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Al Andalus International School Quarter 4 grade 3, sheet (1)

Grade 3
Lesson 1
Changes of States

A) Complete the following sentences.

1. To ………………………………….is to change from solid to liquid.
2. When a matter …………………………………., it means that it changes
from liquid to gas at a very high temperature.
3. When liquid changes to gas without heating it
4. To ………………………………….is to change from gas to liquid.
5. To ………………………………….is to change from liquid to solid.
6. As matter is heated and gains energy, the particles will move
7. The gas state of water is called ………………………………….

B) Answer the following questions.

1. Why do people put wet clothes in the sun to dry them?
2. Why do ice cubes float?
3. Explain why while freezing water in a glass bottle it cracks.

1 Year 2013-2014 Date: 23- 4- 2014 Science Department

Al Andalus International School Quarter 4 grade 3, sheet (1)

4. Why are there drops of water on the bathroom mirror after you
take a shower?

C) Mark True or False.

1. When matter is heated, it gains or takes energy. ( )

2. When matter is heated, its temperature gets lower. ( )
3. Most of liquids get smaller when frozen except water. ( )
4. Changing from liquid to solid is a chemical change. ( )

2 Year 2013-2014 Date: 23- 4- 2014 Science Department

Al Andalus International School Quarter 4 grade 3, sheet (1)

Lesson 2
Physical Changes
A)Complete the following sentences.
1. In physical change, we can change the ………………………………..and
……………………………….. of matter.
2. When a matter is mixed evenly in other kind of matter, it’s
called a ………………………………..

B) Answer the following questions.

1. What is a physical change?
2. State two physical changes that you can make to a piece of
3. What is a mixture?
4. How can you separate a mixture of strawberries and bananas?
5. How can you separate a mixture of iron powder and sand?

C) Mark True or False.

3 Year 2013-2014 Date: 23- 4- 2014 Science Department

Al Andalus International School Quarter 4 grade 3, sheet (1)

1. In physical change a matter looks different but it’s still made of

the same kind of matter. ( )

Lesson 3

4 Year 2013-2014 Date: 23- 4- 2014 Science Department

Al Andalus International School Quarter 4 grade 3, sheet (1)

Chemical Changes
A)Complete the following sentences.
1. Plants make a chemical change when they use the sun’s energy to
change ……………………………….. and water into ………………………………..and
……………………………….. in a process called …………………………………

B) Answer the following questions.

1. What is a chemical change?

2. What are the signs of chemical changes?

A) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
B) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
C) ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

5 Year 2013-2014 Date: 23- 4- 2014 Science Department

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