Lesson 2 Plants and Their Parts: What Are The Different Plants' Structures?

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Science Booklet Grade 3 First Semester

Date: ….../……/201…. C.W./ H.W.

Lesson 2
Plants and Their Parts

Mineral Roots Stem Leaf

Energy photosynthesis Structure chlorophyll

Plants do not eat other organisms to get energy. They

use the energy from sunlight to make their own
food through a process called photosynthesis.

What are the different plants' structures?

Plant's structure Function of plant parts
1. It helps hold the plant in the soil.
2. It helps the plant to take in water and
minerals from the soil.
3. Some roots store food like carrots and
1. It helps the plant to stand upright
2. It carries water, minerals and food throughout
a plant.
It carries minerals and water from the roots.
It also carries food from the leaves to other
parts of the plant.
Main food making part of the plant.
It helps the plants reproduce.

Science Booklet Grade 3 First Semester

Date: ….../……/201…. C.W./ H.W.

What is photosynthesis?
It's the process in which plants make their own food. Photosynthesis
takes place in the leaves.

Carbon dioxide gas + water oxygen +plant’s food

What do leaves have?

 Tiny holes on the underside of a leaf, to help
the plant take in carbon dioxide.
 Chlorophyll, it traps the sunlight energy.
It gives leaves their green color.

Classifying Plants

Flowering plants Nonflowering plants

They make flowers. They don't make flowers.

Science Booklet Grade 3 First Semester

Date: ….../……/201…. C.W./ H.W.

Mention the name and the function of each plant part:

1 1

1. ………………..

2. ………………….


3. ……………………


Science Booklet Grade 3 First Semester

Date: ….../……/201…. C.W./ H.W.

Name the plant's structure that has the following function.

1. It helps the plants reproduce.

2. It helps the plants make its food.

3. It carries water and minerals throughout the plant.

4. They take in water and nutrients from the soil.


Write down what the plants need to make their own food.

1. ……………………………………………………………………………….
2. ……………………………………………………………………………….
3. ……………………………………………………………………………….

Rainforests are places that has thousands types of plants.

Scientists believe that we should keep and take a good
care of the rainforests.

Why do you think it's important to take care of the rainforests?


Science Booklet Grade 3 First Semester

Date: ….../……/201…. C.W./ H.W.

Complete the following sentences.

1. Plants make their own food through a process

2. This process takes in ……………………………………gas and gets

…………………………………….that cleans the air.
3. Leaves have …………………………………….that helps them trap the sunlight.

List what the leaves have for photosynthesis process.


Science Booklet Grade 3 First Semester

Date: ….../……/201…. C.W./ H.W.

Green plants are special because they make their own food from
sunlight, water and carbon dioxide using chlorophyll.

a- In which part of the plant chlorophyll is located?


Samar wants to test the need of chlorophyll for a plant: She brought
two plants A and B, each one has different shape of leaves as it is
shown in the next figure.

White parts
(without chlorophyll) All the leaf
is green
Green Parts

Write down Samar's question for this investigation.


Samar will measure the amount of sugar (plant's food) made by each
leaf. Write down your hypothesis.


The following table shows Samar's observations. Read the table and
draw a bar graph of her data.

Science Booklet Grade 3 First Semester

Date: ….../……/201…. C.W./ H.W.

The leaf Amount of sugar

A 40
B 60

Amount of


What is Samar's conclusion?


Science Booklet Grade 3 First Semester

Date: ….../……/201…. C.W./ H.W.

Science Booklet Grade 3 First Semester

Date: ….../……/201…. C.W./ H.W.

Science Booklet Grade 3 First Semester

Date: ….../……/201…. C.W./ H.W.

Science Booklet Grade 3 First Semester

Date: ….../……/201…. C.W./ H.W.


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