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Family planning is important for the health of a mother and her children, as well

as the family’s economic situation. According to United States Agency for International

Development, having children than five years of less than two apart can cause both a

mother and her children serious health consequence. The financial consequence of

having children involves the medical cost of pregnancy and birth and the high costs

associated with actually bringing up children. Since parents are responsible for

providing education, shelter clothing and food for their children, family planning has an

important long term impact on the financial situation of any family. One of the measures

to ensure effective birth control is the use of the Norplant System.

Birth control has been an issue among women who at their at their reproductive

age. Factors that affect their decision on what contraceptive method to use are the

potential side effects of the contraceptive method. The on toward side effects of some

birth control methods could result to noncompliance, thereby leading to unsuccessful

family planning. Others are not knowledgeable about alternatives in the use family

planning. Others are not knowledgeable about alternatives in the use family planning.

Optimal contraceptive should provide immediate, long-term effective, and safe

contraception that is well tolerated with few side effects, as well as being easily and fully

reversible. Nor plant (in the conjunction with condom used for STD protection) fits of all
the above criteria and, in the well-selected and counseled women, maybe the method of


The impact is form of long-acting reversible contraception for women.

Contraceptive implants are small rods about the size of a match stick which are put

under the skin in the inside of your arm. It can be felt under the skin. The slowly

released hormone called progesterone. Implants last either three or five years

depending whether there are one or two rods. It can stop the body from releasing an

egg each month and also thickens the mucus. Implants are more than 99% effective

and preventing pregnancy. This means only a few women out of a thousand will get

pregnant each year this makes Norplant a good choice for those who are practicing

family planning. However, some women using nor plant have no periods, a few women

have their normal periods but most woman have a change in leading pattern. This may

be infrequent bleeding, frequent bleeding, light bleeding or heavy bleeding. It is

considered safe for a woman’s body and there area pills to treat it if it happens.

Research has shown that about one women in every seven who gets an implant has it

removed because of bleeding problems.

It is the aim of this study to reassess the effects of normal Norplant System to a

woman’s body. This will help in neither eradicating my misconceptions about nor plant

and hopefully encourage women to make use of this contraceptive method for effective

family planning.
Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the following theories or concepts which are found

relevant as basis of what study seeks to find:

The integrative theories, are theories that combine the concepts and central

propositions that incorporates elements of 3 widely used theories in behavior change

and communication interventions: The health belief model, social cognitive theory and

theory of reasoned action. The health belief model (HBM) is psychological health

behavior change model develop to explain and predict health – related behaviors,

particularly in regard to the uptake health services. Social cognitive theory (SCT), used

iun psychology, education and communication, holds that portions of an individual’s

knowledge acquisition can be directly related to observing others within the context of

social interactions, experiences, and outside media influences. Reason actions predicts

that behavioral intent is created.

Conceptual Framework

This concept of this study is all about the use of the Norplant system for effective

family planning. It endeavors to find out, from the respondent’s self-reported, the most

common side effects of the use of Norplant System.

The Norplant System is a type of contraceptive implant that specifically inhibits

ovulation. Its contraceptive effects could last for 5 years and is found to be 99%

effective. This makes Norplant a suitable and convenient contraceptive method. Women

are, however, extra careful in choosing a contraceptive for family planning because of

its possible untowed? side effects.

Norplant, based on some studies, also have some side effects such as menstrual

irregularities, weight gain, headache, emotional changes and others. It is the aim of this

study for further reassess the side effects of Norplant to help and prepare potential

users of this contraceptive method.

Independent Variable Dependent


Demographic Profile of the


Side effects of Norplant System

a. Age
b. Nature of Job
c. Weight
d. Add more

Figure 1-1 The

Schematic Diagram
Statement of the Problem

The Study aims at determining the side effects of the use of Norplant System on

selected women of Cagayan de Oro CityTEENAGED MOTHER UNDER 16 YEARS of age

Specifically, the study answers the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents, in terms of:

a. Age

b. Nature Job

c. Weight

2. How long have then respondents been using Norplant?

3. What are the side effects rank the highest and lowers?

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Significance of the Study

The study is beneficial to the following:

Country. This study would beneficial to the country, since it has been a big issue

this country has been battling. Higher birth rates add additional burden in sustaining

people’s physiologic needs. Moreover, the results id of the study would give positive

feedback for this country’s prosperity. Be more specific/ group of people

Department of Health. The findings of the study will help the Department of

Health in developing or improving their programs related to family planning. It will

support this agency to come-up better strategic plans for the community especially

among women in adhering the use of Norplant System. In relation with the study, the

government will help generate future plans supporting this type of contraceptive.

City Health Office. In congruence with the aforementioned benefits of the

Department of Health, the City Health Office will show advocacy in the dissemination of

strategic plans imposed by the Government.

Nurses/Midwives. The results if the study taught nurses and midwives to

become more knowledgeable in providing health teachings to the clients. Medical

practitioners will be well-informed regarding the good prognosis of the Norplant system.

Hence introduction of this type of contraceptive by the Nurses to the clients aids a big


Families. This study would educate the family about birth control.

Women. This study is very beneficial for them since they are the users of

Norplant system. It will assist women in making healthy decisions regarding family

planning or birth control methods.

Add more…..

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study includes assessment of the side effects of Norplant through the

observations and self-reports of selected young women below 16 years old among the
30 Norplant users in Cagayan de Oro City, the researchers were able to gather

information from 30 women who are Norplant users in the aforementioned locale.

In gathering information, questionares were distributed to the women with

corresponding interview by the researchers. The side effects assessed or determined

by the researchers did not include effects of the contraceptive method on the different

laboratory values.

Definition of Terms:

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally for readers:

Assessment. Is the evaluation of the health status by performing a physical

exam after taking a health status by performing a physical exam after taking a health

history. This study, this refers to the evaluation of the side effects of the use of Norplant


Duration of use. It refers to the length of time that the respondents have been

using the Norplant system.

Side effects. Is an effect that is secondary to the one intended. Although the

term is predominantly employed to describe adverse effects, it can also apply to

beneficial, but unintended, consequences of the use of a drug.

Age. The period that has elapsed since birth.

Nature of job. The type of work an individual engages.

Weight. A measurement that indicates how heavy a person or thing is.

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