formulate, review, enhance and oversee the implementation of policies, standards and rules on mutti-discipiinary procedures
to address the needs of soon to be released and recently released PDLs:
3. Acts as Director, Directorate for Reformation (DR) who shall formulate plans, policies and programs to further promote the delivery of
reformation services through various interventions and shall formulate plans and policies and conducts monitoring and evaluation of
reformation programs and services for PDLs;
4. Undertakes regular ocular inspection of the various pnson and pena! farms to assess the implementation of its reception and diagnostics,
external relations and reformation programs and policies towards the effective security and rehabilitation of PDLs,
5. Establishes linkages with other government agencies and institution to empower personnel under its AOR with sufficient trainings and seminars
relative to the mandate of the office:
6. Advises and provides recommendation to Deputy Director Generals for Operations and Reformation on all matters relating to PDLs reception
and diagnostics/external relations/reformalion programs:
7. Executes policy, memorandum order, contingency plan and other similar nature involving reception and diagnostics/ external relations/
reformation issues and concerns:
8. Implements the orders, decisions and directives of the BuCor Director General;
9. Manages the utilization of BuCor lands to be used for PDLs reception and diagnostics/ external relations/ reformation programs and activities,
10. Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.____________________________

Corrections Technical Senior Superintendent (CTSS). SG-26 (2na levet-Executive/Managerlat)

1 Acts as Deputy Director, DRD who shall assist the Director, DRD in formulating and overseeing the implementation of policies, standards and
rules on reception and diagnostics of PDLs admitted at the RDCs of BuCor OPPFs and shall assist in developing long, medium and short
range plans for the prisons and penal farms RDCs;
2- Acts as Deputy Director, DER who shall assist the Director, DER in the formulation or pre-release and post-release plans and programs,
projects and activities and shall assist in the formulation, review, enhancement and overseeing of the implementation of polices, standards
and rules on muiti-disciplmary procedures to address the needs of soon to be released and recently released PDLs.
3. Acts as Deputy Director. DR who shall assist the Director, OR in the formulation of plans, policies and programs to further promote the delivery
of reformation services through various interventions;
4. Assists the Directorate Directors in the conduct of regular ocular inspection of the various prison and penal farms to assess the implementation
of its reception and diagnostics/ external relations/ reformation programs and policies towards the effective security and rehabilitation of PDLs.
5. Coordinates with Division Chiefs of Directorates for proper support services on the different reception and diagnostics/external
relations/reformation programs; . „ ^ .. ^ _
6. Assists the Director, Directorates in overseeing, monitoring and evaluating the RDCs/ External Relations/Rerormation programs and activities
and make policy recommendations to the Deputy Director Generals for Operations and Reformation;
7. Performs the functions of the Director, Directorate in the absence of the latter;
8 Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities:_________________________ _—

Corrections Technical Superintendent (CTS), SG-2S (2,ut level-Managorial)

Acts as Division Chief (Assessment and Program Monitoring and Case Management Divisions) under direct supervision of Director, DRD who
shaU formulate/ recommend policies and standards relative to diagnostic proceoures such as gathering of information on inmate Oehavior,
treatment needs and security risks and shall formulate policies and standards to improve case management procedures appropriate to be
used for POLs individual or collective rehabilitation plans:
Acts as Division Chief (External Affairs Division). DER who shall formulate/ recommend policies, standards and procedures to be used in the
assessment and reclassification/ providing skills enhancement programs of soon to be released PDLs;
Acts as Division Chief (Education and Training/Moalth and Welfare /Moral and Spiritual/ Work and Livelihood Divisions) under Direct
Supervision of Director. DR who shall formulate/recommend policies, standards and procedure relative to reformation programs for PDLs and
shall develop plans and programs for the effective implementation of POL Reformation programs:
Oversees the implementation of reception and diagnostics/externai relations/reformation programs for POLs:
Submits report pertinent to the functions of the office to the Director, DRD/DER/DR,
Prepares budgeting and logistica! plans to ensure the delivery of the core functions and support sen/ices of the Divisions;
Coordinates with other Divisions Chiefs for proper support services;
Conducts regular coaching and performance monitoring of all personnel under his/her AOR;
Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Corrections Technical Chief Inspector (CTCI), SG-24 (2n,, level-Supervisoriai)

I. Acts as Deputy Chief of Divisions (Assessment & Program Monitoring and Case Management/External Affairs/ Education and Training, Health
and Welfare. Moral and Soiritual. Work and Livelihood Divisions)
2- Acts as Head of Administrative Office under DRD, DER and DR;
3. Assists the Chiefs of Divisions in all matters pertaining to the functions of the office;
4. Supervises the establishment and maintenance of procurement control measures designed to ensure effective andtimetydefivery of necessary
supplies, materials, and equipment for the office,
5. Manages the operation of the penal institutions Reception and Diagnostics, External Relations and Reformation facilities;
6. Provides information to the Director. DRD/DER/DR and Penal Superintendents on matters affecting the office:
7. Takes charge of the facilitation of the various communications and other requirements of tne Divisions or Directorates:
8. Facilitates the smooth flow of the documents and activities in the Divisions,
9. Plans and coordinates all administrative matters to ensure efficient and smooth operations of the office.
10 Enforces discipline among office personnel,
II. Performs the functions of tne Division Chief in the absence of the latter,
12. Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Corrections Technical Senior Inspector (CTSI), SG-2J (21"1 level-SupervIsorial)

1. Acts as Chief of Sections under Assessment & Program Monitoring and Case Management Divisions who shall supervise the implementation
of approved procedures in the reception and diagnostics of PDLs, assess and diagnose newly arrived PDL in OPPFs Reception and Diagnostic
Centers to determine appropriate treatment needs and security risks, implement assessment/ evaluation procedure for PDLs, monitors and
evaluate PDLs progiess on recommended individual and group reformation treatments, recommend individual/ collective case management
programs for PDLs based on collated diagnostics reports and general assessment of the Case Coordination Team and collate diagnostics
reports of newly arrived PDLs;
2. Acts as Chief of Section under External Affairs Division who shall formulate plans and policies for the development of the section and supervise
the implementation of approved procedures in the provision of skills enhancement programs to help soon to be released PDL cope in the free
3. Acts as Chief of Sections (Formal/Non-Fonnal Education Training, Sports Development /Recreation/ Cultural Program, Health Services,
Behavior Modification/Drug Rehabilitation. Guidance and Counseling, Cnaplaincy Services/Pnson Volunteer Managemenl/Pastoral
Administrative Services. Work and Livelihood, Administrative. Research and Development, Logistics Sections) who shall supervise the
implementation of approved procedures in the provision of reformation programs for PDLs;
4. Coordinates with other agencies and institutions to provide technical support/assistance relative to PDLs reception and diagnostics and
reformation programs and activities and to ensure appropriateness of skills enhancement programs offered by the Bureau;\Conducts regular
coaching and performance monitoring on all personnel under his/her AOR;
5. Submits reports perlinent to the Section;
6- Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities-

Corrections Technical Inspector (CTI). SG-22 (2nd level-Supervisorial)

1. Acts as Chief of Unit under DRD (Psychology. Sociology. Medical. Education, Vocational Placement and Receiving Units) at OPPFs RDC who
shall implement approved procedures in the reception and diagnostics programs for PDLs:
2- Acts as Chief of Unit under DER who shall Implement plans and policy standards for external affairs unit and staff development and implement
approved procedures in the provision of skills enhancement programs to help soon to be released PDL cope m the free society;
3. Acts as Chief of Unit under DR who shall implement plans and policy standards for reformation units and staff development and implement
approved procedures in the provision of reformation programs for PDLs:
4. Assists in coordinating with other agencies and institutions to provide technical support/assistance to BuCor s programs and activities for POLs,
5. Conducts regular coaching and performance moniloring on all personnel under his/her AOR:
6- Prepares and submit reports pertinent to the Unit;
7. Performs other duties and functions as may be required by Immediate supervisor and/or higher authoniies.____________________________

Corrections Technical Senior Officer IV (CTS04), SG-Y9 (2|M level-Technical)

1. Acts as Senior Non-Commissioned Corrections Technical Officers (SNCCTOs) at Divisions/Sections/Units under DRD who shall assist the
Chiefs of Divisions/ Sections/Units in the formulation, review, enhancement and overseeing the implementation of policies, standards and
rules on reception and diagnostics programs for PDLs'
2. Acts as SNCCTOs at Divisions/Sections/Units under direct Supervision of Director. DER who shall assist the Chiefs of Divisions/SectionsAJnits
in the foimuiation, review, enhancement and overseeing of the implementation of polices, standards and rules on multi-disciplinary procedures
to address the needs of soon to be released and recently released PDLs;
3. Aas as SNCCTOs at Oivisions/SecUons/'Unils under direct supervision of Director, DR who shall assist the Chiefs of Divisions/Sections/Units
in the formulation, review, enhancement and overseeing of the implementation of policies, standards and rules on reformation programs for
4. Acts as SNCCTOs at the Office of the Director. DRD, DER, DR/Divisions/ Sections/Units for administrative staff researcher wrho shall take
charge of researches relative to DER, craft pre-release and post-released plans and programs for PDLs who will be reioining sociely and for
administrative staff inter-communicalion who shall take charge of the preparation of communications, endorsements, routing slips, disposition
forms, transmittals, memoranda, request letter and other related matters.
5. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorijies. ------------------------------------

Corrections Technical Senior Officer III (CTS03), SG-T0 (Z"® level-TechnIcal)

1. Acts as support staff at Directorate Office/ Divisions/Sections/Units under direct supervision of DRD/DER/DR:
2. Assists the SNCCT0s/CTS04 in its functions pertaining to the day-to-day operation at Directorates/Divisions/ Sections/Units,
3. Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.--------------------------
Corrections Technical Senior Officer II (CTS02), SG-17 {2n6 level-Technical)
1. Acts as support staff at Directorate Office/ Divisions/Sections/Units under direct supervision of DRD/DER/OR,
2. Assists the SNCCT0s/CTS03 in its functions pertaining to the day-to-day operation at Directorates/Divisions/ SectionsAJnits:
3. Directly implements the Reception and Diagnostics. Eicternal Affairs and Reformation programs, projects and activities;
4. Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Corrections Technicat Senior Officer I (CTS01), SG 16 (2''° level-Technicat)

1, Acts as support staff at Directorate Office/ Divisions/Sections/Units under direct supervision of DRD/DER/DR;
2 Assists the SNCCT0s/CTS02 in its functions pertaining to the day-to-day operation at Directorates/Divisions/ Sections/Units.
3. Directly implements the Reception and Diagnostics. External Affairs and Reformation programs, projects and activities;
4. Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Corrections Technical Officer III (CT03), SG-74 (2'Kl level-Technical)

1. Acts as support staff at Directorate Office/Divlsions/Sections/Umts under ORD/DER/DR:
2. Assists tne SNCCTOs/CTSOt in its functions pertaining to the day-to-day operation at DRD. DER and DR Divisions/Sections/ Units;
3. Administers the impiemontalion of policies, standards and rules on reception and diagnostics to newly admitted POLs at OPPFs RDCs;
4. Administers effective external relations and reformation programs to PDLs at BuCor OPPFs,
5. Directly implements the Reception and Diagnostics, External Affairs and Reformation programs, projects and activities;
6. Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities._______________________

Corrections Technical Officer II (CT02), SG-12 <2"a level-Technical)

1. Acts as support staff at Directorate Office/Divisions/Sections/Units under DRD, DER/DR;
2. Assists the CTOS in its functions pertaining to the day-to-day operation at DRD, DER and DR Divisions/Sections/ Units;
3. Administers the implementation of policies, standards and rules on reception and diagnostics to newly admitted PDLs at OPPFs ROC;
4. Administers effective external relations and reformation programs to PDLs at BuCor OPPFs
5. Directly implements the Reception and Diagnostics. External Affairs and Reformation programs, projects and activities;
6. Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Corrections Technical Officer I (CT01). SG~11 (2,'<l level-Technical)

1 Administers the implementation of policies, standards and rules on reception and diagnostics to newly admitted PDLs at OPPFs RDCs.
implementation of policy standards and rules on multi-disciplinary procedures to address the needs of soon to be released and recently released
PDLs and effective reformation programs to PDLs at BuCor OPPFs.
Acts as Administrative Staff of Ihe Director and/or Deputy Director Chiefs of Divtsions/Sections/Unifs who shall receive, filter and monitor all
Incoming correspondence from the Office of the Directorates, prepare and submit attendance reports of the personnel under the Directorates
and maintain proper filing system of office documents.
Coordinates with the Logistics Division for the issuance of provisions essentiat to the day-to-day operation of the Directorales/Offices,
Assists in conducting researches relative to the delivery of core functions and support services of the Directorate,
Performs general administrative functions of the office/unit such as encoding, receiving, dispatching, filing and sorting:
Performs other duties and functions as may be required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities_____________________________


Director III (DA), SG-27 (2nd Level-Executive/Managerlal)
1. Develops plans and programs to achieve the BuCor's mission and objectives, this includes development of pr^ram, policy and
implementation, and impact assessment to ensure alignment of program planning and delivery strategies with overall policy direction;
2. Provides adequate and updated management information system:
3. Provides executive direction required for the implementation of the policies laid down by the Bureau.
4. Plans, coordinates and executes administrative services, human resource system and financial and accounting systems which are aimed at
improving efficiency and effectiveness of work performance at work place;
5. Plans ano coordinates administrative procedures and systems and devise ways to streamline processes:
6. Ensures the smooth and adequate flow of information within the company to facilitate other operations:
7 Maintains continuity among corporate, division, and local work teams by documenting and communicating actions, irregularities, and
continuing needs.
8, Organizes and coordinates inter- and intradepartmental operations;
9. Performs any other duties as may be assigned by the Director General in accordance with the taw ___________________________

Attorney V (LD), SG-25 (2na Level-Managerial)

1. Formulates plans, programs and standards for legal services at the Bureau of Corrections:
2. Coordinates, evaluates and monitors all legal matters of the Bureau and its OPPFs;
3. Advises the Director General In all legal matters;
4. Acts as Chief, Legal Office:
5. Supervises and directs the works of subordinate legal officers, legal aides and administrative staff;
6. Finalizes resolution and/or decisions in administrative cases for approval of the Director General; ....
7 Provides technical assistance in matters pertaining to legal problems and services and represents the bureau in all legal concerns, including
but not limited to, the representation and execution of legal contracts;
8. Performs any other duties as may be assigned by the Director General.____________ ____________________________________________

Chief Accountant (FD). SG-24 (2nd Level-Managerial)

1. Supervises the proper recording of financial transactions of the Bureau or office;
2. Gives technical advise on financial and budgetary matters to the Chief of Bureau or office;
3. Prepares and submits statement on the financial status of the Bureau or office;
4. Aissists in the preparation of budget estimates and attends budget hearings;
5. Implements administrative and financial policies; _ ^ . .. . ^
6. Certifies on the correctness of the journal vouchers, journal bills, statement of accounts, tnal balances, budget estimates and other financial
statements and records; j .
7. Certifies the availability of funds on expense vouchers, treasury warrants nd requisitions for supplies and materials,
8. Drafts, reviews and signs correspondence;
9 Plans distribution of work among employees supervised;
10. Gives instructions and guidance;
11 Makes recommendation on promotion of deserving accounting personnel;
12. Responsible for discipline and efficiency of personnel,
13. Does other related work._________________________________ ______________________________ _______—------------------------------------

Chief Administrative Officer. SG 24 (2"° Level - Managerial)

Administrative Officer V (AD^
1. Prepares necessary papers for signature of the Director of Corrections in connection with the execution of death penalty, withdrawal of
appeals of prisoners, granting of parole, privileges, deaths escapes, recaptures of prisoners and other court matters affwting prisoners;
Develops personnel programs and policies;
Develops and administers training program for officials and employees of the Bureau;
Provision and maintenance of a systematic filing system of all incoming and outgoing communications and provides records disposition
program of the Bureau:
Supervises the general services and procurement management of (he Bureau:
Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Budget Officer V (FD-CTh

2. Participates in the formulation of fiscal policies and implements those laid down by the agency:
3. Advises agency head in matters pertaining to fiscal policies:
4. Directs, coordinates and supervises activities on financial transactions, budgeting and related matters
5. Passes upon budgets in the review and consolidation of budgets and plantilla and presents them as annual budget estimates of the agency;
6. Prepares supporting statement of budget estimates and attends to budget hearings to justify proposals to reviewing authorities;
7. Confers with proper officials on release of funds:
8. Certifies availability of funds on appointment;
9. Reviews prepared correspondence relative to finances;
10. Reviews fiscal documents relating to disbursement of funds:
11. Supen/ises and participates in the preparation of budgetary reports,
12. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

SuDOlv Officer V (GSD)

1. Manages activities pertaining to engineering, property, and logistics.
Directs and coordinates the different general utility services of the Bureau.
Takes charge of construction, repair and maintenance of building prisoner dormitories, employees quarters and other structures inside Uie
prison reservation.
Takes charge of the maintenance and operation of the fire departments:
Provides and maintains the operation of all mechanical installation and transportation services of the Bureau;
Takes charge of the maintenance and operation of all electrical facilities of the Bureau:
Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Planning Officer V(PMD), SG-24 <2na Level-Managerial}

1. Formulates plans and programs of BuCor and prepares statistical reports for decision making and management improvement:
2. Develops and reviews BuCor’s Annual Performance Measures.
3. Prepares and encodes to DBM URS Physical Plan, targets and accomplishments for budgetary requirements;
4. Facilitates data processing, safekeeping, documenting and analysis.
5. Conducts research, data gathering, analysis and evaluation:
6. Provides statistical data/informalion to other units/offices within the agency and other joint and non-jomt organizations;
7 Responses to queries referred by higher authorities,
8- Perfutms oilier relaiecl functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor,

Attorney IV (LD). SG23 (2'’° Level-Supervisorial)

1. Studies and reviews investigation reports/administrative cases/vtolation of BuCor custodial and civilian personnel;
2. Prepares and submit findings and recommendation pertaining to administrative cases of BuCor employees;
3. Evaluates and reviews resolutions of APS from different colonies involving administrative cases filed against BuCor personnel;
4. Drafts and finalizes resolution and/or decisions in administrative cases for approval of Director of Corrections:
5. Evaluates cases for filing of appropriate criminal charges:
6. Supervises and directs the works of Legal Officers, Legal Aides and clerks,
7. Performs committee functions as Chairman and Member;
8. Submits legal opinions/comments on matters submitted to the office;
9. Provides legal advice to the Director of Corrections;
10. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Executive Assistant IV (ODG), SG 22 (2nd Level - Supervisorial)

Handles communication including those which are confidential In nature:
Initiates and fomulates indorsements and letters for the Director General:
Handles all official and personal appointments and other activities for the Director General:
Assists the Director General during meetings and conferences:
Acts as social secretary by synchronizing DG's scheduled appointments:
Acts as a personal representative of the Director General on certain occasions, where due to pressure of work, will not permit him to attend:
Acts as a personal emissary of the Director General on missions that are confidential.
Performs other related functions as may be assigned from time to time.

Planning Officer IV (PMD). SG-22 {2n,i Level-Supervisorial)

1. Takes charge in the preparation, evaluation and analysis of the following' a. Budget Execution Documents (BED); b. Quarterly Physical Report;
c. Budgetary Thrust for the Budget Year/Priorities; d, BuCor Annual Plans/Programs/Activities. Goals and Objectives: e. Notable
Accomplishment Reports that are submitted to the Department of Justice (DOJ) f Annual and Semi-Annual Reports:
2. Updates the BuCor Performance on Administration, Reformation, Security and Operation on a monthly quarterly and annual basis;
3. Attends to communications and report wntings referred to the office;
4. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supen/lsor.

Supervising Administrative Officer (AD/GSD), SG-22 (2ni1 Level-Supervisorial)

1. Assists the Chief in the day to day operations of the Administrative Division/ General Sen/ices Division.
2. Assists in the formulation and/or review of policies, systems and guidelines;
3. Assists in the formulation and implementation of programs, activities and projects of the Bureau:
4. Participates in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the Division's targets and performance according to agreed indicators and measures;
5. Establishes and maintains linkages with internal and external customers on administrative matters and tne Division’s operations;
6. Provides technical and administrative support to identified customers;
7. Prepares and/or reviews various communications and document reports:
8. Perfoims other related functions as may be assigned by tne immediate supervisor.

Accountant IV (FD). SG 22 (2nd Level-Supervisorial)

1 ■ Directs and supervises Accounting Division activities;
2. Prepares plans and program policies concerning OfTice Management and Personnel Movement:
3. Signs accounting documents, statements and communication pertaining to accounting transactions;
4. Certifies availability of funds;
5. Submits periodic financial report to Head of Agency and other offices requiring such reports:
6. Implements administrative and financial policies:
7. Supervises the proper recording of financial transactions,
6. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor

Attorney III (LD). SG-2f (2na Level-Technical)

1. Provides the Director of Corrections advises on legal matters
2. Supervises and directs the work of a small number of legal officers, legal aides and clerks:
3. Reviews the findings and recommendations of all administrative cases handled by lower legal officers.
4. Passes upon the merit of the findings and recommendations submitted by the subordinates including sufficiency of evidence:
5. Reviews and approves preliminary actions and rulings made by the subordinates relative the administrative and enforcement of case;
6. Reviews for higher authorities reports on decision on the administrative cases against erring officials and employees submitted by the division
chiefs/penal superintendents:
7. Handies investigation and filing of administrative charges against every officials and employees of the Bureau:
8. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Executive Assistant III (ODG), SG-20 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Assists in planning, directing and supervising the work of lower executive assistant engaged in staff program;
2. Assists the Director of Corrections in reaching or implementing substantive decision;
3. Directs and supervises research and studies on variety of specialized supports,
4. May take final action on a variety if routine matters in accordance with the law. rules and regulations or established policies or precedents;
5. Assigns works to subordinate personnel:
6. Gives Instruction on work method and procedures;
7. Reviews work for conformance;
8. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Engineer III (GSO), SG-f9 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Supervises the construction, erection and installation of mechanical machinery and equipment on the mechanical shop, plant or equivalent;
2. Acts as a general assistant and technical adviser to the shop foreman in the supen/ision and coordination of technical shop work; plans and
drafts mechanical equipment and machinery parts, structures and installations:
3. Prepares specifications and estimates of mechanical equipment and machinery delivered before final acceptance of adherence to plans and
4. Directs field offices civil engineering works in the construction, maintenance and repair of building and other structures:
5. Prepares plans, layouts and design of less complicated and statistically determined structures;
6. Makes ocular inspection of jobs In process in convention with design work,
7. Prepares estimate bills of materials and program of works:
8. Prepares and follow-up requisition for materials and equipment, makes recommendations on feasibility of proposed construction, repair or
improvements: reviews plans and specifications;
9. Aas as technical supervisor to the shop foreman in the supervision ano construction of tecnnical shop worK;
10. Prepares and submits work accomplishment reports; checks daily work assignments.
11. Supervises the installation of mechanical, machinenes, supervises and coordinates technical shop works;
12. Plans and designs mechanical equipment and machineries, prepares specifications and estimates of mechanical plants:
13. Performs technical inspection of mechanical equipment; makes ocular inspection of jobs in process m connection with design works:
14. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Accountant III (FO), SG-f9 (2nd Level-Technical)

1 Assists the Chief Accountant in supervising the accounting activities of the personnel.
2. Signs all accounting documents in the absence of the Chief Accountant;
3. Reviews vouchers, general payrolls of all allowances for valid claims of all officials and employees and other creditors;
4. Check journal entries and verifies supporting documents of claims on vouchers, payrolls for the signature of the Chief Accountant,
5. Checks all disbursement reports for the correct journal entries to certain conformity with the established practice and existing accounting
regulations before taking up in the books of accounts:
6. Implements administrative and rmancial policies, as to control allotment, expenditures and collections
7. Plans distribution of work among subordinates and gives instruction and guidance m work methods and procedures;
8. Processes voucher and payrolls of PPFs, does monthly report;
9. Advises the Superintendent of PPFs on financial matters
10. Directs and supen/ises the activities of the bookkeeping section:
11. Reviews the accuracy of financial report for NBP and Colonies,
12. Initiates the preparation and interpretation of consolidated financial report:
13. Checks the adequacy of accounting tecords for NBP and colonies,
14 Coordinates with various government agencies regarding the financial activities of the Bureau;
15. Assists the Division Chief in formulating additional measures that will improve the system in accounting in general;
16- Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor

Planning Officer 111 (PMD), SG-18 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Supervises in the preparation, evaluation and analysis of the Budget Execution Documents, as follows a. Agency Pecformance Measure
(Form B) b. MFO Budget Matrix (Aciivities/ProjectsyPrograms c. Physical Plan d. Physical Report of Operations e. Other Senate, Congress
and DBM Requirements/reports relative to planning;
2. Consolidates and updates the BuCor Annual Plan and Activities for the preparation of the DOJ-BuCor Development Plan;
3. Prepares and updates the BuCor strategic objectives and initiatives;
4. Prepares the formulation of targets on performance indicators of the office,
5. Prepares Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) reportorial requirements;
6. Acts as Secretarial of the Central Performance Management Team (PMT);
7. Attends to communications and report writings referred to the office,
8. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Computer Programmer 111 (PMD), SG-1B (2‘’d Levet-Technical)

1. Responsible for the design, development, implementation and maintenance of Information Systems (e.g. client server and web-based
2. Responsible for the development and enhancement of computer programmers and information systems, conduct of research on new
information system fay using appropriate technology or system to assist offices/divisions in generating required data and information:________
3. Takes charge in preparing a prqect plan and proposal of the most feasible proposed system as IS-Based solution to operational or business
process problem, specifying its goals and purposes that support the Bureau's organizational goals, overall systems design sei*up. timetable,
costing etc.;
4. Takes charge of the detailed requirement analysis or software plan which produces a user-oriented description of the capabilities and features
(e.g. data input and retrieval screens, major reports, calculation etc.) of the proposed system in a document format called the external
5. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by immediate supen/isor.

Administrative Officer V (AD, FD. OPPFs), SG-1S (2n4 Level-Technical)

Administrative Officer 111

1. Assists Ihe Administrative Officer V (Chief Administrative Officerj/Superintendent in planning directing and supervising administrative service
functions of the Bureau/OPPF;
Directs and supervises the functions and personnel of the Administrative Proper Section;
Checks all communications/ administrative matters pertaining the section;
Reviews appraisal performance of employees in the section;
Supervises the preparation, recording and controlling of the whereabouts of all communications received and disposed of for the signature of
the Director of Corrections/OPPF Superintendent.
Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Budget Officer III

1. Supervises and coordinates in the preparation of the agency's budget proposal including special and supplemental budgets:
2. Supervises the control, distribution and allocation of funds for the signature of higher officials or head of the agency;
3. Determines the appropriations by the number of the projects or programs and the nature of funds and annual obligations and assists Budget
Officer V of the Division;
4. Assists the Division Chief in supervising and coordination activities in the preparation and consolidation of supporting justifications and
5. Ads as Acting Chief in the absence of the Division Chief and advises the Chief of Sections on budgeting matters;
6. Attends budget hearing and justifies budget proposal to reviewing authority;
7. Reviews and initials all requests such as request for obligation of allotment for retirement, terminal leave, purchase order and vouchers.
8 Performs other related fundions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Cashier III
1. Supervises, accounts for and responsibilities for the receipts, custody and disbursement of funds;
2. Supervises and participates in the payment of salaries and wages vouchers;
3 Reorders and submits required reports,
4. Safekeeping of cash and accountable forms;
5. Maintains cash book of regular accountable officers;
6. Over-all close supervision of all pereonnel of the cashier sedion;
7. Draws cash advances to cover payments for salaries, allowances and other benefits/emoluments due officials and employees of Bucor;
8. Issues and signs checks in payment of the agency's operationai expenses and other modes of payments, payments of payrolls;
9. Renders and submits required reports;
10. Safekeeping of cash and accountable forms (blank checks);
11. Maintains cash book of regular accountable officers (General form No. 103);
12. Supervises the adivities of the cashier sedion;
13. Perfoims other related functions as may be assigned by Ihe immediate supervisor.

Human Resource Management Officer IN

1. Plans and supervises staff engaged in personnel functions;
2. Supervises the preparation of adions on appointments, leaves, transfers, resignation, reinstatement. Insurance or retirement reclassification,
performance rating, fringe benefits and services,
3. Coordinates personnel adivities designed to attain greatest degree of personnel adivities as possible:
4. Direds and participates in the review and preparation of a variety of personnel matters for approval of the Oiredor of Corredions, Civil
Service and Office of the compensation and Position Classification:
5. Gives work assignments and instructions,
6. Reviews finished work for conformance to established policies and pertinent regulations;
7. Performs other related fundions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor

Records Officer 111

1 Directs, plans and organizes the functions and personnel of the Document Section;
2 Supervises the custody and maintenance of record/carpetas of all the prisoners confined in the Bureau of Corrections;
3. Recommends to the Department of Justice pnsoners to be considered by the Board of Pardons and Parole;
4. Attends to all requests and other matters relating to Ihe prisoners records and statistics:
5. Supervises processing and computation of carpetas and the recording of all statistics/references about the prisoners;
6. Formulates measures on systematic filing and management of documents, recording of important statistics and information about prisoners;
7. Checks request/reports of accomplishment of the section,
8. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Supply Officer III

1. Supervises or performs work invotved in the determination of fiscal requirements of supplies and materials or equipments and makes
periodical inventories (hereof:
2 Maintains a record of all accountable properties;
3. Directs work of storekeeping, buying and properly personnel,
4. Responsible for office equipments and supplies:
5. issues clearance certificates to employees separated from the service;
6. Prepares claims against insurance companies for damaged cargo; VMay serve as an administrative foreman to temporary workers:
7. May direct the maintenance and repair of buildings, office equipments and furniture;
8. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Enginoor tl (GSOrOPPFe), SG-16 {2na Levcl-Tochnlcal)

1. Supervises the construction, erection and installation of mechanical machinery and equipment on the mechanical shop, plant or equivalent;
2. Acts as a general assistant and technical adviser to the shop foreman in the supervision and coordination of technical shop work:
3. Designs, plans and drafts mechanical equipment and machinery parts, structures and installations;_________________________________

5. Represents the Bureau in subpoena duces tecum to different courts in administrative bodies;
6. Assumes supervision of the dPerent tasKs of the section:
7. Performs other functions as may be assigned from time to lime

Supply Officer II
Directs and supervises the work of a small number of staff engaged In various supply activities such as inspection, deliveries, storekeeping,
buying and property control;
2. Takes charge of the requisitioning, issuing and recording of supplies and equipment or books for the organization unit:
3. Checks contract papers and proposals;
4. Compares estimates price and contract price;
5. Makes recommendation in determining the kind and quality of supplies, equipment and materials or books needed, availability of stock and
need for such materials;
6. Renders reports on sales or rental of books;
7. Acts on requests for relief from responsibility for loss of equipment on books:
8. May canvass prices and makes purchases to limited extent:
9. May supervise maintenance and repair of buildings, furniture, equipment and office machine;
10. May prepare semestral and annual report;
11. Helps the Supply Officer III supervise supply and property activities of the BuCor;\Parfbnns other functions as may be assigned from time to

Freight Service Supervisor II (GSD), SG-13 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Coordinates and supervises functions of agency units dealing with local and foreign shipping claims
2. Signs all customs entries of importation and exportation, sales taxes, and customs duties declaration, local bills of lading purchase and issues
orders, invoice of goods and local and foreign claims.
3. Verifies and responsible for any misdectaration or miscalculation of goods;
4. Endorses foreign and assorted bills, hauling charges and laborer's wage:'
5. Prepares and signs all communications related to their functions;
6. Makes requisition and confers with customs and internal revenue authorities, contractors and shipping companies.
7. Performs other functions as may be assigned from time to time.

Legal Assistant 11 (LD), SG-12 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Performs varied and related difficult non-professional legal works in the Legal Office
2. Conducts investigation of simple administrative cases against wnployees and submits findings and recommendation to the immediate
3. Makes preliminary studies of legal claims against his office in violation of law and contract and prepares action on decision for the Chief:
4. Supervises clerical personnel.
5. Performs other functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.______________________________________________________

Accountant 1 (FD/OPPFs), SG-12 {2nd Level-Technical)

1. Determines adequacy of appropriations per GAA,
2. Checks propriety of expenditures (per Smau) and ensures that all sums expanded are property accounted for;
3. Verifies accuracy of accounting reports in order to test the propriety of the transactions such as: report checks issued, report of disbursements,
report of collections and report of production;
4. Prepares corresponding adjustment;
5. Prepares Trial Balance:
6 Maintains Subsidiary Ledgers for FmanciaUInvenfory/Fixed Assets Accounts and reconciles with General Ledger;
7 Performs Bank Reconciliation for each fund;
8. Acts as Accountant-In-Charge and financial adviser of the Superintendent. PPFs;
9. Supervises the accounting activities of the PPFs;
10. Prepares and signs accounting documents and financial statements:
11. Controls obligation of allotment and certifies the availability of funds;
12. Performs other related functions as may be assigned from time to time.

Engineer I (OPPFs), SG-12 (2nd Level-Techriical)

1. Computes, makes sketches and diagrams of plan estimates and specifications among systematic elevators and conveyors system and part
of water works, pumping plants and other allied plant system;
2. Prepares specifications for the mechanical electrical and mechanical equipment;
3. Studies and recommends bids for electrical and mechanical equipment;
4. Makes acceptance test and prepares reports on pumping units, road construction equipment and units;
5. Supervises installation of electrical power plants, air conditioning pumping and other system;
6- May direct the work of mechanical electrical draftsman and mechanics.
7. Performs other duties and funaions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.____________________________

Administrative Assistant V (ODG/GSO), SG-11

Buyer IV (1 st Level -Clerical)

1. Supervises the work with small group of buyers and allied personnel:
2. Assigns requisition to buyer and guide them in classifying items for bidding and evaluation of bids;
3. Opens and checks bids and tender received;
4. Decides on the lowest bidder and prepares correspondence and buyers orders.
5. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher autiiorities.

Construction & Maintenance General Foreman Level-Mechanical)

1. Supervises
' the construction of road, bridges, canals, piers, seawalls or a combination thereof;
2 Reviews the works to be done and estimates time necessary to finish the project,
3, Makes rough estimates of labor, materials and amount of construction materials needed;
4. Interprets and prepares bill of materials and equipment needed;
6. Submits progress and accomplishment report. . • ,
6 Assigns and checks the works of foreman engage in the construction of roads and structures such as bridges, buildings, irrigations canals,
Interprets plans, design and advices on work methods and procedures and resolves difficult construction problems.
Prepares sketches and estimates of labor and bill of materials of proposed works: supervises the maintenance and repair of other structures;
Reviews and approves payrolls, work reports and materials requisitions submitted by the foreman;
Undertakes inspection of buildings/ quarters/ dormitories to determine need for improvement, renovation and repair:
Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor._______ ______________________________________ —
Mechanical Plant Supervisor I <2na Levet-Technfcal)
1. Supervises the construction of road, bridges, canals, piers, seawalls or a combination thereof;
2. Reviews the works to be done and estimates time necessary to finish the project;
3. Makes rough estimates of labor, materials and amount of construction materials needed;
4. interprets and prepares bill of materials and equipment needed:
5. Submit progress and accomplishment report;
6. Assigns and checks the works of forentan engage in the construction of roads and structures such as bridges, buildings, irrigations canals,
7. Interprets plans, design and advices on work methods and procedures and resolves difficult construction problems;
6. Prepares sketches and estimates of labor and bill of materials of proposed works;
9. Supervises the maintenance and repair of other structures.
10. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Mechanical Shoo Foreman (1st Level-Mechanical)

1. Supervises, coordinates, inspects and checks the works of mechanic and helpers engaged in mechanical, repair shop:
2 Supervises the works of mechanics in the repair and maintenance of machineries and mechanical equipment:
3. Coordinates the works of men it> the various section of the shop;
4. Prepares daily cost of labor and materials reports:
5 Supervises the testing of machinery and equipment repaired and participates in the work of a group of mechanics;
6. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.
Private Secretary I f1sl Level -Clerical)
1. Performs variety of administrative duties which contribute to the efficient operations of the office;
2. Transmits and/or foilows-up order and request of the Deputy Director General.
3. Keeps and maintains office records and correspondence;
4. Attends to callers and visitors and refer them to the proper office when applicable;
5- Performs Other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor

Storekeeper IV (1st Level-(Clencal)

1. Supervises the operation of a nationwide system of storage and warehousing;
2. Inspects warehouses for storage conditions;
3. Makes reports on inspected warehouses and recommends necessary improvements;
4. Instructs warehousemen on basic principles of storekeeping;
5 Devises ways and means of improving storage techniques and enforcing central office regulations;
6. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

StatisUcian I tPMD), SG 11 (2M Level-Technical)

1. Prepares monthly statistical information regarding inmate profile,
2. Prepares/consolidates data on OPPFs statistics for evaluation and reporting upon receipt of report;
3. Prepares summary accomplishment report on operation and reformation programs;
4. In-charge in the coding and classifying statistical schedule:
5. Performs other related functions as may be assigned fay the immediate 8Upen,risor______________

Planning Officer 1 fPMD), SG-ff (2na Level-Technical) ^ 0

1. Assists in the preparation, evaluation and analysis of the following: a. Budget execution Documents (BED); b. Quarterly Physical Report, c.
Budgetary Trust for the Budget Year/Priorities; d. BuCor Annual Plans/Programs/Activities, Goals and Objectives; e. Notable
Accomplishment Reports that are submitted to the Department of Justice f. Annual and Semi-Annual Reports;
2. Assists in updating the BuCor Performance on Administration, Reformation. Security and Operation on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis
3. Assists in communications and report writings referred to the office;
4. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor. _______________ ______________________________

Administrative Officer II (AD. FD. OPPFs). SG-f f (a"*1 Level-Technical)

Administrative Officer I ,
1. Assists the Penal Superintendent/ AO V in planning, directing and supervising administrative service functions of the penal farm/Bureau.
2- Assists in directing and supervising the functions and personnel ofthe administrative section; ...
3. Supervises the preparation, recording and controlling of the whereabouts of all communications received and disposed of for signature of the
Penal Superintendent/Administrative Officer V;
4. Checks and refers communication to officer/section/chiefs;
5. Reviews and submits accomplishment report of the section:
6. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Budget Officer I
Supervises in the preparation of Report on Allotment:
Records and computes status of allotment under functions 1 and 2;
Assists in the preparation of budget estimates to be submitted to DBM.
Reviews and analyses budget estimates of the Bureau; _____
Assists in the preparation of Budget of the Bureau as determined by the size of appropnation and the nature of funds and amount obligations.
Supervises and participates in the work of the budget examiners in complicated and fiscal system;
Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Human Resource Management Officer I . ,

1. Assists the management in formulating and administration of personnel policies and standards;
2. Aids in interpreting management policies to employees and employees point of view to rrianagement; . n .. fh_ _llhHr. in lh.
3 Advices and assists management in the promotion of sound employees, management relations as well as relation to the public, assists in the
line personnel (rank and file, supervisors and Division Chiefs); in implementing personnel policies and ...
4. Assists individual employees in solving problems which affect their general morale and efficiency; attends Put>iic re,atl0n5'
5. Bilis-Aksyon Chairperson-BuCor(CSCMCNo.3s. 1994); other related personnel matters to be implemented from time to time,
6. Directs, supervises and coordinates the training activities; __ ..r th» Rnf«Bu'9
7. Plans and organizes adequate inservlce training and leadership program to ensure continuous development and effectweness ofthe Bureau s
personnel; . ^ . .
8 Makes surveys and studies of agency functions to determine training needs and requirements; .. ( .. r,,.
9. Devices means for evaluation of the effectiveness of designed training program; supervises the development of instruction training programs,
prepares and submits accomplishment report;_________ ______________________________ ______—-------------- —------------------------------

10. Maintains liaison with officers concerned with personnel management and development;
11. Coordinates various training activities of the BuCor.

Management and Audit Analyst

1. Takes charge of management and organization analysis, research and statistical work;
2. Analyzes, evaluates interprets status of operations and accomplishments:
3. Studies and recommends plans and measures for effective internal organization, work flow, work implication and equipment specification and
4. Devices office forms for work measurement, contract and cost analysis;
5. Prepares visual aides such as charts and graphs to reflect position, functions, operations, comparative profits and losses and variation of work
6. Reviews installation of control devices:
7. Conducts related marketing and economic survey;
8 Prepares consolidated operations and other technical and functional reports;
9. Maintains a centralized statistical control for inter-management purposes.

Information Systems Researcher! (PMD), S6-J0 (2nd Level-Technical)

1. Reviews and analyses the present systems and procedures;
2. Organizes system documentation,
3. Researches and studies the design of procedures and schedules for supplementary recommendation;
4. Provides liaison with management and personnel on the uses of department;
5- Performs other functions as may be assigned by the higher authorities.__________________________

Administrative Officer I (AD/OPPFs) SG-10 {2nd Level-Technical)

Cashier I
1. Classifies and counts cash balance and total collections;
Makes entries in cash book and official receipts:
Turn-over collections received to servicing books;
Renders reports on accountable form.
Pays salaries, wages and disbursement vouchers.
Prepares payment of cash for payrolls vouchers treasury warrants:
Verifies and pays salaries, overtime pay, treasury warrants and vouchers for travelling expenses;
Computes and deducts insurance, premium, government taxes, and other payroll deductions;
Makes entries in cash book and official receipt collection books;
to. Accounts for cash advances leceived.
11 May supervise a few clerks engaged In the preparation of payrolls, vouchers and pay envelops;
12 Performs other functions as may be assigned by the higher authorities.

Records OfflcejJ
1. P.'ovides and develops records management program for the Bureau of Corrections.
2. Directs and supervises custody and maintenance of discipline;
3. Maintains systematic filing system of all incoming and outgoing communications of the Bureau;
4. Supervises dissemination of all communications and circulars issued by the Bureau and other reports;
5 Prepares and submits accomplishment reports;
6- Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Administrative Assistant IV (GSD) SG 10 (1" Level)

Carpenter General Foreman iMechanicall

1 Plans and estimates materials needed in a proposed project.
2. Supervises and assigns personnel and inmate workers in their job assignment;
3. Inspects building and other government edifices for repairfrenovation and maintenance needed;
4. Follows-up the delivery of materials needed in the project:
5. Prepares accomplishment report;
6. Supervises the construction of road, bridges, buildings, irrigation canals, pier, seawall or a combination thereof;
7. Reviews the work to be done and estimate of time necessary to finish the project.
8. Makes rough estimate of labor cost and the amount of construction materials needed;
9. Interprets plans and prepares bill of materials and sketches:
10 Makes requisition of supplies, materials and equipment needed:
11. Submits progress and accomplishment report;
12. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Does skilled buying work in the acquisition of office supplies and other common materials on the basis of requisition from various ofRces
Prepares daily request of offices for distribution;
Reviews specification (or requisition submitted; ,
Checks canvass sheets: supervises preparation of letters of credit licenses and documents necessary for imports;
Decides when bids are to be opened and determines lowest bidders:
Prepares correspondence on articles handled;
Keeps track of price reductions:
Studies stock movements;
Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Credit Officer I (Technicali

1. Writes collection letters; . .A , .
2 Keeps an accurate and up to date records of accounts receivables accruing to the corporation from its debtors and mortgages,
3. Checks ledger cards to verify outstanding accounts and determines how may amortizations the accounts still in arrears; , , .
4. Makes recommendation for the foreclosure of delinquent debt or mortgages for submission to the legal office preparatory to any legal steps

5. Conducts individual credits and character investigation of loan applicant borrowers to determine credit standing, not worth and capacity to pay
credit, attitude, honesty, integrity and character;__________ ______________________________ ______________ —--------------------------------

6. Evaluates and systematically compares, correlates and segregates the good credit risks from the bad ones, and submit periodic reports
7. Acknowledges receipt of payments and posts account paid and their corresponding ledgers;
8. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor

Secretary II tClericalt
1 Serves as Secretary to the Director. Directorates; Chief, AD; Chief, GSD, or OPPF Superintendent;
2. Interviews callers, refers them to proper office and makes appointments for supervisor;
3. Maintains confidential Tiles.
4. Takes dictation and transcribes shorthand notes of staff meetings;
5. Independently assumes routine correspondence;
6. Prepares clerical reports.
7. May supervise other clerical employees;
8. Perfonns other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor

Storekeeper III (Clerical

1. Supervises a group of employees engaged in receiving, checking, sorting and Issuing supplies, materials and equipment;
2. Supervises a group of employees performing a particular storekeeping functions in large store like shipping, storage and issuance, receiving
and packing;
3. Supervises the preparation of issue vouchers, requisitions, shipping documents and other reports and the maintenance of store on warehouse
4. Participates in the work of a group of storekeepers;
5. Performs other duties and functions as maybe required by immediate supervisor and/or higher authorities.

Planning Assistant (PMO), SG~8 (1st Level-Clerical)

1. Assists in consolidating and updating the BuCor Annual Plan and Activities for the preparation of the DOJ-BuCor Development Plan;
2 Assists in the preparations on the formulation of targets on performance indicators of the office:
3. Assists m the preparation of the Agency Performance Measure, MFO Budget Matrix, BuCor's Programs, Projects and Activities, Goal. Thrust
and Objectives, Quarterly Physical Report of Operations. Physical Plan and Semi-Annual Accomplishment Report to DOJ. DBM, Senate end
4. Assists in the preparation of written communications and report writings referred to the office:
5. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Administrative Assistant II fAD, FD, OPPFs) SG-8 (1st Level)

Accounting Clerk 111 (Clerical

1. Keeps and controls subsidiary ledger.
2. Prepares Journal vouchers for adjustment,
3. Posts bills to subsidiary ledger of accounts of employees:
4. Prepares semi-annual statement of account, receivables;
5. Prepares trial balance, computes, consolidates and remits monthly withholding tax of officials and employees:
6. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor

Administrative Assistant (Clerical)

1. Assists the Administrative Officer I in supervising functions,
2. Supervises and controls clerical personnel;
3 Checks and reviews correspondence:
4. Takes charge In Administrative matters;
5. Provides assistance in the preparation of plans, progress and other operational activities:
6. Executes, disseminates, implements orders and instructions emanating from the higher authorities;
7. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor

Bookkeeper (Clerical) . . . ^ ^
1. Processes/journalized all sundry vouchers, general payrolls cash advances, gratuity and compensation of released and compensated
2. Prepares trial balances monthly statement of income and expenditures,
3. Reconcile treasury account current and bank balances;
4. Keeps any of the book of original entry; prepares correspondences pertaining to financial and bookkeeping entry:
5. Determines adequacy of appropriations granted to NBP per GAA: checks property of expenditures (per SMAU) and ensures that all sums
expended are properly accounted for: r
6. Verifies accuracy of Accounting reports In order to lest the propriety of the transaction such as: Reports of checks issued, disbursements,
collections, productions;
7. Coordinates with departments concerned regarding funding noted if any;
8. Prepares corresponding adjustment when necessary:
9. Maintains subsidiary ledger for financial/inventory/fixed assets accounts and reconcile with general ledger
10. Coordinates with section chief problems encountered if any;
11. Attends to semmars/conferences that will keep abreast with current trends in the GA-system;
12. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Budgeting Assistant (Clerical)

1. Examines and reviews budget and plantiiia;
2. Performs preliminary budget analysis and examination work and correlates programs and project within the Bucor;
3. Prepares comparative analysis of funds from previous year to current year to determine increase/ decrease of funds and expenditures,
4. Examines items of proposed expenditures to detennine availability of funds;
5. Reviews and verifies requisitions, procurements, job orders and pre-audit disbursements;
6. Processes vouchers, payrolls, reports of collections, disbursement and checks issued:
7. Prepares remittance of employees and dealers.
6. Prepares financial reports;
9. Maintains basic subsidiary ledgers/records;
10 Performs other related (unctions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Carpenter Foreman (Mechanical) J . ,

1 Assists the Carpenter General Foreman in preparing the work schedules of the carpenters and carpenters-helpers,
2. Directs and assigns work to carpenters;___________________ ___________________—---------------------- ------------

3. Receives job orders; makes initial preparation of the cost of the materials and equipment needed and submits it to the Carpenter General
4. Assiststhe Carpenter General Foreman on ocular inspection of building, bridges and other structures in determining maintenance and repairs
5. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor

Cash Clerk III fClericatl

1. Prepares and submits reports of checks issued;
2 Supervises and participates in the work of Cash Clerks;
3. Reviews money collection and reports of subordinates Cash Clerks;
4. Counts and verifies cash,
3. Deposits collections;
6. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor

Clerk IV fClericah
1. Under general supervision, supervises a group of clerks performing a variety of highly skilled and responsible clerical tasks;
2. Supervises a group of employees doing highly skilled and responsible clerical work and checks their work for accuracy and conformance to
established policies and rules.
3. Prepares difficult and confidential correspondence;
4. Attends personally to important and urgent matters;
5. Prepares report of activities ar>d accomplishment;
6. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Construction & Maintenance Foreman (Mechanical)

1. Supervises the construction of road, bridge, canals piers, sea walls or a combination thereof,
Reviews the works to be done and estimates time necessary to flnish the project;
Makes rough estimates of labor, materials and amount of construction materials needed;
Interprets and prepares bill of materials and sketches; makes requisitions of supplies and materials and equipment needed:
Submits progress and accomplishment report:
Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Human Resource Management Assistant (Clerical

Supervises the work of a small number of human resource management aides engaged in a variety of specialized personnel functions such as
review of proposed appointment to check the correctness of the proposed salary rate, the qualification requirement in accordance with the
testing laws, rules and regulations;
Processes application for leave, retirement, insurance, fringe benefits for propriety and legality;
Computes amount due and prepare action for approval and signature of higher offidals;
Prepares necessary reports;
Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Painter Foreman (Mechanical)

1. Assigns job orders to senior painters;
2. Prepares estimates of labor and materials;
3. Makes requisitions of materials and equipment needed in the shop;
4. Advises and Instructs painters on work methods and procedures:
5. Keeps record and submits reports of work undertaken;
6. Directs the preparation of surfaces and the mixing of paint and varnish;
7. Responsible for the production of the shop, and discipline/safety of shop personnel;
8. Assigns or reviews the painting virork being done.
9. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Admlnlstrative Aide VI fAD. GSD. FD. OPPFs) SG-6 (1st Level)

Accounting Clerk II (Clerical)

1. Checks and reviews accounting reports:
2. Controls trust liability, account funding and posts to subsidiary ledger.
3 Computes and remits withholding tax of officials and employees;
4. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor

Buyer II (Clerical)
1 Prepares abstract of bids received.
2. Controls the receipt and delivery of materials to requisitions;
3 Prepares correspondence relative purchase;
4. Causes advertisement of items and may recommend awards;
5. Assumes the duties of the Buyer HI in the latter's absence;
6. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Cash Clerk II fClericah

1. Keeps centralized control of all outgoing reports and files SPAs: hold orders, notices of fines, suspensions and dismissals;
2. Prepares summary of collection reports;
3. Assists the Cash Clerk III;
4. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor

Clerk III (Clericall

1. Under general supervision, performs highly skilled and responsible clerical work;
2, Supervises and participates in the work of a few lower level clerical workers; and does related work;
3 Prepares drafts of official letters, endorsements and communication of complicated nature;
4. Composes routine letters and communications; performs liaison work with other offices, following up on disposition of important papers;
5, Assigns, reviews and supervises the work of a small group of clerks doing typing/inputting, recording, posting and other routine and repetitive
clerical tasks;
6 Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Communication Equipment Operator II (Clerical)

1. Transmits and receives radiograms for and from Penal Farms;
2. Delivers radio message to office concerned;_______________

3. Tunes and sets radio apparatus to the assigned frequency;
4. Undertakes minor service and repair of radio unit;
5. Maintains files of all messages transmitted and received;
6. Receives radiograms for transmission and to sen/ice them (work counts, data/time group noted, etc.) before readied for transmittal;
7. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Electronic and Communication Equipment Technician I (Clerical)

1. Repairs and maintains telephone switchboard;
2. Replaces defective switchboards etc.:
3. Repairs telephone apparatus and its accessories;
4. Supenrises in the installation and repair of local telephone lines.
5. Receives reports on telephone and telephone lines which are out of order;
6. Performs regular routinely check-up of PABX and associated equipment to keep them in normal operating condition;
7. Supervises in the installation and repair of local telephone lines.
8. Repairs telephone apparatus and its accessories;
9. Supervises telephone operator in the perfonnance of their duty.
10. Permitspayment of telephone rental to PLOT;
11. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Labor Foreman (Mechanical)

1. Directs and supervises loading and unloading of materials and supplies, cleaning lubrication and greasing of machine;
Reviews work of labor group for quantity and quality;
Gives work assignment and instruction of work procures to labor and crew leaders;
Supervises large group of inmates In penal institution performing manual work;
Prepares accomplishment reports:
Supervises the maintenance of bulk storage and bagging equipment:
Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Mechanic II (Mechanical)
1. Supervises and participates in the work of mechanics and helpers in the repair and maintenance of machinery, mechanical equipment and
Performs complex repair work;
Checks the work of mechanics;
Prepares report of work accomplished:
Recommends types of materials and supplies needed:
May estimate the cost of repairs to be made;
Supervises the testing of machinery and equipment repaired and makes necessary adjustment thereto;
Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Mechanical Plant Operator (Mechanical)

1. Operates, tends and maintains boilers, water and steam turbines, evaporators, coal washing plant, gasoline or drivers’ generator sets, air
conditioning unit and other related equipment and machinery
2. Records reading of meters and gauge;
3. Maintains records of monthly machinery activities of the unit;
4. Prepares requisitions of materials and supplies needed,
5. Inputs and checks machinery parts equipment for possible breakdown and repairs:
6. May supervise mechanical plant operator helpers in their work;
7. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisof.

Motof-pool Dispatcher (Clerical)

Supervises the work of the Transportation Section;
Approves travel schedule of vehicles based on request received;
Approves schedule of maintenance work of the vehicles:
Approves requisition for automotive supplies and assignments of dnvers.
Plans and makes recommendations for improvement of Transportation Section;
Submits accomplishment reports to the Chief, General Services Division;
Issues fuel and lubricants needed by vehicles:
Makes monthly/weekiy allowance attendance reports:
Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Storekeeper II tClerical)
1. Supervises the operation of a warehouse engaged in receiving, storing, checking and issuing a variety of equipment;
2. Checks incoming and outgoing stocks for performance with requisition on invoice;
3. Prepares and signs daily summaries of issues and balances of supplies and materials;
4. Supervises the arrangement and classification of stocks m the warehouse and its environs;
5. Keeps warehouse in good condition to prevent pilferage and damage of stocks:
6. Responsible for the general cleanliness of the warehouse and its environs:
7. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Administrative Aide V (ODG, OPPFs), SG-5 (1st Level)

Carpenter II fManual)
1. Receives job orders and give specific assignments and instruction to carpenters and helpers;
2. Performs difficult and skilled carpentry works;
3. Assists in inspecting or checking the quality of finished product;
4. Receives orders and instruction from supervisor
5. Prepares furniture designs and estimates bill of materials;
6. Reads selection, designs and directs work of carpenters.
7. Gives instructions, assigns and checks on subordinates;
8. Keeps record, control of materials and work orders m process:
9. Assists in inspecting or checking the quality of finished product
10. Makes proper distribution of work;
11. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the Immediate supervisor.

Construction and Maintenance Capataz (Manual
1. Gives work assignment to laborer and directs the construction and maintenance of small shed, roads, canals etc.;
Reports condition of building and other structures in the work areas including major repair needs;
Makes simple arithmetical computation in determining man-hour and amount of materials needed;
Prepares requisition for maintenance of materials and equipment:
Keeps records and submits report on the work undertaken:
Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Painter II fManuah
1. Receives job orders and assigns work to painters;
Makes requisitions of materials and equipment:
Inspect painting works in progress:
Advises crew on painting problems,
Responsible for proper completion of work;
Inspects buildings, structures and equipment to determine need for painting, estimates cost of labor and materials:
Checks and signs daily time records:
May prepare written inspection reports;
May inspect and certify painting work by contract and recommend approval of partial payment;
Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Photographer l (Mechanical)
1. Takes pictures of newly committed prisoners;
2. Develops and prints copies of picture from negatives:
3. Prints prisoner pictures from negatives whenever needed especially when there are escapes to alarm the different police agency for the
recapture of the prisoners:
4. Takes picture of victims of prison's disturbances and prison's gangs wars;
5. Takes pictures of important official affairs and special occasions.
6 Keeps and maintains records and Tiles of negative of prisoners:
7. Prepares and types official correspondence of the photography unit;
6. Prepares requisition of office and photo supplies:
9. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

OPPFs), SG-4 (1st Level)

Accounting Clark I fClencail

1. Assists in posting to ledger, journals, report vouchers and documents,
2. Assists in adjusting and reconciling ledgers, reviews bills and collections:
3. Assists in preparing correspondence and issues statement of accounts:
4. Prepares payrolls for salary and allowances;
5 Prepares bill of officials and employees and other creditors;
6. Indexes salary and sundry payments:
7. Prepares remittances covering salary deduction;
8. Maintains simple subsidiary ledgers with small volume of transactions;
9. Performs other related functions as maybe assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Budgeting Aide (Clerican

Receives, sorts and files communication and reports from other Divisions and Penal Farms of the Agency;
Posts and dispatches communication/reports:
Records and dispatches vouchers:
Participates in the preparation of budget estimates;
Gathers, computes and maintains budget data in current status:
Keep records of allotment and status funds;
Asists in the preparation of reports pertaining to budget matters.

Buyer I (Clerical)
1 Prepares/types invitation to bid and other things needed in the bidding:
2 Distributes bid proposals to dealers;
3. Computes, receives performance bond of winning bidders;
4. Prepares/types purchase order, stock position, report of awards;
5. Serves approved purchase orders to winning bidders:
6. Helps In the canvassing of pnee and make queries in case of low estimates;
7- Prepares abstracts and bids received for decision:
8. Canvasses price and makes queries in cases of low estimate;
9. Distributes local bids and circular proposal to bonded dealers:
10. Makes limited purchases;
11. Causes advertisement of items and may recommend bid awards:
12. Controls the receipt and delivery of materials to requisitloners;
13. Prepares correspondence relative to purchase;
14. Verifies cash deposits filed by dealers:
15. Assists and supervises in the withdrawal of rice from NFA to NBP bodega;
16- Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Cash Clerk 1 (Clencai)

1. Prepares payroll:
2. Prepares and submits disbursement report:
3. Receives money and issues receipts for all kinds of payment made;
4. Sorts and counts cash and prepares reports;
5. Makes simple visual checks to determine genuineness of currency notes;
6. Prepares daily periodic report of collections;
7. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Clerk II (Clerican
1. Under general supervision, performs a variety of skilled clerical tasks;____________
2. Prepares, certifies and endorses records and correspondence relative to office functions; ’
3. Prepares report and tabulates ststistica! data.
4. Sorts and complies records for retention and for disposal:
5. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor,

Communication Equipment Operator I iCIericall

1. Tests and maintains norma! operation of the radio equipment; transmits, receives and transcribes all messages to and from the Bureau of
2. Operates the automatic and manual switchboard system of the telephone service;
3. Refers reports to supervisor regarding defects of communication lines:
4. Acts as information center regarding radio/telephone sen/ice;
5. Operates the two-way radio trances;
6. Transmits and receives message to the central office and other colonies;
7. Repairs and replaces defective wiring;
8. Repairs minor trouble of equipment;
9. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.
Driver II fManuah
1. Supervises the activities of the subordinate drivers in the section;
2. Checks working conditions of government vehicles;
3. Makes minor repairs and adjustment;
4. May operate truck-mounted compressors;
5- Performs preventive maintenance of equipment:
6. Submits reports on gasolmerfuei and oil consumption;
7 Perfonns other related functions as may be assigned.

Eiectrician I (Mechanical
1. Installs and alters wiring, conduit switches and fuse boxes to connect electric motors and generators In building, dormitories and employees'
2. Repairs fully the electrical wires and equipment etc.;
3. Checks and maintains electrical installation in the prison compound and reservation:
4. Tests electrical circuits for proper operations:
5. Builds electrical posts and replaces weak ones;
6. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supen/isor

Human Resource Management Aide (Clericali

1. Performs various specified personnel functions where actions are governed by established policies or precedents and required no legal
Interpretation or decision, prepares action on employments, applicant, salary adjustments, transfers, separation, reinstatement, change of
names, application for salary or Insurance policy loans and leaves, prepares appointment papers and requests: assists in the preparation of
2. Assists in employee selection, recnjib'nent, physical examinations, clearances, clearances etc.; assists in placement, promotion, change status
and resignations, testing agility, NP examinations etc with referrals to authorities concern: prepares appointments: assists in the preparation
of service records; processes application for retirement;
3. Analysis of all Jobs of the Bureau at all levels: writes description and specification for each job or position; DBM salary administration, salary
standardization, employees periodic review and whereabouts: government regulations, laws affecting salaries, performance appraisal/merit
system, researches on DBM (ES officers) laws/ruiing, personnel relations audit, reviews and checks payroll,
4. Supervises the work of a small member of personnel aides engaged in a variety of specialized personnel functions such as review of proposed
appointments to check the correctness on the proposed salary rate, the qualifications requirements in accordance with existing laws, rules and
regulations; processes application for leave, retirement, insurance and fringe benefits for propriety and legality; computes amount due and
prepares action for approval and signature of higher officials, prepares necessary reports;
5. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Mechanic I (Mechanical
1. inspects, repairs, overhauls, adjusts and maintains machinery and other mechanical equipment usually the heavy-duty type such as shapers,
milling machineries, printing machines, saw mill machinery, refrigeration, gasoline and diesel engines:
Inspects, repairs and services power plant equipment, heavy duty pumps, bailers and other mechanical equipment;
Does trouble shooting jobs, tuning and testing of engines;
Performs bench fitting work and minor repairs;
Makes specifications of spare parts requisitions and issue them.
Does fabrication jobs on parts, machine tools and blueprints;
Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor

Mechanical Plant Operator I (Mechanical)

1. Operates, tends and maintains machinery and equipment such as heavy-duty pumps, compressor and other related equipment;
2. Cleans and lubricates machinery parts and auxiliaries:
3 Keeps surrounding area clear;
4. Assists mechanic in overhauling and repairing machinery, equipment and auxiliaries.
5. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Storekeeper I (Manual)
1. Operates a small storeroom or has responsibility on a larger storeroom or warehouse;
2. Operates and has custody of small store facility such as storeroom for liner, laboratory, office and other supplies or a section of a larger
Keeps record of stock received, issued on hand:
Makes requisition replenishments when stocks are low;
Receives, counts, inspects and classifies ail store incoming shipments/detiveries;
Recommends rejection of shipments/delivenes not meeting standards.
Fills orders and issues stocks;
Checks, counts and labels outgoing shipments and directs or does packing;
Prepares various kinds of shipping, receiving and storing documents such as bills of leading, delivery receipts and tickets, custom bills and
10. Makes inventory of supplies, materials and equipment;
11 Reports shortages, damaged and unserviceable supplies on materials and equipment:
12. Recommends disposal and is responsible for the reshipment of surplus materials;
13. Maintains records of accountable property;________________________________________________________________________________

14. Performs other related functions as may be assigned by the immediate supervisor.

Guided by the provisions of RA 10575, its Revised IRR, RA6656, CSC MC 3, s. 2014
and CSC MC 24, s. 2017, the following table will show whether or not the old Custodial
positions are comparable to the new Corrections Officers positions:
Old Position Appoin* New Available Compa­ Comparable SaparaMd Incum­ Eeeefe
Items before bents Incum­
tees Position rable? Position vie/is bents
PI Supt. II 1 CCS 3 No css 1
PI Supt. I 2 No CS 2
PI Supl. I 4 CSS 9 No CS 4
PI Supervisor 4 No CCI 4
Securitv Officer III 1 No CCI 1
PI Supervisor 6 CS 22 No CCI 6
Securitv Officer II 4 No CSI 1 3
Security Officer 12 No a 12
Securitv Officer 8 CCI 35 No a 8
Prison Guard III 27 No CS04 27
Prison Guard III 19 CSI 71 No CSC4 1 18
Prison GuardAVardress II 50 No CS03 1 49
Prison Guard II 33 Cl 92 No CS03 33
Prison Guard I 54 No CS02 54 1.658
Prison Guard I 105 CSO IV 105 No CS02 105 1.553
Prison Guard I 114 CSO III 116 No CS02 4 110 1.443
Prison Guard I 140 CSO II 140 Yes 140 1303
Prison Guard I 160 CSOI 160 Yes 2 158 1145
Prison Guard I 247 CO III 247 Yes 247 896
Prison Guard I 448 CO II 449 Yes 1 447 451
Prison Guard I 463 coi 1140 Yes 2 451 0
ADOF II (Budget Officer!) 1 No AOOF2 1
ADOF1 (Records Officer 1) 1 No AOOFt 1
ADAS II (Bookkeeper) 6 No ADAS2 6
ADAS II (MRM Assistant) 2 No ADAS2 2
ADAS li (ADAS) 2 No AOAS2 2
ADAS II (Budgeling Asst.) 2 No ADAS2 2
ADAS II (Accounting Clerk III) 1 No ADAS2 1
ADAS 1 (Computer Operator i) 1 No ADASf 1
ADA VI (Accounting Clerk li) No ADAB

ADA VI (Clerk III) 2 No 4040 2

ADA V (Photographer 1) No 4045

ADA IV (Accounting Clerk 1) 8 No 4044 6

No 4044 7
ADA IV (Clerk li) 7
No 4044
ADA IV (Cash Clerk 1)
No 4044
No 4044
ADA IV (Mechanic 1)
ADA III (Clerk 1) 16 No 4044 16
Liaht Eauioment Ooerator 1 No CTOl

ADA 1 (Utility Worker 1) 4 No croi 4

TOTAL 1961 12 1939

The following table will show the corresponding action of this Office in attesting the
March 2018 RAI (Correction Officers) of BuCor, to wit;
Senlorl Compare Potil/on/ FO-
No. Old Position/ Name of Incumbent length e! Perform tllglbllitv Education Training
Service Ivlin Ue Actlan
PUntllU Item snce
(Preeeni BuCor) PoUtien
(2017) Y/M/0

Crim. Wtr.taeatpf 51/1/1 CSS-1 CC3UP-2SB3-2018 INV

1. PIS2-1-1998 Sctiwankopf, Richard 3/10/12 4.1028 Itattww m e Te»awAat
Lm4«iA« 3
Jr. W.
AV^en iPvA1 tPWt Uafe a
NPfcrt*a*« » Mep«v<«« a>d

MCatiiiii 3W4/1 CS-1 CCSUP-2StS-201B INV

2. PlSl-5-1998 Rabo, Roberto R. 9/3/16 4.0805 CSP/ CS Pen. ■■fidi ^
)«««* Oiwf^we

Bravo, Cetso S. 3/10/13 4.4 CSP

KCwwttf iMCtfbee lOtM RSAKlk 34/2/2 CS-2 CSRSPT-2578- INV
3. PIS1-2-199S IsiMff efUM/ kaitain/«>4»» Conamt* ttfat
Mtevcv ea iPpCiM 4 20U

MCerrerw te.Oi»A»o U«Ptte>

CaceMii laasM e«pM an 43/1/2 CS-3 INV
4. PiSl-3-1998 Puno. Resurrection 8. 3/9/18 4.27 CSP
e*rfteeia8»«4 7
•>«>» PMe v/b*w el

lifcMWbew _______


5. PlSl-1-1998 Canillme, OtUy S. (VS/19 4.6 PhIL bar/CS —t im^ioKvmn

2/9/7 CS-4 C5HSPT-2SB1- INV

PenycSP «—arv—8 — «A|» 2011

i4aA*fP—oMano *«*«>»•

6. PISl-6-1998 FausUno. Melencio S. 0/5/19 4.5567 Phil. Bar/ ■MMM ^ UWV5

17/2/8 CS-5 CSRSPT-2580- INV
Crim. frweim m 2018
tfll'F Wm *—4M4 F> On »

1ld««u FWvB

7. PlSl-4-1998 Aro. Geraldo 1. 0/5/19 4 Crim. 04M4«4BA«A Bp* OW iPtF.*

g —4—nmi
13/9/5 CS-6 CSRS9T.2S79- INV
FMItM/l' Oftter** 2018
1i || 1 m m«u H ^ Am*
Uia riFiii'tW—e

TiMMg wle* nu
••4 TcijFr&APM—b —></
^•roamaa MaMf—Wd

8. PlSU-10-1998 Sabadi$to. Arturo N. 18/1/28 4.0473 CSP W iiBH 1

— rvaFu
33/3/7 ca-1 CSR5PT-2S82. INV
WN8H — UNO* FsOeAe^ »< «MIP—
9. PISU-7-1998 Padilla, Gerardo F. 9/3/16 4.0182 CSP 14/4/9 CCI.2 CSRSPT-2584- INV
fle«a>i 1 n «»« F. ,**
■aKipepxaw ^4* W 2018
fiPfF F Aps
aw O.P4. 8,1 api Weep
8ee»*ewrpi» Cami ep
C*N*.a C*t«—Ai U—t—
10. SEC03-1-1998 Lambiquit. Oonrfacio 3/10/13 4.6 Crim. 40/9/2 CCI-3 CSUPT-25S9- INV
n. PlSU-9-1998 Alcantara, Antonio A. 3/10/13 4.6 CSP m¥^mrni Mf—Ff ( QinC'ifa 43/1/5 ca-4 CSRSPT-Jse-
owi/urw Wnnimttf tUO* Wav 24/7/1 CCI-S C5UP-2560-2018
12. PISU-8-1998 BeMs, EilseoJ. 3/10/13 4.5 Veterinarian INV
13. PlSU-12.1998 Dador, Oaniio C. 3/10/13 4.385 CSP •SOaixunii 3•Mla■• rananp— WenBMpa* 34,'4/: CCI-6 csRSpT-aac. INV
8 2018

8A8c8AMna%l 27/10/ CCI-7 CSUP'2559-2018

14. PlSU-5-1998 Martin. RuFino A. 3/10/13 4.2027 Agri. Engr/ INV
CSP WaiCiR 9

IS. PtSU-14-1998 Faelnar, GenerosoG. 3/10/13 4.17 Cftm. 15 Cl ■W.lBfi / t—r« Pt—M&O— 14/4/2 one OUP-2556-2018 INV

16. PISU-6-1998 Luceflo, Maiiles 0 3/10/13 4.011 Crim. 23/5/1 CO-9 CSUF-2S61-2D18 INV
17. PISU-131996 Magan, Gabriel Jr. 6. 3W18 4.59 Crim. laann Cati m— M—aa
M,1.'2 «i-ie CSU».25‘I-2018 INV
18. PISU-M998 Magtalas, Carlos C 3/9/18 4.252 CSP ncMviux*/ —aiAwi OwaarydHew
33/7/1 ca-ii CS UP-2557.2018 INV
t,i^p»ler» ts<l‘ggp C^pp AA4 F ; 40/6/7 C5UP*2S6S-20ia
SCC02-S-1993 Panuleon. BenhurV. 9/3/16 4.0042 Teacher; CSP CSI-l INV
19. It F—n aapspa
l^a LAP

—>awa 4*»tM Co—iWm 33/3/7 CSI-2 CSUP-2S65-2018

20. SEC02-6-1998 Suyai, Wc Domingo F. 3/10/13 4.0047 Crnn. eiapii INV
21. SEC02-2-1998 Sabes. Ate Sieven A. 3/9/18 4.5334 Crm.;CSP «•»!« fcittni rrn fmi~rn r 34/8/2 ai-3 C5UP.2564-2018 INV
SEC02-4-l998 Coianta, Jorge A. Retired from the government service on February 23,2018, before the issuance of appointment on CSUP.2S6J.2018 INV
March 16.2018
no— WVtMM F* MISF* 0 F
40/3/1 O-l C5UP.2S66-2016
23. SECOl-lS-1998 Padon, Edgardo G. 18/3/16 4.064 Crim. INV
SEC01-M998 Salamat, Gerardo C. 18/1/8 4.8 CSP 81*— 29/0/5 0-2 CSUP-2S7O-2018 INV
24. >*—111 —II

8>Ci—M— *<tP»— llff—w 42/7/S 0-3 C5UP-2S67-2018

25. SEC01-S-199S Ablao, Edison Sr. T. 18/0/16 4.445 Crim. INV
SECOl-14-1998 Camacho, Julio Caesar 17/S/30 4.1997 Cnm. ISCr—V InM.ll l-.m 34/9/2 0-4 CSUP.2568-2018 INV
Sr. B
27. SECOl-23-1998 Levlta, Raul P. lS/B/1 4.3425 Engr.;Electro nil— *c—
•••« 15/8/1 0-5 CSUP-2S74-2018 INV
n & Com. Corr«t0^

SECOl-24-1998 Devaras. Alfredo Jr. A. 15/7/4 4.8 CSP n^i—n 1 ■ II III

29/VI 04 C5UP-2S69-2018 INV
28. 4
12/3/30 4.11 Crim. hcmm—nm— W—F—M*9FaOM 23/2/1 0-7 CSUP-2S73-2018 INV
29. SECOl-9-1998 Veneration, Robert A. (i« u—V M*wWit iii"iHipaw/;»nc464 aruai—t
Mandap, Robert 0. 4A5 Crim. no—<»/ 34/6/1 0-8 CSUP-2S73-2018 INV
30. SECOl-26-1998 8/8/15 mei—
III i^pii >

8/8/15 4.2512 Crim, ncm—icvr/ M«|rw F«Fe Sfw« 27/2/8 Q-9 CON-2523-2018 INV
31. SECOM3-1998 Rodrigue!. Manuel M.
0«—r 9r<«e>iV| 0-10 C5UP.257i-2018
SEC01-I7-1998 Cere!o. Nestor 8. 8/8/15 4.0108 Crim. «('P—CTl‘ 38/7/2 INV
32. WPS4M 144—Wag^
IVb—ibDat fiKiiiiCFrea—F laewta"— CON-25 22-2018
Guevarra, lucio C. 3/10/12 4.48 CS Pen. 30/1/2 0-11 INV
33. SECOl-12-1998 (i MvedBCf/ Mw>K n
Ml iien’iwX 2
4.32 Crim. A 8 Lta—fail I—— 4—8 m—tap—* 32/8/2 0-12 CON-2521-2019 INV
34. SECOM9-199S Dador. DiomedesJr. C. 3/10/12
— 3

4.3 CS Pen. IKptr*«Cv'PP—1 M4i>i»aM""» 29/0/2 CM3 CON-2527-2018 INV

35. SECOl-4-1998 Martin, Artemio M. 3/10/12
(0»W«Q— 6

5K01-6-1998 Lapnan, Angeiito DC 3/10/12 4.29 RJt. 1080

BO— ...... 28/9/2 0-14 CON.2526-2018 INV
36. —^P'—4 8
•KrtrMiVl/ t« Mn«r • MFtt Cmw
36/lV 0-15 CSUP-2576-2018 INV
37. SECOl-71998 Li bo-on. Victorlano P. 3/10/12 4 CSP
A—i«— 4
n»—PM T^WFii Cua MiMa 3A'0/2 0-16 CSUP-2577-2018 INV
38. SECOl-3-1998 Bavona. Wllfredo G. 3/9/18 4.S CSP —piiaiip^f

CS Pen. n<—f MWFm Cf*—awl Miwf—— 40/9/2 0-17 CSUP-2S7S-2018 INV

39. SECOl-20-1998 Tapay, Efren 0. 3/9/18 4.454
no—dn HNi—Cn«ir—1—* 38/11/ 0-18 CON-2525.2018 INV
40. SECOl-22-1998 Satorre, Francisco Jr. Y. 3/9/18 4.39 Crim.
no——n CF>ao—F HFipi'iw 1 38/11/ 0-19 COK.ZS24-2018 INV
41. S6C01-16-1998 Padilla, Pedro R. 3/9/18 4.3425 Crim fiaa—CMva
4.3425 Cnm. no—M— 36/5/1 INV
42. SECOl-18-1998 Mandap, Ramon O. 3/9/18
wo lephy »1( >■ 36/9/1 CS04-1 INV
43. PHISG3-46-1998 Marco. Roberto P 18/5/26 4 387 CSSP/CSR f UAp-ll W»F—1
n—F CON*2530*201S INV
44. PRISG3-14-1998 Yap. ManoV. 17/S/30 4.503 Testimonial
nc Higiji 31/5/3 C504-S INV
45. PRISG3-62-1998 CamlHa, Divfna S- 16/5/3 4.0053 Crim.

46. PRISG3-48-1998 Perez, Ranilo CX 15/10/16 4.387 CSSP. 15/11/ CS04-4 CON-2146-2018 INV
47. PRISS3-67-1998 villadolid, Mamerto V. lS/7/1 4.18 CS Pen, ■He nil to««uaiu fcftmw81*11 ft
40/0/3 CS04-S CCIN-2529-2018
48. PRISG3-24-1998 Padilla. Angellto 8. 15/6/1 4.093 C5 Pen. 38/11/ 0040 CCfi-2136-2018 INV
4d. PRISG3-38-1998 Formoso. Ruben R. 12/3/12 4.2 CSP/Crim. rtwi Wee 17/8/6 004-7 COH-2S43-2018 INV
50. PRISG3-22-1998 Pallsoc, TelesforoJr. 12/3/12 4.2 CS Per*. nC/mtfev* iftecftM* (armaiuJ
19/7/7 004-8 CCIN-2S36-2018 INV
51. PRISG3-2-1998 Casanova. Leon A. 12/3/12 4 CSR435 31/11/ 004-9 CCIN-7142-201B INV
52. PRISG3-S9-1998 Garcia. Isagani P. U/1/8 4.161 Crlm. •A Ciaaty MW« ft
Cm* aft^
3S/2/6 004-10 CON-2533-2018 INV
S3. PR1SG3-15-1998 Goncalei, Roger 0. 11/0/12 4.45 Crim. •iCnfWc**/
23/0/1 004-11 CON-2544-2018 INV
00 flu 9
M<Ri|aiini» hf**NOM W«MMIA
I—o/ftoi m$» <i— • m
*» »i 1 iiU n Uitfd adiot Cor»
Uoonuft a inne«
^ lao- Cr^
Ur*o MuMo UU> o*

mmui eweu Of*«Aften •> M

54. PRISG3-25-1998 Dumag, Edgar P. 11/0/12 4.2 CSP e mha UeoacowfO

30/1/2 004-12 CON-2535-2018 INV
55. PRISG3-4-1998 Bansil, Ricardo C 11/0/12 4.2 Crim. Ca» up rie.mi
IVaiM WiestoMM 28/6/2 004-13 CON-2548-2018 INV
56. PRISG 3-36-1998 Ponce Oe Leon, Ramon 10/1/16 4.387 CS Pen. 406 1 IMVoiMOr
36/1/6 004-14 CON-2537-2018 INV
57. PRISG3-13-1998 Martin, Michael M. 8/8/15 4.583 Crim. •SOn/UMau.&
Con ktfi
|lhct«o conMMot Maf»|oom
25/10/ O04-1S CON-2553-2018 INV
58. PRISG3-27-1998 Gogorza. Eduardo P. 8/8/15 4.4 CSP neaft/WMia ft
tort Up
dUf» U» W«UR9. 0% 32/10/ 004-16 CON-2541-2018 INV
59. PRISG 3-19-1998 Oruela, Abel OR. 8/8/lS 4.4 Crim. 17/1/1 004-17 QRIN-2459-2018 INV
IS Inc.-' ft:
60. PR1SG3-42-1996 8uot, Nell Olonisio A, 8/8/15 4.3 CSP Uw/0Ol»«WfN
17/2/8 004-18 C5RIN-2458-2018 INV

SH«M 16 In "Ml
61. PRISG3-10-1998 Mangubat. Marlon E. 8/8/15 4.3 CSP 15/10/ 004-19 ORIN-2470-2011 INV
62. PRISG 3-47-1998 Oruela, Eugene DR. 8/8/15 4.2 CS Pen. 3S/1/8 004-20 CON-2S39-2018 INV

63. PRISG3-44-1998 Sespefle, Ricardo Jr. R. 8/8/15 4.14S Crim. xouMifuao/

22/1/2 004-21 CON-2554-2018 INV

64. PRISG3-68-1998 Santiago, Antonio Jr. 0. 8/8/lS 4.0044 CSP fcCrW all/fc
41/11/ 004-22 <XIN-253^20U INV
ftPuiu ibOlwiioun 2$
65. PRISG 3-11-1998 Javate, VIrglllo OL 8/3/15 4.503 CSR 435 «6 6pMMie« T«M> •mk (hMpMWu
33/10/ 004-23 CON-2551-2018 INV

66. PRISG3-23-1998 Lopez. Luis C 8/3/lS 4.47 CS Pen. ^1—>0»0P if<rtlHI HftftlMI
38/6/2 004-24 CSRIN-24S2-2018 INV
67 PRISG3-3-1998 Acosta. Jose Villamor 8/3/15 4.46 Crim. 31/11/ 004-21 CON-2547-2018 INV
8. 28

68. PRISG 3-G1-1998 Garcia, Gary A 8/3/lS 4.26 Crim. ■tonnur/ H utUXUft
22/1/1 004-26 CQN-25SS-201S INV
•KeMMUfta/ ft*0 fcAK §04 Ufo M (nmi
69. PRISG3-56-1998 Lanuza, Jones P. 8/3/15 4.25 Crim. 14/8/1 004-27 CON-2540-2018 INV
Ciaewiaoei* 3
•SCnamoftrf loetocnwJ ft
70. PRISG3-7-1998 Salonga, Ronllo D. 8/3/15 4.1658 Crim. MW««aor«d4 truMMf bow
14/8/1 004-28 CON-2552-201B INV
Co>Hi<W«i 3

71. PRISG3-20-1998 Reyes, Adriano Jr. C. mni 4.21 CSSP HOB*

14/11/ 004-29 C5RIN-2461-201B INV
72. PRISG3-55-1998 Alcala. Cecilia N. 7/10/6 4 CS Pen. toCiHMc<r 1 ftiMi M lii»i>mifao>
Oio oiRig
30/2/1 004-30 CSRJN-2455-2018 INV
73. PRISG 3-17-1998 Omega, Anthony 3/10/12 4.8005 CS Pen. BlOMMoegt O wwaw pi Mt* Cm* W^e 27/1/6 004-31 ORIN-2466-2016 INV
lMo>fMaMl n«(n k

Nupable G. • l »mOi 1 ^ OH
Coiy ja«4 lnuio fteo4
lOVrM Boo UOMn/Cpl»0UUi
H^iiitftetao* tiiovwl

74. PRIS63-49-3998 Vivo, Roy S. 3/10/12 4.553 Crim./CSP BCmuMfW IfacmCeereUwl Mnogiii^o 27/8/6 004-32 OAIN-34 57-3016 INV

75. PRISG3-26-1998 Andrada, Alberto 0. 3/10/12 4.5 Crim. 32/S/O 004-33 CSRjN-2454-3018 INV
msM <ea>HUa>*l »wpooa| 34/10/ 004-34 CSRlN-2469-3016
7$. PRISG 3-41-1998 Licud, Wcllle a. 3/10/12 4.35 CSR 435 INV
77. PRISG3-65-1998 FoffO, Nome C. 3/10/12 4.3 Crim. ■tcnm^ofr/W: aWn «> Mwn «lp« U«
11/10/ 004-31 CSRIN-2467-2018 INV
78. PRISG3-6-1998 Monsalud, Danilo M. 3/10/12 4.24 CSSP/CSR iiiii
40/4/1 004-36 OftIN-2450-2018 INV
79. PRISG 3-34-1998 Alambro, iosemari D. 3/10/12 4.22 CSR 435 •dgefeurieUft latufi «M RitkfevvoCoiirw
32/2/2 004-37 CON-2514-2018 INV
Aftoewem 1
ftSlAuetiMA Oo»WW»U»iUB*«lft»ifrui 004-38
80. PRISG3-9-1998 Atlenza. Marcial C. 3/10/12 4 1584 CSR 435 39/4/3 CSRIN-7468-20ie INV
tOMoee^V -^i -j—rr
81. PHI S63-S-1998 Del Rosario, Eusebio Jr. 3/10/12 4.1515 CSPen. AftOtMiVUp/
28/11/ 004-39 C5RJN-2456-2018 INV
8. 26
|NCM« CaP'MtnO* 41/9/1 004-40 C5RIN-2461-2018
82. PHISG3-32-1998 Perez, Jimmy Sr. R. 3/10/12 4.141 Sup. Sec. li/lMUUAl INV
GuardICSC) 5
Coarottouw* auonwx aeon ft 004-41 C5RIN-2463-2018
PRIS63-73-1998 Monsalud, Raul M. 3/10/12 4.0667 Sec. Guard 40/9/2 INV
83. ■ftuiwanwi 1«I0WI<4^»

PRISG 3-18-1998 Magno, Narcisojr. T. 3/9/18 4.27 CSR 435 Aaoonm V nRUep 40/8/2 004-42 CSRIN-2464-2018 INV
84. (II
85. PRISG3-60-1998 OelaPefla.JuanitoV. 3/9/18 4.199 CSR 435 taOeioomi/
W»0«P«V8P4 UrtIran Wriv*
*o/m 004-43 CON-2550-2016 INV
CPfOClUml 4

86. PRISG3-64-1998 Bavantn, Efren 8. 3/9/18 4.0077 CSP fts t»nnoMfr >*»eeeli^ Oo-oUpMflCowiP
t<ou 1
3,mn CS04-44 CSRIN-2451-201S INV

PRISG3-21-1998 Barcena, Lorenzo Q. 3/9/18 4 CSR 435 tUzIa—Oiop 40/4/8 004-45 CON-2549-2018 INV
NuRez, Vincent John P. Retired from the government service on November 27,2017, before the issuance of C5RIN-24S3-3018 INV
88. PRISG 3-30-1998
annointmarW on March 16.2018
4 CSPen. esDvii 30/2/3 003-1 CSRlN-2483-2018 INV
89. PRI5G2-60-1998 Santiago. JovltoT. 18/3/16
Cr>c«n*4r[nB. dS Sfmiftftf 0

I Cnniir>olofv/

90. PRISG2-67-1998 Lanoia, Eduardo S'. 8. 18/0/16 4.1358 CSP .Win
34/3/s CJ03-2 C58IN-2477-2018 INV
91. PRISG2-41-199S Reyet. Marilou U. 18/0/16 4.012 CSR435 Ccpeartoitf
tllAB 1 ■ ■
2S/11/ C50S-3 C58IN-2514-2018 INV
92. PH1SG2-99-1998 Gsrtno, Faiemitw It. l. 18/0/16 3 907 CSR435 Mwawada 34/11/ C503-4 CSPiN-2489-2018 tNV
93. PRIS62-4A-1998 Bansil. Ma. Belinda T. 17/11/12 4 CSR43S 31/9/2 C503-S C58IN-2497-2018 INV
94. PRISG2-98-1998 Tensuan. Ronaldo A. 17/5/11 4.17 CSR 435 29/1/2 csow CSRIV*2500*2018 INV
95. PH1SG2-27-1998 Calka, Noel F. 17/3/10 4.02 CSR435 31/4/2 CS03-7 CSRIN-2481-2013 INV
96. PRISG2-SM998 OrtaRez, Jaime A. 15/10/16 4.25 CSR 435 ainNcaiyggi
31/3/1 CS034 CSRIN-2482*2018 INV
97. PRISG2-111-1998 Rosauro, Vlrgitio P. lS/9/24 4.3425 CSR 435 39/1/3 CS03-9 C5AIN-2476-2018 INV
PRIS62-34-1998 •1 ornmmmftj
9S. Ollvera, Riraldy G 1S/7/J8 442 Ciliii. 2T/4/I CSO3-I0 C5aiN-2474*20ie
9tim i—iaiHLii INV
99. PRISG2-S8-1998 Pefla, Rolando S. 15/7/18 4.2298 CSR 435 WCrvMMAft RWI ait* P«i»8 CavMgeOA
40/5/5 C503-1I CSRIN*2471-20IS INV
100. PfttSG2-95-1998 Oeang, Eduardo 6. 15/7/18 4.155 CSR 435 •kam ^ Rea m«raetC«m»aMl M^rmarpiW
34/11/ CS03-12 CSRIN-2493-2018 INV
101. PRtSG2-90-199B Indefenjo, Eduardo F. 15/7/18 4 CSR 435 35/10/ C503-13 CSfllN*2490*2018 INV
102. PRISG2-72-1998 Cruda, Cecilia S. 15/7/1 4.1569 CSR 435 94/6/1 CS03-14 C5RIN-2478-2818 INV
103. PRISG2-32-1998 Geronlmo, lS/7/1 4 CSR 435 SICmam# a 1 Mbi
33/0/2 CS03-1S €58 IN-2480-2018 INV
HerminiRilda S. 9
tl -Tfra
104. PRISG2-16-1998 Pateja. Julius E. 12/3/19 4.002 CSPen. 19/6/2 003-16 €UIN-250S*£>13
1 rr U»t *BdfP«M««aa INV

105. PRISG2-75-1998 Valenzuela, Enrique A. 12/3/12 4.387 CSR 435 •$ Cr**"***^ UffUsev CvMAtaM Wa»>a<—
40/0/1 €503*17 CSR IN* 2475*2018 INV
106. PRISG2-91-1998 Pucyutar. Marciano Jr. 12/3/12 4.1659 CSPen. n>*«ee*C«iwa*^ 3*a« iM—iia
25/11/ C503-18 CMIN*2501-2018 INV
M. 4
107. PRlSG2-22-1998 Angeles. Orlando B. 12/3/12 4.145 Crtm. 31/11/ CS03-19 C5*IN-2473-2018 INV

PRISG2-S8-1998 longalong. lose M. 8 Pi 1 iaavandfcji CS03-20

108. 12/3/12 4.14 CSR 435 12/11/ C5RlN-2472-^lt INV
PRISG2-39-1998 nt igii|>/ taddawttdaewaaM*
109. Butawan, Roberto H. 12/3/12 4 CS Pen. Cnm. 23/5/6 CS03-21 C5RIH-2502-2018 INV
110. PRISG2-1-1998 Cbua. Arnold T. 12/3/12 4 CSR 435 aNCK« kwrat C^Fcaavl aamprwn
31/3/2 C503-22 CSR1N-2498-201S INV
111. PRI5G2-63-199B Gratis, MaurlcioJr. M. 11/4/27 4.503 Nurse twwM« PraynAw
19/tV CS03-23 CSAIN.2S20*2018 INV
112. PRISG2-59-1998 Formoso, Edwin R. 11/4/27 4.2 CSPen. la rt|iaai< 30/11/ CS03-24 CSRlN-2499-2018 INV
113. PRISG2-31-1998 Avila, Henry A. 11/4/3 4.S03 Cnm. ................. mi.' Igi —iAiiiiwaUe^e^Ci^*^
20/5/2 C501-2S C5RIH-2497.2018 INV
PVMi Cm-4 Im C4^U 20/11/
114. PRISG2-70-1998 Hizola, Alex M. 11/4/3 4.29 CSPen, C503-26 <3RIN-2S(B*2018 INV
115. PRI3G2.S1-1998 Reas. Mario Francis 7. U/D/12 4.26 CSP MAMl sflMn
UktBn imuvmS uimymm 17/1/2 CS03-27 CSRIN*2509-2018 INV

116. PRISG2-45-199S Peneyra. Raymund OU 11/0/12 4.22S CSP 17/1/2 C503-28 CSftlN-2510-2018 INV
«a«rwi an« iPMocian"
117. PRIS62-97-1998 Mendora, EdgardoJr. 11/0/11 4.X19 CSP 22/3/2 CSOl-29 CSRIN-2S03-2018 INV
F, 7
•t 1 Cm 1 ert^ a M
118. PRISG2-62-1998 Castrlllo. Wilfredo 0. 10/1/16 4.589 Crim. 33/4/3 CSO3-30 C5RIN-248S-201S INV
H taaiB laa^/ ■*ii iwaa^ •
119. PRIS62-S6-1998 Miran, OaniloA. 10/1/16 4.1604 Crlm. 93/11/ C503-3I C5RlN-2479'201B INV
P7A#a6«A»d»— 20/4/2
120. PR1SG2-2-I998 Gallardo. Rolando U 10/1/9 4.1448 Crim. CS03-52 CSmN-2504-2018 INV
121. PRIS62-S2-1998 Rabara, Evangeline A. 10/1/9 4.1 Crim MlMar*, am
14/9/1 CS03-31 aNSe.2^9-2018 INV
iiawuiitBA rij

122. PRISG2-26-J998 Reyes, Rommel A, 10/1/3 4 Crim. 18/5/2 C503-34 CNSP-2358-2018 INV
teak taMM l»«4a#d
123. PRISG2-106-1998 San Gabriel. Nemencio 8/8/15 4.1448 CSR 43$ 34/10/ C503-3S QRSP-2372-2018 INV
S. 21
W(vn« rWtK» gAd TWAi
124. PRISG2.42.1998 Fuentevilla, Pablo P. 8/8/15 4 CSR 435 35/9/2 C503-36 CSfUM*2S 12*2018 INV
>—1 III

125. PRIS62-10B-1998 Hafalla, Renante H. 8/4/20 4.0022 CSPen. 17/1/3 C503-37 CIN5P-2382*2018 INV
laami i—
M BRataM Mdli^ia » M Cioi*
126. PRISG2-6S-1998 Casilihan. Arlene 1. a/3/is 4.405 CSPen. 24/3/1 CS03-38 CSRIN-2S17-2018 INV
127. PRISG293-1998 Bratil, Rene L. 8/3/15 4.387 CSPen. 34/6/1 C503-39 C5RIN-249I.2018 INV
128. PRISG2.86-1998 Panizales. Rogelio P. 8/3/15 4.1662 CSR43S 38/8/1 CSO3-40 aN5P*2366*201S INV

129. PRISG2-69-1998 Paler, OaniloC- 8/3/lS 4 15 CS Pen 34/8/1 CSC 3-41 CSRtN*2484*2018 INV
MAKsaai M

130. PRISG2-35-1998 Bombay, Felix C 8/3/lS 4-1 CSR 435 •suaaNF 36/J/l €503*42 ON5P-2367-2018 INV
8/1/12 Wta— FaitemBiBiM Bte 23/4/8 €505*43 CSRIN-2S18-201S
131. PRtS62-65-1998 Madrid, Francisco A. 4.5 CSPen. INV
6mx l^aly 8*4 4«i^Nra*f 30/1/2 €503*44 C$UN*2486*20ia
132. PRISG2-36-1998 Jupio, Jerome 6. 8/1/12 4.443S Crim. MWMiFiirMd Oiiiai di| INV
fwanCiwxa^ai htewaMwiM 31/3/5 €503-45 C5UN-250S-2018
133. PRI562-78-1998 Han. Porificadon P. 8/1/12 4.1665 CSR 435 INV

3U*n 0505*44
134. PRISG2.64-199B Aguilar, Emerna Q. 8/1/12 4.14 CS Pen.
—— i

135. PRISS2-40-1998 Calumpit. Antonio 0. 8/1/12 4.080S CSPen.

m *0nym0w 32/3/2 €503*47 C58JH-2495-2018 INV
PRISG2.6-1998 SoroAo, Oominadof P. 8/1/12 4.0054 CSR 435 43/2/1 (303-48 CSfUH-24SS-2018 INV
' 5

137. PRIS62-10-1998 Roque, Re<fentor S. 8/1A2 4.0043 CSP MCiRiinUuta/ MM#* ty tRf **4 C*u 20/0/1 CS03-49 CSRJN-2S19-201S

138. PRISG2.87-1998 Lopez. Erlinda R. 8/1/12 4.003 CSR43S DmmM

S4/2/2 CSO3-S0 ORIH-2492-2018 INV
139. PRIS62-80-1998 Besorio, Joselito C. 8/1/12 4 CSP 27/6/1 CS03-S1 C5RIN-2S07-2018 INV
€»>»■. S

140. WAR02-1-1S98 Martorillas, Elsa M. 7/9/6 4 II Mlia *5

CS Pen. 35/11/ CS03-S2 CSR1H-2S1S-2018 INV
141. PRISG2-21-1998 Laio. Archangel 3/10/12 27/8/6
4 8012 CS Pen. y t«u A
CS03-S3 CINSP-2180-2018 INV
ftMt«« ttt
MarvvnA. <Mt itp

142. PR1SG2-28-1998 Artuz, EOgardo L. 3/10/12 4.41 CSR435 *8/7/2 003-54 ONSP-2384-2018 INV
143. PRISG2-24-1998 Martin, ArseniO Jr. M. 3/10/12 4.387 32/1/6 CS03-SS
CSR 435 ONSP-237B-2018
144. PRISG2-57-1998 Calderon, Lauro A. 3/10/12 4.26 CSH435 3911V CS03-56 aNSP-236S-2018 INV
145. PRISG2.46.1998 Alabado, Ronald N. 3/10/12 4.23 iy jgia ■ 1
27/8/6 C303-S7 QNSP-2389-20U
146. PRISG2-3-1998 Dela Cruz, Oanilo L 3/10/12 4.2245 CSP Z«ftO
nnu 003-58 CINSP-236O-20ia
147. PRiS62.ia5.199S Argana. Lorna 8. 3/10/12 4.154 CSR 43S
33/10/ CS03«) aNSP-2377-2018 INV
148. Pft)SG2-104.1998 Javate. uiia f. 3/10/12 4.153 CSR 435
34/8/2 C303-61 aNSP-2370-2018 INV
149. PRISG2-5M998 3/10/12 «SCr»er/M»tAJ.A*
Rosales, Allan A. 4.15 CS Pen. 22/5/1 C503-62 aNSP-2361-2018 INV
142 ^n]
150. PHISG2-2S.1998 Barrios, Benjamin B. 3/10/12 4.15 >i^a|papi» •dyr CsaMWCMtfM 30/1/2 CS03-63 OHSP-2379-2018
151. PRISG2.79-1998 Berroya. Carlos V. 3/10/12 4.145 CSR 435 >«o{
ftgpgM* ■tiM ** Ph* Fiegiw*—a* 36/4/2 003-64 OKSP-ZISS-ISIS INV
152. PRISG2-19-1998 Jarabe, Robert S. 3/10/12 4.1449 BCan/MMMi 36/0/2 CS03-65 aNSP-2368-2018
afl 435 INV
153 PRISG2.92-I998 Mendoza. Cresenciarto 3/10/12 4.1093 CSR 435 34/3/3 003-66 ONSP-a7l-20l8 INV
<»nii laiaa^
A. 0

154. PRI5G2-103-1998 3/10/12 4.1 Cr«a 20/0/1 CS03-67 CINSP-2381-2018

Gamayao, Sergio Jr. G. CS Pen. UlCMAj INV
155. PR1SG2-114-1998 Ventura, Roger R. 3/10/12 4.0541 CSR43S
33/8/1 003-68 ONSP-2374-2018 INV
156 3/10/12 4.05 Cfim. ft 21/0/1 CS03-69 CIMSP-2362'2018
PR ISG2.100.1998 Montaflez. Antonio P. INV
157. PRISG2.8-199S 3/10/12 4.0045 r-iinftMiiMM 34/4/2
Alabo, Sotero M CSR 435 CSO3-70 aHSP-238e-2018 INV
ft)omMn •eoyn HM8C«aM
158. PRISG2-14-1998 Garcia. Luisito B. 3/10/12 4.0017 CSP
Are^e/ by^wc^aatH
38/10/ CS03-71 CSRIN-2S11-20 IS INV

159. PRISG2.68.1998 Divina. George 0. 3/10/12 4 CS Pen.

---m 4
34/4/3 003-72 ORIN-2313-2018 INV
Ifl iMI
160. PRtSG2.S0-1998 Oaros, Celerino R. 3/10/12 4 CSR 435 28/7/8 003-73 CrNSP-2388-2018 INV
161. PRISG2-74-1998 3/9/18 ft ft«M LL44a*yAw««a'a 33/9/2 CS03-74
Gutierrei, Eduardo B. 4.387 Crim. ORIh-2314-2018 INV
Urf AftPR
«BU«« A M III WlBta^
162. PRISG2-37.1998 Muyargas. Rommel R 3/9/18 4.33 Crim. 19/11/ CS03-75 QNSa-2383-2018 INV
163. Pfil5G2.73.1998 3/9/18 »■ 33/7/7
Cabuhat. Eduardo M. 4.23 CSR435 CS03-76 ONSP-237S-2018 INV
164. PRISG2-61-1998 Ferrer. Edgardo P. 3/9/18 4.19 CSR 435
nCriMitiMAi Mhvt* Ccp*«ayF*l MaMfbiiivB 36/0/2 CSOl-77 CINSP-2369-201S INV
165. PRISG2-7-1998 Perez, Robert 0. 3/9/18 4.19 CSR435 34/1/2 CS03-78 □HSP-2387-201B

166. PRISQ2.96-1998 Callanga, Gaudencio 3/9/18 4.16 CSR435 33/2/2 CS03-79 CthSP-2376-2018 INV
OL 1
WIMU MtBH—OM yw» 40/1/1
167. PRISG244-1998 Anchela. Agaplto Jr. A. 3/9/18 4.1405 CSP CSO3-80 ONSP-2364-2018 INV
PHIS62-7M998 3/9/18 UP 29/9/3 003-81 DNSP-2390-2018
168. Ordofiez. Maximo 0. 4.1 CSR 435 INV
169. PRI5G2-20-1998 Andrada. Andres Jr. 0. Retired from the goverrtment service on February 17,2018, before the issuance of appointment on CSAlH-2494-20ia INV
March 16. 2016
170 PHISG21S-1998 Tandoc, Adolfo ir. E. 3/9/18 4 CSP Mania Gandar AwararttU and 40/4/2 CS03-S2- ONSP-2363-2018 INV
EnfioMfinf Davaioomam 1
171. PRISG243-1998 Bautista, Gerardo D. 3/9/18 4 CSSP 8S Elect rl<il €K»<iivt Ce^r«ei;orft»l 34/0/4 CS03-83 ONSP-2373-201S INV
Entlnterine ManAff«m«nT
PRISGl-193-1998 Cacnueia. Fernando A. 43/2/23 422 Security TfifMpo'i ird 43/2/2 CS02-I CIKrSP-2423'2018 INV
172. Guard S«ft rcfv RACCvcry 3

PRISG1-S23-1998 Soriano. Yudame A. 42/8/9 4.0625 CSSP £ff*ctrvt Co^mtMnal 42/8/9 CS02-2 aVSP-242S-2018 INV
173. r* yr ealllnic

PfilSGl-957.1998 lagazo, Benjamin H. 42/0/19 4.3182 CSSP Baik CufttoiHsi 42/0/1 C£02*3 aNS^v242«>3018 INV
174. HS
PrcsAdjr* 9
PRlSGl-lll-1998 Villacin. Lauro A. 42/0/16 4.0002 Sec. Guard £ 0 aOe And AtMCt of 42/0/1 002-4 QrySP'2427'2018 INV
175. BSEnaly
Sacuntv Saminar 6
PRISGl-124-1998 CasiaReto. Jacinto Jr. 41/1/6 4.0001 CSR43S BSAtcounlina of Humon 41/1/6 CS02-5 ahSP-2394-2018 INV
176. V. Rifhu Uw

PfllSGl-600-1998 Arandia. Ricardo Sr. R. 40/11/12 39 Sec. Guard 3S ecp 40/11/ CS02-6 Cl HSP-2395-2018 INV
177 Cruninelaavlv i:
PRISGl-618-1998 Barbosa, Luis Jr. B. 40/9/22 4.0024 CSR 435 KS BCP CS02-7 ClNSP-2429-2018 INV
178. 2
PflISGl-132-1998 Esperat Rosauro E. 40/9/13 4.0015 CSR 435 BS Bui. FrUkiftg ins{.6 Inu./ 40/9/1 002-3 OhSP-2430-2018 INV
179. Cm** Flinf Froc. 3
40/9/9 CSR435 HS BCP 40/9/9 CS02-9 CIN5P-2431-201S INV
180. PRI5G1.616-1998 Pucyutan, NorbertoA. 4.1403
181. PfilSGl-135-1998 Basing, Hasan P. 40/8/4 4.0029 Cultural Com HS ETsa CS02-10 CNSP-24 32-2018 INV
PfilSGt. 1001-1998 Salvador. Eduardo S. 40/3/19 4 1379 CSR 435 21u BSCrim Cofractional Adm. 40/3/1 CS02-U ONSP'2433'2016 INV
182. Traaimont 9
PRlSGl-198-1998 40/2/23 4 CSR 435 OMMiMtch CAT 40/2/2 CS02-12 ClNSP-2434-2018 INV
Tejada, RevG.
183. Voc 3
PRISGl-395-1998 40/2/21 4 HS 6unS«f«tv6 *0/2/2 CS02-13 ONSP-24SS-2018 INV
Moreno, Ricardo A. CSR 435
RvftpoAftlbltQufi 1
184. OwAonhIo
PRISG1-S52-1998 40/1/3 4.072 CSR 43S HS BCP 40/1/3 002-14 OH SP-24 37-2018 INV
185 VIvar, Eduardo F.
40/0/29 4.0041 Vocational/ Onamatioit of Human 40/0/2 CS02-1S a\SP-2438-201B INV
PRISGM095-1998 Casamina, Efren 5 CSR 435
186. Autometlva RUhu Law 9

PR15G1-876-1998 40/0/18 4.34 HS ^om]QftrUiUoi>i 40/0/1 CS02-16 QhSP-2439-2018 INV

Torres, Mamerto S. CSR 435
187. 8

PRI$61-356-199B Diego, Johnny L 39/11/28 4.0041 CSR 435 BSCommaica Boftic MIhUfy TftInmB 39/11/ CS02-17 CS03-2137-2018 INV
188. 6Su 28

PRISGM97.1998 Comte, Ibagreo T. 39/9/30 4.1 CSR43S HS rs# <302-18 CS03-2136-2018
189. INV
MtlSGl-455-1998 Perez. Ramon Jr. S. 39/8/17 4.387 CSR435 BSCnm 72u Eicon Procoduf* & 39/8/1 CS02-19 <303-2139-2018
190. INV
pRiSGi-Ts-iggs Rojas, Jaime V. 39/6/11 4.002 CSR435 Misur In Pub EO. 60a And Atptn of
191. 39/6/1 CS02-20 ONSP-2404-20ia INV
Ad./AB Ccan.
Jutey. fideilto G. 39/6/S 4.0042 CSR435 BSSZD Racatv.. DlignM.. 39/6/5 CS02-21 ONSP-2440-20ia INV
192. ClAuir. KRehab. Maw.

PRISG1-U65-1998 Sayoguing, Rolando L 39/4/10 4.0002 CSSP/CSR asCrtm CAT 39/4/1 CS02-22 CIN5P-2442-2018 INV
193. 435 0
PRiSGl'184'1998 Sallgumba. Hermlnio R. 39/3/25 4.043 CSR435 85 Intag.. Transs&
194. 39/3/2 CS02-23 CS03-2140-201B INV
Public Sam
PRISGl-28-1998 Compra, Rudy L. 39/0/27 4.00SS CSR435 MS Laadcrshlp Training 39/0/2
19S. CSOZ-24 O03-2L4 2-2018 INV
PRISGl-476-1998 Perez. Virgilio R. 38/10/23 4 CSR435 US BC? sa/io/ CS02-2S CS01-214S-201S
196. INV
PR1SGM012-199B Morta, PaulinoP. 38/5/21 4.0409 CSR435 Auto Mtch Voc ETSR
197. 38/5/2 CS02-26 CSO3-2144-2016 INV
198. PHISGl-212-1998 Madrigal, Carlo S. 38/5/4 4 CSR435 MS ETSfl 18/5/4 CS02-27 CSO3-2145-2018 INV
199. PRISG1-988-1998 Pingol. Manuel 0. 37/S/O 4.0963 CSR43S BSCnm 2S3u BCP 37/5/0 CS02-26 CS03-214 6-2016 INV
PRISG1-826-199B Borja, EfrenZ. 37/i/lJ 4.04 CSR435 HS Oota Quarttr BatUa 37/v:
200. C502-29 CSO5-2147-2016 INV
PRISGl-789-1998 Santos. Marlon M. 36/11/S 4.141 MClO MS BCP 36/11/
201. CSO2-30 003-2146-2016 INV
PRISGl-620-1998 Oe Viterbo. Ferdinand 36/11/4 4.129 CSR435 Auto Mach Voc Comct-onal SuparvUien CS02-31 O03-21S0-2016 INV
202. N. TaihniQua 4
PRtS61-lS8-1998 Sandagon, Andres Sr. 36/11/4 4.07 CSR435 MS PS Banc 36/11/ CS02-32 CSO3-2149-2018 INV
203. p. 4
PHISGl-lOO-1998 Tandiama, Arnel C. 36/11/1 3.9 CSR435 Dla»l Mach VC ETSR 36/11/ CS02-33
204. CS03-21S1-2016 INV
PRISG 1-851-1998 Mortejo. Salvador V. 36/10/29 4.3425 CSR435 BA 22J unlu ETSR 36/10/ (302-34
205. QN5P'2443-2018 INV
PRlSGl-1139-1998 Delos Santos, Miguel S. 36/10/29 4.189 CSR435 AutoTtch Voc. BCP 36/10/
206. C502-3S 003-2153-2018 INV
PRISG2-1128-1998 Paloma, Alfredo Jr. L 36/10/29 4.0054 CSR435 Ia A/t> CMS 36/10/ CS02-36 CSO3-21S3-2016
207. INV
PRISG1-S07-1998 Mendoza. Matlas Jr. B. 36/9/12 4.1404 CSR435 HS BCP 36/9/1 CS02-37
208. CSO3-2154-2018 INV
PRIS61-672-1998 Sabado, Cesar Jr. L 36/9/12 4 CSR 435 MS BCP 36/9/1 <302-36
209. CS03-21S5-2016 INV
PRISGM040-1998 Sambalod, Alfredo D. 36/9/11 4.0059 CSR 435 MS Criili Mgt Oavt 36/9/1
210. CS02-39 C5O3-21S6-2018 INV
PRiSGl-299-1998 Ocon, Godofredo 8. 36/8/28 4387 CSR 435 MS BCP 36/5/2
211. CSO2-40 CS03-2157-2018 INV
PRISGl-677-1998 Ramos, Oanilo 1. 36/6/22 3.532 CSR 435 BSDacTach. SSRGO CS02-41
212. 36/6/2 C$03-21S6-2018 INV
PRISG1-689-199S Soriano, Armando 0. 36/6/21 4.1299 CSR 435 OMiaOAMhVC PSBC 36/6/2 CS02-42
213. CSO3-2159-2016 INV
214. PfllSGl-450 1998 Uzartc, Noli £. 36/5/0 3.8 CSR 435 MS GSRCO 36)5/0 CS02-43 <303-2160-2018 INV
215. PRISG1-S24-1998 Oe Castro, Antonio V. 36/4/7 4.1401 CSR 435 BS Crfm lllu BCP 36/4/7 CS02-44 CS03-2161-20U INV
PRiSGl-20-1998 Villanueva, Victor 36/4/4 4.12 CSR 435 MS OHRL 36/4/4 CS02-4S C5O3-2162-201B
216. INV
Amino OG.
PRlSGl-68-1998 Mangaya-ay. Eusebio 36/3/8 4.0018 eSPen MPA; ABErif, ni/CFP 36/3/a 002-46 OMSP-2391-2018 INV
217. Jr. T. lit.; BS Crtm
PRISGl-227-1998 Fernandez, Cayetano 36/2/12 4.01 CSR 435 HS Work Attnodf & V«liMs 36/2/1 002-47 <503-2163-2018 INV
218. Jr. S. EfthaAcemtrtc Somirur 2
PRlSGl-887-1998 lasco. RenatoA. 36/0/29 4.3425 CSR 435 BSMftSOu Crad & DiMMtr HiiK 36/0/2 CSD2-48
219. C5O3-2164-2018 INV
MalSW 9
PRISGl-886-1998 De Leon, Gregorio J. 36/0/24 4.141 Sec. Guard MS ECM 96/0/2 CS02-49 CSO3-2165-201B INV
220. 4
PRISG1-4JJ-1998 Vitoria, Ariel M. 36/0/21 4 CSR 435 BSCrlm 76u BCP 36/0/2 CSO2-50 CSO3-2166-2018
221. INV
PRIS61-512-1998 Wiraflot. George D. 36/0/21 3.04 CSR 435 BSSA2V BCP 36/0/2 <302-51 <303-2167-2018
222. INV
PRISGl-230-1998 Gascon. Prudencio F- 36/0/17 4.0207 CSR 435 HS GSRGO 36/0/1 CS02-S2 <303-2168-2018
223. INV
PRIS61-W6-1998 Nangit. Eusebio Jr. 0. 36/0/13 4 CSR 435 BSAcrl Iv BCP 36/0/1 CSOZ-53 CSO3-2169-2018
224. INV
PRlSGl-1042-1998 Samson, Romulo M. 35/11/3 4.0041 Napolcom AS Cr(m Ciitn Mgt 35/11/ CS02-S4 ClNSP-2444-2018
225. INV
PRISG1-U7-1998 Dominguez, Ramon S. 35/10/26 4.0016 CSR 435 MS BCP 3S/10/ <302-55 CSO3-2170-2018
226. INV
PRISG1-U24-1998 Salgado, Teddy Jr. 8. 35/10/23 4.0019 CSR 435 SluBSEduc GSRGO 35/10/ CS02-5S 003-2171-2018
227. INV
PRISGH023-1998 Molina, Mailed A. 35/10/15 4.123 CSR 435 BSCnm CAT 35/10/ CS02-57 OH SR-2445-2018
228. INV
PRISGl-208-1998 Bucal, Marvin G. 35/10/7 4.07 CSR 435 HS CAT 35/10/ CS02-5S 003-2172-2018
229. INV
PfllSGl-199-1998 Urieta, Jesus L, 35/9/30 4001 CSR 435 BSCrlm J4u Rat 435(CAT) 35/9/3 CS02-S9 ONSP-2446-2018 INV
230. 0
PRISG1-8S3-1996 Arce. Romeo 8. 35/8/30 4.34 CSR 435 MS Comm. 6 T#<K, 35/8/3 <302-60 CSC3-2173-2018
231. INV
Aooon WMmt 0
232. PRISGl-1092-1998 Bello, Rene T. 35/6/9 4 CSR 435 BSCrlm ETSR 35/6/9 CS02-61 OMSP-2447-2018 INV
233. ' PRISG 1-498-1998 Asistores. Arturo V. 35/1/8 4 1132 CSR 435 MS CAT 35/1/8 (302-62 003-2174-2018 INV
PRISG1-22S-1998 Villanueva, Reseller S. 35/0/29 4 P03 &SOvn2y Basic STt> and MJV/AIDS 35/0/2 C502-63 CSO3-217S-2018
234. INV
Wofkihoo A Countalme 9
PSISGl-634-1998 Guanzon, RosendoS. 35/0/24 4.0613 CSR 435 MS CAT 35/0/2 CS02-64 CSO3-2176-2018
235. INV
PRISG1.8S1-1998 Tuazon, RuoertoA. 35/0/17 4.387 CSR 435 HS BCP 35/0/1 CS02-6S <303-2177-2018 INV
236. 7
PRI56M31-1998 Cuizon, Manuel R. 35/0/10 4.0014 CSSP/ BSCnm FII/CFP 3S/0/1 002-66 ONSP-244B-201S INV
237. CSR 435 (ETEEAPI 0
PRISG1-US.199S Crur. Rodelio 0. 35/0/10 4.0002 CSR 4 35 28 unlit BA CAT SS/0/1 CS02 e? £603-2178-2018 INV
238. 0
PRISG 1-101-1998 Bantay, Antonio B. 34/11/27 4 0014 eSPen BSCrtm ETSR 34/11/ 002-66 ONSP-3396-201S INV
239. /CSSP 27
PRIS61-483-1998 Ong, EdilbertoG. 34/11/24 4.141 CSR 435 MS ECM 14/11/ <302-69 <303-2179-2018 INV
240. 24


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