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What concept or idea did you learn this semester that was most interesting or surprising
to you?

I found the whole concept of critical rhetoric to be fascinating.

2. What concept did you find most confusing?

I was somewhat confused by the whole concept of an economic metaphor confusing. I

thought at first that I understood it, but was confused when I actually tried to write my
paper and include them.

3. Do you think there is any information or idea from the class that you think you can/will
carry forward into other classes or your life?

Absolutely. The whole way that we were looking at TV and film is going to change how I
look at the media I consume from now on, at least unconsciously. I suspect this will
impact other classes I take when we’re given artifacts or sources to look at.

4. Explain what accomplishment from this semester you are most proud of. Remember to
give examples and explanation to support your assessment.

I’m pretty proud of the final paper I just finished writing. It’s not perfect, but I think I did
a good idea exploring the concept of othering and how it was used in one of my favorite
shows. It also did a great job of making me think more about the media that I like and
why I like it.

5. Explain what you believe was most challenging for you as a student. Remember to give
examples and explanation to support your assessment.

Probably the presentation. I think it was my lowest grade so far, and that’s because I
didn’t prepare enough. Honestly I think the main reason is because I’m so used to giving
presentations in person. I froze up and didn’t write enough of a script.

6. Explain what you wish you had done differently this semester. Remember to give
examples and explanation to support your assessment.

I really wish I’d started on writing my paper in earnest sooner. I wrote a couple pages and
then didn’t touch it for like two weeks, and I think I would have had a much easier time if
I’d worked on it consistently.

7. Explain what your instructor could have done to make your course more meaningful
(better experience). Remember to give examples and explanation to support your

Not much, really. You did a pretty bang-up job.

8. What two pieces of advice do you wish you had at the beginning of the semester and
why? What would you have done differently if you had this advice?

Do the work before it’s due. I did most of the assignments in the night they were due,
and I probably shouldn’t have. I got everything done, but it made me more stressed
than was really necessary.

9. Which presentation made the biggest impression on you and why?

The Django one. I can’t remember the name of the person who gave it (one of the
downsides of virtual classes) but I really liked how in-depth he went on the economic
metaphor and the challenging of hegemony the film does.

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