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Year 7 History Revision Booklet for

End of Course Exam 2019

Define the following:
















Source analysis practice

Source 1 –

[Constantine] put to death his son Crispus… for having come under suspicion of being
intimate with his stepmother Fausta… [Constantine] ordered an extraordinary hot bath to
be prepared, put Fausta in it, and removed her only after she had died. Feeling guilty
about these crimes… he approached the [pagan] priests. They replied that no method …
had been handed down capable of cleansing such abominations [disgusting acts]. But a
certain Spaniard… in a conversation with Constantine maintained confidently that ‘the
doctrine of the Christians could wash away any crime’ … Constantine most readily
received this word…

(An account by Zosimus, a pagan historian of ancient Rome, of the reasons for
Constantine’s conversion to Christianity)

Questions for Source 1:

1) Is this a primary or secondary source? primary

2) What evidence is provided to suggest that Constantine felt guilty?
He approached the priests for feeling guilty
3) Even though Constantine felt guilty for killing Crispus, what made him feel better?
The doctrine of the Christians could wash away any crime
4) From whose perspective is this source written? What was the writer’s occupation?
Zosimus for the reasons for Constantine’s conversation to Christianity.

Source 2 –

Questions for Source 2:

1) Is this a primary or secondary source? primary

2) How do we know this?
It tells us what year it was painted in.
3) What does this source tell us about Ancient Roman life?
Most people in Rome are vigilant and hard workers.

Source 3 –

‘The Sumerians, according to their own records, cherished goodness and truth, law
and order, justice and freedom, righteousness and straightforwardness, mercy and
compassion… Kings and rulers, in particular, boast constantly of the fact that they
have established law and order in the land, protected the weak from the strong and the
poor from the rich, and wiped out evil and violence’

(From S. N Kramer, The Sumerians, 1963. The Sumerian civilisation existed in

Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) between about 3500BCE and 2500BCE)

Questions for source 3

1) Is this a primary or secondary source?


2) Use three descriptive words to describe the Sumerian civilisation

Boastful, Intelligent, Strong.

3) Did the Kings and rulers of the Sumerians have a positive or negative influence on
their people? Provide 2 pieces of evidence from the source.
They had a positive influence from some people because they like everything under
control. Some people thought that it was a negative influence because they didn’t
want it to be like it is.

4) How many years did the Sumerian civilisation exist for?

Around 1000 years

Ancient Roman Practice writing task

Contrast the daily life of a rich man and a slave living in Ancient Rome.

Rich Man Slave




Daily jobs (work)

-Bath Houses

Other helpful information for you

It will be important that you understand how wide the Roman Empire spread. Spend time
looking at a map of Europe at the time and taking note of how far the Roman Empire
spread. Use Google and other resources so that you have a clear understanding of this.
You may also want to consider the positive and negative impacts during the expansion of
the Roman Empire.

It is also important to understand how to read and interpret timelines.

Write a list here of the important aspects that a good timeline must include:

1) _______________________________

2) _______________________________

3) _______________________________

4) _______________________________

5) _______________________________

6) ________________________________

Practise Extended Response:

Pick what you think are the THREE most important things that happened
during the Roman Empire and explain the LEGACY (lasting impact) that is has
for us today. 
(This can be on things we have covered in our lessons, or things that you have
found out in research of your own)
The essay should include:
- An introduction (explaining what you are about to tell me)

- 3 TEAL body paragraphs (explaining in detail your chosen topic. ONE paragraph
per topic)
- A conclusion (briefly explaining what you have told me)


















































If you have any questions for your teacher, write them here so that you remember and
ask them in your next class.












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