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UA5000 Operation

and Maintenance

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

 Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
 Complete daily maintenance tasks

 Backup and restore data

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page1
1. UA5000 Operation

2. UA5000 Maintenance

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Connecting to UA5000 Through Local
Serial Port

PC S erial port
R S -232 serial
port cable

U A 5000
Run the HyperTerminal and set the serial port properties as follows:
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: none
Default administrator user name and password: root / admin

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page3
Connecting to UA5000 Through
Remote Serial Port PVM

LIN E port S erial port W AN

C alled M odem

U A 5000

S erial port COM

LIN E port PC
C alling M odem

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page4
Connecting to UA5000 Through Telnet
Terminal Workstation

WAN/ Workstation Server


 Ensure that the serial port maintenance environment has been set up
before you set up the Telnet environment, and you can configure the
Telnet data (IP address, subnet mask, gateway ) through the serial port.

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page5
Command Mode
Command Function Mode prompt example Access mode

User Query basic system UA5000> Enter the mode directly

information after login.

Privilege Conduct basic system UA5000# UA5000>enable

Global Configure system equipment UA5000(config)# UA5000#configure terminal
configure and global parameter.

ESL Configure narrowband user UA5000(config-esl-user)# UA5000(config)#esl user

data and attributes.
Narrowband- DSP (Digital Signal Processor) UA5000(config-narrow- UA5000(config)#narrow
resource channel resource operation resource)# resource

MG interface Configure MG interface UA5000(config-if-mg-0)# UA5000(config)#interface

parameter and attributes. mg 0

EMU Configure EMU environment UA5000(config-if-h302esc-0)# UA5000(config)#interface

parameter emu 0

Test Configure test group and test UA5000(config-test)# UA5000(config)#test

SIGTRAN Configure SIGTRAN protocol UA5000(config-sigtran)# UA5000(config)#sigtran
CDI Configure CDI port properties UA5000(config-cdi)# UA5000(config)#cdi
PVM card Configure the PVM card and UA5000 (config-if-pvm-0/5)# UA5000(config)#interface
configure port properties. pvm frame/slot
narrowband Configure V5 subscriber data UA5000(config-narrow-user)# UA5000(config)#narrow
user user

V5 interface Configure V5 interface UA5000(config-if-v5-2)# UA5000(config)#interface

parameters v5 v5id

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page6
Command Mode Relationship interface pvm
exit PVM config mode
UA5000(config-if-pvm -0/5)#

narrow user
Narrow config mode
exit UA5000(config-narrow-user

interface mg mgid
MG interface config mode

interface emu emuid EMU config mode

exit UA5000(config-if-h302esc-0)#
enable Privilege mode terminal
exit User mode Global config mode
UA5000> UA5000# UA5000(config)#
disable exit
test Test mode
exit UA5000(config-test)#
esl user ESL user config mode
narrow resource Narrowband resource config mode


Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page7
Adding a System User
 Add a system user “abc” with the Operator authority and the reenter
number of 2.
 huawei #terminal user name
User name(<=15chars):abc
User password(<=15chars): //Enter the password here. No echo display
in the command line interface.
Confirm password(<=15chars): //Enter the password again.
User's level (1--3):
1. Common User 2. Operator 3. Administrator: 2
Permitted reenter number(1--4):2
User append info(<=30 chars):this is a test user
This user has been added

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page8
System User Management
 Querying a System User
 huawei>display client
 huawei>display terminal user

 Modifying System User Attributes

 Huawei #terminal user

 Disconnecting a System User

 huawei #telnet delete clientid

 Deleting a System User

 Huawei #undo terminal user name

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page9
NMS Configuration

 1.Configure the IP address of the UA5000

huawei(config)#ip address submask
 2. Add an NMS Server
 huawei>nms name huawei public private
 3. Activate an NMS Server
 huawei>nms activate name huawei

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page10
1. UA5000 Operation

2. UA5000 Maintenance

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page11
Purpose of Maintenance
 The purpose of maintenance:
 Find and remove the potential faults that may occur in the
equipment during normal operations.

 Collect the data for analysing and optimising.

 Make sure that the system runs securely, stably and reliably
for long period.

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page12
Maintenance Tasks Classification
 Routine maintenance tasks
 Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly maintenance

 Non-routine maintenance tasks

 These tasks are generally triggered by external events, such
as host software upgrade or patches loading.

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page13
Basic Principles
 Keep the equipment rooms clean

 Do not install irrelevant software to the maintenance


 Make sure that the shelves do not have faulty cards

 Fill in the maintenance forms

 Wear ESD wrist straps or gloves before operating the

equipment hardware

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page14
Basic Principles (Cont.)
 Do not plug, unplug, reset or load cards randomly

 Handle unexpected maintenance tasks during routine

maintenance according to the troubleshooting process
and keep the related records

 Contact with the local Huawei technical support centre

for assistance

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page15
Maintaining the System
 Query the details of the equipment
 Query the IP address of the equipment
 UA5000(config)#display ip address
 Query the information about the equipment version
 UA5000(config)#display version
 Query the running duration of the equipment
 UA5000(config)#display sysuptime
 Query the information about the card
 UA5000(config)#display board

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page16
Maintaining the System Parameters
 Enable the auto-saving
 UA5000(config)#autosave {on | off }

 Set the interval for the system to save the data

 UA5000(config)#autosave interval

 Save the data to the flash memory immediately


 Enable the data synchronisation function

 UA5000(config)#standby auto-sync configure

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page17
Maintaining the System Parameters
 Query the current state of data synchronisation
 UA5000(config)#display data sync state

 Switch over between the active and standby control

cards manually
 UA5000(config)#system switch-over
 The active and standby control cards are in the normal state
and consistent in the software and hardware versions.
 The data is synchronised before the active and standby
switchover. The active and standby switchover can be
performed only when the data is fully synchronised.

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page18
Maintaining an MG Interface
 Login to an MG interface
 UA5000(config)#interface h248/mgcp x

 Query an MG interface
 UA5000(config)#display if-h248 attribute

 UA5000(config)#display if-mgcp attribute

 Reset an MG interface
 UA5000(config-if-h248-x)# reset

 UA5000(config-if-mgcp-x)# reset

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page19
Maintaining an MG Interface (Cont.)
 Disable an MG interface
 UA5000(config-if-h248-x)# shutdown


 Enable an MG interface
 UA5000(config-if-h248-x)# undo shutdown

 UA5000(config-if-mgcp-x)#undo shutdown

 Delete an MG interface
 UA5000(config)#undo interface h248/mgcp x

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page20
Analog Customer Test
 The UA5000 supports testing on narrowband customer

 Analog Customer Circuit Test

 Test object: the circuits on the ASL/A32cards
 UA5000(config-test)#pots circuit-test { frameid/slotid/portid |
telno telno | v5id v5id l3add l3fadd | mgid mgid terminalid
terminalid } [ busy busyflag ]

 Test purpose:
 To verify various functions, such as ring, feeder, dial tone, and
some parameters, such as feeder voltage, current ringing
voltage, in the customer circuit of the ASL cards
Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page21
Analog Customer Test (Cont.)
 Analog customer loop-line test
 UA5000(config-test)#pots loop-line-test { frameid/slotid/portid |
telno telno | v5id v5id l3add l3fadd | mgid mgid terminalid
terminalid } [ busy busyflag ]

 Test purpose:
 Testing various performance or index, such as line capacitance
and resistance of the customer loop-line

 Comparing various performance or index with reference line

voltage, resistance and capacitance

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page22
Files in the Control Card
 The PVM card manages the following files:
 System initialization program file

 Host software program file

 System database file

 Multi-language resource file

 Line card program file

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page23
Storage Media in the Control Card
 The PVM card supports these types of storage media:
 Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM)
 run the host software program
 Static Random Access Memory (SRAM)
 save operation logs and alarms
 Flash memory
 save the host software program file, database file, multi-
language resource file, and the Basic Input/Output System
(BIOS) program file

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page24
Managing the Data: Storage Media

The main control board supports the above storage medias


Save the Save the Save the host

execute host operation log and software program,
software alarm information database file
program language resource
file and BIOS files

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page25
Back Up and Save and Duplicate

C Save
V Flash Flash
E Reboot Y

Load Back up

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page26
The Differences between Data Saving
and Backup

Operatio Management
Data source Data destination
n contents
Flash memory
Save (active/standby data
(active/standby board)
control board)
Flash memory of Flash memory of the
Duplicate data
the active board standby board
Flash memory of Network computer or
Backup data
the active board terminal

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page27
Back UP
 Operation Steps:
 Step1: Launch the TFTP
internet application
Back up
PC  Step2: Set the directory for
files in PC
 Step3: Save the data
IP:  Step4: Back up the data to

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page28
Back UP (Cont.)

Step1: Launch the TFTP Step2: Set the directory

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page29
Back UP (Cont.)
 Step3: Save the data to flash memory

 Step4: back up the data to PC

 UA5000(config)#back up

– {xmodem,tftp}:tftp

– {<serverIP>(S)}:

– {<file name>(S)}:pvmdata

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page30
Upgrade the System

1 Preparing for upgrade

2 Upgrading the standby control card

3 Upgrading the active control card

4 Confirming the upgrade

5 Load patches

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page31
Upgrade Flow Chart
Prepare for the upgrade
based on the checklist

Upgrade the host

program and database

Upgrade the basic BIOS

Load the upgrade file

package (or file by file)

Reset the system and

package (or file by file)

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page32
Preparing for the Upgrade
 Duplicate the data and save the data before back up
 Disable the autosave function
 UA5000#autosave off

 Duplicate the data from the active to the standby

 UA5000#duplicate data

 Disable the data synchronisation function

 UA5000#undo standby auto-sync configure

 Save the data to flash


Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page33
Preparing for the Upgrade (Cont.)
 Duplicate the data and save the data before back up
 Back up the system program, database, and language
resource files to
 UA5000#back up

 Use the version upgrade tool to upgrade the system

database file

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page34
Upgrading the Standby Control Card
 Load the bios
 UA5000#load bios {base|extend}

 Load the program to the standby card

 UA5000#load program

 Load the database file that you have upgraded

 UA5000#load data

 reboot the standby PVM card

 UA5000#reboot standby

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page35
Upgrading the Standby Control Card
 Load the local language resource file to the standby
 UA5000#load language

 Load the other associated software through a packet

 UA5000#load packet

 Confirm the upgrade

 UA5000#display version

 UA5000#display board

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page36
Upgrading the Active Control Card
 Load the bios

 UA5000#load bios {base|extend}

 Load the program to the standby card

 UA5000#load program

 Load the database file that you have upgraded

 UA5000#load data
 reboot the standby PVM card
 UA5000#reboot active

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page37
Upgrading the Active Control Card
 Load the local language resource file to the standby card
 UA5000#load language
 Load the other associated software through a packet
 UA5000#load packet
 Confirm the upgrade
 UA5000#display version
 UA5000#display board

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page38
Confirming the Upgrade
 Enable the data synchronization function
 UA5000#standby auto-sync configure

 Enable the autosave function after the services are

 UA5000#autosave on

 Save the configuration


Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page39
Loading Patches
 Load the patch to the target control card
 UA5000#load patch

 Query the information about the patch and check

whether the patch is correct
 UA5000#display patch

 Activate the patch

 UA5000#patch activate

 change the patch state t

 UA5000#patch run

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page40
 In this slide, we have introduced how to:
 Complete daily maintenance tasks

 Backup and restore data

Copyright © 2008 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page41
Thank you

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