ICT COC Level I Exam Sheet With Answer

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Sector: ICT

Occupation: ICT support Level I

Candidate’s Package

The assessment covers the following units of competence:

• Connect Hardware Peripherals

• Install Software Application
• Record Client Support Requirements
• Protect Application or System Software
• Maintain Equipment and Software Inventory and Documentation
• Operate Personal Computer
• Apply Quality Standards
• Work with Others
• Receive and Respond to Workplace Communication
• Demonstrate Work Values
Candidate’s instructions and worksheets

• Instructions to Candidate
• Methods of Assessment
• Observation
• Demonstration/Observation
• Oral Questioning/Interview
Candidate name

Registration number

Name of assessment centre

Name of training provider

Competent signature
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Non competent /NYC signature

Step1 Step 2 Step 3



Occupation ICT support Level I

Units of Competence ALL UNIT OF COMPETENCY


• Read this booklet carefully

• All your questions and clarifications should be addressed to the assessor
• Complete the task/project described in this booklet
• After you finish this assessment, you are not allowed to copy anything from
this booklet or tear any page.
• You are given fifteen (15) minutes reading time and total 3:30 hours to
accomplish the project

Project Information

Given the necessary equipments, tools, materials, supplies and information the
candidate is expected to perform the following FOUR projects.

Assessment place: Well equipped training center, real work site with well equipped
hardware and software tools

Total time allotted: 2:30

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Project Title

Project 1
Task.1 Connect hardware peripheral device.
1.1 Connecting: - hared ware peripheral external port …………..
1.2 Configure your computer to use the following network resources
Note -Enable the network adapter

Configure your computer to use the following network resources

• IP Address

• Subnet Mask

• Default Gateway (Router)

• Preferred DNS

• Use Browser software and the Internet configuration you configured in Question 1 to
visit the Website www.ocacc.gov.et www.google.com www.kat.ph

Project 2
Task.2 installs application software
2.1 Install office 2003 from the CD-ROM you are provided.

• Install MS word 2007 without uninstalling the previous version.

• Find and compare office 2007 minimum System Requirements your pc save
the Excel document in the file name System Requirements. Under desktop

Task.3 protect application or system software

• Install MacAfee Antivirus and Configure the following items
• Manually Scan the specific Drive and folders (D drive or any folders)

• Auto Scan Schedule – Weekly every Friday and Tuesday at 10:30 PM

• Configure this antivirus to update automatically daily 3AM at local time

Task: 4 protect application or system software
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• Set on fire wall

• Set on alert automatic updates
• Set on alert virus protection
Project 3
Task: 5 Prepare an Word Documents about hardware specification

5.1 Hardware specification

NO Hardware type Answer

1 System model
2 Processor speed
3 RAM size
4 Total hard disk size/kb

5 Hard disk

used excel the following

• Prepare an word Documents about software specification

Types of software Name Version

1 Os
2 other

5.3 Create shortcut MS Word 2007 and MS word 2003

5.4 Create shortcut quick launch icon and Add MS word program

5.6 Crate folder under my document coc / IT Support/Exam and Hide and show
Project 4
Task:6.1 create a user account
Create a secured user account that cannot able to access any document
• search wmark folder and copy to document and setting \allures\favorite
• Rename WMARK by your name
• show Adjust Date and Time Task bare system
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• customize desktop icon

Project 5
7.1 Accepts user request and prioritize these requests based on problems type and user
level agreement time
Assume that you are IT technician in the NAS food Fabric . You received the
following client request form different department this morning.
• Ato akalu diriba from Quality control department his program installed on his
computer which used to control the food quality is not functional.
• Ato ejegu geneda from Production department his Install new media player in his
• W/r Meron from HR department his The candidate to develop a new human
resource management software for the company
• W/r abeba from Production department her computer which used to monitor
factory machines is not working.
• Ato yonas from Public relation department his required fixing her broken table for
her computer stands.
• W/ miheret belay from HR department his Complain that one of her computer
program which used to perform daily tasks of resource management is not
• W/r Selame from Marketing Department proplem Peachtree accounting software

• Department: - head of production division Date of request :- xx/xx/xx

• Name of client: -mekuri berhnu Request Time:- 08:30Am
• Equipment Description:- Acer Computer
• Problem Description: - An abele to start and show blank screen NTLDR


User level agreement

Departments Response time
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Production Within 30 min

head of production Within 45 min
Marketing Within 1hour
Quality control Within 1:30 hour

7.2 Sample – Record all relevant requests using the bellow table template.

Request Request Client Department Report problem Solved

Id Date name date

7.3. Set the priority based on problems type and user level agreement.
Request priority

Task 8.1 Install and configure printer and print the above all documents.
Interview questions
• How to safety computer hard ware peripheral External port

• Find and compare office 2003/2007 minimum System Requirements inside the installation
program file?

• Search all file in your computer (*) all file name word, Excel and Access extension types or (
file format) ?

• Howe do you do display internet Access And networking system?

• Find and compare office2007 word file minimum system Requirement compare you pc Yes
& No

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Task.1 create a user account

1.1 create a user account that cannot able to access any document
Task 2Configure your computer to use the following network resources

• IP Address 192.168.1.[------]

• Subnet Mask

• Default Gateway (Router)

• Preferred DNS

2.1 browse www. Google .com and facebook.com

Project 2 operate personal computer

Task 1 operate personal computer

• show quick lunch

• customize desktop icon

• search wmarkfolder and copy to local c:\or d:\document and setting \allures\favorite

• Rename WMARK by your name

• Crate folder under my document IT Support and Hide and show

Project 3 Installing application software

• Project 2 Install office 2003 from the CD-ROM you are provided.

2.1 Install office 2007 word with out uninstalling the previous version.

Find and compare office 2003 minimum System Requirements and system information
save the document in the file name System Requirements. Under desktop system

2.2create shortcut word 2003 under desktop

The following document in excel program and fill your computer Hardware and
software specification that you are using now
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Project 4: Access system information

Hardware specification

Hardware type Brand (name of Capacity or size of Remark

manufacture) the hardware
Hard disk
Usb ports
Processor speed
System model

Software specification

Types of software Name Version

1 Os

2 Others Name vesion

Project 5: protecting application or system software
Install and configure antivirus and window security time allotted 30 min
Task 1: install software application
• Install appropriate antivirus software
• C on figure this antivirus to scan the computer weekly on Friday 3AM local
• Configure this antivirus to update automatically daily 3AM at local time
Task 2: protect application or system software
• Set on fire wall
• Set on alert automatic updates
• Set on alert virus protection
Task 3:
Project 5 accepts user request and prioritize these requests based on problems type and
user level agreement time
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Time allotted 30 min

Assume that you are it technician in the commercial bank or Ethiopia. You received the
following client request from different department this morning.
• Atoaddisuejigu from public relation department his computer is unable to start.
• Atomelaku form finance department his Peachtree program is not functional when
he is trying to prepare a payroll.
• W|roaberash from manager office need to listen music but her computer has the
problem on media player.
• Wo|roabeba from human resources department her printer stop wording while
printing attendance
• Atobelete from manager office needs paper to print his annul report.
User level agreement
Departments Response time
Manager office Within 30 min
Finance Within 45 min
Human resource Within 1hour
Public relation Within 1:30 hour
Task1. Record all relevant requests using bellow table template.
Name of client Department Problem remark

Task 2. Set the priority based on problems type and user level agreement.
priority Request id

Task 3. Install and configure printer and print the above document.

• Create folders in My Documents folder as follows

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West Africa

East Africa

• Copy the Sunset.jpg file from Sample Pictures folders in My pictures to the West Africa
Folder you created in Question 1

• Path for the folder you create on Q1 (East Africa, West Africa )

Ans C:\Document and setting \MY document \earth \Africa

• Write the Location of the file sunset.jpg found in West Africa on the space provided
below open the folder West Africa and right click on sunset.jpg then properties the
copy location

Ans C:\Document and setting \MY document \earth \Africa\West Africa\

• Install Peachtree Complete Accounting 2005 from the CD-ROM you are provided.

• Upgrade the Peachtree Complete Accounting 2005 Software to Peachtree Complete

Accounting 2007

• Prepare a Word Document about Peachtree Complete Accounting 2007 minimum

System Requirements and save the document in the West Africa folder with file name
System Requirements.

• Install MacAfee Antivirus and Configure the following items

• Auto Scan Schedule – Weekly every Friday and Tuesday at 10:30 PM

• Auto Update Schedule – Daily at 12:30 PM

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• Use MS-Word to prepare a detailed System Information document about the computer
you are working on and save the document in the Jupiter folder by the name System
Info. The document must contain the following information about your computer.

System Information
OS Name
Total Physical RAM
Total Had Drive Size (MB)
Total Free Space on C: Drive (MB)
Total Used Space on C: Drive (MB)
Size of the My Documents Folder
• Connect a Printer and Install the appropriate Driver

• Print the document you prepared in Question 4

• Create the following user accounts as follows

User Name Password Privilege (Group

Abebe cpu123@ Power User
Lema cpu@123 Backup Operator
• Create a dialup network connection with username abc and password xyz123@

• Configure your computer to use the following network resources

• IP Address – Provided by your Invigilator

• Subnet Mask –

• Default Gateway (Router) –

• Preferred DNS –

• Use Browser software and the Internet configuration you configured in Question 11 to
visit the Face book Website – , google.com

• Do the record and documentation on the sample sheet you have for the request

• Demonstrate proper connection procedures between a UPS and a computer system to

the invigilator.
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• Write extension file name for excel, word , power point for both 20003 and 2007


File 2003 2007

Excel Xls xlsx
Word Doc docx
Power point Ppt pptx

If you miss your file and file name , and you know it is excel file how can you search it for
the file

Go to start => search(window icon +F)=> All files and folder => on the search box type

*.xlsx(for excel 2007 file) or *.xls for excel 2003

*.docx for word 2007 or *.doc for word 2003 the click on search

* represent any file name

If the file name is letter then you will search with letter.xls for excel file .

• Start menu to classic


Right click on strat menu => properties….

• Oral Q description to search excel/word file on your pc


NIC speed(right click on task bar PC nw icon the status ), RAM speed( from BIOS),
HD ….., internet speed eg for the college 8MB

• Inventory from your pc on which you are working the exam

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Ans sample

Device /item Description quantity

Mouse USB(….) 1
Software CD Office 2003 1
Office 2007 1
Peachtree 2005 1
Peachtree 2007/2010 1
Antivirus 1
Printer HP2055 1
System unit Dell, optiplex 390, 1
Monitor LCD 15”(inch) 1
Keyboard USB input device 1

Include model , manufacturer ,serial number , name of device , quantity , Current status,
capacity and size (description), My computer =>right click =>manage=>device manager=>
mouse or NIC or any device right click =>properties (to get manufacturer and status)

• Peachtree specification search from internet for HD, RAM and Processor

And VGA from the CD.

• Mac update and scan schedule

Install, update , schedule for the scan and update on console and

if you need exclusion go for exclusion on the properties of on access scan to give tools
…….exclusion setting.

• Turn on /off firewall automatic update(use why we on /off)

• Turn on firewall helps to protect our pc from being used by unauthorized user
and to protect file and system from spam virus and un secured sw installation.

• Turn on auto update helps to install update for the windows system file
applications on the system online from the internet
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• GB to MB convert my document and C: or D

1GB= 1024 MB

GB to MB eg. 5GB= 5*1024=5120MB

MB to GB eg 2048MB= 2048/1024=2GB

Convert your C: drive size to GB and MB go to system information =>component

=>storage =>drives/ disks=> take size……

Take my document size and convert to MB or GB right click on my document ……

• Monitor size in inch

Visual guess 15” (15 inch)

• Device manager (install driver with update driver )

My computer =>right click =>manage=>device manager=> mouse or NIC or any device

right click =>Update Driver then follow the wizard

• Interview how to create dialup

Tell requirement telephone lin , modem, modem driver, service from tele
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Then step to create start => all program=> accessories => communication tools=>
network connection wizard=>……follow the wizard

• What is the difference b/n Google search box and address bar on browser

On the address bar we use to type and open website

On search box we used to search for information by typing.

• User account create 2 user allow and deny /Make private with using advanced security
sharing for one user.

Create 2 users and set the following

My computer or my document => TOOLS menu=> Folder option=>view=>use simple

sharing (do not select).

C:\ Document and setting\ (select the user folder you create) right click
=>properties=>security or sharing => Make private for file

• Show user accounts you create and files you shared from (Document and setting)

Go to C:\ Document and setting\

• add Printer and printing documentation

start => printer and fax=> Add printer =>select port=> Hp


Finally print the documentation you created for request .

• NIC provider and manufacturer storage size mouse and keyboard manufacturer

My computer =>right click =>manage=>device manager=> mouse or NIC or any device

right click =>properties

You can get manufacturer, status ( working properly)……

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