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Purposive Communication

Wood (2003)  Messages – the

encoded or decoded
- Communication is the process information in a
of sharing meaning in any communication process.
 Channels - both a route
- It is a systemic process in traveled by the
which people interact with message and the
and through symbols to
means of transportation.
create and interpret (Verdeber, 1999).
 Noise - anything that
Communication interferes with
communication. It can
- We communicate when we: be external, internal or
- Encode (get ideas and put semantic noises.
them into messages),  Feedback - responses to
- Send them through our messages.
primary signal system (senses),
to someone who Receives
them through his or her senses
using a Channel and Decodes
(translates) the message, he or
she then gives his or her
Components of Communication

Elements of Communication
 Context - the setting in
which communication
occurs. This could be
physical, social,
historical, cultural, or
psychological context.
 Participants - the people
communicating, the
sender and the receiver.
Levels of Communication  Public Communication -
is a level of
Types of Communication
communication wherein
 Verbal Communication -
the message is intended
involving words, spoken,
to a large crowd or an
written, or signed. As
Lucas (2017) puts it, our
ability to communicate Functions of Communication
with a language that is
We communicate to meet
based on an organized
system of words, rather
We communicate to enhance
than merely sounds, is
or maintain our sense of self.
what sets us apart from
We communicate to fulfill
lower species.
social obligations.
 Non-verbal
We communicate to develop
Communication -
includes body
We communicate to
language, such as
exchange information.
gestures, facial
We communicate to influence
expressions, eye
contact, and posture.
The sound of our voice, Principles of Communication
including pitch, tone
Communication is purposive.
and volume are also
Communication is continuous.
forms of non-verbal
Communication messages
vary in conscious encoding.
 Intrapersonal
Communication is relational.
Communication - occurs
Communication has ethical
within the person, this is
sometimes referred to as
Communication is learned.
cognitive or personal
communication or “self- Communication Ethics
 Interpersonal We all acknowledge that “a
Communication - refers speaker who uses language that
to communication that degrades or injures human
occurs between two personalities by exaggeration,
pseudotruths, twisting of words
persons or more who
and name calling is clearly
acting unethically.” (Berko, 1995)
Berko (1995) said Ethical
Communicators should:
 Speak with sincerity.
 Not knowingly expose
an audience to
falsehood or half-truths
that can cause
significant harm.
 Not premeditatedly alter
the truth.
 Present the truth as she
or he understands it.
 Raise the listener’s level
of expertise by supplying
the necessary facts.
 Employs message that is
free from mental as well
as physical coercion.
 Not invent or fabricate
 Give credit to the
source of information.

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