Examen Reading 20210518

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Comenzado el martes, 18 de mayo de 2021, 10:30

Estado Finalizado

Finalizado en martes, 18 de mayo de 2021, 11:09

Tiempo empleado 38 minutos 52 segundos


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Texto informativo
Readers of the Guardian newspaper can ask Dr Tom Smith medical questions. Read
Dr Smith's replies on the web page. Choose the correct question (1- 4) and match it
to the correct text  (A-D).

1. “I've managed to lose about five kilos. Now I don't want to put
weight on again. How can I be sure I stay at my new, lower

2. “My 16-year-old is a central defender in a football team. He

does a lot of “headers”. In other words, he uses his head to hit
away balls. Will this lead to dementia in later life?”

3. “What type of area in a town or city is best to live in for a longer


4. “Is it bad to click your fingers, particularly if you do it all the

time? Could it cause arthritis in later life?”

Pregunta 1
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Enunciado de la pregunta

That problem was solved a few years ago, so no need to worry. It may
have been true of the old leather balls that got heavier because they
absorbed water during the game. However, the newer, lighter,  non-
absorbent balls don't do that. The theory was that repeated headers
produced mini-episodes of contussion. It was thought that this led to
brain damage. The lighter ball stops from happening. So your son can
continue to head the ball without worry.
Seleccione una:
1. “I've managed to lose about five kilos. Now I don't want to put weight on again. How can I
be sure I stay at my new, lower weight?”
2. "My 16-year-old is a central defender in a football team. He does a lot of “headers”. In
other words, he uses his head to hit away balls. Will this lead to dementia in later life?"
3. “What type of area in a town or city is best to live in for a longer life?”
4. “Is it bad to click your fingers, particularly if you do it all the time? Could it cause arthritis
in later life?”

Pregunta 2
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Enunciado de la pregunta
It is really difficult to do this by yourself. In one study of more than 1000
women, the results showed that the women who kept in touch with
their weight-loss friends were much more successful at keeping the
weight off. So it is important to keep in regular contact with the person
who helped you lose weight. For the women who did return to their
original weights, their greatest difficulty was carrying on with the
exercise. Once you have lost weight, you need to keep in touch with
whoever helped you for years afterwards even.
Seleccione una:
1. “I've managed to lose about five kilos. Now I don't want to put weight on again. How can I
be sure I stay at my new,lower weight?”

2. “My 16-year-old is a central defender in a football team. He does a lot of “headers”. In

other words, he uses his head to hit away balls. Will this lead to dementia in later life?”
3. “What type of area in a town or city is best to live in for a longer life?”

4. “Is it bad to click your fingers,particularly if you do it all the time?Could it cause arthritis in
later life?”

Pregunta 3
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Enunciado de la pregunta
I don't know of any studies that have shown that always clicking your
fingers causes harm, but then I don't suppose there has been much
research. My instinctive feeling is that it won't do any harm. However, I
would ask why you are doing it? Is it a nervous problem? If so, you
may have to think about your reaction to stress. If it is just a way of
dealing with occasional stress, I don't see what harm it does, except
that it may be embarrassing in the company.
Seleccione una:
1. “I've managed to lose about five kilos. Now I don't want to put weight on again. How can I
be sure I stay at my new, lower weight?”

2. “My 16-year-old is a central defender in a football team. He does a lot of “headers”. In

other words, he uses his head to hit away balls. Will this lead to dementia in later life?”
3. “What type of area in a town or city is best to live in for a longer life?”
4. “Is it bad to click your fingers, particularly if you do it all the time? Could it cause arthritis
in later life?”

Pregunta 4
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Enunciado de la pregunta
The most complete statistics about lifestyle and age come from Japan.
The Japanese are famous for living a long time. However, their cities
are quite crowded. Their research suggested that people who live near
trees and parks, with the most sunlight in their homes, live longer. We
don´t know whether the extra years come from purer air where they
live or because their surroundings give them a greater sense of
tranquillity and peace. In general, Japanese people live around five to
ten years longer than average British people.
Seleccione una:
1. “I've managed to lose about five kilos. Now I don't want to put weight on again. How can I
be sure I stay at my new, lower weight?”
2. “My 16-year-old is a central defender in a football team. He does a lot of “headers”. In
other words, he uses his head to hit away balls. Will this lead to dementia in later life?”
3. “What type of area in a town or city is best to live in for a longer life?”
4. “Is it bad to click your fingers, particularly if you do it all the time? Could it cause arthritis
in later life?”

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Texto informativo
Read letter 1 and 2 and choose the best option. Are these sentences True (T), False
(F) or the letters Don't Say (DS)? 

Letter 1: A pollution problem?

I enjoyed the article about the environment and our town last week.
However, you failed to mention the most obvious problem in Brighton:
litter. I live opposite Brighton High Secondary School. Every evening
when I come home from work, I pick up a collection of crisp and sweet
packets that have been left in my front garden. Furthermore, I am not
alone. My neighbours have to do the same thing. In the street, it is
even worse with old cigarette stubs and chewing gum stuck to the
Although I feel that children should understand that the street (or my
garden) is not a litter bin, I do not think we help them. There are no
bins in front of Brighton High. And I have never seen any of the
teachers, who drive down the road on their way home, speak to any
students about their behaviour.
It is time that both the school and the council take some action about
this problem. For example, students should be told that it can take up
to 12 years for a cigarette stub to decompose*. In addition, just three or
four bins, that are emptied regularly, would help the problem
enormously. Brighton is a beautiful town. We should keep it like that.  
*stub = a short remaining piece of a cigar.
*decompose = gradually become worse in condition
Letter 2: A safety problem?
I work in the town centre and, like many other people, live on the other
side of the park. My journey home is about 15 minutes shorter if I cycle
through the park, but in the future, I will be cycling on the road. It is
simply too dangerous.
There are only about two working lights and it is impossible to see
anything at night. Moreover, when I am not worrying about hitting a
pedestrian or being attacked, I am worrying about falling off my bike.
The path is in a terrible condition, with several dangerous potholes.
Nothing has been done about this even though I have phoned the
council several times.
It would be simple and inexpensive to repair the path and replace
some of the lights. Furthermore, it would encourage people to walk or
cycle to work rather than drive on our already busy roads. If the council
does not want to do this, the park should be closed at night and they
should lock the gates. It would be very inconvenient for everyone who
lives in my area, but at the moment it is simply not safe. 
Pregunta 5
Puntúa como 1,0

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Enunciado de la pregunta

In letter 1 the writer...

1. ...is a teacher.     

Pregunta 6
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Enunciado de la pregunta

In letter 1 the writer...

Fla s e
 2.   Thinks children should be more responsible about litter.
Pregunta 7
Puntúa como 1,0

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Enunciado de la pregunta

In letter 1 the writer...

  3.   Believes teachers could help more with the problem.

Pregunta 8
Puntúa como 1,0

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Enunciado de la pregunta

In letter 1 the writer...

4.   Thinks that some more bins would completely solve the problem.

Pregunta 9
Puntúa como 1,0
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Enunciado de la pregunta

In letter 2 the writer...

Fa ls e
5. ... often cycles through the park. 

Pregunta 10
Puntúa como 1,0

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Enunciado de la pregunta

In letter 2 the writer

Fa ls e
6. ...has fallen off his/her bike before.    

Pregunta 11
Puntúa como 1,0

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Enunciado de la pregunta

In letter 2 the writer...

Fa ls e
7. ... has tried contacting the council about the lights. 

Pregunta 12
Puntúa como 1,0

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Enunciado de la pregunta
In letter 2 the writer...
8. ... thinks the park should be closed at night. 

Pregunta 13
Puntúa como 1,0

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Enunciado de la pregunta

The writers of both letters...

9. ... live in the same town.    

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