UDHR Assignment Graphic Organizer Day 2

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To what extent do rights or the lack of rights affect individuals and groups?
Within your paragraph, be sure to address: How well does the institution of the UN address social/political problems at
the international level? (this will be in your evidence)

Rights affect human beings to a great extent because it guarantees equal rights to all human beings around the world.
UDHR was created by the United Nations in order to act as a common goal for all people and all nations.

1. We are all born free and equal. We 24. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, 30. Nobody can take away these
all have our own thoughts and ideas. including reasonable limitation of working rights and freedoms from us.
hours and periodic holidays with pay.
We should all be treated in the same

Explanation (how does the evidence support the claim?):

Evidence #1
The first article is always the most braud, yet always the most important one in the Declaration. The first
article acknowledges the fact that this declaration isn’t only for people in certain countries, however,
these rights should be practiced by every human being in every country.

Evidence #2
The 24th article talks about one of the most interesting points in the modern world; lack of sleep and
working hours. There has been some claims that suggested the world about how the world at the
moment isn’t ‘healthy’ compared to before since everyone is working until late night no matter their age,
sex and race. UN most likely wasn’t capable of controlling people’s sleeping hours with this one article.
Evidence #3

The last article which is the 30th article from the UDHR suggests that nobody, and no society could take
away rights from their own citizens. However, I believe that UN has failed to protect every citizen’s lives
across the world. If you look at an example in eastern Asia, a country filled with fear, North Korea’s
citizens does not have any rights to talk about their leader, Kim Jong Un. The supreme leader of North
Korea takes care of all the decisions for the citizens, and not really giving them any responsibilities. The
strict laws introduced in North Korea makes an exact opposite point to the UN’s 30th article: to take away
rights from the citizens.

Positives of UDHR:

Acts as a standard for how national governments should operate/create laws.

Protects (or aims to) the rights of all- international, universal standard.
Aims to ensure countries have similar laws therefore similar (if not the same) right.
European Commission on Human Rights- law court- enforces the UDHR.

Negatives of UDHR:

Has failed to enforce and protect the rights listed in the UDHR.
It doesn’t actually have legal power to protect the rights (Only gives some guidelines for countries to
Some argues that UDHR was written more in Westerns’ point of view and tried to impose Western values
on everybody else.
Helpful Language Frames:
Rights/lack of rights effect individuals to a large/small extent because....
Rights/ lack of rights effects ___ group to a large/small extent because....
The UN, to a great/lesser/some extent, effectively addresses issues on an international level because....
An example of rights being protected/not protected by the UN is....
(philosopher) says, “___” about rights which means that..
This shows that
As a result,
Which means that
This provides proof that
This demonstrates that
According to ____,
From this we can infer
Based on this _____, we can conclude that (it can be concluded that)
This supports that
This illustrates the concept of ______ because/by _______
This piece of evidence shows that....
This is related to my claim because...
D4.1: Construct arguments using precise and knowledgeable claims, with evidence from multiple sources, while acknowledging
counterclaims and evidentiary weaknesses.

Standard Beginning Approaching Meeting Mastering

Claim construct a basic Construct a clear Construct a precise Construct
I can... argument with argument that is and accurate arguments that are
limited clarity. somewhat accurate argument. precise, accurate
and in line with the
totality of evidence
Evidence Integrate somewhat Integrate mostly Integrate relevant, Integrate relevant,
I can.... relevant evidence. relevant evidence substantial evidence substantial
from multiple views from a range of corroborative
views evidence from a
wide range of
Reasoning Support ideas in a Support ideas in a Support ideas in a Support ideas in a
I can... way that has limited way that is way that is way that is
organisation to organized to create sequenced logically sequenced logically
create some valid mostly valid and to create valid and to carefully create
and accurate accurate reasoning accurate reasoning valid and accurate
reasoning and that acknowledges that acknowledges reasoning that
limited some counterclaims counterclaims or acknowledges
acknowledgment of or weaknesses. weaknesses. counterclaims and
counterclaims. weaknesses.

D2.Civ.5.9-12. Evaluate citizens’ and institutions’ effectiveness in addressing social and political problems at the local, state, tribal,
national, and/or international level.

Beginning Approaching Meeting Mastering

Limited consideration Limited consideration Clear consideration Clear and broad
of strengths and of strengths and of the strengths and consideration of
weaknesses of how weaknesses of how weaknesses of how strengths and
individuals or individuals and/ or individuals& weaknesses of how
institutions address institutions address institutions address individuals&
social/political social/political social/political institutions address
problems problems. problems. social/political
Judgement is unclear Judgement about Make a clear,
and/or unsupported effectiveness of reasoned judgement Judgement about
solutions is unclear about how effective effectiveness of
or lacks reasoning their solutions were. solutions is clear,
nuanced, and well-
reasoned and

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