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Chandra (Moon)

Chandra (Moon)

lord of Karka (Cancer)

exalted in Vrishabh (Taurus)
debilitated in Vrischik (Scorpio)
blood, stomach, eyes, intestines, womb
mind, mother, queen, royalty, women, traveling,
emotions (maternal)
to feel, to protect, to nurture

Chandra (Moon) influences people to be sensitive, emotional and domesticated, possessing a love for home and

People with a strong Chandra influence usually are posted regarding the family tree, are very patriotic and have a good
memory for events in history. They are interested in public events of some sort or another. They are very sympathetic
and the women are easily led to tears. Having a fertile imagination and being also very conscientious, they meet with
many ups and downs in life. They are quite receptive or mediumistic and frequently possess musical talent. They like
water and natural beauty and should never live long in a dry, barren place.

When undeveloped, that is, unenlightened, they may be too "easy going"
and given to self-gratification and over-indulgence in eating, drinking or
pleasure, or are too changeable, negative and uncertain.

The developed Lunar individual has passed from the brooklet stage to
that of "still waters running deep," capable of assisting in floating mighty
affairs for public good and need.

As is the case for Mercurial persons, so should Lunarians abstain from

animal flesh as food, and especially when indisposed. The Moon
represents the stomach and when afflicted leaves its native liable to
diseases incident thereto, and as it is said that many of the animals
slaughtered for the market are diseased, they may be a menace to people
with a sensitive stomach, as have those ruled by the Moon. Physicians
say that plenty of wholesome fruit and vegetables will do much to banish
worry and maintain health.


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