Research Methods For Marketing

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Research methods for marketing

Variant 5

Selection of management model in companies is considering one of the main topic in reality.
And it is very important to analyze Japan management system because of being great economy
in the world. So the main purpose of this study is to analyze the management model of Japan
companies, to show the effect of factors on the performance of management systems and to
clarify industrial efficiency.Please write the following:
1) Formalize research questions and hypothesis regards on case

Research questions:

What impact does Japanese management policies have on the global market and the industry?

How could possibly the Japanese management policies be implemented in a given country?

How do the management policies in Japan and in the given country compare in outcomes and

Hypothesis: The widely popular management policies in Japan should not be implemented
elsewhere, as their efficiency is proven only in domestic cultural environment.

2) How can you describe research design?

Research design is the framework for a researcher's selected research methods and techniques.
The design allows scientists to study methods that are appropriate for the topic and establish their
studies to succeed.

The design of a research subject explains the research type (experimental, research, correlation,
semi-experimental, evaluation) and its subtype (experimental design, research problem,
descriptive case-study).

Three main research design types exist: data collection, measurement and analysis.

The type of research issue facing an organization determines the design of research and not the
other way around. The study design phase determines which instruments to use and how.
An impactful research design generates a minimum difference in data and increases confidence
in the accuracy of the data collected. The desired result is generally regarded as a design that
produces the least margin of error in experimental research. The main elements in the design of
research are:

1. Precise declaration of purpose

2. Techniques for the collection and analysis of research to be implemented
3. The method used for the analysis of the information gathered
4. Type of methodology for research
5. Most probable research objections
6. Research studies settings
7. Deadline
8. Analytical measurement

Your study is successful through proper research design. Successful studies give accurate and
impartial insights. A survey that meets all the main characteristics of a design will be required.
Research design has four main characteristics:

Neutrality: You may need to make assumptions regarding the data you are supposed to gather
when setting up your study. There should be no partial and neutral results projected in the design
of research. Understand views and conclusions from many individuals on the final assessed
scores and those who are in agreement with the results achieved.

Reliability: The scientist involved expects similar results each time through regularly conducted
research. Your design should show how research questions are formed to ensure that the results
are standard. Only if your design is reliable can you achieve the desired results.

Validity: Multiple tools are available for measuring. The only correct measuring tools, however,
are those that help researchers measure results based on the research objective. This design
questionnaire will then be valid.

Oversimplification: The result of your project should apply not only to a restricted sample but
to a population. A widespread design means that your survey can be carried out with similar
precision on any part of the population.

The above factors affect how the interviewees respond to the research questions, therefore all the
above features should be well balanced.

A researcher must understand the different types of research designs in order to choose which
model for the study to be implemented. The design of your study, like research itself, can be
widely classified in quantitative and qualitative terms.

Qualitative research design: The relations between data collected and observations based on
mathematical calculations are determined by qualitative research. Statistic methods can show or
disprove theories related to the natural phenomenon. Researchers use qualitative methods for
research design to conclude that there is "why" and "what" people have to say about a particular

Quantitative research design: Quantitative research is required in cases where statistical

findings are essential to gather actionable insight. A better perspective to take critical business
decisions is provided by numbers. For the growth of any organization, quantitative methods of
research design are necessary. Hard numerical information and analyzes are extremely effective
for decision-making in relation to the future of the company.

3) which types of methods do you prefer?

I personally believe that in this case, the best way to answer the research questions and
prove/disprove the hypothesis would be a case study. The study should be sampled at least from
5 different countries in order to assess the real impact of culture on the management style and
accomplish the characteristics of research design. I believe qualitative research design would be
the optimum choice in this case.

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