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neo finance

iProcurement User Guide

Table of Contents
About this Workbook..................................................................................................3
Getting Started...........................................................................................................4
Activating your login..............................................................................4
Changing your password.........................................................................5
Logging into neo finance........................................................................5
Choosing Your Responsibility..................................................................7
iProcurement Profiles..................................................................................................8
Internet Procurement Introduction...........................................................................10
Screen Layout......................................................................................10
Navigation Tip......................................................................................11
Creating a Requisition.............................................................................................12
Maintaining your Shopping Cart...............................................................................17
Updating Quantities..............................................................................17
Removing Items from the Shopping Cart................................................18
Adding Additional Items to the Shopping Cart........................................18
Saving your Shopping Cart....................................................................19
Going through the Checkout.....................................................................................21
1. Checkout – Edit Lines........................................................................21
2. Checkout – Review Approver List.......................................................27
3. Checkout - Review and Submit Requisition.........................................28
Viewing and Ordering using an Old Requisition......................................28
Procurement Receiving Process................................................................................31
Receive Items.......................................................................................33
Return Items........................................................................................37
Correcting Receipts..............................................................................41
System Timeout........................................................................................................44

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About this Workbook
This workbook contains information designed to provide you with an introduction to
neo finance and build your iProcurement skill level.
This workbook is an overview and preface to the features and functions within neo
finance iProcurement.


After reading this user guide, you will be able to:

 Log into Oracle

 Change your Password

 Choose a Responsibility

 Understanding Internet Procurement Terminology

 Create Non-Catalogue Requisitions

 Maintain your Shopping Cart

 Go through the Checkout

 View the Status of your Requisitions

 Print your Purchase Orders

 Receive your Purchases in iProcurement

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Getting Started
Activating your login
Note: This is a mandatory one-off pre-requisite step for each user before
accessing neo for the first time. This will synchronise your Webmail password with
your neo user account password and must be done before your first use of neo.

• Go to the following web page:

• Complete the following personal information: -

• Student (or Staff) Number (this is your staff ID without the preceding a.)
− Given Name
− Family Name
− Date of Birth
− Password Information
Note: Enter your current UTS Webmail password. Please note that you need
to change this password and this will also be used next time you login to your
email account.
• Select the Activate your account button at the bottom of the screen.
• An Update Results confirmation page will display. If any error messages
occur call the IT Support Centre on x2222.

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Changing your password
If you need to change your password you must do this using the steps outlined in
‘Activating your login.’ This will ensure that your webmail login and neo login are

Logging into neo finance

• Go to the neo homepage and click on the box to

login to neo, as illustrated below.

Click here to
login to neo

• The neo login page will display.

• Enter your username. This is your staff ID (without the preceding a). *
• Enter your password. This is your Webmail password, as per the one you
entered in the activation screen.
• Note: All temporary staff members who have been allocated a M000
number, please enter your username including the M.

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Choosing Your Responsibility
What is a ‘Responsibility’?

A responsibility is a level of authority in neo finance assigned to you by the

business. This responsibility will allow you to access particular functions, forms and
data appropriate to your role within the University of Technology Sydney. For
− UTS Internet Expenses
− UTS Internet Procurement


1. To select your responsibility, simply click on UTS Internet Expenses or UTS

Internet Procurement (from the Applications section).

2. Select the appropriate task or function you wish to access (from the right
hand column).

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iProcurement Profiles
Before your requisitions can be created, your procurement profile must be updated
for correct delivery information and any other default settings you may decide to

• Go to Preferences and select iprocurement preferences.

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1. Complete Preferences for the following Delivery Defaults: -
• Need-By Date = Order Date + X Days (select no of days you prefer)
• Requester Name = Select your name (should Default)
• Deliver-To Location = Select your office location from the available
list. Please note that the FSU location format is used e.g. CB10.02.290
Note: This is a mandatory change. You must ensure your delivery location
is changed from UTS to ensure correct delivery of any purchases.
2. Select the Apply Changes button (bottom right hand corner of Window).
3. A Confirmation for changes made to profile information will display.
4. To return to the Main UTS iProcurement Window, select the Shop Tab (top
right hand corner of window).
Note: If you will be purchasing items from overseas you will also find an
option in your profile to display both the foreign currency price and the
Australian dollar conversion.

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Internet Procurement Introduction
Screen Layout





1. Standard navigation buttons

Home Home will return you to your E-Business Suite Home Page.
Displays the products that you have placed in your shopping
Displays a list of topics on using the iProcurement system in a
separate browser window

Takes you to the main shopping page

Takes you to the requisition status screen where you can

view your requisition(s) and their status
Takes you to the receiving window where you Receive or
Return items, Correct or View Receipts.

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2. Purchasing Links – These will allow you to browse through the categories,
browse your favourites or shopping lists and create non-catalogue requests.

3. Requisitions at a Glance – this area displays your most recent requisitions

and their status. By selecting the requisition number the items and cost will
display and by selecting the approval status the approval history will display.

4. This area shows all requisitions. Here you can change, cancel or copy a

5. To Do List – this is the area where your notifications can be reassigned.

Navigation Tip
Use the main navigation links at the top of the iProcurement Window to move
around during the ordering process.

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Creating a Requisition

Oracle has the ability to host supplier catalogues, eg Blackwoods and purchase directly from
them. UTS specific catalogues can also be created and used to purchase regularly required items
such as toner cartridges and Neverfail spring water. At present this functionality is not enabled.
Requisitions raised in iproc are called Non Catalogue Requests.
Note: Corporate Express purchases will continue to be processed via Netxpress.

1. Select the Non-Catalogue Request Tab

2. Complete the following required information on the Non-Catalogue

Request Window (You can search for information by clicking on the
torch icon next to the field):-
• Item Description – Description of item to be purchased

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• Category – Selects the most appropriate natural account for your
purchase. (You can use wildcards when searching. The wildcard
symbol is the % sign and can be used when you are not sure of
the exact spelling or to widen your search criteria) – for further
information on categories refer to the following page.
• Quantity – The Number of that item you require
• Unit Price – Price per unit for that item, as per quotation

• Supplier Name – Search using the Torch icon

NOTE: If you do not locate the supplier details through your search, you will need to
add the supplier to neo by selecting the New Supplier check box. A request will be
generated and forwarded to FSU (Financial Services Unit), upon Purchase
Requisition approval, for supplier and Purchase Order creation. This means that a
purchase order will not automatically be generated after approval and FSU or IT
Purchasing will need to intervene to create the purchase order.

3. Select the Add to Cart button to add your item to your shopping cart.
This will update your Shopping Cart as displayed in the following two

Add to Cart - Before

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Add to Cart - After

Note how adding an item to cart

updates the shopping cart contents,
without displaying the Shopping Cart
screen anymore.

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Why use a Category?


- In short, to reduce the need for you to remember all the natural
account codes from the Chart of Accounts and to classify purchases for
analysis. This type of analysis will provide information to the
purchasing departments (FSU & IT Purchasing) as to the need for
creating new catalogues.

Categories are grouped into several major classes. These are then
categorised into sub-sections/classes. A full list of the category codes
are maintained on the FSU website at

The UTS major section headings are listed below. These should assist
you when searching…
• Agency_Staff
• EHS (Employee Health and Safety)
• IT (Information Technology)
• Entertainment
• Equipment
• Fees

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• Maintenance
• Postage
• Printing
• Services
• Supplies
NOTE: If you are unable to find an exact category to suit your requested purchase,
choose the closest category, refer to the Chart of Accounts for the appropriate
natural account number, and amend the charge account via Proceed to Checkout.
Should this category need to be added to the list for future reference and purchase,
please contact the Helpdesk on x2222

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Maintaining your Shopping Cart
Updating Quantities
Once you have added the items to your shopping cart you need to check that the
quantity shown is the quantity required.

To update the correct number of items:

1. Select the View Cart and Checkout button (right hand side of
window under the Shopping Cart Section)
2. Edit the number in the Quantity column next to each item
3. Click on which ever button you wish to navigate to next, and your
edited quantities will be saved automatically.

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Removing Items from the Shopping Cart
To remove an item from your shopping cart:

1. Select the Delete icon on the right hand side of the corresponding

Adding Additional Items to the Shopping Cart

Additional items can be added to your shopping cart once you have clicked on the
Update link by selecting the Return to Shopping link.

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This will return you to the the screen you were last in and you can continue

Saving your Shopping Cart

If you need to put your shopping "on hold" you can save your cart and resume
shopping when it is next convenient.
To save your cart:

1. Select the Save button (from your Shopping Cart Window)

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2. Requisition description defaults from first item entered on

To resume adding items to your shopping cart:

1. Select the View cart and Checkout button.

2. Select the Open Saved Cart link to display all open shopping carts

4. The shopping cart is now active and you can add additional items to
it by selecting the Return to Shopping Link.

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Going through the Checkout
Once you have completed your shopping you need to go through the checkout. The
checkout processes the order, sends it for approval and upon approval will create a
purchase order, which is sent to the supplier.

1. Checkout – Edit Lines

1. Click on the Checkout button

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2. The first screen displays the default settings for:
 Requisition Description
 Need-By Date
 Requestor
 Deliver-To Location

You can update these accordingly.

3. Click on the Edit Lines button to edit any of the following

 Delivery Information
 Charge Accounts (org unit, natural accounts etc)
 Attachments

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 Delivery

- Delivery Information
4. Select the Continue button.

Update the values by clicking on each columns respected search icon. i.e. Calendar
(dates), Torch (names).

 Accounts

Click on the Accounts button to review the charge accounts defaulted for each
item added to the requisition. You will need to check that the account information
is correct for each item.
If the charge account is incorrect: -
• Click on the underlined Charge Account accounting string
• Change the account accordingly
(See below step Editing Charge Account for instructions on how to
do this)

Note: To split the costs of a requisition between multiple areas click on the charge
account link and then click on the Add Another Row button. Enter the relevant
details and the percentage split between areas. If you wish to apply this split to all
lines in the requisition check the box to apply this account to all requisition lines.
NOTE: Any IT Equipment, which is required to be leased, must have the appropriate
charge account. In order to assist you we have created an IT LEASE favourite
charge account. Select the OK Button.

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Editing Charge Account

1. Click on the Charge Account code to edit the string

2. Update the UTS Accounting Flexfield value with the correct code then click
on the Return button to save the change.

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 Attachments

3. Click Attachments, followed by the Add Attachments button to open the

Attachments window

4. Enter the description of the attachment in the Description field.

5. Click on Browse and select the file you wish to add to the requisition.
6. once file is selected click on the Apply button to save the attachment to the

 Repeat steps 3 to 6 to add multiple attachments

7. Click on the Return button to return to the main Shopping Cart screen

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… Return to the main Shopping Cart screen

8. Click on the Checkout button to proceed to the Review Approver List screen.

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2. Checkout – Review Approver List

Click here to add


The Review Approver List & Enter Justifications Window will display.

Note: The system will be build the approver list for you based on the
purchasing authorities and financial delegations for your area. Do
not remove an approver from this list unless you replace
them with an alternate approver who has authority to
approve for the amount of your requisition.
A note to the approver (in the Justification field), outlining a reason
for the purchase can be added (this is optional). It is mandatory to
obtain two quotes for all non-catalogue purchases greater than
$2,000. This should be attached via the Add Attachments button
(see previous section on Attachments for instructions on how to do

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3. Checkout - Review and Submit Requisition

The Review and Submit Requisition Window will display.

• Review all information
• Select the Submit button

The Submit Confirmation Window will display showing your

requisition number. It is a good idea to keep a note of this number
for future reference.

Viewing and Ordering using an Old Requisition

You can also create an order by adding the items from a previous requisition to your
shopping cart.
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1. Locate the requisition that you want to use either from Requisitions
(UTS iProcurement Shop Page) or under the Requisition Status Page by
selecting either Last 10 Requisitions or All My Requisitions and then
clicking on the Go button.

2. Select the requisition by clicking in the select box to the left of the
requisition number
3. Select the Copy to Cart button
4. For the items you do not wish to order, select the delete icon. (left
hand side of window).
5. Select the Update link below the Quantity column to keep your

1. Complete the Quantity field (if you require more than 1 item)
2. Select the Add to Cart button.
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3. Your Shopping Cart contents page will now be displayed

NOTE: Upon the completion of your order select the View Cart and Checkout
button to progress to the Shopping Cart contents screen. Submit your Purchase
Requisition for approval by clicking on the Checkout button (right hand side of

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Procurement Receiving Process

• From your Shop Page, Select the Receiving Tab (top right hand corner).

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• The Receiving Window will display. From this Window several functions can
be performed: -

1. Receive Items
2. Return Items
3. Correct Receipts
4. View Receipts

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Receive Items
• The Receiving Process is a three step Process. Each step will be outlined
1. Select Items
2. Receipt Information
3. Review & Submit

• There are three ways to access the Receive Items information from this
window. Simply select one of the Receive Items links to commence the
Receiving Process. or or Requisition Number (this is by far
the simplest and most appropriate process).


• The Receive Items: Select Items to Receive Window will display.

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• Select each line item to be receipted, and it is very important you double-
check the Receipt Quantity against the Quantity Ordered.
• Select the Next Button.

NOTE: If you Over Receipt (receive more items than ordered) the following error
Message will display.

On the other hand, if you receive fewer items than ordered you can ‘Partially’
receipt your requisition. This means that when you receive the remainder of your
order, follow the normal receipting process, but ensure you check the Receipt
Quantity, Quantity Ordered and the Already Received section of your
requisition line.

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Answer yes if
the receipt
relates to all
items selected
on your

• The Receive Items: Enter Receipt Information Window will display.

• The Receipt Date field will default to today’s date.
• The Packing Slip and Receipt Comments fields are optional.
• Select the Next Button


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• The Receive Items: Review and Submit Window will display.
• Review that all items have been receipted correctly.
• Select the Submit Button.

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• A Confirmation Window will display. Ensure you take note of the receipt
number. This will need to be written on the Invoice and sent to the Accounts
Payable Department (Level 6, Building 10).

Return Items
• The Return Process is a three step Process. Each step will be outlined below.
1. Find Receipt
2. Return Information
3. Review & Submit
• There are two ways to access the Return Items information from the
Receiving window. Simply select one of the Return Items links to
commence the Return Process.

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• The Return Items: Select Items to Return Window will display.

• Find the appropriate Receipt to make your return adjustment.
This means you must receipt all items on your requisition before you can
return an item. For example; 10 items were received, but 2 were damaged
and will be returned. Complete the receipt for 10 items, then complete the
return for 2 items.
• Complete the Return Quantity Field
• Select the Next Button

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• The Return Items: Enter Return Information Window will display.
• Complete your Return Reason and / or any comments
• Select the Next Button


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• The Return Items: Review and Submit Return(s) Window will display.
• Review that all items have been returned correctly.
• Select the Submit Button.

• A Confirmation Window will display.

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Correcting Receipts
• The Correcting Receipts Process is a two step Process. Each step will be
outlined below.
1. Find Receipt
2. Review & Submit
• There are two ways to access Correct Receipts from the Receiving window.
Simply select one of the Correct Receipts links to commence
the Correct Receipts Process.

• The Correct Items: Select Items Window will display.

• Find the appropriate Receipt to make your correction adjustment.
• Complete the Correct Quantity Field
• Select the Continue Button

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• The Correct Receipt: Review and Submit Window will display.

• Review that all items have been correctly altered.
• Select the Submit Button.

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• A Confirmation Window will display.

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System Timeout
If you have logged into neo finance and do not use it for a period of one hour, the
system will timeout. When you attempt to access neo finance again the following
error message will display:

To reactivate your session you are required to re-enter your username and

Note: When a system timeout occurs, you will lose any unsaved information.
Therefore, it is important that you save your work at regular intervals.

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