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TP 5: Linux/Unix practice

Création de l'environnement de travaille avec distribution linux CentOS

Choose “Install CentOS 7” and press “Enter” from your keyboard. The installation of
CentOS will start immediately.

Choose your desired language for installation and click Continue when you are done. We
have chosen English 
We have three major setting categories and those are Localization, Software, and System.

The installation will start immediately. Sit back and relax while it completes. In the
meantime, you can set the root password and create a user. Click the “Root Password”.

Provide a strong root password and reenter to verify. Click “Done” when you are finished.
After finishing providing the root password. You can go ahead creating a user. Click a “User

You have successfully completed the CentOS 7 installation.

after preparing the working environment , We will go to practice the commands
The pwd Command:
This command displays the location where we are currently in the FHS hierarchy.

The cd Command:
This command allows you to change the current directory and go to another

The ls Command:
Lists the files available in a directory, if called without arguments, ls lists the files in the
current directory

The mkdir Command:

This command creates a directory.
The touch command:
This command allows you to change the date of the last access or modification
of a file, but also allows you to create an empty file.

Editor vi :
Type the command "vi text" to open the file in the vi text editor

Use the "j" (bottom), "k" (top), "h" (left), or "L" (right) to navigate the document.
Press the "i" key to insert text before the cursor. Press the "a" key to insert text after the
cursor. Press the "R" key to replace characters. Press the "X" key to delete characters.
Press the "ESC" key to return to command mode and continue browsing the document.
Type ": wq" to save and close the document

The man command:

This command will display the help manual for any other available command
The rm Command:
This command allows you to delete a file or a directory. This command should be used with care
because with the -f or -rf option, this command can irreversibly damage or delete your entire file

The mv Command:
This command is used to rename or move a file or directory.

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