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What should we do to reduce the risks caused by global warming ?

Hello Miss Trang , today my talking topic is how do to reduce the risks caused by global warming
before I talk about the ways to do it we much first understand what is global warming?. To my
understand global warming is an increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere that
lead to ice melt at 2 poles and that also contribute to the rise of sea level which may endangerous to
both human and animal. To prevent the disaster from happen, first we should plant more trees,
because trees absorb carbon dioxides and given of oxygen. Secondly we should reduce, reuse ,recycle
to reduce the human waste which that we can slow down global warming. Last but not least we
should Buy energy saving geysers and dishwasher for your home. Avoid washing clothes in hot water.
Just wash them in cold or warm water. Avoid taking frequent showers and use less hot water. It
will help in saving the energy required to produce that energy. That is all my ideal about reduce the
risks caused by global warming
Which do you prefer studying at university in your home country or a foreign one
By studying abroad students are enabled to study subjects that might not be available in their
countries. What's more, the students get involved and learn new cultures and ideas, broaden their
horizons and make friends around the world.
Another important part of studying in a foreign country is that there are many international
students doing the same, so in this way the students can discuss and learn many things on their
subject by getting in touch with them.
For most students, this time may be the only opportunity they ever get to travel abroad for a long
period of time. Eventually you will find a job and career, and the opportunity to study abroad may
turn out to be a once in a life time opportunity.
Take this opportunity to travel the world with no commitments but to study and learn about new
cultures. Studying abroad is an experience unlike any other..  
In other words, I think that studying abroad can supply to the students new friends and
experiences, better knowledge on the subject they are interested in and also important
life experiences.
What are the benefits which tourists can gain from a visit to heritage site?
Enjoy the breathtaking view of heritage site, gives the visitors a superb experience
Tourists can learn more about the history and traditions of heritage site
Help tourists to relax and have fun, tourists will try lots of activity

Do you agree life will be better in the future? Why or why not ?
I agree life will be better in the future because :
The modern technology such as electric car, flying car, mini sun
There will be less pollution, new alternative clean energy such as solar energy
Life in the future will be more sustainable and more liveable, no more famine, no more wars, no
more fresh water shortages

What should we do to live longer and healthier?

Live longer and healthier is thing we all want so today I will show you three most effective way to do
EXERCISE People who exercise regularly live about five to seven years longer than those who are
inactive. Weight-bearing exercise, such as walking, strengthens your bones. Aerobic exercise
strengthens your heart. Aim for at least 30 minutes of activity on most days.
People who smoke for their entire adult lives, exposing themselves to hundreds of toxic chemicals, die
about 10 years earlier than they would if they had never smoked. The good news is that quitting
smoking can add most of those years back.
Getting a good night’s sleep can help reduce stress, keep your weight in a healthy range and give you
energy for the day ahead. Aim for at least seven hours per night, and seek treatment for medical
sleep disorders. When you sleep enough, your body repairs and regenerates its tissues and
strengthens your immune system.
Enjoying a healthy diet that’s rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and
seafood is linked with longevity. These foods deliver vitamins, minerals and heart-healthy fats that
boost health and help prevent disease.

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