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TOPIC: American Idioms II DATE: Sept/Oct

STATUS: Class activity (Qualifying) OBSERVATION: individual


Let’s continue learning about common American Idiomatic Expressions. In the following document
we are going to learn 30 new American Idioms.

1. Screw up = Make a mess , make a mistake.

Ex: She said she was sorry, admitting that she had screwed up.

2. See eye to eye = to agree with someone, or to have the same opinion as them
Ex: I don't see eye to eye with my father on many things.

3. To be all the rage = to be very popular at a particular time

Ex: This hairstyle is all the rage.

4. To be fed up with someone/something = to be tired of something or someone

Ex: I’m fed up with eating the same things during breakfast.

5. To be no picnic = it’s not an easy situation to deal with.

Ex: Marriage is not picnic

6. Get out of hand = lose control of a particular situation

Ex: You need to talk to her because things can get out of hand for you

7. Get cold feet = become coward in front of a situation, to be afraid of a situation.

Ex: Many men get cold feet when they are in front of the woman they like

8. To be at a crossroad = to be confused about something, not be sure about


Ex: Many senior high students are at a crossroad when they have to choose a career to

9. Know something like the back of my hand = To know something extremely well

Ex: I know this city like the back of my hand

10. Make a long story short = to say something in a few words.

Ex: To make a long story short, the man asks her to marry him and she accepts.
11. Fit as a fiddle = to be in a good physical state, be strong.
12. Give (someone) the cold shoulder = ignore someone, don’t support someone when
she or he is in need.
13. Keep your chin up = walk proudly, be happy despite the difficult circumstances.
14. Get the ball rolling = to continue or to start something
15. Keep me posted = keep me inform about something that I care.
16. Once in a while = from time to time.
17. Give (someone) a lift = To take someone to a place normally by car.
18. Beat around the bush = talk directly without avoiding possible confrontations.
19. Pull yourself together = be calm, relax.
20. So far so good = everything is all right until now.
21. Learn (something) by heart = to know or to learn something by memory.
22. Steal your thunder = to get attention for something that you didn’t do.
23. Speak of the devil = when you are talking about someone and suddenly this person
you are talking to appears in front of you.
24. In a nutshell = in a few words, say something briefly.
25. No pain, no gain = without effort and work, you don’t get good results.
26. Off the top of my head = something that suddenly pops in your mind. Like a good
27. To be a letdown = not filling the expectations of something or someone.
28. Lay low = to be unnoticed
29. Keep (something/ someone) at bay = to control someone or something to avoid
future problems, be away from something or someone.
30. Throw someone under the bus = to put the blame on someone else

Exercise I

Write an example using the American Idioms for the other 20 sentences.




















Exercise II

Complete each sentence with the correct Idiom.

1. Please ________________________ with the results of your medical check-up would you?
2. I always try to _________ my mother in law __________________ because she loves to
interfere in my marriage.
3. Definitely the football match on Sunday was a total ____________, neither of the teams
scored goals.
4. My wife most of the times doesn’t ____________________ with my suggestions and I am
starting to ____________________ that!
5. For me, it’s better to be ___________________ when you are new in group.
6. This great idea came out __________________________. By fortune everybody was
pleased with it.
7. ___________________ this current situation of the Corona virus is driving me crazy. I need
to come back to school!
8. Mary ________________ and she was guilty for the loss of her team.
9. Can you __________ me ______________? I need to go to the bank right now!
10. I had to ________ this poem _____________. It was for the school talent show.
11. Danna never accepts the responsibility of her acts and she always ___________ their
friends ___________________.
12. ________________ I call my friend Tino in Italy.
13. Annie is disappointed at Stefani because she ___________ her ____________ for the
project presentation.
14. Don’t ________________ now! Be a man and accept that it was your fault.
15. Her wife __________ him ________________ and she left him alone with the problem.
16. ____________________ with the delivery of the Biology paper for Mrs. Smith.
17. Don’t ___________________ and tell me the truth about the final decision.
18. Let’s __________________________ because we need to finish this work by noon.
19. Despite losing her job Sally _________ her ___________
20. Working in an emergency room of a hospital _____________

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