2 As Exam No Man Is An Island

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Rafaa Abdelmajid Secondary School Academic Year: 2016-2017

Third Term English Exam The level: 2nd year ES & M

Part one: Reading (15 pts)

A- Comprehension (8pts)
Read the text carefully then do the following
Algeria has suffered from a cold wave that began on 16 January 2017. On 20 January, it became clear
that additional support would be needed and the Algerian Red Crescent (ARCS) is requested. The falling
snow and cold weather in Algeria has affected the Eastern, Central and the high plateau regions. The snow
has cut off numerous communities and villages, particularly in the mountainous areas, causing losses to
livelihoods due to isolation, power cuts and material damages to the residents of these areas. Dwellings have
been damaged by the heavy snowfall, especially the tents used by nomadic population.
Initial assessments, to cope with this disaster, carried out by the Algerian Red Crescent which is a
humanitarian volunteer organization that founded in 1956. (ARCS) was recognized by the International
Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1963 and since then a member of the International Red Cross.
During this disaster, all branches of Algerian Red Crescent have been mobilized and are involved in the
response operation around the clock. (ARCS) has provided nearly 5,000 families with relief items, including
blankets, food parcels, clothing, mattresses and tents. The food parcel consists of rice, oil, tinned tomatoes,
lentils, couscous, sugar, white beans and pasta. (ARCS) has also distributed 12 generators to isolated
villages cut off from electricity supply due to the main electricity grid having been damaged by the adverse
weather. Furthermore, (ARCS) teams have also been mobilized to assist the homeless and the migrant
population with hot meals, clothing, blankets and first aid kits.

1. Are the following statements true or false?

a) The cold wave has practically affected areas in mountain
b) The heavy snow has not damaged the dwellings
c) The ARCS was recognized by the international Committee of the Red Cross in 1956
d) Few branches of ARCS were involved during the snow disaster of winter in 2017
2. Answer the following questions from the text:
a) What did the Algerian Red Crescent provide people with during this disaster? Give just 3
b) When did the snow storm begin?
c) Did the disaster affect the South?
3. In which paragraph is it mentioned that:
a) The population is provided with different aids and relief
b) The snow storm has caused great damage to the residents of Eastern regions
4. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text?
a) Region § 1 b) Which §2
B- Text Exploration (7pts)
1) Match words with their definitions:

Words Definitions
1. Dwellings a) Harm or loss caused to something
2. Volunteer b) Food, money; medical supplies given to people in need
3. Damage c) A place of residence, a house or a flat
4. Relief d) A person who works for an organization but is not paid for what he does
2) Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a) :
1. a- “Don’t go out tonight?”, the mother advised her son
b- The mother advised her son …………………………………
2. a- They said, “During this disaster all branches of (ARCS) have involved in helping people.
b- They said that ………………………………………………
3) Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of final -ed:
Wanted – Helped – Mobilized - Damaged

/t/ /d/ /id/

4) Fill in the gaps with words from the list given:

needy – organization – humanitarian – nutritional

Since the formation of the Algerian Red Crescent in 1956, the ... (1) …. has remained active in providing
…. (2) …assistance throughout Algeria. It provides hundred parcels of...(3)…aid to the…(4) …

Part two: Written Expression (5pts)

Choose only one topic

Topic one: You are deeply worried about snow storm disaster. Act out a dialogue to ask for pieces of advice
about what you should or shouldn’t do before, during and after it. Use the following notes:

 Before snow storm: Rock salt or more environmentally safe products to melt ice on walkways.
 During snow storm: Stay indoors during the storm.
 After snow storm: If you do not have adequate supplies to stay warm in your home overnight, you
may go to a designated public shelter

Topic two: Write a letter to Agony Aunt in which you ask for advice about your dilemma.

Good Luck
Your teacher

mm. Belouettar

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