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8. it or not.

Some secretaries acquire the bad

habit of arguing about the corectness their
employer’s spelling of grammar, especially if
Etiquette in business
they are strong in those departments and feel
certain that it is wrong. There could be no
No one can qualify for or hold a position as
objection to their saying, ‘Is this correct, Mr.
secretary unless she knows and observes the
Black?’, but if your employer insists that it is,
rules of business etiquette-in other words,
that is the end of the discussion.
correct behaviour in the office. Many of these
Under no circumstances go over your
rules are the same as in private life and need
employer’s head. If, for example, you think
not be repeated. In business, however, there
you are entitled to a rise, speak to your
are various other points regarding etiquette
employer about it first, before taking the
that need discussion.
matter to the personnel manager, or however
else deals with it.
Your employer and other executives
Fellow empoyees
If you cannot come to work,
Correct behaviour towards your fellow
telephone your employer or your immediate
employees fellows closely wht whould be
superior right at the time for the
excepted that in the office many more people
commencement of work and explain the
are concerned. The following are some of the
reason. If you are able to speak to your
thongs you will keep in mind :
employer, draw his attention to anything
important that has to be done, or completed,  Don’t ask personal questions-about an
during the day so that any necessary employees’s age, religion, salary, the cost
arrangements can be made. You may, for of items of clothing.
example, hae partly completed a repor which  Don’t be noisy in closing doors or in
will be needed the following day. If your speaking to others. Don’t laugh loudly or
employer is not there, get someone else to giggle. Doing things quietly is one of the
pass on a message. signs of an efficient secretary.
If you are absent for several days,  If you have occasion to apologise for
keep the firm posted about your progress and having inconvenienced anyone, say, ‘I’m
portable date of return, as your employer may very sorry’, not just ‘Sorry’, which sounds
need to engage temporary help. insincere.
It would be unusual for a secretary to  Don’t contradict people openly, as it leads
rise from her chair when her employer enters to friction. It is of course permissible to
and speaks to her. However,if, say the disagree courteously, or to say, ‘Are you
managing direcor of a large concern came in sure that is right?’ and then put your
to see her employer, it would in some though version. However, avoid forcing your
not all cases be unusual for er to rise. views on others or monopolising the
If you have to send typewritten conversation.
notices of a board meeting, etc to a number  If someone in the office boys you a drink
of directors, unless instucted otherwise it or pays your bus fare, don’t argue and
would be inappropriate to send carbon insist on paying for yourself, as this can
copies. Each would be separately typed. The cause embarrassment. It is customary for
same would apply to any similar document each person in a pair or group to pay his
unless it was particularly long. It would always or her own way. Make sure that you are
be typed on white paper. ready to pay for your share of anything.
Under no circumstances should you Don’t be ‘Slow on the draw’.
argue with your superiors. This is not to say  Be tidy. At home you can leave your own
that you are not entitled to put your point of room in a
view. When your employer makes a decision
it is for you to obey it, whether you agree with HALAMAN 35
Something such as ‘We’ve spoken to each Hal 38Probably the best thing is to
other several times on the phone’. wait until your employer appears to be
 On introduction, a woman may offer her relaxed and not busy, and also in a good
hand to a man or not, as she pleases. An mood. Than you can say something like this:
older woman may offer her hand to a ‘Mr Black to give me a higher salary. I have
young one, or a very distinguished woman been doing much more important work since
to any other. This is considered a sign of Christmas, and most of my friends doing this
friendliness. In busines introductions, kind of work are getting more tha i am’.
woman rarely shake hands, though men You should be prepared for a
do. A man normally does not offer his disappointing answer even with this
hand to a woman, though occasionally a approach, and not become embroiled in an
much older or very distinguished man argument.
may do so.
 If offered someone’s hand, you must take Invitations
 If a woman is seated, it is not necessary It may be necessary for you to arrange
for her to rise when a man is being for your firm the sending out of initations to
introduced. In business, you would rise if people to attend various functions-Christmas
a person of importance is introduced. A parties, cock tail parties, business
manalways stands when introduced. conferences, etc. Your employer will also
 If you do shake hands, grasp the other’s receive similar invitations from other firms
hand firnly. and organisations, and it will normally be your
duty to send suitable replies to those on your
Introducing yourself employer’s behalf.
 You may say, ‘I’m Miss White (or Jean Invitations are broadly classified as
White), Mr Black’s secretary. May i help formal and informal. The latter are reserved
you?’ for social rather than business occasions, so
 If you have to join group, but know no that it is the formal invitation that will
one, say, ‘I’m Jean White, from concern you most.
melbourne.’ The formal invitation is frequently
 If you meet somebody you have met only printed on a good-quality cad. It usually
once previously, do not say, ‘Don’t you follows one of the two styles below.
remember me, Mr Brown?’. The chances THE SYDNEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
are that he doesn’t, and this could be
embrarrassing. Spare this embarrassment Cordially invites you to attend
by saying, ‘Good morning, Mr Brown, I’m A dinner in honour of
Jean White, Mr Black’s secretary. I met Sir Francis Shuckieton
you at the publishers’ conference several President, London Chamber of Commarer
months ago’. This gives him the
On Friday,2 July,19
opportunity of pretending that he at the Hilton Hotel at eight o’clock.
remembers you well. Dress
A study of the foregoing principles will be Informal
of great help to you in handling introductions. Subscription $25
Some of these, however, become quite
complicated and you could find themdifficult You are cordially invited to attend a
Testimonial Dinner
at first. In Honour of
Asking for a rise (not a raise) Mr W J MACKAT, ORE
To most people, this is great ordeal, Founder and President of the
and it is all the more necessary to know what Sydney Historical Society
For fifty years
you should say. To be held on
Saturday, 10 July, 19
At the Historical Society’s Rooms
Hunter Street , Sydney
At seven o’clock
RSVP $25 per head
W Carrington Dress Informal
By 1 July

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