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Suicide and Euthanasia

 Death is a subject that most people are uncomfortable with and refuse
to talk about, but it is a reality that each one of us must face. This is due
to the fact that we are naturally afraid of things that are uncertain and
what become of us after death is very uncertain.
There are many causes of death; it may be the result of an accident,
malnutrition, a disease, predation, or suicide and euthanasia.
Suicide is the act of killing oneself. It ranks number 13 on the leading
causes of death in the world, with over a million people committing
suicide every year. Suicidal ideation can occur when a person feels they
are no longer able to cope with an overwhelming situation. This could
stem from financial problems, death of a loved on, a devastating or
debilitating illness, sexual abuse, remorse, rejection, a relationship
breakup, unemployment a mental disorder such as depression, bipolar
disorder, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder alcoholism, or
drug abuse, and bullying. Suicide is certainly committed out of despair
or mental illnesses like depression and schizophrenia, including drug
abuse and alcoholism.

• On the other hand, euthanasia which is the process of ending a life in

order to stop pain and suffering, can also fall into the category of suicide if it
is voluntary. Voluntary euthanasia is done with the consent of the patient.
The patient will ask the physician to assist him bring about his death also
known as assisted suicide. While the purpose of euthanasia is to end the
pain and suffering of a terminally ill person, a person that commits suicide
can have several different reasons. Voluntary euthanasia, is the person’s will
to end his life and that will Physician prescribing Lethal Dose of medication,
Patient request treatment to be stopped like Chemotherapy or Dialysis
while euthanasia can also be involuntary or non-voluntary. Involuntary
euthanasia is ending a person’s life against his will. It is performed on a
patient against his/her will. Bringing about someone’s death against her will
without asking for her consent while she is competent to decide. Non
voluntary euthanasia is ending a person’s life were a patient is incompetent
to make a decision and a third-party steps in as a surrogate to make the call
on behalf of the patient’s best interest. Some contend that euthanasia can
only be voluntary because ending the life of a person without his consent, as
in the case of involuntary euthanasia is in fact, murder. This subject is still
surrounded with controversy and debate in the medical and bioethics world.

In religious views, both kinds of death are wrong. Taking one’s life is against
the beliefs and teachings of Abrahamic religions like Christianity. For them
life is sacred and it is an offense towards God to take one’s life.

1. Suicide is the act of taking one’s life while euthanasia is the act of taking
the life of another whether voluntary or not.
2. Suicides are voluntary but euthanasia can also be involuntary or non-
3. Suicide is done out of despair, while euthanasia is done to end the pain
and suffering of a terminally ill patient.
4. Although death through suicide and euthanasia are considered wrong by
some people and religions, others consider it part of their culture.

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