E Learning

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It is clear that corona virus has affected our life in way or another, and that change is observed In all

aspects of life all over the world. Developed countries are suffering ,big economies are threatened of
failure ,and recently valuable things like oil are becoming useless and priceless ,on the other hand I
think that corona virus has a lot of advantages especially in changing people mind ,and in this essay I am
going to talk about e –learning .

E-learning is a very interesting topic to talk about ,where its usage became more obvious in recent
days ,where it can be used in various situations ,such as it can help plenty of people who want to take
courses to learn new skills or to enhance a skill they already know or to take courses to help them apply
for a job and it is used now in teaching as if you are in a school and you can answer quizzes from it and
meet with your friends using certain applications.

Also E-learning is not always good it can be harmful for people where it can cause Psychological
problems ,because, when you stay at home you learn by yourself without any contacting with the real
world and that is not the nature of human beings, also when you stay at home you cannot learn real-life
experiences and practical skills .

In conclusion e-learning is a double-edged sword and you have to use it wisely and make a balance
between it and real life to achieve what you want.

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