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Advertising through Different Modes

Impact of different modes of Advertising on Consumer Purchase


Submitted by:
Akshay Kumar 19265
Anish Motwani 18981
Rumsha Suhail 20608
Simran Talreja 19472
Samra Zehra 19825

Submitted to: Mr. Nawaz Ahmed

Fall 2018
Institute of Business Management

Advertising through Different Modes

Impact of different modes of Advertising on Consumer Purchase


Submitted to: Mr. Nawaz Ahmed

For the partial fulfillment of the course MBR

Fall 2018
Institute of Business Management

Advertising through Different Modes

Letter of Transmittal
Dated: December 8th 2018 

Sir Nawaz Ahmed

Course: Methods of Business Research 

Respected Sir,

We would like to express our honest gratefulness to you for providing your invaluable guidance, and the

pool of advises for the course of the report.

This research report has educated us more in knowledge about consumer behavior in buying decision and

the appropriate results that how much different modes of advertisement impacts on consumer buying

decision, and it was a great learning experience as well as opportunity to spread out our horizon.


Akshay Kumar 19265

Anish Motwani 18981

Rumsha Suhail 20608

Simran Talreja 19472

Samra Zehra 19825

Advertising through Different Modes


We are thankful to Almighty Allah for granting us this auspicious opportunity to learn something

new and useful for us. This interesting piece of work is the outcome of the continuous efforts and

complete devotion of all the group personnel. We got a chance to learn something different and

new while making this report. We are very much thankful to our Instructor Sir Nawaz Ahmad for

being a constant support throughout the research work. It was due to his guidance we were able

to learn how to do research and what are the key points necessary for conducting research in a

better way. However, we acknowledge full responsibility for any lacks in this report.

Advertising through Different Modes

The aim of this research is to analyze the impact of different modes (Social Media, Print Media,
TVC, and Online Media) of advertising on customer buying decision. Primary data of research
was surveyed through a Close-ended questionnaire on Likert scale as a data collection tool. The
data was gathered from the 210 students of Institute of Business Management and remaining
process was administrated by researchers. For conducting this research, the major test ANOVA
followed by Tukey test was used for getting the appropriate outcomes. It was apparent from the
result that there is no such impact of Modes on consumer buying decision. It was analyzed that
students do not take the advertisement in practice for making their buying decision of any
product. It was analyzed that they have never made any purchase of product after watching any
Ad that clarifies that students make their buying decision according to their perception and
awareness level. Hence Companies should work on their advertisement too but they should also
work on some customer engagement activities (such different promotion tools like (shows,
offers, free trials) to attract their customers so that their product can make a place in mind of
customer and customers can make their mind of purchase after watching it. Otherwise making
advertisements and spending too much money on it will not give them efficient or effective
results. They even can’t analyze if their customers are retained from the advertisements or not.
This research can help the companies for reviewing from the young generation that these modes
aren’t as much effective as they think.
Keywords: Marketing, Advertising, Social Media, Print Media, Online Media, TVC, Consumer
Purchase Decision
JEL Classification: C12, C42, M37

Advertising through Different Modes

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................8
1.1 Background........................................................................................................................................8
1.2 Objective of the Study.....................................................................................................................10
1.3 Scope of the Study...........................................................................................................................11
1.4 Statement of the Problem...............................................................................................................11
1.5 Research Questions.........................................................................................................................11
1.6 Hypothesis.......................................................................................................................................12
Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................13
2.1 Review of Literature........................................................................................................................13
2.1.1. Advertising...............................................................................................................................13
2.1.2. Mass Media.............................................................................................................................14
2.1.3. Social Media.............................................................................................................................15
2.1.4. Online Media...........................................................................................................................17
2.1.5. Print Media..............................................................................................................................19
2.2 Theoretical Framework....................................................................................................................21
Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................................................22
3.1 Data.................................................................................................................................................22
3.2 Variables..........................................................................................................................................22
3.3 Inclusion Criteria..............................................................................................................................22
3.4 Sample and Target Population.........................................................................................................22
3.5 Sampling Technique.........................................................................................................................22
Chapter 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS.....................................................................................................23
4.1 Demographic Profile........................................................................................................................23
Table 4.1.1.........................................................................................................................................23
Table 4.1.2.........................................................................................................................................23
Table 4.1.3.........................................................................................................................................23
4.2 Descriptive Analysis.........................................................................................................................24
4.2.1 Reliability Statistics...................................................................................................................24
4.3 Inferential Statistics.........................................................................................................................25
Table 4.3.1.........................................................................................................................................25

Advertising through Different Modes

Table 4.3.2.........................................................................................................................................26
Table 4.3.3.........................................................................................................................................26
Table 4.3.4.........................................................................................................................................27
Table 4.3.5.........................................................................................................................................29
4.4 Hypothesis Assessment Summary...................................................................................................31
4.5 Discussion........................................................................................................................................32
Chapter 5: CONCLUSION, LIMITATIONS AND RECOMMENDATION...........................................................33
5.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................33
5.2 Limitations.......................................................................................................................................33
5.3 Recommendations...........................................................................................................................34
Chapter 6: REFFERNCES.............................................................................................................................35

Advertising through Different Modes 8


1.1 Background

Advertising is a non-personal way of communication to reach out the target audience,

through a number of modes to attract consumers. It can be paid method, by paying to the

advertising agencies. It can also be unpaid by posting it on social media. For an activity to be

called as an advertisement it is necessary that it must be paid. Advertising is the method used by

different organizations for creating awareness of their products, as well as making their new

products familiar to the new and potential consumers.

The buying decision process is very important which helps in identifying the different

steps and situations of consumer, buying a particular product. It actually investigates the cost-

benefit analysis based on the behavior of consumers. This purchasing process consists of a five

step procedure that begins with the problem recognition, information search, evaluation of

alternatives, decision to purchase and ends at post purchase evaluation.

In the problem recognition stage, a customer identifies or realizes the need to have a

certain product that will satisfy his need. In the second step, the customer search for information

about the product. At this point advertisement plays an important role to influence a customer’s

mind. The third step is the evaluation of alternatives in which a customer assign his weightage to

the alternatives on the basis of different attributes whether it is on price, quality or customer care.

The fourth stage is the finalization of the best available option and purchasing the suitable

product. The process terminates when the customer uses the product and give reviews about the

utilization of the product. Advertisement seems to impact mostly in the second and third stage of

the buying process when a customer searches for information and evaluate different alternatives
Advertising through Different Modes 9

The first task for a marketer is to create awareness among the people. For this purpose

advertising is the main tool used to create awareness about a brand or a product .The major aim

of advertising is to influence customer buying behavior and the effect about brand is altered or

reinforced in an individuals' mind. Memories regarding a brand constitute those affiliations that

are identified with a brand name in a shopper’s mind. These brand discernment impact

evaluation, consideration and lastly purchase. The aim of studying consumer behavior is to

understand why customers act specifically in particular situations. It endeavors in deciding the

variables which impacts the purchaser conduct, particularly the financial, social and

psychological aspects.

The internet has given a broader scope to advertising and this term is not just focused on

print or mass media advertising. The advent of the internet has widened the exposure to our

targeted audiences through online and social media advertising and the marketers are now using

social media and online ads to promote products and services

Media has the power to influence a customer buying decision. In this regard, the most

powerful tools nowadays are the mass media, print media, social media and online webpages. A

customer can easily access his required information about any product by simply accessing the

internet. Whenever a customer opens a webpage the first thing that pops up on his screen is the

recommendation of a product that he has been looking for. This happens because of the cookies

that enter in our network pins out our searching history to these websites which in turn use this

information to suggest us a different category of products or brands.

The emergence of social media advertising have affected the customers buying behavior

because of the customer presence on social media 24/7.Social media networks such as Facebook,

YouTube, Instagram and other social applications are paid to show a company’s advertisement to
Advertising through Different Modes 10

their users according to their demographics such as a customer surfing on Facebook from

Pakistan will see ads of Pakistani brands and a customer surfing on Facebook from some other

country will see his own country’s brand advertisements.

Print media includes newspapers, magazines, catalogues and brochures. Print media

allows us to even target those areas where there is no internet access or people are not familiar

with the use of the internet. Specifically, in rural areas of Pakistan most of the people rely on a

newspaper to update themselves about the recent happenings. In this scenario newspaper

advertising helps us to reach the maximum number of audience in these areas. In urban areas,

print media is more focused towards advertising in magazines, brochures and catalogues. These

catalogues are aimed to provide information to the consumer about the latest additions in product

line of a brand. It also includes the customer reviews and blogs about that specific product.

Advertising through Television commercials is the most powerful tool to reach a large

number of audiences whether it is a rural or urban audience. Television commercials are watched

all those who tuned into the television channel when the TVC is shown.. Advertisements showed

during prime time on televising have the greater recognition in consumers mind because it easily

grabs the attention of every viewer.

1.2 Objective of the Study

The aim to conduct this study is to understand the influence of different modes of

advertising on customer buying behavior. This study will assist us to find out the most important

mode of advertising that impacts the consumer buying decision for a product or service. Today

organizations use different methods to promote their product or service either by marketing

campaigns or through advertising them. This study is focused to give the marketers an insight
Advertising through Different Modes 11

regarding the customer psyche of getting attracted and engage with a specific product. This

research will also help us to find out the role of advertising in the daily life of people.

1.3 Scope of the Study

This research focuses on different methods of advertising including online, print media,

social media, television and their effect on consumer behavior.

The research is based on the inadequate data and is limited to the specified location.

1.4 Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this research is to get to know the concepts of advertising and its various


This research aims to find out which mode of advertising affects most on consumer

purchase decision.

Moreover, it provides a source of information on the latest advertising tactics and trends

that could be useful to attract customers and generate sales.

1.5 Research Questions

Q1. Does the advertising impact on consumer purchase decision?

Q2. Is a consumer purchase decision affected by different modes of advertising?

Q3. How does Mass media effect on Consumer decision?

Q4. How does Social media effect on Consumer decision?

Q5. How does Print media effect on Consumer decision?

Q6. How does an online media effect on Consumer decision?

Advertising through Different Modes 12

1.6 Hypothesis

H0: Different modes have no significant impact on the consumer purchase decision

H1: Different modes have a significant impact on the consumer purchase decision

H0: Gender has no significant impact on the consumer purchase decision regarding different


H1: Gender has a significant impact on the consumer purchase decision regarding different

Advertising through Different Modes 13


2.1 Review of Literature

2.1.1. Advertising

Advertising is the foremost way to deliver the message regarding product or service

being offered through its multi ways including Mass media, Social Media, Print Media, etc. Such

communication tools are accessed by marketing managers to deliver the message to targeted

group. [ CITATION FIL99 \l 1033 ]. The activities of advertising which involves all the variables of

attracting consumers, are really meant to apply for potential buyers because it is a non-personal

method, to reach the end users through paid media. [ CITATION Etz97 \l 1033 ]

[ CITATION Kot11 \l 1033 ] Defines a prolific idea about the advertising concept. His theory

explains that the effect of advertising depends upon the target market of product, the frequency

of usage of any medium by the target market and ways to reach upon them. On a clear side, this

theory makes sense because the effect of any mode of advertising depends upon the person who

uses the most. For example, a child mostly uses the cartoon channels and YouTube to entertain

himself. So it is necessary to put child targeted ads on the media he uses the most. Same goes for

teenagers using social media, female adults watching Television and Male adults watching news

channel and print media. Thus, ad should reach to the targeted market to have a maximum effect.

Thus this depends upon how a marketer makes this to reach the target market.

It is said that advertisements have a great impact on consumers’ psychology, attitude,

behavior etc. another fact is that Advertising has greater impact when it is related to specific

cultures. It is highly culture-influenced method. It satisfies the needs of consumers, even it

creates the need through putting a number of strategies, and highly influenced modes of
Advertising through Different Modes 14

advertising. Organizations can also use above the line and below the line techniques to create the

demand in consumers’ mind and make them behave accordingly. [ CITATION Yas12 \l 1033 ]

2.1.2. Mass Media

It was admitted that TVC has a great impact on the purchase decision of customers.

According to research, a normal person spends 3 to 5 hours on TV every day, so the marketing

teams are also clever. They put the ads on channels according to the time. The channel, mostly

viewed by the customers are reality show channels, news channels, serial channels and the

cartoon channels. SO the marketers are clever enough to put the ads according to the viewer’s

habit and time. This stretch the customers to be highly attracted, and in turn, it makes them

decide to purchase. [ CITATION Gue11 \l 1033 ]

Young customers, according to research, results that they like TV commercials than other

products. The survey resulted that most of their purchase was generated through TV ads, and

thus they loved the TV commercials and other mass media programs. The purchase behavior

increased when they focused on the ads being shown on channels. The story they show, makes

their interest in the product and they feel happy after watching a product on TV, which is already

in their house too. [CITATION Patna \l 1033 ]

TV viewers in a research admitted that they have a very positive attitude towards ad,

because they have experienced a good product quality, features and all. Another perspective

about TV commercials analyzed that consumers are mainly attracted towards the TV ad because

they love the celebrity, theme, music, and the story in an ad. The love of brother-sister, mother-

son etc. which give a message of love in the ads. [ CITATION KVe13 \l 1033 ]
Advertising through Different Modes 15

[ CITATION Nar14 \l 1033 ] Admitted that, 74% of the children watch TV on a daily basis.

When the frequency of a watched channel was analyzed, it showed that Cartoon channels were

on the top of the list. Especially at the age of 6, a child normally gets addicted to TV channels,

especially cartoon. So the marketers take greater advantage of putting the children’s product ad

on such channels, which attract the children more. Because according to research, children are

found to be more influenced from the things and environment than any other age level.

TV ads are very influential because it provides us detailed information, specific feature,

and it also provides us product variants and choices. Most people believe that advertising is the

time saver for decision maker. They watch ads and decide thoroughly. It was admitted that

advertising is more influential in fast moving consumer goods. [ CITATION PMa14 \l 1033 ]

[ CITATION Son13 \l 1033 ] Describes the advertisement as the most effective medium

because the construction of advertising is based on two components, i.e. Audio and Video. In

today’s world, no one would believe a product’s specification until some people use it or some

reviews from those people. That’s why, any ad which is consisting of a real specifications and

holds a strong image with respect to quality and users (Celebrities), the ad becomes successful,

then either he is young, or adult.

2.1.3. Social Media

The communities of the internet has formed the platforms which is connecting millions of

people from the world into one single platform, and grouping them according to hobbies,

lifestyles of people. Such people become conscious about what the world is doing, we should

also practice that. When it comes to advertising on social media, means reaching out consumers

worldwide. Millions of people can access to the ads and respond to it. People will buy it, review
Advertising through Different Modes 16

it, and make others behave accordingly. Thus, social media is not only helpful for consumers, but

also companies investing in it. [ CITATION Sin12 \l 1033 ]

When we talk about social media, it means Facebook is on the top of the list. This is

known as the greatest online broadcast for a user, as a consumer. Even advertisers use social

media as the testing channel for any ad before broadcasting on Mass media. A normal person

uses the Facebook almost half of their day. That’s why, social media, including Facebook is the

most effective way to broadcast an ad. [ CITATION ALe13 \l 1033 ]. (Lipsman, 2011) Admitted that

a single person interaction with Facebook is around 1 minute in every 6 minutes. In past years, a

normal person had the basic need of water and food, but it is updated through the internet now.

Every person uses the internet, whether it’s for searching a product related to study or for a

normal shopping. That’s why it is being considered that online media and social media has an

instantaneous yet positive effect on sales or marketing of any product.

According to [ CITATION Tut08 \l 1033 ], the social media is far better than traditional

advertising. Social media is an exclusive form, which is a very advanced method and messages

are delivered easily to the unlimited number of customers, then we assume. Social media

advertising is an unpaid form of advertising to reach a number of audience. Though it has also

the concept of paid advertisements by paying for Facebook ads, etc. Social media is known to be

a multiway communication method, and treated as a tool to identify the demographics and other

factors of consumers.

The important thing that attracts the consumer to buy the product is because of the

reviews from customers. Social media is a type of platform that helps the consumer to decide for

a purchase through the number of reviews about a single product. Positive reviews will lead the

buying behavior and vice versa. Because this information is coming from those people who
Advertising through Different Modes 17

already bought the product and have some comments about it. Such data is known to be reliable

and accurate. A research that’s why reported that buying behavior on social media is totally

dependent upon the personal reviews of the external world. [ CITATION Gil07 \l 1033 ]

Social media platforms help the firms to identify the target groups and other related

information they look for, and how to reach them through the internet. On the other side, it has

also the threat of misrepresentation and misunderstandings in consumer mind, which happens at

minor. [ CITATION Smi11 \l 1033 ]

Another study about social media resulted that it has no significant impact on consumer

purchase decision. The researchers claimed that this insignificant result can be the outcome of

retail stores environment, lack of marketing activities and lack of customer engagement

activities. Social media can be effective when strong marketing efforts are put in practice.

[ CITATION Han18 \l 1033 ]

Millennials are more like connected with their smartphones, which means if anything is

shown in those platforms like social media, they try to adapt it. Consumers mostly adore

focusing on the facts of the product or service advertised and also who is in the ad. That’s why

marketers and advertisers has a great responsibility to post the specifics in smartphones, and

ensure that it is reaching to the target customer. [ CITATION Mar18 \l 1033 ]

2.1.4. Online Media

According to a research, online advertising is the most effective media of advertising.

Internet advertising provides various strategies for targeting your customers, and it saves time

and costs. [ CITATION Anu16 \l 1033 ]

Advertising through Different Modes 18

In online mode, it is difficult to trace the usability and reachability of ad as compared to

mass media because in the case of mass media advertisements, some

companies estimate the size of their audience according to their commercial message for

example Nielson TV and radio ratings. Other

efforts are underway to further analyze the economic impacts of advertising by creating a link

between advertising and a rise in sales.[ CITATION Des16 \l 1033 ]

Advertising through internet creates awareness about firms, an easy method to distribute

data, advanced strategies of targeting consumers, an immediate and direct line to customers.

Online advertisement helps to indulge the sellers with their targeted customers. The

advertisement are not supposed to be intrusive in nature. It has to be innovative so it can attract

more and more consumers. With the enhanced adoption advert fission of the web, World

Wide internet is turning into step by step a typical advertisement platform. [ CITATION Mee17 \l

1033 ]

Researchers study online advertising to design market place by factors such as cost

saving, convenience, customization of products and services in order to maintain high loyalty of

target customers. Results have shown that online advertising has a affirmative influence on

consumer purchase behavior. [ CITATION Zou15 \l 1033 ]

Prof A.U Khandare and Prof P. B. Suryawanshi concluded in their research thatYES,

online advertising has a greater impact on consumer buying decision. Because this is connecting

people throughout the world in each other’s products and the society from which they buy their

products from, internet advertising is a key determinant of purchase decision. It was found that

online advertising is a significant ingredient in predicting the consumer behavior.[ CITATION

Kha16 \l 1033 ]
Advertising through Different Modes 19

[ CITATION Mil12 \l 1033 ] Admitted that there are so many reasons that online advertising

is more suitable yet applicable because people nowadays are more active on internet measures

e.g. social media and other websites. From a marketer perspective, he also admitted that

uploading an ad online means reaching out to the diverse population in different areas of the

world. however [ CITATION Bar10 \l 1033 ] suggested that the online marketing, a low-priced

marketing is suitable only for the high cost products which include mostly the electronic

products like automobiles, electronic items, travel packages, used cars etc..

2.1.5. Print Media

Advertisers use different modes of advertising to publicize their product or service that

includes TV, newspapers ,periodicals, internet, billboards, yellow pages and through email. For

advertising in newspaper or in a magazine it is necessary to have a catchy and attractive logo,

image and fonts of the advertisement. This print advertisement must be engaging and the

advertisers must focus on making its brand name highlighted. Magazines are another efficient

way to grab the reader’s attention because of its quality of pictures ad providing relevant

information. On the other hand the static mode of photos in magazines makes it passive

[CITATION Sun15 \l 1033 ]

Consumers always get attracted with a print advertisement that results in increasing the

sales and market share of the company. Advertising has a special budget allocation in a company

that depends on the product lifecycle stages. Current and new product life cycle plays a very

essential role for attracting more new and potential consumers. These advertising attractions

increase the overall sales of a product and the market reputation of company[CITATION Dan00 \l

1033 ].
Advertising through Different Modes 20

The findings of a research showed that advertisement plays a significant role in creating

awareness of the brand in mind of consumers. The advertising process through printed media can

be used to directly or indirectly influence consumer behavior by connecting it with worth, value

and sales of organization. In today’s competitive business environment, the well-known

organizations spend a large amount on print advertising to increase their company sales, fulfill

the consumer’s desires, needs and expectations. This factor shows that the changes related to

brand sales, its overall performance, promotions on brands and quality emphasize consumers to

change their brands according to new taste and styles as well[CITATION Cha17 \l 1033 ]

A study was conducted by Sorce and Dewitz who analyze the usage of print media

advertising in the age of modern technology patterns in the USA. They found that magazines,

newspaper and business paper advertising expenditures are almost 40% of other categories of

media advertising in the year 2004.The category of internet advertising was relatively smaller,

but grew at a greater rate than other modes of adverting. They found that magazine advertising

was more effective than television advertising to promote SUV brands. Moreover, it was

concluded that audiences who read the printed advertisements were able to recall and recognize

the content of advertisement than those who those who view the online ad of the same brand

[CITATION Owu17 \l 1033 ]

A study was conducted to understand the recall and recognition of advertisement by

consumers. The variables include the advertisement size, the variation of colors, advertisement

timing and characteristics of the advertised product. The findings of this research showed that a

readership of advertisement was directly relate to the advertisement size, the color variations or

the color scheming’s but it was negatively related with the time of advertisement[CITATION

Gro91 \l 1033 ]
Advertising through Different Modes 21

Another was research was carried out to check the impact of size, logo of any product in

newspaper on consumers. The size of advertisement and its color were the main factors to affect

Apple sales whereas logo use did not prove any impact on sales as found in the study. [ CITATION

Pat00 \l 1033 ]

2.2 Theoretical Framework





3.1 Data

Data will be collected through primary research for this study. A structured questionnaire

will be issued online, to gather the data from the students of different universities and few

working people in different organizations.

Advertising through Different Modes 22

3.2 Variables

The variables for this study are Mass media, Social media, online advertising and Print

media. These four are our independent variables. The dependent variable for our study is

Consumer Purchase Decision, which is dependent on four independent variables.

3.3 Inclusion Criteria

The targeted criteria is the students of different universities and few working people of

different organizations. The sample ranges from 20 to 30 years, both male and female.

3.4 Sample and Target Population

The sample size is 209 which includes, students of different universities and few working

people. It includes both male and female.

3.5 Sampling Technique

We used Non Probabilistic, Convenient technique in our research.

3.6 Statistical Technique

The statistical model applied on data is the ANOVA followed by Tukey test in SPSS


4.1 Demographic Profile

Advertising through Different Modes 23

Table 4.1.1
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid female 109 52.2 52.2 52.2
male 100 47.8 47.8 100.0
Total 209 100.0 100.0

Table 4.1.2
Education level
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Matric/Olevel 3 1.4 1.4 1.4
intermediate/A level 24 11.5 11.5 12.9
undergraduate 113 54.1 54.1 67.0
graduate 49 23.4 23.4 90.4
post graduate 20 9.6 9.6 100.0
Total 209 100.0 100.0

Table 4.1.3

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid less than 25000 14 6.7 6.7 6.7

25000-35000 9 4.3 4.3 11.0

35000-45000 13 6.2 6.2 17.2

45000-55000 28 13.4 13.4 30.6

more than 55000 145 69.4 69.4 100.0

Total 209 100.0 100.0

 Out of 209 respondents 100 are male and 109 are females. Females are 52.2% whereas

males are 47.8%

Advertising through Different Modes 24

 The educational level of our respondents have more number of undergraduates

constituting 54.1% of the total responses

 69.4% of our respondents have their monthly family income more than 55000Rs.

4.2 Descriptive Analysis

4.2.1 Reliability Statistics

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.820 8

The reliability statistics of our purchase decision construct is 0.820 which is strong

enough to be acceptable. This means that this construct is able to gauge information about the

consumer purchase decision

4.3 Inferential Statistics

Table 4.3.1 T-Test

Group Statistics

Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

female 109 3.7294 .66700 .06389
Purchase Dec
male 100 3.6775 .82404 .08240

Independent Samples Test

Advertising through Different Modes 25

Levene's Test t-test for Equality of Means

for Equality of
F Sig. t df Sig. Mean Std. 95% Confidence
(2- Differe Error Interval of the
tailed) nce Differe Difference
nce Lower Upper
Equal 2.313 .130 .502 207 .616 .05186 .10333 -.1518 .25558
variances 6
Purchas assumed
e Dec Equal .497 190. .620 .05186 .10427 -.1538 .25753
variances not 643 1

Independent sample t-test is applied on the data and the results show that model is

insignificant as F value is less than 4 and there is no difference among male and female in

making a purchase decision

Table 4.3.2
Purchase Dec
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 2.619 3 .873 1.587 .194
Within Groups 112.793 205 .550
Total 115.412 208

One way ANOVA test shows that there is no impact of different modes of advertising on

consumer purchase decision as F value is less than 4 and sig value is greater than 0.05.

Table 4.3.3
Post Hoc Tests
Advertising through Different Modes 26

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Purchase Dec
Tukey HSD
(I) Adv_Mode (J) Adv_Mode Mean Difference Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
(I-J) Lower Bound Upper Bound
social media -.25942 .12757 .179 -.5898 .0710
television print media -.43750 .32281 .529 -1.2737 .3987
online (website) -.17308 .23416 .881 -.7796 .4334
television .25942 .12757 .179 -.0710 .5898
social media print media -.17808 .30898 .939 -.9784 .6223
online (website) .08634 .21469 .978 -.4698 .6424
television .43750 .32281 .529 -.3987 1.2737
print media social media .17808 .30898 .939 -.6223 .9784
online (website) .26442 .36609 .888 -.6838 1.2127
television .17308 .23416 .881 -.4334 .7796
online (website) social media -.08634 .21469 .978 -.6424 .4698
print media -.26442 .36609 .888 -1.2127 .6838

The post hoc Tukey test shows that there is no significant difference among different

modes of advertising as all the sig values are greater than 0.05

Homogeneous Subsets

Purchase Dec
Tukey HSD
Adv_Mode N Subset for alpha =
television 44 3.5000
online (website) 13 3.6731
social media 146 3.7594
print media 6 3.9375
Sig. .383

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 14.643.
Advertising through Different Modes 27

b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of

the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not

There are no heterogeneous subsets of different modes of advertising and television,

online, social media and print media are a homogenous set of advertising

Table 4.3.4

Group Statistics

Adv_Mode Gender N Mean Std. Std. Error Mean


25 3.420 .53507 .10701

television Purchase Dec
19 3.605 .67477 .15480

77 3.826 .70365 .08019

social 3
Purchase Dec
media 69 3.684 .89694 .10798

3 3.916 .31458 .18162

print 7
Purchase Dec
media 3 3.958 .07217 .04167

4 3.656 .18750 .09375

online 3
Purchase Dec
(website) 9 3.680 .70465 .23488

Independent Samples Test

Advertising through Different Modes 28

Adv_Mode Levene's Test t-test for Equality of Means

for Equality
of Variances
F Sig. t df Sig. Mean Std. Error 95%
(2- Differenc Differenc Confidence
tailed e e Interval of the
) Difference
Lower Upper
Equal .974 .329 - 42 .315 -.18526 .18229 -.5531 .
variance 1.01 4 18262
s 6
Purchase_De assumed
c Equal -.984 33.565 .332 -.18526 .18819 -.5679 .
variance 0 19737
s not
Equal 2.49 .116 1.06 144 .288 .14152 .13274 -.1208 .
variance 9 6 6 40389
social media Purchase Dec
Equal 1.05 128.67 .295 .14152 .13450 -.1246 .
variance 2 1 0 40763
s not
Equal 3.27 .145 -.224 4 .834 -.04167 .18634 -.5590 .
variance 3 3 47569
print media Purchase Dec
Equal -.224 2.210 .842 -.04167 .18634 -.7746 .
variance 8 69134
s not
Equal 2.65 .131 -.066 11 .948 -.02431 .36587 -.8295 .
variance 5 9 78098
online assumed
Purchase Dec
(website) Equal -.096 10.070 .925 -.02431 .25290 -.5872 .
variance 7 53866
s not
Advertising through Different Modes 29

The data file is split on gender basis and the results show that social media advertising is

preferred by females to make their purchase decision and print media advertising is preferred

equally by both genders.

Table 4.3.5


Group Statistics
Education level Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
female 1 3.0000 . .
Matric/Olevel Purchase Dec
male 2 3.0000 .35355 .25000
female 8 3.5938 .61146 .21618
intermediate/alevel Purchase Dec
male 16 3.6250 .59512 .14878
female 68 3.6875 .70231 .08517
undergraduate Purchase Dec
male 45 3.8194 .84509 .12598
female 20 3.8375 .72559 .16225
graduate Purchase Dec
male 29 3.6078 .86714 .16102
female 12 3.9375 .27438 .07921
post graduate Purchase Dec
male 8 3.4063 .97914 .34618

Education level Levene's t-test for Equality of Means

Test for
F Sig. t df Sig. Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence
(2- Differenc Differenc Interval of the
tailed e e Difference
) Lower Upper
Advertising through Different Modes 30

Equal . . .000 1 1.000 .00000 .43301 - 5.5019

variance 5.5019 5
s 5
Purchas assumed
e Dec Equal . . . .00000 . . .
s not
Equal . . -.120 22 .905 -.03125 .25997 -.57039 .50789
variance 023 881
intermediate/aleve Purchas assumed
l e Dec Equal -.119 13.76 .907 -.03125 .26243 -.59503 .53253
variance 1
s not
Equal . . -.901 111 .370 -.13194 .14645 -.42215 .15826
variance 190 664
Purchas assumed
e Dec Equal -.868 82.14 .388 -.13194 .15207 -.43444 .17055
variance 2
s not
Equal . . .972 47 .336 .22974 .23627 -.24558 .70506
variance 807 373
Purchas assumed
e Dec Equal 1.00 45.14 .320 .22974 .22859 -.23062 .69010
variance 5 3
s not
Equal 5.615.029 1.798 18 .089 .53125 .29539 -.08935 1.15185
Purchase Equal 1.49 7.739 .174 .53125 .35512 -.29250 1.3550
post graduate
variance 6 0
s not
Advertising through Different Modes 31

The data file is split on education level and the results show that post graduate are strong
enough in making their purchase decision as the F value is greater than 4 and significance
value is less than 0.05

4.4 Hypothesis Assessment Summary

S.N Hypothesis Reject/Retain Significant

O Value
1. Different modes of advertising have no significant Retain 0.194
impact on the consumer purchase decision

2. Gender have no significant impact on the consumer Retain 0.130

purchase decision

4.5 Discussion

Our research was consisted of Likert scale which showed that there is no significant

impact of different modes of advertising on a consumer buying decision. The behavior of

consumer buying may be generated through different reasons but these modes have no strong

impact on consumer decision making.

It is analyzed that there are several factors that these modes are not so significant, that is

because of the nature of ad. The ad may not have any strong message or it is not delivered to the

targeted audience in a way, which is resulting this insignificance.

The reason for no impact of different modes of advertising can be the instore shopping

impact when purchasing a product because in this era of marketing. Companies are not just

focusing on advertising, but they are introducing new methods to do shopper marketing. Point of

purchase can influence a consumer purchase decision as advertising aim is to create awareness
Advertising through Different Modes 32

about a product but the role of influencing factors on a point of purchase may affect consumer

purchase decision. [ CITATION Han18 \l 1033 ]



5.1 Conclusion

Our research reveals that the different modes of advertising (i.e. Social media, TVC, Print

media and Online media) has no significant impact on a consumer buying decision. Any mode

individually has no more impact on the buying decision of consumers that means, any

advertising mode specifically has no impact. Our research’s respondents of a questionnaire were

the undergrad students and some office-working post grads, who were already aware about the

variables of our research. The SPSS test was Anova followed by Tukey test. The responses in the

test were analyzed with respect to gender, education level and family income but the result

considering all variables, was insignificant. Our null hypothesis was retained that analyzed that

there is no significant impact of differ

rent modes of advertising on consumer purchase decision.

Advertising through Different Modes 33

5.2 Limitations

This research study aims to identify the impact of various types of advertising on

consumer purchase decision. However, it was limited to the Students of IoBM. Due to time

constraints the research team could not gather enough information from all relevant sources. As

the research used 209 respondents, it may not reflect the views of the whole population. The

data was collected through a questionnaire so there’s a possibility of some respondents giving

inaccurate answers. Four modes of advertising were included in this research and further

research could be done to identify the influence of other forms of advertising.

5.3 Recommendations

 The study tells us that there is no significant impact of advertising on sales that means

that advertisers still need to make the ads strong to fully reach out the specified audience

whether it be, social media or other modes.

 Behavior cannot be only generated through advertisements and other digital marketing

but also the producers/companies need to higher the quality of a product to satisfy their

customers. This is the foremost responsibility of a company to provide better quality and


 The impact of consumer decision is neutral that is why advertisers need to add more

digital factors in the ad, which are daily practiced by consumers. Also, some customer

engagement activities can work effectively in the outcome.

 According to today’s usage of Millennials, social media is the highest usable media. If

advertisers and company start doing survey and post ads on such platforms, the result will

be in the highest possible outcome.

Advertising through Different Modes 34

 Surveys from ad agencies should be conducted for the highest possible results for any

research. These responses can help them in producing more attracting and beneficial ads.

 Other than ads, promotion tools like shows, offers, free trials are also workable in a

buying decision of consumers.


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Advertising through Different Modes 38


We are students of BBA from Institute of Business Management. We are conducting this research to
fulfill the requirement of our course Methods in Business Research. The information provided will be
kept confidential and will be used for academic purpose only.
The scale consist of the level of agreement ranging from 1-5 where 1 is the lowest level of agreement
and 5 is the highest level of agreement

o Male Female
o Below 15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 Above 35

Education level
o Matric/O Levels Intermediate/A Levels Undergraduate Graduate
o Post graduate

Monthly family income

o <25000 25000-35000 35000-45000 45000-550000 >550000
Advertising through Different Modes 39

Which mode of advertising you prefer most?

Television Social Media Print Media Online (website)

12 3 4 5

1 I depend on the brand to make my

purchase decision.

2 I usually decide to purchase a certain

product after confirming its brand.

3 When buying a product, I do not depend

on the price as much as I depend on the
brand itself.

4 My purchase decision depends on my

need to buy away from the brand.

5 The brand of the product and its

famousness affects my purchase decision.

6 I feel satisfied when purchasing a well-

known brand.

7 Having all the information of a well-

known product will help me more in
taking the appropriate purchasing

8 My purchase decision depends on the

country of origin.
Advertising through Different Modes 1

[ CITATION DrR15 \l 1033 ]

Dr. Raed Ahmad Momani. (2015). The Impact of Brand Dimension on the Purchasing Decision Making of
the Jordanian Consumer for Shopping Goods. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(7),

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