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3 Atoms and elements

Core curriculum
1 Complete the statements a 2 f below by writing the letter s, d, m, or f in each box.

s 5 the same number of m 5 more
d 5 a different number of f 5 fewer

a Two atoms of the same element have protons, and electrons.

b Compared to its atom, a positive ion has protons, and electrons.

c Compared to its atom, a negative ion has protons, and electrons.

d Two isotopes of the same element have protons, and neutrons.

e All atoms of uranium-235 have neutrons, and electrons.

f Compared to atoms of elements in Period 3, atoms of elements in Period 2 have

protons and electrons.

2 This table is about isotopes of some common elements. Complete it.

isotope name of element proton number nucleon number number of

p e n
8O oxygen 8 16 8 8 8


6 C

6 C

12 Mg

12 Mg

17 17 18

17 17 20

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3 The table describes the structures of four ions. Give the formula for each ion, using the Periodic
Table to help you. (See page 324 of Complete Chemistry for IGCSE.)

number of protons number of neutrons number of electrons formula of ion

9 10 10

16 16 18
3 4 2
20 20 18

4 a This table is about five atoms P, Q, R, S and T. (These letters are not their
chemical symbols.) Complete the table to show their electron distributions.

atom proton number electron distribution

1st shell 2nd shell 3rd shell 4th shell
P 2
Q 4
R 13
S 15
T 19

b How many valency electrons does atom R have?

c How many of the atoms are from Period 2 of the Periodic Table?

d Which two atoms belong to the same group of elements?

e Draw a diagram to show the arrangement of the electrons in atom T.

2 © OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute

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