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INGLÊS Definitivo


1 – Responda as perguntas abaixo:

a) How are you?

I’m fine, and you?

b) Are you a good student?

Yes, I am a good student.

c) Is English an easy language?

No, english are not easy language.

d) What are you cooking?

I am cooking chicken.

e) Where are you going?

I am gooing to school.

f) Where is the chocolate?

The chocolate is on the table.

g) Is this bag yours?

Not, this bag is not mine.

h) What is he doing?

He is reading.

i) What is she talking about?

She is singing.

j) Where are you from?

I am from Brazil.

k) How old are you?

I have fiftenn years.

INGLÊS Definitivo

l) What time is it?

Are half past seven.

m) Can you drive a car?

Yes, I can drive a car.

n) Can she dance samba?

Yes, she can dance samba.

o) What was he reading?

Hes was Reading a book.

p) Were you sleeping?

No, i was not sleeping.

q) Where were you?

I was home.

r) Whose is this wine?

That wine is mine.

s) What is this? (pencil)

This is a pencil.

2 – Complete com a letra corresponde à tradução das palavras abaixo:

a) Beside ( d ) dentro
b) On ( a ) ao lado
c) Out ( c ) fora
d) In ( b ) em cima
e) Behind ( f ) em frente
f) In front of ( g ) embaixo
g) Under ( e ) atrás
INGLÊS Definitivo

3 – Passe para o inglês:

a) Onde você está indo?

Where are you doing?

b) O que eles estão fazendo?


c) Eu sinto a sua falta.


d) Eu sou tão gorda quanto Susan.


e) Quem é ela?


f) Nós podemos viajar para Europa.


g) Ela é mais bonita que a mãe dela.


h) Nós estávamos dormindo ontem à noite.


i) Eu era cantora, agora sou atriz.


j) Ela não estava cozinhando ovos.


k) Eu sou baixa, mas Mary é mais baixa que eu.


l) Aquela mulher está indo estudar.

INGLÊS Definitivo

4 – Passe para a interrogativa as orações abaixo:

a) I am going to dance. Am I going to dance?

b) The book is on the table. Is the book on the table?
c) He is dancing. Is he dancing?
d) You are doing the exercise. Are you doing the exercise?
e) She can talk. Can she talk?
f) They were eating. Were they eating?
g) It was raining. Was it raining?

5 – Passe para a negativa as orações abaixo:

h) I am going to dance. I am not going to dance.

i) The book is on the table. The book is not on the table.
j) He is dancing. He is not dancing.
k) You are doing the exercise. You are not doing the exercise.
l) She can talk. She can not talk.
m) They were eating. They were not eating.
n) It was raining. It was not raining.

6 – Complete com a letra corresponde à tradução das palavras abaixo:

a) What ( d ) onde
b) Why ( g ) quando
c) Who ( c ) quem
d) Where ( a ) O que, que
e) How ( f ) qual deles
f) Which one ( b ) Por que
g) When ( e ) como

7 – Complete com an ou a antes das seguintes palavras:

a) an elephant b) a student

c) a glove d) an Apple

e) a car f) an egg
INGLÊS Definitivo
8 – Complete com a conjugação correta do verbo (entre parênteses) da pessoa

a) We have. (have) b) Ana have. (have)

c) Bruno speaks. (speak) d) My father eat. (eat)

e) My mother and my father live. (live) f) My sister goes. (go)

g) I cry. (cry) h) My dog watches. (watch)

i) The teacher does. (do) j) You like. (like)

k) They have got. (have got) j) Chris has got. (have got)

9 – Responda as perguntas abaixo:

a) Do you smoke?

No, i don’t smoke.

b) Does Maria study English?

Yes, Maria does study english.

c) Do they like football?

Yes, they do like football.

d) Where do your parents live?

My parents do live in Brazil.

e) What do you do? (What’s your job?)


f) What type of chocolate do you like?

I like prestigio.

g) Have you got an i-pod?

No, I am not an ipod.

h) Has she got a dog?

No, she not got a dog.

INGLÊS Definitivo

i) Do you have any money?

Yes, i have any Money.

j) Does he have a laptop?

No, he not have a laptop.

10 – Responda:

a) What time is it, please? (7:45)


b) What kind of food do you like?


c) What do you prefer: hamburger or pizza?

I prefer pizza to hamburger.

d) Do you like barbecue?

Yes, I like barbecue.

e) What time do you have breakfast and lunch? (8:15/12:30)


Good Luck!

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