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4 Atoms combining
Core curriculum
1 This is about the bonding in molecules of water, methane, and hydrogen chloride.
a First, draw hydrogen atoms in the boxes, to complete the structures of the molecules.
b Then use • and 3 to show their bonding. (Use 3 for an electron from hydrogen.)

O C Cl

water methane hydrogen chloride

2 This diagram shows the structure Na+ Cl–

of a common substance.
a Extend the structure to the right,
Cl– Na+
by adding four more ions.

b i Name the substance that

has this structure. Cl– Na+

Na+ Cl–

ii Which type of bonding does it have?

iii Which word describes the structure, giant or molecular?

c From the structure, it is possible to predict many properties of the substance.

Underline the most likely property for the solid, in each pair below.

i solubility in water soluble / insoluble

ii melting point / ˚C 59 / 801
iii electrical conductivity good / poor

d Complete the diagrams for the ions in the structure, to show their electron arrangement.
Show the missing electron shells. (The dark circles show the nucleii.)

1 2

Na1 Cl2

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e Explain how electrons are transferred, when the ions in d are formed from their atoms.

3 These diagrams show
part of the structures of C C C C
diamond and graphite. C C C C


a Which do these structures represent, elements or compounds?

b Fill in the three missing labels, for the atom and two structures.
c Describe the differences in the bonding and structure of graphite and diamond.



d i One of the two substances is very hard, and the other is soft. Explain this difference.

ii Which substance is therefore used in cutting tools, and which is used as a lubricant?

cutting tools: lubricant:

e One substance is an insulator, and the other is a good conductor of electricity. Explain this difference.

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