Theories Related To The Case-Rivised

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Every organization strives to achieve its targets and its structure only facilitates this. The main purpose
of such a structure is to help the organization work towards its goals. It brings members of the
organization together and demarcates functions between them. Organizational structure provides
guidance to all employees by laying out the official reporting relationships that govern the workflow of
the company. A formal outline of a company's structure makes it easier to add new positions in the
company, as well, providing a flexible and ready means for growth.

Definition of organizational structure according to selected authors:

1) D. L. Nelson & J.C. Quick are said that, “The linking of departments and jobs within an organization ".

2) J.A.F. Stoner, E.E. Freeman & D. R. Gilbert Jr. are said that, “It is a framework that managers devise for
dividing and coordinating the activities of members of an organization".

Theories relate to the case:

Poor organizational design and structure results in a bewildering morass of contradictions: confusion
within roles, a lack of co-ordination among functions, failure to share ideas, and slow decision-making
bring managers unnecessary complexity, stress, and conflict.

In our case, Mr. Rasal hoque was an employee of Solar Electro Bangladesh Ltd (SEBL). He joined as an
executive of HR department. After his joining, one employee called Mr. Monir Islam had left the job. He
is from MIS department. But within a day organization told Mr. Rasel to do Mr. Monir's work. It’s very
difficult for Mr. Rasel to do another person's work. When two fulltime employees work was done by one
employee then it became very challenging. It happened because of poor structure of the organization.
Organization knows that any employee can leave his job any time. Organization should have been a clear
backup plan what will they do. What would they do if an employee left the job, they didn’t have that
pre-plan. They were giving extra pressure to an employee for that reason his work quality decreased.
Ultimately for lack of structure planning their created a problem.
Goal setting

Goal setting involves the development of an action plan designed to motivate and guide a person or
group toward a goal. Goal setting can be guided by goal-setting criteria such as SMART criteria. Goal
setting is a major component of personal-development and management literature.

In our case, Mr. Rasel was an employee of HR department. He had departmental task which was related
to organizational goal. He was doing his work well. By doing his everyday tasks the goals of organization
were achieving well. After leaving of Mr. Monir from MIS department his tasks was given to Mr.Rasel
though Mr.Rasel had his departments work. Mr. Rasel was given too much work which wasn’t
achievable by a single employee within a day. The organization had goal setting problem because they
didn’t think what work they are giving to Mr. Rasel he can do it timely & efficiently. By giving two
departments work to a single employee they cleared that that had problem in measuring goals. They
didn’t think that weather is it achievable by a employee or not.


Motivation refers a performing staff member has a strong desire to do his or her job.Motivation is the
word derived from the word 'motive' which means needs, desires, wants or drives within the individuals.
Motivation is the internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be
continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal. It is
the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals. In the work goal context the
psychological factors stimulating the people's behavior can be desire for money. Motivation is the
combination of a person's desire and energy directed at achieving a goal.

In our case Mr. Rasel was given two departments work after leavening job of Mr. Monir. Mr. Rasel was
given two departments work pressure. For doing this Mr.Rasel hasn’t been given any remuneration. At
that time he was doing his MBA albeit this he took the pressure of work. Organization should have given
remuneration at the beginning by that may be he would motivate. For de motivation Mr. Rasel missed
office. Mr. Saklain noticed that it could create a bad impact for his carrier but Mr. Saklain called him
wanted to know the matter why he is missing office. For those reason he was de motivated. After the
decision of Mr.Saklain when work was divided into three employees along with Mr.Rasel and every
employees salary also increased. Now Mr.Rasel again enjoying his work because of motivation for doing
something extra he got remuneration for this.
communication : Any time one party misunderstands or misconstrues the words or actions of another, it
has the potential to create conflict. Poor communication is frustrating in the workplace and can lead to
poor performance, lack of teamwork, low morale and reduced profits.

Under-communication breeds uncertainty and doubt. It can cause employees to question their job and
their responsibilities, their position within the company, and even their own value. It causes them to
wonder how the company itself is doing. A lack of communication undermines employee confidence and
elevates stress.

In the case, we noticed that the manager told Mr. Rasel to do the other person's work within a day
without any clarification. It was too much work to do for one person. And the main miscommunication is
manager didn’t recognise his (R) problem. He (M) thought it was skilled problem. And gave him (R) a
training in excel. But mainly he (R) had motivational problem. It was totally a lack of communication.

Performance Counseling is a very important activity that helps employees to know themselves better.
Performance Counseling refers to the help provided by a manager to his subordinates in objectively
analyzing their performance. Performance counseling involves helping an employee to understand his
own performance, find his place in relation to others and identify ways to improve upon. It focuses “on
analysis of performance of the job and identification of training needs for further improvement”.

In our case when Mr. Rasel went to Mr. Helal to solve his problem Mr.Helal didn’t hear properly
Mr.Rasels problem if he would hear properly he didn’t give soluation of excel training. Mr.Rasel had
immense work pressure he can’t balance his two departments work. He had to wake up at night for
finishing the work.At that time Mr.Rasel needs counseling .It means the gap between Mr.HELAL and
Counselor. A counselor failed to give the proper guidelines to the employee. He didn’t find the identify
goals and potential solutions. In the case, we noticed that there had a lack of proper counseling. The
manager didn’t counsil him properly to do his job. He (M) didn’t set time and proper deadline for the
task. That's why Mr. Rasel face more difficulties.

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