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Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the award of graduate
degree of

Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.)

(Batch 2015-2018)

Submitted by: Supervisor:

Neha Sharma Mrs. Sarika Mam
6th Semester
Roll No: 150701071900076
Submitted to:

Acharya Vishnu Gupt Subharti College of Management and Commerce



I hereby declare that this Project Report titled “Impact Of Employee Motivation
In The Banking Sector”. Submitted by me to the Acharya Vishnu Gupt Subharti
Institute of Management and Commerce SVSU, Meerut (UP) is the partial
fulfillment for the award of B.Com (Hons) in session 2015-18 is an authentic
record of my work.

I declare that the work has not been submitted for the award of degree anywhere

Neha Sharma

Roll No: 150701071900076


I would like to express my Acknowledgement to those people, without whose

contribution, Support and guidance this Report would not have seen the light of the

I am thankful and would like to express my Gratitude to the Honorable Director

Dr. D.C. Saxena , Prof Mrs. Sarika Mam

Who were my project guide and the entire Institute for giving me a Platform to
have this wonderful opportunity and being able to get a glimpse of the corporate

With Regards
Plagiarism Verification
Certificate of Supervision
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 1……………………………..........………………Introduction

Chapter 2………………………………………………….Review of Literature

Chapter 3…………………………………………………Objectives of Study

Chapter 4…………………………………………………..Hypothesis

Chapter 5…………………………………………………..Research Methodology

Chapter 6…………………………………………………..Limitations of the Study

Chapter 7……………………………………………..Conclusion and Suggestion

Chapter 8……………………………………………..References

Plagiarism report


Study Background

The need to increase productivity and efficiency in thework place, or any other
organization has led to increased academic interest in the area of motivation in the
years. Scholars have been very interested in whatfactors are responsible for
stimulating the desperate will to work. Thus motivation has become an issue of
concern for both practitioners scholars and personal organization management.
Every either in the private or public sectoris also goal-oriented and all efforts are
aimed at achieving those objectives thesuccessful and objectives.Therefore to any
organization to register any significant degree of success and importance in
achieving its objectives andaspirations,

It has been shown, argued and demonstrated that unlessindividual staff are
motivated to make sufficient use of thepotentials found in them during the process
of employment can not reach the level of performance that isdesired of them
(Morris, 1998). For bemotivated staff, he or she must realize that they are fulfilling
their desires needsand. So staff satisfaction is an indispensable dimension of
motivationalprocess. An individual is satisfied no doubt that contribute positively
realization of And objectives of the organization, while a satisfied staff can not
only contributebut can even act in such a way that the realization of suchgoals and
objectives could be completely destroyed. This in this process highlights the
importance of staff satisfaction .theMotivation organization is said to be the core of
human resource management. Management of men and women achallenging task.
No two people have the same qualities, feelings and behavior. The nature of man is
very complex.It is not easy to take care of human beings with such
varyingcharacteristics and qualities.

Unmotivated, an organization that should not be activated long.Human latest

resources, trained, developed and this mostly motivated in order to achieve
individual goals andorganizational. An individual who has the ability, skills
andknowledge not do much and unmotivated. That However, a person with skills,
knowledge and skill with addedmotivation is a sure way to success (Ajiola, 2002).
Theperformance that a worker does not depend heavily on hisability, intelligence,
skills and knowledge, but in the process and motivation you have. If not motivate a
worker, as such hewould not be a problem solver (Abbegleen, 2001) .It is generally
recognized that incentives such as goodpay, good working condition,
decentaccommodation supply, opportunity for staff training, etc.
motivateemployees in order to increase its production capacity. Inview of the
above, therefore are considered themajor incentives motivating factor asemployees
exhibit betterperformance. However, it is not a matter of routine tomotivate a
personal individual success becausethat anymotivational effect depends solely on
the extent to which themotivation meets the needs of each employee.

Finally, the test for the management of private or public organizations, therefore, is
to determine the value that the needs and motivators that an employee will react
according to the wishes of the organization increaseproductivity. The impact of
employee motivation in the banking industry that uses the Union of Meerut Plc,
Maiduguri Bank as a case study therefore form the basis of this study .as defined
Statement of the research problem

Personnel management and motivation and productivityare areas that have

occupied the minds of management in Meerut especially in the private sector.
andscholars managers are alike have asked about the bad attitude towards work of
employees in the workplace in which .With the emergence of new management
ideas and compared with motivation, one expects to see that these ideas apply to
and motivated employees for maximum productivity.However, the opposite has
always seemed to be the case that the above explains .one notices in many public
and private organizations as mentioned lack of Challant and slow attitude toward
work are the employees and workers, and wonders where the problem lies.Union
Bank Plc, Maiduguri is no exception to the above problem. Employees of the
organization as discussed above only perform their functions as much as will as we
discussed allow them to maintain their jobs.that Despite the fact that the
organization is meeting the needsfor what is believed that employees do not speak
happyand they have not used their full potential and skills. It is in this context that
speaks of this study examines the impact of employee motivation in the

This chapter is devoted to reviewing relevant literature for the study.

Consequently, the works of scholar sand and authors of explanation on the
concept, objectives, technical motivation, the complexity of motivation,
management policies and the theories of motivation in the banking sector will be
reviewed represents an unmet need creates a state of stress or imbalance, which
causing the individual to move in a pattern directed goal towards the restoration of
that state of equilibrium to meet the need.

Lillis (1958: 35) defines motivation as the stimulant of any emotion or desire that
operates on one's own will that caused or lead to action.

Steers and Poster (1979) presents a process model of motivation in the banking

Is basically word motivation derives from a Latin word "motor", which means
"move". In its simplest expression, the term can be defined as the state or condition
of being induced to make some explanation. Essentially, motivation involves
individual needs and the extent to employee motivation, which are received by the
organization or the extent to which the worker his view perceive that their needs
are met by the organization.

According to Campbell and Pritchard (1976: 34), the motivation is to do with a set
of independent / dependent variable relationship between the leadership, skills,
patience and understanding of the task and the restrictions operating in the
environment in the banking sector explained. Motivation also refers to the
underlying psychological state drives or makes the behavior of employees. One
reason usually is a need, want or desire operates within the individual views to
display that makes certain behavior .Glueck (1980: 114), defines motivation as the
study of factors processor (motifs) that They influence people to act.

He also sees it as a general term applied to all kinds of desires, impulses, needs,
wishes and similar forces. Write the study of employee motivation at the Meerut n
Institute of Management, axilla (1976: 22), that motivation is defined as a process
to stimulate people among action to accomplish the task of organization and
process stimulation of oneself to action to meet a felt need. Victor Vroom sees
motivation as a process governing choices made by people or less organizations
among alter native of forms of work or volunteer activity (Vroom, 1964: 75)
refers .Motivation is the process of creating an explanation organizational
conditions that will boost staff strive to attain banking sector
(Goals Hodges, 1979: 9). According to Morns (1953: 21), motivation among
employees for motivation represents an unmet need to make astute voltage or
disequilibrium which making the to move individual in a pattern intended target
towards restoring a state that the ability to balance the satisfaction of necessity.
Lillis (1958: 35), defines motivation as the stimulant of any emotion or desire
operating after a controversial views and one of inciting or drive into action .Steers
and Poster (1979) presents report on a model of the process of motivation as

Steers and Porter (1976: 103) This model implies that one needs within individuals
have wished them leading to the development of behavior aimed in meeting its
objectives or needs.

Necessary which regeneration is to assess whether the behavior is producing

desired targets or if there is a need for modification .From the above, it is observed
that the motivation is something originating from inside state an individual
environment. Motivation can also arise from socio-economic environment
situation. This study implies that factors in the socio-economic environment
triggered a desire to work to achieve the goal acertain order to meet the objectives.
Such motivation is an exchange between the individual average the socio-
economic environment.

Importance of motivation
The motivation is simply that the will to achieve. It was found that, since
organizations are composed of people, was not enough to get the right kind of
people and place them in the type of individual labor law. This is in itself is not
sufficient to facilitate efficiency and effectiveness, because man is the animal
behavior driven by their behavior and therefore the his work behavior must be
channeled to productive being. It is obvious that human behavior is complex and
therefore notes simple matter. Man out of the organization in a upon where system
interactions and interdependencies exist that interaction and in the context of all
this, man needs to be motivated. People need to be tuned and stimulated before
Putin best. The main objectives of relationship motivation is to provide
opportunities for the need for personal fulfillment for the progress of each staff
member in such a way that will encourage him to put in their best to theaters
theaccomodation meeting the goals and objectives of the organization . In general,
a staff is motivated by opportunities to meet and satisfy unmet needs. Individual
staff within theprocess there are some desires that needs fulfillment. To meet these
unmet needs and desires about it become forces that initiate or incite action. When
a computer sees it is an opportunity to achieve what is important to him, who is
attracted to that opportunity in the banking sector. personal is motivated by
opportunities to meet and satisfy unmet needs. Individual staff within theprocess
there are some desires that needs fulfillment. To meet these unmet needs and
desires about it become forces that initiate or incite action. When a computer sees
it is an opportunity to achieve what is important to him, who is attracted to that
opportunity in the banking sector. personal is motivated by opportunities to meet
and satisfy unmet needs. Individual staff within theprocess there are some desires
that needs fulfillment. To meet these unmet needs and desires about it become
forces that initiate or incite action.
The perceived opportunity is to referred to as "incentive". "Performance" is
considered as behavior that is directed toward a task or goal while motivation
completion of the work on the other hand is the cornerstone of that provide
incentive for staff working hard, so intimately brings about productivity with the
forecast of the organization it is personally a reality. How is a motivated person
identified? A motivated person can be identified by the extent mentioned his
commitment to the organization he belongs. According to the report Abilene
(1974) A motivated person could be identified by the following:

(3) If the person is ready to defend a organization anywhere?

(4) A preferred organization belonging to any reaction fact relate

(5) He is willing to spend the rest of his life working in the that organization to
which it belongs

(6) One with welcoming and happy work with the inner workings of the
organization he belongs.

(7) that is likely to have intra-organizational conflict interne into with top, bottom
and the horizontal level the organization.

(8) Any person who is willing to voluntarily contribute to their efforts towards the
success of the organization to which he belong (Abbegleen, 1974: 415).
Steps / techniques in motivate employees

There are two types of motivation: positive motivation and negative mentioned. If
people work, because of fear and punishment and reprimand reasons of progress it
is negative motivation. On the other hand, if done people work voluntarily and
without coercion, it is a positive motivation. The reasoning may also be internal,
external or extrinsic or intrinsic. The feeling of being explained recognized, praised
for a job well done and participation in whatever that we can work to be called
external motivation or extrinsic internal or intrinsic motivation while is working
concerns such motivations as money, retirement benefits, health insurance and
progress and compensation (obesity, 1997: 306). According to Michael (1975:
179) there are four be which steps to followed in motivating employees. They are:

(1) Assessing issues that require motivation:

Motivation is not a straight-jacketed affair .Organizations take steps to ensure that

areas are applying motivation is actually where is more personal needed .Certain
may want your organization to help them to promote its explanation education that
enhance their career, while some may Organizations wanting something else .That
be careful of these varying expectations in their approach to motivation.

(2) Preparation of a set of tools that motivate:

The next step would be the first to understand those tools that could actually
motivate people. There are objects or instruments that can motivate executives
more than the other rank and file mentioned
(3) Selecting and applying motivators:

Tools and selected items as motivator’s progress must be applied at the right time
to be useful. Bono during celebration is ideal .is work for staff on vacation during
the period children vacation allow the whole family to Travel on a holiday in the
banking sector

(4) Get comments:

Voting study about what we are doing to motivate people must be obtained to
allow the organization to make the study of retesting and discover the usefulness of
what they are doing .There should be various incentives and techniques that
organizations can use to motivate your staff personnel. These techniques or
incentives can be divided into two, financial or external monetary or non-monetary
knowledge and or non-financial incentives. With reference to financial incentives,
some individuals are ready and willing to define the motivation to be the most
money. Most people are motivated by money. motivation Under financial may
outcome come things such as compensation; business, leave the various financial
allocations and compensation benefits.

Personal satisfaction to the individual. O data is a prize that gives inner study joy
for the individual, but can not be measured and quantified in terms of money. And
non-financial motivation include job Security, more responsibility and authority,
sense of belonging and recognition mentioned, being the enrichment work,
workload, pride, praise, prestige and status. Others are participation and delegation,
acceptance, communality and competition progress of work, a better quality of
working life, both on and off the job, opportunity for growth and promotion, and
job rotation.
Policies of the organization enhances employee motivation

Tool motivation to succeed, it must be dynamic. Motivational techniques that are

not flexible are activities dangerous and counter productive. organizations should
and should not forget progress that a satisfied need is no longer a motivator of
behavior. Environmental changes upon and organizational and even individual
should not be forgotten that while the organization and implementation of
motivational tools, hence the tube flexible, dynamic and not rigid urgency in
implementing motivational tools. Organizations should take the following
suggestions. Staff should be taken into confidence when applying motivational
tools, subordinates must be respected and honored, workers must be properly
equipped before being assigned a job,

In addition, influence should staff and demoralizing be avoided because they try to
alter the potential the creative individual who is a disaster both the individual and
the organization. Individuals should be prepared for change.

The greatest fear in the world of management is not the fear the of the unknown,
but the fear of change. Due to stiff competition, change is also inevitable and when
individuals do not prepare well in advance for such changes, it becomes difficult to
adjust. That organization need is renewed every day work in order to remain
competitive .Similarly systems, human resource development must be properly
used. Training and development, selection of Job rotation, job analysis, job
enrichment, job evaluation, performance evaluation, assessment of merit, etc.,
although they use their would further revitalize the workforce. In addition, workers
must must allowed to be your own boss,
The delegation of responsibility and retaining authority can not motivate workers.
And responsibility authority must be delegated.

Finally, merit and hard work should be rewarded ad equate. Personal rewards
based on influences demoralize of the workforce. In any where’re wards
organization they are likely to be misplaced, where a man is not spirit as such
respected and admired, Tool Scan motivation does not bear fruit. It must be a
problem in advancing an organization where merit plays a minor role due to
personal influences. Performance organization will do well if avoid demoralizing
influences in the design and implementing motivational tools (Aghidigbe, 2001:
Their effects management assumptions and on employees

Douglas McGregor (1960) states that "The human side which of company is in one
piece and management assumption is valid on the control of human resources
determine the general nature of the company". These assumptions also determines
the quality of work of successive generations of management (McGregor, 1960:
VI-VII) .McGregor presents two opposing sets of assumptions that he thought
were implicit in most approaches supervisory approach. These two sets of
assumptions, which called "Theory X" and "Theory Y" can be regarded as the
edges or boundaries in a spectrum or range of assumptions. Theory X and Y is
based on the assumption that people behaviourpersonalized McGregor is strongly
influenced by their beliefs. Most of the current management principles,

(1) The average human being has an inherent aversion labor work and will avoid if

(2) Because of this human characteristic well of disgust for the work, most people
should be forced, controlled, directed or threatened with punishment to get
adequate which put forth effort toward achieving organizational objectives.

(3) The average human being was being prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid
responsibility, has relatively little ambition and wants security above all
(McGregor, 1960: 33-34) .Theory X provides an explanation for some
Behavior patterns in industry or workplace. But are human traits are learned these
inherent or through experience to work in the organization? This view clearly that
motivation be directed mainly through fear and managers will be necessary to keep
a close watch of their subordinates if they can get the objectives of the organization
Are to security.

The accumulation of knowledge about human behaviour of many specialized fields

has led further research that regarding the validity of conventional managerial
assumptions. From these data is, McGregor derives a new assumption that set of
called Theory Y. According to McGregor:

(1) The expenditure of physical effort and mental Mentor INWORK is as natural as
play or rest. The average human being does not inherently dislike work. Depending
upon controllable conditions, work may cause a source of satisfaction (and will be
performed voluntarily) or a Source punishment (and can be avoided if possible).

(2) External control and threat of punishment are not only means of achieving
objectives towards organizational efforts. Man will exercise self-direction and self-
serving objectives to which is committed. discuss the data.

(3) The commitment of objectives is a result of there wards associated with their
achievement reports. The most significant of such rewards, for example, ego

and self-actualization needs can be direct products of efforts towards the

organization objectives of the study.

(4) The average human being learns under proper conditions notonly to accept, but
seek responsibility. Avoidance of job responsibility, lack of ambition and on
security emphasis on value are usually consequences of experience, not inherent
characteristics of human resources.

(5) the ability to exercise work the been relatively high degree of imagination,
ingenuity and creativity in solving problems and organized data is widely, not
narrowly-distributed in the population data.

(6) In the conditions of modern industrial life, the intellectual potentialities of the
average human work are also only partially used (McGregor, 1960: 47-48) .Theory
management and emphasizes that leadership through motivation study and
allowing subordinates to experience personal satisfaction and contributing to the
achievement of the objectives of the study.

These assumptions, McGregor felt as provide work better explanation work of

human nature and therefore indicates the need for a different management strategy
in dealing with people. McGregor analyzed the specific form of the acceptance of
the X theory as a basis for the operation of a research organization that would
training. The relationship of this theory to the organizational structure theory is that
if X, tall structures that promote tight controls applied would be the most
appropriate way. But on the other hand, it assumes that McGregor as Theory Y
represents the nature of human beings, the flat structure that has been given a great
responsibility to subordinate moreIt could be effective as high a structure.

Attainment. Like rt argued that management should approach that is participative

(Democratic) and is characterized by that manager being support through the use
of and group method should make supervisory decisions, produce a better
organizational climate and better results in terms of productivity, costs,
absenteeism and turnover. The essential concepts also Liker McGregor and
contributions to the organization of the theory other ongoing squarely on the
assumption that in contrast to the classical view, there must also be supportive
relationship group to each other if the Is to organization are effective .

It is important to note that must motivation is responsible for the variation in

human behavior (or workplace) of the organization. Motivation is complex and
personal as what motivates a person should be different from what motivates
someone else. I motivates which broad generally are for example wages, job
security, conditions less restrictive work, sympathy, understanding, concerned or
for the opportunity to contribute to the data in decision-making, the feeling that
someone or management data is concerned about their welfare or welfare, have
feedback on their performance, work appreciation and recognition for work done
no matter how significant or insignificant work can be. Therefore they often the
question that has risen by administrators are: Why do people do what they do?
What can be done to encourage people? What are the possible ways to encourage
efficient and effective performance by staff? These and many other questions that
are related to the above could be appear to simple but at closer look, the truth is
that the answers do not come easily as expected.

Why? There is no single answer would be enough to explain why the answers to
these questions these questions are not easy. First, this is an area that deals with
human behavior within an organizational adjustment. Man we know is a complex
animal. An investigation into employee behavior and actions or indication Clamed
reasons undoubtedly also test complex, varied and sometimes conflicting
answers .Secondly and closely related to the previous us with are individual
differences. The factors responsible for the motivation of individuals may differ
from one place to another person and there Topers on. Third motivating factors are
also difficult to determine because of the endless nature of individual wants.
Recognizing the need and to satisfy attempt is particular, one would think that
would motivate largely data worker but more often than not, the output is realized
they not refer to this because once a need is met others emerge. Fourthly basic
needs are be effective motivators in different level depending in the individual.
Theories of motivation and contributions

As stated earlier, the factors responsible for that individual motivation of may
differ from one place to another and from one person to person for data that,
therefore paralyzes attempt to assign a single unifying theory of motivation that so
thus, the field of motivation is flooded with theories each have their unique
argument, merit and demerit .The presence of various theories of motivation,
though positive development for academia, complicates the problem faced by
managers. All these theories are concerned with one thing (motivation), why
people act in their place of work as they do and how those in management
positions may change

first and most basic level of need (psychological) has been relatively well pleased.
Psychological security consists of the various adult safety measure to take, such as
tenure position, savings, all types of insurance, etc., while the physical security of
data is stability, security, freedom from fear, public order, etc. This level of need is
very important considered when compared to that of the background most people
not want to work in an environment that holds out for them physical or
psychological dangers. An atmosphere free from these dangers would be certainly
encourage was the worker to put in their best.

(Iii) belonging and love needs

This is the third level of need and becomes it they very prominent when the first
two levels have been met. Manias social animal wants to relate to others, whether
at home or in workplace. That This relationship especially in the workplace
progress must be loving if the worker is be motivated data to put in their best. Any
good establishment must meet this need, if you survive the report that work
(Iv) Esteem needs

This need is the fourth in the hierarchy of Maslow needsand representing the ego's
need. Self-esteem needs can beclassifiedwork into two categories, normally.

(A) The desire for strength, for achievement, foradequacy, for mastery and
competence, by confidencein the face of the world andfreedom work and

(B) The desire for reputation and all the recognition, attention, importance, dignity
and appreciation.

(V) The need for self actualization

This is at the top of the hierarchy of data need and desire it refers work of one
person for self-fulfillment .Every Maslow must be individual in the workplace has
a model or what he or she wants to become and by Maslow, the realization of this
model represents the apex in the report needs .Thus hierarchy, represents the
culmination of all lower, intermediate and high data human needs (Maslow, 1954:
Herzberg two factors theory of motivation

Herzberg (1950) and his collaborators have developed Maslow's work and
formulated a theory of motivation at work is commonly known as the theory of
hygiene motivation. His idea was to discover what motivates staff and what really
to ascertain want in their work .That according to Herzberg, intrinsic factors tend
to job satisfaction while extrinsic factors tend to job dissatisfaction. Intrinsic and
extrinsic factors may not be divided in which two motivators factors .The key
motivators and hygiene name are the factors that determine job satisfaction or
increase as:

(1) Recognition

(2) Achievement

(3) The work itself

(4) Liability

(5) The individual growth

According to Herzberg the above points are the factors that need that can produce
job satisfaction, but even if the casework of the above situations are absent, they do
not cause dissatisfaction because they are which encourages additional provision or
increases motivation. Called the "satisfactions" progress On the other hand, there
are situations or states conditions which Herzberg are not cause dissatisfaction if
present situations and is about as to organizational administration and policies are

(1) Salary
relationships (2) above subordinate

(3) Job security

(4) General working conditions

(5) Supervision are The above conditions are called hygiene factors or maintenance
because they are extrinsic to work.

They are if not provide motivation are suitable. However, if they are not in place,
causing dissatisfaction. Herzberg cautions that the factors leading to job
satisfaction are separate different and are from those that lead to job dissatisfaction.
Therefore, a manager looking to work eliminate factors that can create job
dissatisfaction; he can bring about peace, but not necessarily motivation. He be
placating his subordinates rather than motivates them. It is necessary that the
satisfactions or motivators be emphasized data.
Equity theory of Motivation

The basic arguments of this theory of motivation that emerged largely to address
processes compared social progress, is the main determinant of labor action
performance and satisfaction is the result of the degree of equity or inequity an
individual perceives in work situations. The degree of equity is explained in terms
of a ratio of one entry must individual results compared with a similar ration for a
colleague or other relevant.

Although contributors to this theory are many and each havingflor that his own
approach, the work of Adam, the work carried out in 1963, has become regarded as
a model so highly developed social comparison theory equity . A number of factors
distinguish the equity theory together to other theories previously discussed
above .A important distinguishing characteristic of equity theory is isthat places
great emphasis on individual perception of others and also influences group. On
the contrary, the need for theory is based on individual assessment of potential
factors that energize the individual to work on achieving goals and objectives of
the organization. Further,

The equity theory simply trying to provide us with a framework for understanding
the processes by which the is energized behavior and sustained. Finally, perceived
equity theory of motivation as conditions up comparatively and not as the result of
outside the actual set of circumstances. This model has a great implication
management that management has to be fair much as possible.
Achievement motivational theory

Mc Celland, in his Theory Achievement, is of with Maslow and Herzberg

agreement, explaining that certain needs or motives such as recognition, self-
esteem and even achieving data can surely motivate people. In his
accomplishments theory, he discovered three reasons that although motivate
people actually applied. These needs are:

(1) The need for application or close relationship

(2) The need for achievement Mc Celland report (1953) argues that every occasion
or need ISA learned one and only two are innate, ie, the for pleasure effort and
trying to avoid discomfort or pain for that report.

all other motives is required. These two factors are the responsibility of the
opposite ends of a continuum. One end is an approximation of the expectation data
pleasure and satisfaction and the other report is negative avoid pain or
unpleasantness. According to to Mc Celland, high performance do not like to get
by chance .They report also would like to take the hostile terrain rather they follow
the middle path, which is not competitive dangerous or very study data. the reasons
are degrees or need therefore:

(A) an achiever could be a successful entrepreneur

(B) The need for the application must come from socialite work who want
friendship and affiliation

(C) While the need for power holds leadership good data on the person.
According to Mc Celland, achievement motive is the desire to do the job in terms
of a standard of excellence or data To be successful in competitive situations. Do
things high performance better than other works together as one satisfies them
.Accomplishing task much more, therefore motivation. According to this theory,
people are not screwed into the that path that is thorny especially when a smaller
increase would accrue to them.

However, if a path would allow us to achieve the report or realize our goal, we
would like to work harder that path towards achieving our goal of .In report their
contribution, Georgopolous et al (1957) wrote the report that if a worker sees high
productivity a path leading to the achievement of one of more responsibility for
their personal goals, which will like to be a high producer. Conversely, if necessary
to seek low productivity for the report as a path towards achieving its objectives,
He will choose to be a producer of low

The overall objective of the study is to examine theimpact of motivation in

productivity in the Union Bank Plc. The specific objectives are as follows:

(1) To examine what are the factors that motivates employees are Union Bank Plc.

(2) To examine impact of motivation on employee performance in the Union Bank


(3) That to motivational identify problems typically faced in a Union Bank Plc


Based on the study objectives, the following questions must be formulated:

(1) What are the motivational factors that motivate employees at Union Bank Plc.?

(2) What is the impact of motivation in theperformance of the employees of Union

Bank Plc.?

(3) What are the problems of motivation of employees usually in Union Bank Plc.?

(4) How you can motivationsteps and employee performance can be improved in
Union Bank Plc.?

The central hypothesis guiding this study follows areas.

(1) Ho: There is no relationship as mentioned above between motivation and

performance of employees in the banking industry.
(2) H1: There is relationship as mentioned above between motivation and
performance of employees in the banking industry
(3) Ho: Employment in the banking sector have no motivation for their
(4) H1: Employment in the banking sector have motivation for their
The Significance of the Study

The need for the studyof arises from the realization thatthe fundamental asset of
any organization is the employees. Without them are very survival of the
organization could bean impossibility As we explained an important asset has to be
motivatedand create motivation among employees to be their best to move forward
the organization.

Therefore, a study of this nature is a step inthe right direction as we discussed

earlier study has some academic value and cultural aspects and could be of interest
to both researchers and students, managers in the banking sector and the general
public . For researchers and students, who will be a contributionin the field of
knowledge and literature on the subject and study guide as we discussed.

For managers of organizations and the banking sector, the study will help identify
the factors and responsibilities of employees, their problems and suggestions of
motivation in creating the work on how to motivate and improve performance and
practices for general public, the study will be an eye opener on employee
performance and the impact of employee motivation in trying Indo banking.

The study focuses primarily on motivation. It will emphasize the impact of

employee motivation inthe banking sector The study is limited to Union Bank Plc,
as discussed Maiduguri.


This section explains concepts in the context of this research discussed below.
These concepts are:


the status or condition of doing something on employees was induced.


This refers to managers, secretaries, technicians and others in an organization in

the banking industry.

That This relates to the effect on the motivation of employees of the organization
in relation to its performance
Research Methodology

Survey research is defined as systematic gatheringof reportinformation a sample of

respondents for purpose of explanation understanding and predict some aspects of
personality thebehaviour the population of interest. The process used in
collectionunderstanding andmethod data called methodology (and Abaum Tull,
1973: 3).

Data Sources

The materials used for the study are obtained from sources bothprimary and
secondary data.

Main source

Primary data is information provided by the researcherhimself form work. The

information is collected for a purpose or an investigative report specific research
work. Therefore, it is more valid and genuine need that although very expensive,
time consuming and energy are the result sapping.Questionnaire and personal
interview are the main data used in this study of the report.
Questionnaire is a set of printed questions for respondents andadministered data. It
is simply a formalized data approach to ask someone for information. All
questionsand responsibilitythe answers to questions provide data to achieve a
conclusion. Questions much as possiblemust motivate the respondent to provide
necessaryinformation (Croach, 1985: 64)

Personal interview

Personal interview involves a report face to face conversation between the

interviewer and the interviewee the interviewee report. The interviewer asks
questions and records the response interviewed responsibility either while the
interview is in progressors immediately after the interview wards.Personal despite
its cost is very fast in termsof response and the researcher can influence the
interviewenvironment and seek clarification when necessary. Alsoinformation
obtained through personal interview is to understand unadulterated questionnaire
given an advantage over whichmay be answered with the biased mind by the
defendant (Walter, 1976: 112) .For this study, personal mind interview with the
Chief Operating Officer and five members Bank staff Plc Meerut Union ,,
Secondary sources

Secondary source of data is the data that are developed for the report for any
purpose other than to help solve the problem athand. The investigator is not
involved in the secondarydata collection. That is, the secondary data has been
existencebefore the problem should be solved emerged. Secondary data was
enabled may have originated from the need to maintain properaccounts an
organization, research, etc. conference meetings

Secondary data is therefore not and quick expensive to get. proper care should be
taken, however, before using the data that could be explainedsecondary. The
relevance of the information in terms of how it fits with the requirements of the
problem in question has proven Tobe. The accuracy of the information in terms of
this unit of measure must be assessed. Sourceof data also has to be known in order
to verify its authenticity (Baker, 1991: 156) .For the study, secondary data consists
of publishedbooks, journals, conference proceedings and seminars as wellas report
data and unpublished materials.


A population is a group of people, organization or result of objects on which

information is desired as explained.

The population of this study consists of the report template Union Bank of Meerut
Plc ,, Maiduguri.

As shown according to Robert et al (1960: 114-115) is agroup of elements selected

from a population. That By definitionthe number of elements in a sample is less
than or mostequal as according to the number in the population. Usually, it is not
possible to study the whole area populationof an investigator of the study at the
same time. As a result of the information data from one part of the population is
collected bytaking sample elements.

Based on the informationgathered elements, conclusions about thelarger groups are

deducted. Custom size sample of fifty (50) was used in this study. Thiswas in order
to allow greater coverage areaand study data to ensure accuracy in drawing the
conclusions and findings of the report.


In this study, simple random sampling was employed.Questionnaires were

randomized to therespondents as discussed in the report

Here each element of the population has an equal chance of being selected as
known and mentioned.


Copies of the questionnaire were distributed to therespondents in their workplaces

personally t by theresearcher in the report.
They were asked to fill out the information required data at their convenience. A
letter was attached to each questionnaire which assuring respondents strict
confidentiality their comments and responses.Study the report.


The collected data were analyzed by using tables, figures and percentages to sum
responses the respondents report.

This chapter discusses the presentation and analysis based on the impact of
employee motivation Banking industry data: a case study of Union Bank Plc of
Meerut, Maiduguri. A total of 25 questionnaires are distributedamong report
explaining respondents (staff of the Union of Banks Plc Meerut, Maiduguri) and
only 23 were booked and received

The collected data were analyzed by using tables, figures and percentages might
while toolwas statistical chi-square used to test the assumptions made. The
collected data were analyzed by using tables, figures and percentages are
responsibilities while toolwas statistical chi-square used to test hypotheses made in
the report.


The focus of this study has been the impact of employee motivation in the report of
data from the banking industry: a case study of Union Bank Plc of Meerut,
Maiduguri. We have tried to look at the meaning, importance and complexity of
motivation and its relation to what could be explained in the report productivity in
the workplace.

Motivation is said to be the core of human resource management data. It is defined

as a process of encouraging people to action data to accomplish the task of
organizing and stimulating a process of self to action to meet a felt need.
Motivation is complex and personal and what motivates the general report are
varied, including wages, job security, conditions less restrictive work, sympathy,
participation in decision-making, appreciation and recognition by the work done
report. Therefore, the continued and increased survival productivitythe data of any
organization depends on the commitment and high morale of its workforce.

From the interpretation of the report's analysis of the data it shows that most
respondents are not involved in the decision-making process of their units or
departments. Most decisions are made by headquarters, while the branches are to
fulfill. There could be inadequate guidance and staff training to improve
performance andadvancing his career. In addition there cordialrelationship between
subordinates and superiors should explain it the harmonious working environment.
In thedischarge functions, staff use their initiative to work or discretion is allowed
provided its within the context mode thebank that workof operation, improving the
achievement of objectives of the organization and does not deny the and ethics
culture of banking

The study also revealed that workers assess the provision of works as excellent
medical care and housing provision so good. Were identified motivational factors
as an additional benefit, praise for work well-done, good working environment,
promotion, supervision and less work for the hard working employees. This
highlights the fact that motivation isindividualized and complex. test fair.The
However, workers motivation in the Union Bank Meerut Plc, Maiduguri which
was described as hypothesis formulated revealed thatthere is no relationship
between motivation and employee performance was the data, and employment do
not provide enough motivation for staff in the banking sector. The study identified
job insecurity,

Our further study has allowed us to have a better understanding result of the impact
of employee motivation to work in the banking industry in the Union Bank Plc of
Meerut, Maiduguri.

The importance of motivation in work performance of employees can not be

underestimated. This is because motivation makes workers to the objectives of
theorganisation putting every effort to increase the productivity of the organization
report are adjusted.

In light of the issues and problems in thisstudy, the following recommendations

were present, as discussed above.

(1) The management of Union Bank Meerut Plc, Maiduguri should be introduce
new assignments of various kinds to help some of the staff go through theirneeds
together. In addition to cars, furniture and housing related loans schemes should be

(2) The salary is one of the important capacity needs of workers on Sworld because
their lives and those of their family support facilities and depend on it. In view of
the difficult economic condition capacity in the country, it is recommended that
theorganisation should increase the salary of its staff inorder to meet with current
economic realities in the country report.

(3) the regular promotion in form and such term isrecommended. The lack of
promotion makes the staff stuck in a position without progress. will work itself is
about progress and everyone likes Inlife progress is due to reach personal goals in
life. The presentsituation where personnel must work for aggression related to a
big problem

(4) congratulations for a job well done should be a job as practiced in the
Organization. This can come in that way so special bonus payment for personal
performance withoutstanding in several departmentsyearly. When such bonds are
not possible, they should begiven been introduced recommendation letters, gifts or
honorary for awards
(5) The cordial relationship between higher subordinatesand is encouraging
employees and work should be strengthened. Forums parties, late yearcelebrations,
their birthdays and marriage ceremoniesshouldbe used to improve this relationship.

(6) The issue of job insecurity is a big problem in relation forbank employees and
affects their performance. TheManagement Bank must ensure that the work of his
employee must be assured. Should be to deal allows them to remain at work, gain
experience and build their careers.

(7) The compensation package for workers in the organization thethat report
should be reviewed and madeattractive. Even if an employee must be relieved of
his herduty or the compensation package should be such thatthe explain employee
may enter into any business that is self-employed.

(8) The policy orientation and training theorganisation should also look into in
order to give priority to guidance and trainingreport. There shouldbe regulate
proper orientation for new employees and ongoing training and to report andmust
recycling of all categories of staff in the organization.

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