TOEFL Structure 2

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34 CLAUSES Sentences can be constructed in three ways: simple, compound and complex. Asimple sentence expresses a single, complete thought and contains only one finite has only cone subject and one predicate. Your house is big | play football with my friends ‘A.compound sentence consists of two or more coodinate clause. These clauses are independent clauses joined using co-ordinating conjunctions as “and, but, or, $0”. | got the map of the fair but i can’t find the food stall. Clause 1: 1 got the map of the fair Clause 2:1 can’t find the food stall ‘+ The conjunction ‘and’ is used to connect similar ideas, She completed her homework and she also worked on her project. ‘© The conjunction ‘But’ is used to connect opposite ideas. > The road is long but i shall travel it. ‘© The conjunction ‘or is used to connect equally important choices. > We can filma documentary or we can make a short film, ‘© The conjunction ‘so’ is used to connect equally important results or used for a continuation of an idea. > This navel is huge, so you must make time to read it. ‘Acomplex sentences has only one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. This, clause joined by using subordinative conjunctions like “Although, As if, before, after, though, even though, while, when, whenever, during, as soon as, I, unless, where, wherever,who which, that” © When he herd the news, he was astonished, Dependent clause independent clause ‘© Before she reached her house, they set up birthday party Dependent clause independent clause © They rested when night fell independent Dependent ‘© Lmet someone who loved you. independent Dependent 35 CLAUSES WITH THERE AND IT ‘Some clauses begin with the introductory word thereof i rather than with the subject of the sentence. ‘These introductory words are sometimes called expletives, The expletive there shows that someone or something exists, usualy ata particular time or place. These sentences generally follow the pater there + verb fo be + subject. For example: There are many skyscrapers in New York City There was a good movie on television lastnight. ‘The expletive i is used in several diferent situations and pattems: {1's important to be punctual for appointments. cwith the verb fo be + adjective + infinitive) 1 way in 1959 hat Alaska became x sate (wil he verb fo be + adverbial + nous cause) ‘takes along time to learn a language. (with the verb to take + time phrase + infinitive) It was David who did most of the work. (with the verb to be + noun + relative clause) EXERCISE | ‘and there, along withthe verb and other sentence elements, may be missing from the stem Focus: Completing structure problems involving incomplete independent clauses. (Note: Three of four items in this exercise do NOT focus on missing subjects, verbs, complements, or introductory words; these items are marked in the answer key with asterisks) Directions: Choose the one option—(A), (B), (C), or (D)—that correctly completes the sentences. 41, in the United States, {is generally the responsibilty of municipal governments, (A) for water treatment (8) water treatment (©) where water teatment @) in which water treatment 2. Crop rotation of presery- ing soil fertility (8) ‘tis one method ®) one method (© a method is one @) is one method ‘monetary unit in 1878, the dollar as tts (A) Canada adopted ®) Adopted by Canada, (© te was adopted by Canada ©) The Canadian adoption of almost impossible to capture the beauty of the aurora borealis in Photographs. (A) Being ® kis © There is @) Is 5. two major art muscums, the Fogg and the Sadler (A) Harvard University has (B) At Harvard University (© Harvard University, with its (D) There at Harvard University 6. American actress and director Margaret Webster for het ‘production of Shakespearcan plays (A) who became famous (B) famous as she became (© becoming famous @) became famous 1. 2s tanks connected to ‘Welding equipment, one full of oxygen and the other full of acetylene. (A) Itistwo @) Of the two © There are two ) Two 8. is more interested in ‘hythm than in melody is apparent from his compositions. (A) That Philip Glass ® Philip Glass, who (© Philp Gtass @) Because Philip Glass Bolg cosmic rays (A) The earth is constantly bombarded B) Bombarded constantly, the earth (© Bombarding the earth constantly (D) The earth’ constant bombardment 10. and yellow. (A) There are three ®) The three © Three of them D) That the three primary colors are red, blue, 36 n. who was clected the first ‘woman mayor of Chicago in 1979. (A) Ie was Jane Bye @) Jane Byme © That Jane Byrne (©) When Jane Byrne 12. Every computer consists of a number of systems together. (A) by working ®) work (© they work (D) that work 13. On the moon, air because the moon's gravitational field is too weak to retain an atmosphere, (A) there is no (B) where no © 2 @) isno ‘14. The Glass Mountains af northwestern ‘Oklahoma with flecks of gypsum, which shine inthe sunlight (A) they are covered (®B) covered them (© that ae covered (WD) are covered 15. In some cases, to decide if an organiem ie a plant or an animal (@) difficult ® itis difficult © the difficulty (©) is dificult 1G, ‘The fist American uovelist wv have «uijor impact on world literature (A) who was James Fenimore Cooper (B) James Fenimore Cooper was © it was James Fenimore Cooper (D) was James Fenimore Cooper 37 Adjective Clauses As mentioned in the previous lesson, there are three types of dependent clauses all of which are tested in the Structure section, Adjective clautes—alko called relative clanses—are the most commonly tested af the three. You will sec oe ot two items involving adjective clauses ou must Le Adjective clauses are a way of joining two sentences. Inthe joined sentence, the adjective clause ‘modifies (describes) a noun (called the head noun) in another clause of the sentence. It begins with an adjective-clause marker. For example: | wanted the book, The book had already been checked out. ‘The book that I wanted had ateady been checked out ‘The adjective clause in this example begins with the marker that and modifies the head noun book. Adjectiveclause markers are relative pronouns such as who, that, or which or the relative adverbs when or where. Adjective- ‘Clause Marker Use Example who Subject (people) ‘A neurologist is a doctor who specializes in the nervous system. whom, Object (people) "This isthe patient whom the doctor treated. whose Possessive (people/things) Mr. Collins isthe man whose house I rented. which Subject/object (things) ‘That is topic which interests me, (wbich as subject) ‘That isthe topic on which I will write. (which as object of preposition) that Subjecy/object(People/ Art bat is in public places can be enjoyed by everyone. things) (at as subject) ‘The painting that Ms. Wallace bought was very expensive (that as object) where Adverb (place) Hire isthe site where the bank plans to build its new headquarters when Adverb (ime) “This isthe hour wher the children usually goto bed. like all clauses, adjective clauses must have a subject and a verh. In some cases, the adjective.clause marker is the subject; in some cases, there is anouer subject The painting was very expensive. Ms. Wallace bought i ‘The painting, which Ms. Wallace bought, was very expensive. “The agjectve-clause marker in the Joined sentence replaces 1, the object ofthe verb bougor. nthe joined sentence, the adjective clause keeps the subject—Ms. Wallace—which it had in the original sentence, For example: ‘This is a topic. It interests me, ‘This is a topic that interests me. 38 ‘The adjective-clause marker in the joined sentence replaces tf, the subject of the second original sentence In the joined sentence, the marker itself is the subject of the adjective clause. Notice that the inclusion of the pronoun # in the joined sentences above would be an error. Incorrect: ‘The painting that Ms, Wallace bought # was very expensive ‘hls ya tuple tt sere ne ‘This type of mistake is sometimes seen in distractor, ‘When the markers wbich, that, and whom arc used as objects in relative clauses, they can correctly be omitted, ‘The painting Ms. Wallace bought is very expensive. (which omitted) ‘The adjective-clause markers which and whom can also be used as objects of prepositions: ‘That isthe topic. I will write on it. ‘That isthe topic on which I will write ‘You may also see sentences with adjective clauses used in this pattem: ‘quantity word + of + relative clause ‘He met with two advisers. He had known both of them for years. He met with two advisers, Both of whom be had known for years. [read a number of articles. Most of them were very useful, Tread a number of articles, must of which were very useful ‘Any part of a relative clause can be missing from the stem of Structure items, bur most often, the marker and the subject Gf there is one) and the verb are missing. Any word or phrase from another clause— ‘usually the head noun may also be missing from the stem. EXERCISE |: Focus: Answering structure problems involving incomplete adjective clauses. (Vote: One or two items in this exercise do NOT focus on adjective clauses; these items are marked in the answer key with asterisks.) Directions: For Sentence Completion items, mark the answer choice—(A), (8), (C), oF (2)—that correctly completes the sentence. For Frror Identification items, cicle the underlined portion of the sentence that would not be considered correct. 11, Most folk songs are ballads have 3, Dolphins lack vocal cords but they have a large, simple words and tell simple stories, x cil Aled ongan called the *encloa," which with what q rare ® although, they can produce a variety of sounds © when D > that 4, 1850, Yale University established 2, After its imrotuction in 1969, de Boa process Sheffield Scientific School, the world’s principal ‘method of manufacturing Mat sheets of glass. ns (A) by which it became @B) where engineers were educated ®) tt became (© tn.which were engincers educated (©) became (D) where were engineers educated @) which became 5. ‘There are thousands of kinds of bacteria, x ‘many of whom are beneficial BC D 6 1. a 10. nn 2 39 ‘The Ringling Brothers were five brothers which built a small group of performers A B {nto the world’s largest circus. ep Most beans are a form of kidney bean. (A) that are cultivated in the United States (B) theie cultivation in the United States (© ate cultivated in the United States they (D) they are cultivated in the United States {In addition wo being a naturalist, Stewart E, White was a writer the struggle for survival on the “American frontier. (A) whose novels describe (B) he describes in his novels © his novels describe (D) who, describing in his novels Diamonde ate often found in rook forma tions called pipes, the throats of extinct volcanoes. (A) in which they resemble (B) which resemble © there isa resemblance to @) they resemble liam Samuel Johnson, who helped write x B the Constitution. become the first president cD ‘of Columbia University in 1787. Seals appear clumsy on the land, fare able to move short dis tances faster than most people can run (A) but they (B) which they © they (D) which ‘The Pritzker Prize is given cvery year to a architects their work benefits humanity and 3 c the environment, a 13, uw 15, 16, 1, 18, 19. 2. ‘The instrument pane! of alight airplane thas at least 2 dozen instruments (A) the pilot must watch (B) what the pilot must watch (© that the pilot must watch them ©) such thatthe pilot must watch them A keystone species is a specics of plants or ‘animals absence has a major effect on an ecological system, A) that its ® ts © whose @) with its Active stocks are stocks they are frequently a 8B ¢ bought and sold D Pipettes are glass tubes, open at both ends, which chemiete nee them ta trnefor emall g B volumes of quid. D ‘he size and shape of «nail depends primarily on the function {ntended. (A) which itis ® for which itis (© which cis for @) for which is Gene Krupa had one of the few big band x 2 that was centered on a drummer, Cc D In geometry, 4 tangent is strxight line 4 curve at only one point. it touches, ‘whose touching its touching that touches wo ® © o ‘There are many species ot plants and B animals that they are peculiar to Hawaii z D 40 EXCERCISE II: Indicate if the sentences correct (C) or incorrect (1) =85 1, 12 — 10. |. The ice cream (Gad) served in the restaurant| has a smooth, creamy texture, ‘The cars are urying to enter the freeway system are lined up for blocks. Thave great respect for everyone who on the Dean's List. Itis going to be very difficult to work with the man which just hegan working here. ‘The door that leads to the vault it was tightly locked. ‘The neighbors reported the man who was trying to break into the car to the police. ‘These plants can only survive in an environment is extremely humid. ‘The boss meets with any production workers who they have surpassed their quotas. ‘The salesclerk ran after the woman who had left her credit card in the store. The shoes which matched the dress that was on sale. NOUN 41 CLAUSE Like a noun, a noun clause is also used as a subject or an object. In other words, a noun clause is @ clause used in the same way as a noun, (a) Her presentation was convincing. (b) What she presented was convincing Th (a): presentation isa noun. Itis used as the subject of the sentence. In (b) what she presented is a noun clause. Itis also used as the subject of the sentence. The noun clause has its own subject she and verb presented. (c) I cannot understand her complaint. (d) I cannot understand what she ‘complained. In(c): complaint isa noun. It is the abject of the verb understand. in (@): what she complained Is @ noun clause. It is the object of the verb understand, WORDS USED TO INTRODUCE NOUN CLAUSES (2) whether, if (3) that (1) question words: when, where, who, why, how, which, whom, what, whose QO QUESTION NOUN CLAUSE EXPLANATION Where docs he (a) ido not know where he In (a) where he works Is the object of work? works. the verb know. You may not use What time did she | (b) Did you know what time she | question word order in @ noun clause, come? came. Notice: does and did are used in questions but not in noun clauses. Who helped you? | (a) Tell me who helped you. Tn (c) and (d): The word order is the What was wrong? | (b) | do not know what was same in both the question and the wrong. noun clause because who and what are the subjects in both. Who are you? (a) Tknow who you are. Tn (e) and (f you and that are the Whose book is that? | (b) | know whose book that is, | Subjects, so they must be placed in front of the verb are and is in the awn elances What didyougive? | (a) What you gave makes me | Ing) and (h): What you gave and offended. How she behaved are the subjects of How did she (b) How she behaved is the sentences. bohove? “ectberrasaiag. Notice: a noun clause takes a cingular verb (c.g. 5 and is) 42 TNS ‘YES/NO QUESTIONS NOUN CLAUSES EXPLANATION Will she study? (a) Ido not know whether | When a yes/no question is Did he come? she will study. changed to a noun clause, () I wonder if he came. whether or ifis used to inteaduce the noun clause Whether is more acceptable in formal English, but ifis quite common, especially In speaking TOMEI WITH THA STATEMENT ‘NOUN CLAUSES EXPLANATION Ted is a great artist (a) | think that Ted is@.great_| In (a) and (b): that Ted is @ great He's @ successful teacher crtist. artist and that) he is (b) 1 think (that) he is @ successful teacher are noun successful teacher. clauses. They are the objects ot the verb think ‘The word that, when used to introduce noun clauses, has no ‘meaning in itcelf. It may be omitted, She is good at mathematics | (c) That she is good at Tn (c): the noun clauses used as ‘mathematics is surprising, | the subject ot the sentence. (d) Its surprising that she is_| In (A): the noun clause is used as good at mathematics. _ | the object of the sentence. ‘A. State whether the sentences below are correct or incorrect. 1, Its unfortunate that the meal is not ready yet. 2. She told me when should | pick up the children. 3. The instructor explained where was the computer lab located. = |. We could not believe what he did to us. 5. Iwant to know ifieit going to rain tomorrow. 6. Wenever know whether we will get pald or not. 7. This evening vou can decide what do vou want to do. 8. The manager explained how he wanted the work done. 9, The map showed where the party would be held, 10. Can you tell me why was the mail not delivered today? B. Choose the correct answer. 1. Scientists cannot agree on related to other orders of insects. (A) that fleas are (8) how fleas are (C) how ore fleas (0) fleas that are 43 It was in 1875 joined the staff of the astronomical observatory at Harvard University. (a) that Anna Winlock (8) Anna Winlock, who (C) as Anna Winlock {D) Anna Winlock then isa narrow strip of woods along a stream in an open grassland. (A) Ecologists use the term “gallery forest” (8) What do ecologists calla “gallery forest” {C) "Gallery forest” is the term ecologists use {D) What ecologists call a “gallery forest” so incredible is that these insects successfully migrate to places that they have {A) That makes the monarch butterflies’ migration (B) The migration of the monarch butterflies is, (C) What makes the monarch butterflies’ migration (0) The migratinn af the monarch huttarflieg, which ic In order to grow vegetables properly, gardeners must know (A) what the requirements tor each vegetable are (B) that the requirements for each vegetable (C) what are each vegetable’s requirements (D) that is required by each vegetable For many years people have wondered exists elsewhere in the universe. (a) thatiite (B) life which (C) whether life (D) life as it was caused by breathing impure air was once a common belief. (A) Malaria (8) That malaria {C) Why malaria {D) Because malaria One hacic question psychologists have tried ta answer is (A) people learn (8) how do people tearn {C) people learn how (D) how people learn The judges had an extremely hard time deciding {(A) who's painting was the best {B) whose painting was the best {C) painting whu was the best (0) the best painting was who 44 10.No one is sure ; (A). what did it happen in front of the building. (8) what it happened in front of the building. {C)_ what does it happen in front of the building. {V) what happened in front of the building. . Choose the incorrect answer. 1. A test pilot tries out new kinds of aircraft to determine if are they safe. A 8 c D 2. Art critics do notall agree on what are the qualities that make a painting great. A 8 c D 3. Exactly when was the wheel invented Is not known. A B c D 4, The new student is not sure which itis the most important course in the program, A B Cc D 5. We thought about whom would we choose as the best vice president of our company. A B € D 6. Don had an elaborate excuse for being late for his class, hut the lecturer did not believe A B c wheat did he explain, D 7. Its obvious that is English the principal language of the business community. A 8 c throughout much of the world. D 8, There are several reasons why are millions of students studying English in the world A B c D 9. The fact that many people they in the world live in intolerable poverty must concern all A 8 ¢ D of us. 10. The people of the town protested why were they given no warning of the anoraaching A 8 c D lumadu, 45 Indicate if the sentences correct (C) or incorrect (I) 1, (When) the season starts] is determined by the weather. —L 2. The manual (how) the device she —— 3. The schedule indicated if the teams would be playing in the final game. —— 4. He refused to enter a plea could not be determined by the lawyer: —— 5. Talked about where we should go for lunch. _—— 6. Why the condition of the patient deteriorated so rapidly it was not explained, 7. Whether or not the new office would be built was to be determined at the meeting. —— 8. That the professor hay not yet decided when the paper is due. —— 9. The contract will be awarded is the question to be answered at the meeting, _—— 10. He always talked with whomever he pleased and did whatever he wanted.

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