Corona Loss Factor

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Department of Electrical Engineering

School of Engineering and Architecture

Saint Louis University

Calculating the corona loss for each selected conductor

Submitted by:





Submitted to:

Engr. Joey C. Mallillin

Due date: May 18, 2021

Date Submitted: May 18,2021

I. Introduction

In High voltage power transmission, an immense power

delivered through the conductor. When the power transfer
through a conductor, the voltage impress between the conductor
and air will create a capacitance for the line.

The phenomena of violet glow, hissing noise, and creation of

the ozone gas contained in the overhead transmission lines are
generally preferred as the corona effect of the transmission
line. The effect of corona provides terrible effects for the
transmission line system. In this activity, we are to determine
the corona loss and its designated conductors to limit the
effect of corona.

The electric field intensity also increases because of the

charging current. If the intensity of the electric field is less
than 30kV, the current induces between the conductor is neglected.
But if the voltage rises beyond the 30kv then the air between the
conductors becomes charge and they start conducting. The sparking
occurs between the conductors till the complete breakdown of the
insulation properties of conductors takes place.

Factors Affecting Corona

▪ Atmosphere: As it is already explained that the corona forms
due to ionization of the air. There are always some free
electrons in the air. However, in stormy weather, the number
of free electrons is more than that in normal conditions. In
such case, corona occurs at much lesser voltage.
▪ Conductor size: Corona discharge also depends on the shape and
size of the conductors. Irregularities on the conductor surface
concentrate the electric field at locations, resulting in
corona at these spots. Thus, a stranded conductor gives rise
to more corona than a solid conductor with a smooth surface.
Also, conductors having large diameter have lower electric
field gradient at the surface. Hence, conductors having large
diameter produce lower corona than small-diameter conductors.
▪ Spacing between the conductors: Larger distance between the
conductors reduces the electric stresses between them. And,
hence, larger the distance between conductors, lesser the
corona formation.
▪ Line voltage: As it is already explained, lesser the line
voltage, lesser the ionization of surrounding air. Corona
discharge starts to occur when the voltage becomes greater than
a minimum critical voltage called as critical disruptive
Minimizing corona:

Corona decreases the efficiency of transmission lines. Therefore,

it is necessary to minimize corona. The following factors may be
considered to control corona:

1. Conductor diameter – For reducing corona loss, this method of

increasing conductor diameters is very effective. Diameters of
conductors can be increased by using hollow conductors and by
using steel-cored aluminum conductors(ACSR) conductors.
2. The voltage of the line – Voltage of transmission lines is
fixed by economic considerations. To increase the disruptive
voltage, the spacing of the conductors is to be increased, but
this method has some limitations.
3. Spacing between conductors – If the space between conductor’s
increases, then the voltage drops between them also increases
due to increase in inductive reactance.

The corona effect occurs naturally due to the fact that air
is not a perfect insulator – containing many free electrons and
ions under normal conditions. When an electric field is established
in the air between two conductors, the free ions and electrons in
the air will experience a force. Due to this effect, the ions and
free electrons get accelerated and moved in the opposite direction.

The charged particles during their motion collide with one another
and also with slow-moving uncharged molecules. Thus the number of
charged particles increases rapidly. If the electric field is
strong enough, a dielectric breakdown of air will occur and an arc
will form between the conductors.

Electric power transmission deals with the bulk transfer of

electrical energy, from generating stations situated many
kilometers away from the main consumption centers or the cities.
For this reason, the long-distance transmission conductors are of
utmost necessity for effective power transfer – which in-evidently
results in huge losses across the system.
II. Data and Results
Line ACSR Cond. Cond. Conductor Spacing meters IR A VR % Eff % Corona
kV Code Size Ampac D12 m D23 m D31 m Equiv. PR/PS Loss
(dis)in ity A Spacing
230k Bluebi 1.762 1295 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 7.451470443 99.13947379 0.04796
V rd
230k Falcon 1.545 1095 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 7.753891625 98.88635078 0.04572
230k Lapwin 1.502 1080 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 7.819909406 98.86777986 0.04526
V g
230k Parrot 1.506 1060 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 7.850205817 98.79851781 0.04530
230k Plover 1.465 1030 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 7.89594448 98.77335994 0.04486
230k Boboli 1.427 1020 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 7.962878035 98.75481539 0.04444
V nk
230k Pheasa 1.382 960 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 8.06068431 98.63078117 0.04394
V nt
230k Bitter 1.345 950 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 8.126042817 98.61222234 0.04352
V n
230k Finch 1.293 885 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 8.269787352 98.43904514 0.04293
230k Blueja 1.259 875 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 8.327953114 98.43197922 0.04253
V y
230k Ortola 1.213 835 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 8.445105839 98.31653804 0.04199
V n
230k Cardin 1.196 810 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 8.529057001 98.20012941 0.04178
V al
230k Rail 1.165 800 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 8.584817269 98.18323247 0.04141
230k Drake 1.108 730 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 8.848987462 97.86933697 0.04071
230k Tern 1.063 715 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 8.932925742 97.83908338 0.04014
230k Grosbe 0.99 635 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 9.334268439 97.36186096 0.03919
V ak
230k Rook 0.977 635 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 9.368644735 97.34999697 0.03902
230k Peacoc 0.953 615 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 9.592345444 97.07339264 0.03870
V k
230k Dove 0.927 585 8.0957 8.0957 16.1914 10.2 9.676445013 96.99092242 0.03835
166k Bluebi 1.762 1295 6.3496 6.34 12.69 8 13.80227 98.29754 0.02738
V rd 96 9 646 034
166k Falcon 1.545 1095 6.3496 6.34 12.69 8 14.38284 97.80388 0.02604
V 96 9 357 33

166k Lapwin 1.502 1080 6.3496 6.34 12.69 8 14.50958 97.76801 0.02577
V g 96 9 236 039

166k Parrot 1.506 1060 6.3496 6.34 12.69 8 14.56774 97.63305 0.25793
V 96 9 234 617

166k Plover 1.465 1030 6.3496 6.34 12.69 8 14.65554 97.58444 0.02553
V 96 9 805 994

166k Boboli 1.427 1020 6.3496 6.34 12.69 8 14.78404 97.54872 0.02528
V nk 96 9 539 036

166k Pheasa 1.382 960 6.3496 6.34 12.69 8 14.97180 97.30828 0.02496
V nt 96 9 521 532

166k Bitter 1.345 950 6.3496 6.34 12.69 8 15.09727 97.27268 0.02474
V n 96 9 87 268
166k Finch 1.293 885 6.3496 6.34 12.69 8 15.37322 96.93817 0.02438
V 96 9 819 359

It has shown in this activity that another factor that we

must consider in selecting line conductor is the corona loss. Air
temperature, atmospheric pressure, size of the conductor and space
between it can affect corona. If the value of corona loss is in
its minimum, the value of efficiency is high. Contrary to the
transmission voltage, if the line voltage is high , the value of
the corona loss will also be high. The conductors under 166Kv and
230Kv satisfied the limit condition on corona loss.

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Circuitglobe (n.a). ” Corona Effect” Retrieved from:

Kiran Deware (n.a). “Corona Discharge - Its Effects And

Methods Of Reducing It” Retrieved from:

Electricalpowerenergy(August 13,2019).” What is Corona Effect

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