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The Corps of Signals is responsible for providing full-scale communications and electronic warfare
support for the Army and operational connectivity for the Navy and Air Force. In an exclusive
interaction with the * Sainik Samachar Editor, Anjani Bhushan and Asstt Editor, R Chidambaranathan,
the Signal Officer-in-Chief, Lt Gen SP Sree Kumar spoke about the transition to network centric
approach and how, in the changed warfare scenario, information superiority had become the key
battle-winning factor.

* Sainik Samachar: Sir, while we are aware that Corps of Signals is the communication arm of the
Indian Army, would you like to elaborate the role and importance of Corps of Signals in fighting a
modern day battle ?

SO-in-C: The Corps of Signals is responsible for providing full scale communications and electronic
warfare support for the Army and operational connectivity for the Navy and Air Force. Besides, the
Corps is also responsible for communication and Cyber Security. Warfare today has transcended the
traditional domains of Time and Space. Information is the new currency of warfare and we are
transiting from Platform Centric Operations to Network Centric Operations. Signallers, who have
traditionally been responsible for transfer of information are, therefore, the warriors of the future
The Information Warriors. Our info-structure must, therefore, support this philosophy. We have to
protect our networks from intrusions, interference and attacks by adversaries so as to maintain
continuous availability of information.

* Sainik Samachar: Technology has impacted all spheres of life and communications technologies are
changing very rapidly. How has it impacted modern day warfare?

SO-in-C: The dramatic progress in the field of communications, Information Technology and micro-
electronics has brought about a Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA). The future wars will be short,
intense, with greater battlefield transparency and fought with precision strikes with concentration of
maximum firepower at the point of decision. The focus has shifted from Platform Centric to Network
Centric Warfare which will generate superior combat power by integrating the sensor, command and
control elements and weapon platforms. The Signals has a very major role to play in this scenario and
demands on us have increased manifold.

We are already transiting from being Information Providers to being Information Warriors. Our

communication networks, therefore, have to be secure, robust and should enable large volume of
information transfer at high speeds with focus shifting from voice to data. Therefore, in modern day
warfare, the prime targets for armies have changed to include the enemy Command and Control
Centers and Info-structure.

* Sainik Samachar: General, you have used the word info-structure. What do you mean by it and what
Networks is Signals establishing for development of info-structure?

SO-in-C: Warfare today has graduated into the information domain. In all future wars, information
superiority will be the key battle-winning factor. The operational concepts of dominant manoeuvre,
precision engagement, full dimensional protection, and focused logistics will be enabled by
information superiority. Information superiority is generated and exploited by adapting the Network
Centric Warfare or the NCW concept.

The Network Centric Warfare translates information superiority into combat power by effectively
networking sensors, decision-makers and shooters in the battle space. This concept is gaining
prominence in all modern Armies and the Indian Army is marching ahead towards effective adoption
of this concept. Effective networking requires the establishment of a robust, high-performance
Information Infrastructure or Info-structure that provides all elements of the war-fighting enterprise
with access to high-quality information services. The power of NCW is derived from robust, secure
and reliable networks which are being established by the Corps of Signals for the Armed Forces.

A number of prestigious communication projects have been commissioned in recent past to realize
our objectives. Some of these are Army Wide Area Network (AWAN), ASCON Phase-III, Large VSAT or
the satellite networks and the ambitious Defence Communication Network (DCN) which will provide
the requisite interoperability between the three services.

We are concurrently consolidating and integrating these networks and systems to deliver to the Army
the Network of Networks which will act as a catalyst to achieve the Indian Army Vision.

* Sainik Samachar: In this age of Information Technology, how do you place Corps of Signals at par
with the forces of developed countries?

SO-in-C: Every nation has its own security needs and the Armed Forces are structured to meet these
needs. The Indian Army has undertaken a major modernisation drive which is in tune with its vision
and objectives. The technological advancement world over has led to fast obsolescence of the older
proprietary military communication systems and the armies world over are increasingly adapting
customized Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) / Military-Off-The-Shelf (MOTS) equipment to engineer
their communication networks.

We have also adequately addressed this problem and are following a systematic time plan for
establishing a robust, reliable and fully redundant state-of-the-art Communication Networks,
incorporating latest proven technologies which are almost at par with developed countries. The
availability of IT expertise in India is being fully exploited by training all ranks of the Corps to be IT
savvy. A step towards achieving complete IT awareness was taken when one of the Signal regiments
became the first fully automated (ICTised) regiment of Indian Army, incorporating systems at par with
any country in the world.

* Sainik Samachar: Corps of Signals is the nerve-centre of the Indian Army. How for would you explain
this for the benefit of our readers?

SO-in-C: The Indian Army is based on a hierarchical command and control structure and with
Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) in place, is marching towards Network Centric Warfare (NCW).
Thus, while we have always had a very good vertical integration in place, we now feel that this kind of
communication support is not adequate for the future battlefield. The future Battlefield Milieu with
its devastating weapons, surveillance equipment, dynamic tactics and highly mobile and dispersed
forces will demand state-of-the-art command and control architecture. In such an environment, the
time available to the Commander for decision making is decreasing, while the complexity and the
volume of information and penalties for error are increasing. The NCW concept requires robust
networking of various entities in the battlefield which is achieved by Communication Networks. The
info flow between the three building blocks of modern warfare, i.e., sensors, shooters and the
command and control elements, flow in the info grid, which is provided by the Corps of Signals and
for this reason the Corps of Signals can be aptly termed as the nerve centre of the Indian Army.

* Sainik Samachar: Personnel of the Corps of Signals are required to work under great stress in war
and peace. How do you secure them against stress factor?

SO-in-C: Personnel management and human resource development is a vital aspect of any
organisation and particularly so in the Army. The well-being of a soldier in all its forms, i.e., physical,
mental and spiritual is well taken care of by effective monitoring at various levels of command. A
soldier s personal advancement in career, by way of imparting useful skills and training, is well

This ensures his regular career progression. The material needs for him and his family by way of pay
and allowances, housing, medical facilities, schooling for his children and loan arrangements for his
needs such as vehicle / housing are well taken care of. The importance of timely leave is taken very
seriously in the Corps. Regular interaction between officers wives and families of PBORs is ensured,
more so, in case of units located in field areas so that appropriate help and counselling is timely

Apart from this, as we all know that all work and no play is not a healthy way of life. In Corps of
Signals, besides our professional responsibilities, we also encourage all ranks to de-stress themselves
by taking part in sports and games and a plethora of adventure activities. Well-equipped recreation
rooms have been created at all locations so that adequate means are available to the men such as
indoor games, cable television and organised Yoga and meditation classes. Men from Signals have
excelled in the fields of sporting activities such as boxing, hockey, marathon running and basketball.
The Corps of Signals motorcycle display team, a pioneer in the Indian Army, has established a number
of records. The Army Aero Nodal centre (AANC) being looked after by the Corps of Signals at MOTE,
Mhow, is a premier node of Indian Army for aero-sports. In all, a wholesome development of the
soldier and his family is ensured.

* Sainik Samachar: Advanced signal technologies are being developed every day. How these are
assimilated in the Corps?

SO-in-C: The journey from the flag, heliograph, semaphore and lamp used in the olden wars, to the
sophisticated electronics in use today, have presented new challenges at every turn for the Corps of
Signals. In electronics, as per the Moore s law, the technology gets obsolete every 18 months.
However, the Corps has never lagged in its endeavour to incorporate contemporary technology in
military communications.

I am proud to mention that the Corps of Signals through its foresight, meticulous planning and
execution has been successful in providing state-of-the-art communications facilities to the Army at
all times. Successful implementation of projects like AREN, ASCON and AWAN are a proof of the
commitment of the Corps.

* Sainik Samachar: Sir, on the occasion of 96th Raising day of Corps of Signals apart from
communications, what would you say have been the achievements of the Corps?

SO-in-C: Corps of Signals, besides the technical expertise, has also a number of varied achievements
to its credit. Prominent amongst them has been the exemplary provisioning of communications for
disaster relief. Apart from this, Corps of Signals has also excelled in sports and games and is a front
runner in a plethora of adventure activities. Men from Signals have excelled in the fields of activities
such as boxing, hockey, taekwondo, shooting, athletics including marathon running and basketball.
With a special drive to tap the potential of our men who come from varied backgrounds, each having
it s unique tradition and heritage, the Corps has formed it s own Kalaripayattu team which is a
traditional martial art form. The Corps of Signals motorcycle display team (the Dare Devils), are
pioneer of the Indian Army and have established a number of records including the Guinness World
Record for the maximum number of men in the human pyramid on motorcycles. The Army Aero
Nodal centre (AANC) being looked after by the Corps of Signals at MCTE, Mhow is a premier node of

Indian Army for organised sports. Besides this, the Corps of Signals boasts of participation in all major
adventure activities of the Indian Army.

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