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Differences between Mono-Grade and Multi-Grade Teaching

Mono-Grade Situation Multi-Grade Situation

• One teacher teaches one grade level • One teacher teaches two or more
in a classroom. grade level in a classroom.
• Teacher focuses on the whole class • Limited time to focus on the whole
most of the time. class because they aren’t in the same
grade levels.
• Instructional materials are only for • Prepares different set of instructional
one class so it’s cheap and convenient materials for each grade which is very
for the teacher. expensive and time consuming.
• Students can feel dependent to the • Self-study may occur often because
teacher. teacher cannot accommodate every
• Teacher-centered • Student-centered
• Collaboration is minimal • Collaboration between the two
grades level always take place
• Average size of students in one • Higher numbers of students in one
classroom classroom
• Whole day schedule of teaching- • Amount of time with the teacher is
learning experience divided
• Proper discussion • More on hands-on activities than
• Peers are form only with the same • Can have friends with the different
grade levels grade levels
• Desk and chairs are traditionally • Seating arrangement are sometimes
placed in line based on what grade level or when
they have collaborative activities
• Teachers can freely organize what to • Teachers may feel confusion and
do. stress because they teach more than
one grade level everyday.

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