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VAB 4042/VBB 4043

Engineers in Society
„ To simulate students to work in an integrated
engineering work.
„ To expose students the importance of
understanding cost estimation, activities
breakdown and scheduling g in project
p j undertaking.g
„ To highlight students the understanding of Project
Management and Health, Safety & Environmental
(HSE) aspects of engineering projects.
„ To highlight student’s capability to present their
own idea
d in report form.
„ To encourage group and self-learning capacity.
Contents of the report
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Background of the project
4. Organisation
5. Environmental Impact
6. Work breakdown
7. Activities estimate
8. Estimated cost
9. Schedule (use of software is preferable)
10. Health and safety issues
11. Discussion and recommendation
12. Conclusions
The Project
„ The project should be based on Case Study.
„ You will work as a group and each group must select a project
to study.
„ Th project
The j t chosen
h preferably
f bl involves
i l input
i t from
f allll 5
engineering disciplines (but not a must), e.g. a construction of
an offshore platform.
„ Sources of project for Case Study can be from internship,
publications, mass media or internet.
„ Project can be already completed or on-going, local or
international; however virtual/simulation project must be
„ Your group are required to search for more information
g g the project
p j and then prepare
p p a report
p based on the
chosen project.
The Report
p (cont.)
( )
„ The report mainly relates to the management aspects of
the project (i(i.e.
e Project Management ) as well as Health
Safety & Environmental (HSE) issues.
„ Use contents g guideline as mentioned above to prepare
p p
the report.
„ Report should not exceed 50 pages including appendices.
„ Your group may need to visit the industry and/or conduct
face-to-face interviews with personnel(s) related to the
„ A list
li t off group members
b mustt b
be submitted
b itt d b
by the
th group
leader to the lecturers concerned not later than by
17:00pmp on 20.09.2010 ((Monday). y) Late p
penalties will be
imposed for f the late group.
„ Group members swapping is not allowed without prior
consent of the coordinator and if allowed, only between
students of the same programme.
„ Consultation with lecturers are not only encouraged but is
important to ensure the quality and suitability of the final
„ All groups are based on their respective academic programme;
th f
therefore th
the lilistt off th
the llecturers
t ffor consultancy
lt purposes are
as follows:
- Petroleum (PE): AP Ir Dr Muhd Fadhil Nuruddin
(Block 13-03-019)
- Mechanical (ME): Ir Dr Shaharin Anwar (Block 17-03-11)
- Civil
Ci il (CVE):
(CVE) Dr.
D M Mohd.
hd Faris
F i Khamidi
Kh idi (Block
(Bl k 14-03-07)
14 03 07)
- Chemical (CHE) : Dr Lemma Dendera (Block 05-03-012)
- Electrical (EE): Ir. Ir M M. Faris Abdullah (Block 2222-03-31)
03 31)

„ Please arrange your consultancy hours with the respective

( ) Samples
S l off previous
i works
k can also
l beb viewed
i d for
„ This Project coursework contributes 20% to total
EIS mark.
„ Submission date for report is by W13
(18.10.2010/Mon.). Further details and
instruction regarding submission will be informed
from time to time (check the e-learning).
„ N late
No l t submission
b i i will ill be
b allowed.
ll d Late
L t
submission without prior notice will not be
t t i d att allll (zero
( marks).
k ) Late
L t submission
b i i
with permission granted will be penalised.
VAB 4042/VBB 4043
Engineers in Society

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