What Is Antimatter

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What is antimatter

Everything in this universe is made up of matter you,me and even pizza,but what is not normal
that there is something called antimatter When you first hear it ,you may think that it is a
joke but, it is really not a matter

. The history of Antimatter

The antimatter theory was first proposed approximately a century ago ,but the modern theory of
antimatter began In 1928 by the British physicist Paul Dirac who wrote down an equation that
combined quantum theory and special relativity to describe the behaviour of an electron moving
at a relativistic speed. The equation which won Dirac the Nobel Prize in 1933 posed a problem:
just as the equation x * x = 4 can have two possible solutions (x = 2 or x = −2), so Dirac's equation
could have two solutions, one for an electron with positive energy, and one for an electron with
negative energy. But classical physics and common sense dictated that the energy of a particle must
always be a positive number, however Dirac interpreted the equation to mean that for every
particle there exists a corresponding antiparticle, exactly matching the particle with the
same mass but with opposite charge. For example, for the electron there should be an
"antielectron", or "positron" identical in every way but with a positive electric charge,
there is also an antiproton that is the antiparticle of the proton,. The insight opened the
possibility of entire galaxies and universes made of antimatter
The first discovery of antimatter
however all of this was theoretical until in 1932 Carl Anderson, a young professor at
the California Institute of Technology in the US, was studying showers of cosmic
particles in a cloud chamber and saw a track left by "something positively
charged, and with the same mass as an electron but it was acting differently from
an electron ,
After nearly a year of effort and observation, he decided the tracks were actually
a positron each produced alongside an electron from the impact of cosmic rays
in the cloud chamber now it wasn’t theoretical ,although there is a question that
is still unsolved till now which is the asymmetry of matter and antimatter
A few moments after the bigbang
During the big bang the universe should have created half matter and half anti matter ,
but if you took a glance around you ,you will find obviously matter only,so where did the
antimatter go?,actually no one knows it is one of the greatest unsolved problems in the
universe .

How dangerous is antimatter?Antimatter is the rarest and potentially the

most dangerous material on earth not only the earth but even the universe that is
because When antimatter comes into contact with regular matter even air they
annihilate,they disappear and their masses turn immediately into a flash of pure light

To be aware of its danger if you get only one teaspoon of antimatter ang get into contact
with the same mass from regular matter it would create an explosion large enough to
destroy all of Manhattan for comparison you would need 200 thousand metric tons of tnt
to release the same amount of energy or 10 nuclear bombs
Antimatter’s price
so many people ask why don’t we create a couple of kilograms of antimatter and power
humanity with energy for the couple of the following years actually that is because its
price where it is considered one of the most expensive materials on earth At
present, antimatter costs $62.5 trillion per gram. Projected improvements could bring this
cost down to $5 billion per gram and the production level up ten times from 1.5 to 15

Where antimatter can be found ?

well,they can be made in nature or by us humans
1. Antiparticles are created everywhere in the
universe where high-energy particle collisions
take place. High-energy cosmic rays impacting
Earth's atmosphere (or any other matter in the
Solar System) produce minute quantities of
antiparticles ,which are immediately annihilated
by contact with nearby matter. They may similarly
be produced in regions like the center of
galaxies, where very energetic celestial events
2. Also they can be manufactured in labs for
example to make antihydrogen, the accelerators
that feed protons to the Large Hadron Collider
(LHC) at CERN(the European Organization for
Nuclear Research)divert some of them to make
antiprotons by slamming them into a metal target;
the antiprotons that result are held in CERN’s
Antimatter Decelerator ring
Antimatter future and its applications :
If you think that Antimatter is a dream and is not used
in any applications currently ,you are probably wrong
as it is used in medicine.
PET (positron emission tomography) uses positrons
to produce high-resolution images of the body.
Positron-emitting radioactive isotopes are attached to
chemical substances such as glucose that are used
naturally by the body.

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