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Unit 1: Business and Business Environment
Prepared and submitted by: Muhammad Rafay Gulzar

Table of Contents
Business and Business Environment:..............................................................................................1
Types of Organizations:...............................................................................................................1
For profit organizations:...........................................................................................................1
Not for profit organizations:.....................................................................................................1
Private sector organizations:....................................................................................................2
Public sector organizations:......................................................................................................2
Legal Structure:............................................................................................................................2
Sole Proprietor:.........................................................................................................................2
Private Limited:........................................................................................................................2
Key Stakeholders:........................................................................................................................2
Organizational size and scope of operations:...............................................................................3
Small scale organizations:........................................................................................................3
Medium scale organizations:....................................................................................................3
Large scale organizations:........................................................................................................4
Selected Organizations:................................................................................................................4

Louis Vuitton...............................................................................................................................9
Comparison and Contrast...........................................................................................................10
Organizational Functions...........................................................................................................13
Organizational Functions of Gucci.........................................................................................13
Organizational functions and Pandemic.................................................................................17
External/Macro Factors and PESTLE analysis..........................................................................17
Internal/Micro Factors................................................................................................................18
SWOT Analysis.........................................................................................................................18
Relationship between Internal and External factors..................................................................20
Internal & External Factors in Pandemic and their impact on Decision making.......................20

Business and Business Environment:

This Report consists of three sections. It will help understand different types of organizations and
their purposes, sizes and scope of different organizations, relationship between functions of
organizations and how are they related to the structure and objectives of organizations.
Moreover, it throws light on the impacts (both positive & negative) of macro environment upon
the business operations. Internal and external analysis of chosen organizations & relationship
between the external macro factors and strengths and weaknesses is also a part of this report.

Types of Organizations:
On the basis of the purpose of the objectives, organizations are mainly divided into three

For profit organizations:

For profit organizations are the entities which operate in order to generate income for their
owners and it is the main purpose such type of organization. The profit is generated by making
sales and this is the criteria for measuring the success of the organization. The more sales are
made, the more revenue will be generated. If the revenue is more than the costs or expenditure of
the organization, the organization is a successful for profit organization and vice versa.

Not for profit organizations:

Not for Profit organizations operate for the purpose of serving the society, or a specific group of
people. It exists to achieve educational, charitable, welfare and religious objectives. Its business
activities are not executed for the purpose of generating profit for itself. Rather, it generates
income through donations, charity and other religious sources.

NGO stands for Non Governmental Organization. As it is clear from its title, an NGO is an entity
working for the purpose of providing welfare to the society without the intervention of

NGOs exist in the world but they serve different purposes due to the difference in legal liberty in
every country.

There exist two kinds of sectors when we talk about organization sectors. These are
distinguished on the basis of their purpose of making profits. The two sectors into which
organizations are divided are the following:

Private sector organizations:

Private sector organizations are the for profit organizations which work to achieve the objective
of making profit for their shareholders or the owners. The profit is distributed as dividend among
the shareholders or it can be reinvested again in the business to earn more profit. The
shareholders cannot freely buy or sell the shares of a private sector organization. The buying and
selling of shares of a private sector organization takes place directly with the company and not in
the general public. Private sector organizations generate tax revenue for the government. For
example about 18% of the revenue of United Kingdom is generated through corporation revenue.

Public sector organizations:

Public sector organizations are the organizations which work for profit but buying and selling of
shares of a public sector organization is freely performed in the general public.

Legal Structure:
On the basis of Legal structure, organizations are categorized into three different categories.
These categories describe the liabilities, profit and loss sharing and no. of owners of the type of
organization under discussion. The following are the categories on the basis of different legal

Sole Proprietor:
Sole proprietor is a type of organization which is owned by a single individual. The single owner
is liable for all debts in such kind of organization. The individual is solely responsible for all
profit and loss. This is the simplest kind of legal structure of organizations.

Partnership is the type of business which is formed by the two or more owners in such a way that
all the owners share profit and liabilities equally.

Private Limited:
A Private Limited Company offers Limited Liability or Legal Protection for its Shareholders. A
Private Limited Company lies between a partnership and widely owned public company. A
Private Limited Company is identified by the company name, number of members, formation,
directors, meetings, shares, etc.[ CITATION pri21 \l 1033 ]

Key Stakeholders:
The entities who have stake involved in the organizations operations are of four types and are
linked to the company in the ways mentioned below:

Investors are the entities which provide financial support to organizations for their operations.
Other than the management which runs the organization, investors are also the building blocks of
an organization who invest in organizations to acquire returns.

Employees are the individuals who work under the supervision of their higher managers to
achieve organizational goals and objectives. Higher the efficiency of the employees, higher is the
chance of goal attainment of the organization.

Customers are the entities without the existence of which a business cannot run. The revenue of a
business is generated by selling its products or services to its customers thus, making profits (if
revenue is greater than costs). Without customers, the goal attainment for an organization is

A supplier is a person or business that provides a product or service to another entity. The role of
a supplier in a business is to provide high-quality products from a manufacturer at a good price
to a distributor or retailer for resale. A supplier in a business is someone who acts as an
intermediary between the manufacturer and retailer, ensuring that communication is forthcoming
and stock is of sufficient quality.[ CITATION sup15 \l 1033 ]

Organizational size and scope of operations:

Size of an organization is a significant factor to categorize organizations. Moreover, businesses
also differ in terms of scope. There are three types of organizations on the basis of size and are
elaborated below:

Small scale organizations:

Small scale organizations are those organizations which usually operate to provide service or
products to a local community and to make profit for its owner(s) by employing a few people.

The scope of small scale organization is of national level. For instance, a small scale freight
forwarding organization having 10 employees has its outreach globally but it is still working as a
small scale business. Small scale organizations can grow overtime to transform themselves into
large scale businesses.

Medium scale organizations:

According to Companies Act 2006, medium scale organizations are the organizations with up to
250 employees[ CITATION med \l 1033 ]. Medium scale organizations also have track records for
investors and lenders to find opportunity of investment in them. Moreover, the owners and the
management each are a separate entity due to its complex nature.

The scope of medium scale organizations can be of national or regional level or both levels
simultaneously. A hotel with 200 employees being operational in Pakistan is an example of
Medium scale organization. However, it can also grow and transform itself into a large scale
organization by expanding to other countries (International Market).

Large scale organizations:

Large scale organizations are the organizations with more than 250 employees according to
Companies Act 2006[ CITATION lar \l 1033 ]. Large scale organizations have complex finance
structures due to their size and the ownership is distributed among different unrelated
shareholder parties. Mostly, large organizations have an open to public trading history track to
attract investors and to convince lenders for financing.

The scope of large scale organizations can be of national, regional, international and global
level depending upon its nature of business activities. For instance FedEx has more than 250
employees and has its business outreach around the globe.

Selected Organizations:
I have chosen Fashion industry for my research and report writing. The three organizations I
have chosen in the current Fashion Industry are:

 Gucci
 Prada
 Louis Vuitton


Gucci is an Italian fashion label. It was founded in 1921 by Guccio Gucci. It started out as a
luggage manufacturer and a producer of luxury travel goods for the Italy’s wealthy upper class.
Gucci’s headquarter is in Florence, Tuscany, Italy.

The Structure of Gucci is a centralized structure as shown in the figure below:

Gucci is operating internationally having 487 running stores worldwide in more than 70
countries according to statistical data collected in 2019.


Prada is a luxury fashion house founded in 1913 in Milan, Italy by Mario Prada who was
grandfather of Miuccia Prada, an Italian fashion designer. Miuccia Prada is the current owner of
Prada. Prada specializes in leather bags, shoes, travel accessories & perfumes.

The structure of Prada is also a centralized structure and is shown in the figure below:

Prada is currently working worldwide (Internationally) by distributing leatherwear, ready to
wear, footwear in more than 70 countries through a network of 633 stores.

Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton is a French Fashion house which was founded in 1854 by a French fashion
designer namely Louis Vuitton. Presently, it is owned by LVMH group which is the largest
luxury goods group and also owns 75 other brands including Givenchy.

The Structure of the parent of Louis Vuitton which is LVMH is also a centralized structure as it
is shown in the figure below:

Louis Vuitton is internationally operational and provides its offerings in the market through a
chain of 4915 stores in 2019 while 5003 stores worldwide recorded in 2020.

Comparison and Contrast

The following table shows the differences and similarities in the organizations I have chosen for
my research:

Gucci Prada Louis Vuitton

Purpose/Objectives As of every organization, the The Goal or objective Louis Vuitton is currently
major objective of Gucci is also of Prada is not owned by the largest
Profit maximization. Gucci different to that of Luxury Goods Group
delivers value to its customers other organizations I namely, LVMH, which is
and captures value in return. have chosen. Profit also the owner of 75 other
This is how Gucci earns its maximization is the brands including
revenues to meet its expenses foremost priority of Givenchy. This makes
and to make profits. Its every for-profit Louis vuitton even as a
objective is also to make and organization, and subsidiary to be a for-
sustain profitable relationships Prada is a for-profit profit organization. Thus,
with customers in order to organization. Thus it the objective of Louis
provide them value and capture delivers quality and vuitton is to make
value in return from them in the luxury to its customers maximum profits in the
long-run. in order to maintain long-run. This happens
profitable relationships through provision of
with them in the long- customer value i.e.
run. Luxury, comfort, quality
& reliability in every
product to its customers
by Louis Vuitton and
receiving value in the
form of premium price
charged for that Product
in return which people are
also willing to buy due to
its attributes.
Sector The Sector of operation of The sector in which The sector of operation of
Gucci is luxury fashion Prada operates is also Louis vuitton is Private
industry. Moreover, Gucci the luxury fashion sector and it does not have
operates as a Private Sector industry while Prada is any public shares as an
organization and do not possess a Public sector investment in the
public shares in itself. company which is also company. Louis vuitton is
known as a Joint Stock operating in the luxury
company. fashion industry to attain
its organizational goal i.e.
Profit maximization.
Size and Scope Gucci, having more than 17,157 Prada also has Louis vuitton, having
according to statistics of 2019, employed 13,000+ 5003 stores according to
can be classified in to large employees according the statistics of 2020, has
organization as it has more than to the statistics employed more than 250
250 employees. collected in 2019 and employees making it a
Gucci delivers its customers, is classified into the Large scale organization.
value through a network of 487 category of large scale Louis vuitton has 5003
stores worldwide according to organization due to stores worldwide, as
the statistics of 2019 thus, employing more than mentioned above. Thus,

classifying its scope as an 250 employees. making it an

internationally operating Prada provides luxury, internationally operation
company. quality, and reliability organization.
through a chain of 633
stores internationally
thus, making its scope
as an internationally
Legal Structure As Gucci is an Italian Fashion Prada is also an ItalianLouis Vuitton is basically
house, the legal structure of the fashion house , thus a French fashion house
respective company is that according to the laws and according to the laws
according to Italian Government and regulations of of France, the company is
and laws, it is operating as a Italy, Prada is a Public registered as a Subsidiary
Subsidiary (S.P.A) of a French (S.P.A) which in of the largest French
Luxury Goods Group namely general means that it is luxury goods group
Kering. This means that it is, in a public limited namely, LVMH. It falls
short, a Private limited company company which in the category of a
having no public shares in itself. involves stake of the Limited Liability
general public as their company thus, having
shares in itself. more than one
Key Stakeholders The Stakeholders for every A business always An efficient business has
business are important to acquires success if it a quality of emphasizing
consider as without their focuses on its more and more on its
consideration, a business would stakeholders in every stakeholders, the ones
not flourish and goal attainment aspect. This is due to which have stake involved
would not be possible. Thus, the strong engagement in a specific business.
Gucci considers all of its through which the Louis Vuitton does the
stakeholders and focus on them business captures value same in order to keep the
to be more successful. The Key in return from its business operations
stakeholders of Gucci include : stakeholders and the running smoothly and to
 Investors/shareholders business runs engage its customers and
 Suppliers smoothly. Prada’s all other stake holders
 Retailers Stakeholders include: help to add value in the
 Customers  Shareholders business success. The key
 Government  Customers stakeholders of Louis
 Employees  Suppliers Vuitton are:
 Retailers  Investors
 Government  Customers
 employees  Employees
 All intermediaries
 Suppliers
 Government

Organizational Functions
Organizational functions are the core processes or set of processes which are carried out by a
business in order to achieve its set goals and objectives. These functions are carried out within an
organization within specific department or areas of that particular organization. Common
organizational functions include:

 Marketing: Marketing functions is all about creating and maintaining profitable

customer relationships in the long-run.
 Operations: Operations are the basic functions department of an organization. This
department performs day to day activities of a business and also keeps a record of them
to ensure goal attainment.
 Finance: Finance department functions include planning and implementation of how
will companies finance their projects or operations? Where will the company invest its
capital? And what dividend policy the company will introduce?
 IT: Focusing on information technology has now been an obligation for companies to
survive in the competent market. Thus, the company has to manage its resources to
market itself using online resources and e-commerce platforms.
 Customer Service: Customer service or support is the foremost duty of an organization
in order to gain feedback on its services or products just for the improvement of the
 R & D: Research and development should be one of the priorities of the organization
because without research, planning would not be carried out effective and efficiently.
Around 80% of the budget of successful organizations is expensed out for performing
research and development.
 HR: Human Resource management is also one of the basic functions of an organization
which build the organization. It deals with the recruitment process, hiring process, and
orientation and personnel training process for every designation within the organization.

Organizational Functions of Gucci

The organizational structure of Gucci is a fully centralized structure where the decision making
power/ authority is not given to every individual and the decision making authority is given only
to a limited executives. In such kind of an organization, the chain of command is practiced very
thoroughly. This means that the orders are disseminated and initiated through the CEO and board
of directors and is followed down the organizational structure to the lowest level of employees.
Such kind of organizational structure which is implemented in Gucci also specifies Reporting
Executives. This means that an employee who is working for a specific task should report to his
manager or supervisor who will be in charge of receiving his report and forwarding it further to
his reporting supervisor.

Explanation: The orders are disseminated from the top management which requires planning
skills in order to prepare strategies and plans for management to implement and ultimately
execute them to achieve the set goals and objectives. The executives who are to report to the
CEO and Chairman BODs as their reporting supervisor are:

 Elected Vice President of Administration and Finance department

 Managing director of Operations department
 Elected Vice President of Research and Innovation department
 Managing director of Strategic Management department
 Managing director of Human Resource Department
 Managing director of corporate communications, sustainable development & public affair
 President of consumer product division
 Managing Director of Luxury Products division
 Managing director of active cosmetics division
 General manager of professional products division
 Managing Director of Asia-Pacific Zone

 Managing Director of Latin America

 Managing director of North America
 Managing director of Africa, Middle East zone

The above mentioned are the departments of a specific are which run with above 100 employee
in each department working for a common goal. All of these above listed personnel are required
to report to their reporting officer or CEO about the performance of their department time to
time. Moreover, the segregation of the executives is based on three different criterions.

The difference is between the structures of the organizations. Gucci having a centralized
structure keeps on going with a centralized manner of information flow while Louis Vuitton has
a decentralized structure as the decision making power is not limited to some specific individual
executive officers but is distributed among the employees working in the organization. Prada has
a structure much like Gucci and is well centralized just as Gucci’s Organizational structure.

Firstly, the executive members of the management are designated according to the departments
of the organization. Secondly, the criterion of executives to supervise is division based. And
thirdly, the executives are designated to supervise and to keep a check and balance on the basis
of regions/zones of the globe. This enables the owners of Gucci to implement and execute the
plan and strategies to attain the goals and objectives and also minimizes the risk of failure. The
risk of failure is minimized due to the factor that the CEO has arranged the executive officials in
such a way that no error can be under looked resulting in decreased chances of risk and failure.
Thus, the organizational structure of the organization does play a significant role in supporting
and helping goals and objectives of the organization.


The advantages of the interrelationship between organizational functions and the impact they can
have on the organizational structure are:

 A good connection between different individuals assists the association with having a
decent understanding between the various departments.
 An administrator or a pioneer, who suffers a heart attack and still deals with the work
expertly and consistently, has a decent impact towards the group/representatives, which is
awesome illustration of good interrelationship between the authoritative individuals.
 If an organization tunes in to the possibility of the representatives from the various
departments, it brings about the expansion in the benefit of the organization on the
grounds that the workers are more capable, and they know the market.
 The great connection between the various departments causes the increment in the
viability of the business and in the development of the business.

 In an organization, a number of the representatives share their experience with different

representatives of the various divisions or departments which prompts the simplicity of
the workers in regards to their works and every employee becomes more acquainted with
one another, and the certainty level of the workers expands which causes a decent
connection between the distinctive departments.


 Coordination Between different functions of units get poor after engaging relationships
between departments due to lack of focus on one function.
 The competition between different functional departments increase as a result
conventional employees are unable to adopt changes in the new environment.
 A decentralized system can be harmful as the access to information which is required for
decision making is available for every employee and it can be used against the
organization in a harmful way.


 In Gucci does not let its employees to access the unconcerned information just because
of the risk that the employees, if provided, might use the confidential information to
spread bad impact on the company’s fame. Thus, Gucci does not provide any
unconcerned information to its employees.
 If Prada would have given the access of its private information of the organization, the
company would have been a failure as the company would have been hijacked, robbed or
could be impacted negatively in any way.
 In Louis vuitton the decision making power is distributed among the employees just to
help the customer with rapidness and effectiveness of the organization simultaneously.
The rapid decision making would help the product to be made more quickly than that in a
centralized structured organization as this would require many approvals.


The organizations should focus on their goal attainment through keeping a centralized structure
of the organization to decrease the risk of errors and mistakes which lead to less chances of
success. This can be done by managing every division, Zone (Region) and Department within the
organization. There is a very strong connection between the organizations functions and
structure. Thus, if the organizations functions will be performed on performance standards, the
organization structure will be a strong one and will be a centralized one while if not then Vice

Organizational functions and Pandemic

As discussed above, there is a significant relationship with organizational functions and the
environment around which the business is being operated. If all the functions of an organization
do not interlink with each other, the major goal attainment by the organization is not possible. In
the current Covid Situation, all the businesses are affected to some extent. Likewise, Gucci,
Prada and Louis Vuitton are also affected in one way or another. To fill this gap, like always, it is
necessary for the business functions to relate with each other and to be executed in a way that
supports to achieve the respective goal.

For instance, in the current situation, work from home is being implemented and practiced a lot.
For this purpose, the IT department improves its functions as well as all other departments. The
HR department has started E-Recruitment and E-training to the existing employees. The
marketing departments of the above mentioned companies have started focusing on their E-
commerce platforms to keep their audience engaged. Likewise, the finance departments have
also focused on online meetings and e-operations. This is all done in order to keep going for their
organization’s goal attainment. If all these functions are not inter-linked, these organizations
would be unable to achieve their target goals and objectives.

External/Macro Factors and PESTLE analysis

The company operates in a larger environment. This environment consists of a larger aspect and
the forces that create opportunities and threats to the organization. These forces are called macro
factors and the larger environment is called macro environment. These forces include:

 Political: The political factors include the political forces acting and influencing any
business in its surroundings. For instance, A store owned by Gucci, Prada or Louis
Vuitton can be influenced negatively as in if riots and protests are being carried out in the
surroundings of a business premises, their sales can be affected as general public would
avoid to go out for shopping for travel goods, footwear, ready to wear, luggage bags, and
many other luxury products.
 Economic: The economic factors are the economic barriers or price brackets in which
different salaried persons or money possessors have buying power of buying a specific
offering of the company. For instance, People in Pakistan are mostly salaried persons
having a fixed range of salaries. Thus, introducing a high priced luggage bag in Pakistan
will not be a good idea as there is very little market for expensive products in Pakistan.
Only the upper wealthy people have that buying power to purchase an expensive product
in Pakistan.
 Social: Social factors depend upon the norms and culture of the society in which the
business is operated. For instance, if in fashion industry, Gucci, Prada or Louis Vuitton
introduces Luxury bags while the culture of Pakistan does not allow people to wear that
specific bag e.g. Luxury bag made of Snake skin, People would never go for that product.

 Technological: Technological factors depend upon the changing technology. They may
include obsolescence of old technology used to manufacture market or deliver products
and services. For example, if Gucci, Prada or Louis Vuitton do not focus on their
ecommerce stores, they will lose their audience engagement by not attracting new
prospects as well as by losing their existing customers.
 Environmental: Environmental factor depend upon being environment friendly and
supporting the resistance in any unacceptable change in the climate or environment. For
instance, If Gucci, Prada or Louis Vuitton manufacture and sell highest quality
Medicated masks in the present situation of Covid, it will be a great success protecting
the environment from the transmittable virus.
 Legal: Legal factors depend upon the laws and regulations of the country in which the
business is being operated. The state laws may ban any product which is harmful for
humans or impose heavy taxes on luxury items. For instance, the Pakistani Government
has imposed 25% on any import of luxury bag including bags manufactured by Gucci,
Prada or Louis Vuitton. This will increase the cost for anyone to buy such products and
may discourage him to buy such products.

Internal/Micro Factors
The Factors affecting the business in its surroundings internally are called the Micro Factors and
such an environment is called micro environment. Micro environment include the following

 Customers
 Shareholders
 Suppliers
 Media
 Employees
 Competitors

SWOT Analysis
Gucci Prada Louis Vuitton
Strengths  Gucci owns a  Its Financial  The Brand Is
strong brand Position is high on
name strong recognition
 It delivers  Has a Low  Association to
Superb cost structure quality of
Quality helps improve products
 It has a Skilled pricing  Wide network
Workforce  Possesses of stores
 It possesses Patents and worldwide
control over trademarks as
distribution strong

Weaknesses  It has  Rental  Lack of
Liquidity property adoption of
issues i.e. its imposes other cultures
Liabilities substantial  Extra High
outnumber its charges on it pricing
Assets and affects
 It lacks in profit
Research and  It spends less
development on Research
efforts and
 Gucci lacks in development
promotion  Production
through automation
appropriate helps
advertisements manufacture
product in no
time while
this large
number of
products are
difficult to sell
Opportunities  Gucci has  Has  Growing
opportunity to opportunity to market
capture newer boost sales by potential can
markets using online be of great
 It has platforms i.e. opportunity
opportunity to website and for LV
attract younger social media  Increase in
consumers stores number of
 It has the  New skilled working
opportunity to labor is an women can
improve its opportunity play a vital
sales by for Prada to role in easy
focusing on its hire them and hiring of
online deliver & get skilled
platforms; better employees
website and customer
ecommerce value
Threats  Counterfeit  Competitors  Having
Products are the biggest European
 Competitive threat to Prada designers not
accepting to

Market  Suppliers are adopt

 Environmental decreasing different other
laws and and are falling cultures to
regulations short attract new
 Counterfeit
products in
the market
decrease its
market share
as well as
present a bad
image of the
Conclusion Gucci has to realize Prada Needs to Louis vuitton is not
that there are serious realize its less R&D accepting the trends
liquidity issues with efforts, its issues in the changing
their brand and this regarding cash flows environment i.e. to
can be a harmful and the matter of a lot adopt other cultures
situation keeping in of inventory addition for new designs. This
mind, their global in very less time. is the only thing to do
operations. if they want to attract
new customers.

References:[ CITATION Bha20 \l 1033 ], [ CITATION Mom18 \l 1033 ][ CITATION Bha19 \l 1033 ]

Relationship between Internal and External factors

There exists a strong relationship between the internal factors and external factors. The external
factors are related with the internal factors and vice versa. The strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats are identified using the PESTLE analysis performed with the
continuously changing trends and factors in the surroundings. The continuously changing needs
and trends in the surroundings have to be carefully identified time to time so that the business
may strategically plan accordingly in order to maintain its profitable relationships with customers
and to achieve its organizational goal i.e. Profit maximization.

Internal & External Factors in Pandemic and their impact on Decision making
In the current Pandemic situation worldwide, the emerging needs have changed. For instance,
The Recruiting process has totally shifted its platform of operations to online via online meetings
and e-recruitment and e-hiring. Thus, without identification of the new current Human Resource
need through external environment analysis, a Business let us say Gucci could not have hired
new employees and skilled labor through online medium.

The decision making process is impacted by the emerging situation and the new trends in the
surrounding environment. The business management has to change its strategies in order to keep

going with the changing situation worldwide. This is done in order to achieve the organizational
goals despite of the continuous shifts in the emerging business environment.

Bhasin, H. (2019, January 11). swot-analysis-louis-vuitton. Retrieved from

Bhasin, H. (2020, June 16). swot-analysis-of-prada. Retrieved from

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Momin, A. (2018, November 18). gucci-swot-analysis. Retrieved from

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