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Name: Jazzel Queny J.



The world is constantly changing. Technologies and modernization is arising and

population of people is consistently growing. Our nature is slowly disappearing and hazards,
disasters, vulnerability are appearing but capacities is waiting to be use. Hazards are always
present anywhere in a person or within community or society, and it will only become a
disaster whenever care and precaution are not taken into consideration. Hazards were only a
risk of harm and in order to prevent this from turning into a disaster a proper planning and
people’s cooperation within a community is needed. It is founded that hazards or disasters are
inevitable, Yes, no one can predict what, when, where, why and how a disaster will occur. While
its adverse effects are not, because people have the power to lessen its impact and effect. We
need to know our vulnerabilities to lessen them and familiarize our capacities and increase to
cope them.

According to a saying, “There is nothing without planning so Disaster Risk Reduction

Management is a must. It is an essential tool and concept in reducing and preventing risks
through the analysis and management. Enable every people in the community to have the
skills, knowledge, and material minimizing damage and strengthen the response at risks. Ahead
of time communities or societies should strengthen their emergency resilience from prevention
to mitigation to preparedness to response and recovery. As the famous line says “Prevention is
better than cure”. It is really true and applicable in any situation and can be done through direct
intention and actions taken in advance to completely adverse any impacts of hazards or
disasters. People can gain the preparedness through the knowledge and capacity developed by
organizations, community, government and as an individual to anticipate, respond to and
recover from. Through it by awareness, mitigation can be achieved to lessen any adverse
impacts through substantial strategies and actions. Alertness is greatly needed in the Response
to immediate services and public assistance after a disaster in order to save lives and meet the
needs of affected areas or people. Restoration, reconstruction, rehabilitation and improvement
will soon begin for Recovery action involving public participation. All are possible through
people and can be done through our own hands.

When a disaster strikes, through Disaster Risk Reduction we engage in comprehensive

planning where careful scheduling of interventions is carried out with a system of monitoring
and evaluation. Comprehensive planning will likely the preventive measures to do before,
during and after a disaster so that the objective of 0 causalities will be obtain. Even though in
reality it can only be lessen but not completely prevented. Doing more is better than improving
is true in attention to functional capacity as the abilities of the people to take effective decisions
and active actions towards Disaster Management. We all have essential contribution to Disaster
Risk Reduction through attention, understanding and application prioritizing reduction,
addressing needs of vulnerable and focusing beyond emergency management. Ensuring
responsible participation and complete engagement with strategies to be flexible and can easily
adapt with changes. In overall Disaster Risk Reduction is a long-term planning involving all
people, their careful decision and effective action to take. Even at my age I can became a
worthy person by being knowledgeable and having the skills used creatively even though I don’t
have money to provide for some resources needed to prepare and mitigate a hazard or

Every aspect is vulnerable when a disaster strikes; the people, animals, physical
component (infrastructure, facilities) and the entire environment. It can pose negative effects
aside from loss of life, injury, disease , it can cause consequences on physical, mental, and social
well-being of person together with a spread and large destruction. No one wanted to lose
related person in life, be injure or in the middle of fighting between life and death, to damage
own property and livelihood and to see the society or community cannot stand up and stuck
through the way it is after a devastating event. It is a serious matter since disasters will choose
no one and will ravage all. Actions is needed and It is a responsibility of each and everyone. In
fact, People is more powerful than any hazards or disasters wanting to come in our way. Every
individual can be able to discover own capacities to make able to use knowledge attained
through Disaster Risk Reduction Management in order to use this strengths against our
weaknesses. We need to help each other and all of us should be informed and ready in any

We live our life to survive while danger in a form of hazards or disasters is always there
posing a threat in our day to day activities. Nowadays, how can we be sure that we are safe out
of different devastating events we are experiencing. There is a big role that Disaster Risk
Reduction have on our own life especially in Safety. Through it strengthen our preparedness
having early warning systems and building capabilities to mitigate, be flexible, and adaptable. It
also enable us to anticipate and have the awareness to gain greater opportunity to survive. Our
own way or capacity to deal with any dangerous situations will depend on our level of
awareness and knowledge on it. We can also help save lives and lessen casualties. Childrens
and youth of today can equipped and maintain a secure learning environment. Risk Reduction
will start in self-protection and safety precaution and will soon turn into a community level to
local and will eventually spread at nationally priority. “Wishing won’t keep you safe,
Preparedness will” the same thing as Action speaks is louder than words. Wishing is static;
won’t do and help anything while Preparedness makes changes as action is taken.

Disaster Risk Reduction must be use, no other right time but Today.! Thus, Disaster Risk
Reduction is rather concern and involves everyone; from the individual person, to entire
citizens who must be empowered to make decisions, to political leaders, government
institutions, private sector, civil society and many more. Without it, our vulnerabilities will
worsen, capacity will be ignored and we will suffer a lot.

The concept, importance and key principles of Disaster Risk Reduction gives a concrete
realization and facts which will be useful as a long time learning. Doing this report is not easy at
all involving big effort, time management, material resourceful and cooperation. As a group it
will not be possible if we don’t have the unity and cooperation starting from division of tasks to
do to fulfill it by reporting. Having a concrete source for this lesson is quite difficult since
internet is vague and vast in information and websites. With Patience, Perseverance and
Enthusiasms we successfully complete and fulfill it.

Submitted by:
Jazzel Queny J. Zaldua
Rose Ann B. Car
Ara Mikaela C. Gonzales
Jessa E. Cambiado
Kiesha Niña C. Cambiado
Panfilo Payadan
Jonard Bagasbas

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