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Vet Pathol 44:342–354 (2007)

Chondrodysplastic Calves in Northeast Victoria

Gribbles Veterinary Pathology, Clayton, Victoria, Australia (PJM); Department of Primary Industries,
Wodonga, Victoria, Australia (JGC); Department of Primary Industries, Leongatha, Victoria, Australia
(EMP); and University of Melbourne Veterinary Clinical Centre, Werribee, Victoria, Australia (RFS)

Abstract. Outbreaks of chondrodysplasia in calves occur sporadically every 10–15 years, particularly
following prolonged drought conditions, throughout Northeastern Victoria and the Southern Table-
lands of New South Wales, Australia. An outbreak spanning 2 calving seasons (2003–2004) involving
numerous losses through stillbirth, perinatal loss, and poor growth was investigated. Investigations of 4
representative cases are presented here with a definition of the gross and histopathologic defects and an
overview of epidemiologic data gathered from affected farms. Calves showed variable disproportionate
dwarfism without arthrogryposis. Long bones were shortened and showed axial rotation. Articular
surfaces were distorted with misshapen weight-bearing surfaces associated with variable thickness of
articular cartilage. Physes were distorted and variable in thickness with occasional foci of complete
closure. The major histologic abnormality in the physes was disorderly development of the zones of
cartilage hypertrophy, with reduced number and irregular arrangement of hypertrophic chondrocytes;
similar less severe changes were present in the zones of cartilage proliferation. Histochemical staining of
the cartilage matrix was variable in intensity, and there was evidence of abnormal resorption of cartilage
matrix at the level of the primary spongiosa. Osteoid formation and subsequent bone remodelling
seemed unaffected, and diaphyseal cortical bone appeared normal at the gross and light microscopic
level. No infectious agents were identified, and other known causes for chondrodysplasia in calves were
excluded. The most likely cause for the syndrome was considered to be congenital manganese deficiency.
Further surveys of tissue and blood manganese levels from cows and calves with and without clinical
signs from the region are planned.

Key words: Bovine; chondrodysplasia; deficiency; disproportionate; drought; dwarf; manganese;


Sporadic congenital deformities are expected in Congenital disease may result from genetic
the bovine population. Outbreaks of higher in- abnormality, infectious disease, or other in utero
cidence of congenital disease such as that described insults. ‘‘Chondrodysplasia’’ is a general term for
here may be associated with considerable losses of abnormalities of cartilage, usually caused by de-
animals and consequent financial loss. Across fective nutrition or metabolism of cartilage, which
Northeastern Victoria and the Southern Tablelands results in disproportionate dwarfism.19
of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, outbreaks Genetic chondrodysplastic syndromes are re-
of chondrodysplastic disease have been reported, ported in Holstein, Dexter, and several other
particularly in years following prolonged drought breeds of cattle. Beef breeds selected for short
conditions. Outbreaks occurring in 2 consecutive stocky phenotype have an increased prevalence of
spring calving seasons (July to November, 2003 brachycephalic calves, with longitudinal compres-
and 2004) and involving numerous losses through sion of the vertebrae and shortening of the distal
stillbirth, perinatal loss, and poor growth were long bones, believed to be hypochondroplasia
investigated to exclude potential infectious disease rather than a dysfunction of endochondral ossifi-
and to define the gross and histopathologic cation.19
defects. The cause of the syndrome is still un- There are many examples of toxic and nutrition-
resolved, although congenital manganese deficien- al causes of musculoskeletal deformity. Hypervita-
cy is suspected; despite marked improvement in the minosis A causes vertebral abnormalities and may
climatic conditions in this area, a lesser number of be compounded by protein-energy malnutrition.5
farms saw deformities among calves in a third ‘‘Crooked calves’’ are caused by ingestion of
consecutive calving season (2005). Investigations certain Lupinus sp. containing toxic concentrations
are ongoing. of the quinolizidine alkaloid, anagyrine, by the
Vet Pathol 44:3, 2007 Chondrodysplastic Calves in Northeast Victoria 343

dam, particularly between 40 and 70 days of abnormally short, stunted, or deformed calves with
gestation.23 This leads to arthrogryposis, spinal a spectrum of axial and appendicular skeletal
deformities, and disordered long bone growth, defects predominantly of reduced long bone/di-
possibly due to reduced intrauterine motility either aphysis length, angular rotations, irregular growth
through tonic contraction of the uterus or sup- plates, and articular cartilages, but without signif-
pressed motility and apparent sedation of the icant abnormality of cortical bone, born to dams
fetus,3 leading to a functional arthrogryposis without clinical signs in the area of Northeast
without identifiable histologic or histochemical Victoria and Southwest New South Wales.’’
lesions in the bone or muscle.1 Many other plant- Portions of vertebrae and long bones from calf
associated toxins are implicated in skeletal disease, No. 1, a stillborn calf from a farm in Northern
for example teratogenic piperidine alkaloids in Victoria, were received fixed in 10% neutral
Astragalus sp., Oxytropis sp., and Nicotiana glauca, buffered formalin (NBF) and examined grossly
which may act in a similar manner.3 Fungal toxins and histopathologically. Calf No. 2, one live 21-
have been presumptively associated with outbreaks day-old calf from a second farm, and calves Nos. 3
of congenital spinal stenosis and disproportionate and 4, entire stillborn calves from a third farm,
dwarfism, leading to myelomalacia and posterior underwent full postmortem and histologic exami-
paralysis in 3 outbreaks in Western Canada, where nation using standard methods. Carcasses of calves
heavy growth of Penicillium sp. and Fusarium sp. in Nos. 2–4 were weighed, and skeletal components of
wet straw bales was also causally associated with calves Nos. 3 and 4 were recorded using standard
pruritus and mortality in dams.20 ‘‘Acorn calves,’’ measuring tapes. Radiographic analysis of intact
described in western regions of North America and demuscled limb bones and sections through verte-
also recorded in New Zealand and South Africa, brae were prepared using a band saw, after fixation
were associated in the original reports with in- but before decalcification, on calves Nos. 3 and 4
gestion of acorns.2,19 Affected calves showed joint (not presented).
laxity, varus, and valgus deformities, and dispro- Five-millimeter sections were taken from a wide
portionate dwarfism. More recent work has sug- range of axial and appendicular skeletal sites and
gested that some of these cases may be consistent fixed in 10% NBF for 24–48 hours before de-
with a deficiency in dietary intake of manganese, as calcification, using a standard aqueous solution of
supported by small feeding trials in cattle.6,7,10,22 18% formic acid and 3.5% sodium formate for
Infectious causes of skeletal deformities seen in approximately 1 week at room temperature with
cattle in Australia include bovine viral diarrhea continuous slow agitation. Following standard
virus (BVDV), Akabane and Aino viruses. These paraffin embedding, 4-mm sections were cut and
tend to cause arthrogrypotic deformity of the stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Histo-
skeleton rather than chondrodysplasia. chemical stains used to evaluate cartilage and bone
Consideration and, to a large part, elimination of included Giemsa and Acid Giemsa, periodic acid–
these differential diagnoses combined with evalua- Schiff (PAS), Alcian blue, Alcian blue–PAS,
tion of the anatomic pathology of several cases led toluidine blue, safranin O/fast green,15 and Ver-
investigators to propose that deficiency of manga- hoeff elastic stain.
nese could be responsible for the abnormalities For comparison of bone measurements and
in this outbreak. Manganese deficiency was sus- histopathology, 20 femora of grossly normal young
pected, although not conclusively proven, in several calves randomly collected by staff at an abattoir in
previous field outbreaks of skeletal disease in an unaffected region were weighed and measured,
calves.24,28 and histologic sections were prepared from the
This article presents the gross and histopatho- distal physis of each. Age and sex matching was not
logic features of 2 outbreaks of congenital disease possible in this investigation.
in calves, defines the disease, and discusses the Fresh frozen liver was collected from calves
potential relationship with manganese deficiency. Nos. 3 and 4. Glutathione peroxidase was analyzed
using an enzymatic method according to the
Standing Committee on Agriculture, Common-
Veterinary field staff and epidemiologists per- wealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organ,
formed clinical investigations with visits to numer- Australia, 1993. Vitamin B12 was analyzed spec-
ous affected farms and epidemiologic data collec- trophotometrically with competitive binding assay,
tion through analysis of questionnaires completed and copper was analyzed by atomic absorption
by farmers. The case definition formulated among spectrophotometry. Manganese concentration was
the investigative group was as follows: ‘‘Birth of determined following wet combustion in perchlo-
344 McLaren, Cave, Parker, and Slocombe Vet Pathol 44:3, 2007

ric/nitric acid solution and dilution in dilute of calves; given economic conditions in this region
hydrochloric acid to correct volume by flame that had suffered severe drought for several years,
atomic absorption spectrophotometry at 279.5 nm unreported losses were expected to approximate
on an AAnalayst 300 Spectrometer (PerkinElmer, 1,000 calves.
Waltham, MA). The reference ranges available for Dams of all age groups produced deformed
concentration of each of these elements are based calves. Affected calves appeared to be clustered in
on adult cattle, and no reference range for neonates management cohort groups rather than showing
was available at the start of the study. a pattern of spread expected with an infectious
Agar gel immunodiffusion was performed on agent. The groups of dams giving birth to affected
serum samples from calves Nos. 2–4 and several calves had predominantly been at pasture on hilly
dams and live calves from affected farms to detect granitic country that had been extremely dry over
BVDV and Akabane virus antigen. Virus neutral- the majority of each gestation period, although not
ization was performed to detect Aino virus antigen. all dams were in poor body condition. No toxic
The National Arbovirus Monitoring Program of plants were found on repeated examination of the
Animal Health Australia was consulted to assess grazing areas or reported during careful question-
presence of insect vectors and serologic evidence of ing of farmers. Some farms had been blanketed in
arboviruses in the region during the periods of heavy bushfire smoke during the first gestation
gestation ( period (2003), but there did not appear to be an
pdf, 2005). association between density of smoke and the
affected cohort groups.
Common supplemental food, medication, or
Many farms across Northeastern Victoria expe- management procedures, and genetic links were
rienced births of deformed calves during the spring not identified during clinical investigation and
(July to November) of 2003 and 2004, common epidemiologic study. The calves affected were
calving periods for this region. Although some a range of beef breeds and crosses, including
farms reported births of marginally increased Murray Grey, Hereford, and Angus. Numerous
numbers of mildly chondrodysplastic calves in sires were involved, and cows giving birth to
preceding years, exceeding the expected number deformed calves had previously produced normal
of sporadic cases, the outbreaks in 2003–2004 were calves and, in many cases, went on to produce
widespread with significant portions (#90%) of normal calves in the following season. One mildly
cohort groups affected. The spectrum of severity affected heifer calf was observed to produce
ranged from stillbirths and perinatal deaths (due to a normal calf at her first calving.
inability to stand and respiratory compromise) to
calves deformed but able to suckle and follow the Gross pathology
dam. Less-affected calves were vigorous and External examination of the calves revealed
seemed to show some clinical reduction of defor- similar deformities in all calves presented intact.
mities over time. Total reported losses due to high All had low body weight (Table 1) and short
morbidity and mortality numbered into hundreds stature, with moderate-to-marked limb-trunk dis-

Table 1. Selected individual and average measurements of skeletal elements of calves Nos. 2–4.

No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Average

Body weight (kg) 25 30 25 26.7
Head length (cm) 23.5 25 20.5 23
Poll–anus length (cm) –* 81.5 76 78.8
Right Left
Metacarpal diameter (cm) 1.9 1.6 – 1.7
Metacarpal length (cm) 11.8 11 11 – 11.3
Metacarpal total length/diaphyseal diameter 6.4 6.9 – – 6.5
Ulna length (cm) 18 16.7 15 – 16.6
Humerus length (cm) 13 11 11.5 – 11.8
Femur length (cm) 15.7 14 14.5 – 14.7
Tibia length (cm) 15.5 14.5 14 – 14.7
Metatarsal length (cm) – 13 11.3 – 12.2
* – 5 not available.
Vet Pathol 44:3, 2007 Chondrodysplastic Calves in Northeast Victoria 345

Fig. 1. Carcass, calf No. 4. Disproportionate dwarf-

ism, kyphosis, domed skull, and supinatory rotation of
distal limbs are seen.

proportion (Fig. 1). The heads appeared slightly

domed in calves Nos. 2–4 (Fig. 1). There was
variable brachygnathism, and calves Nos. 3 and 4
showed protrusion of the tongue with oversize
relative to the oral cavity.
Limb deformities varied in severity, with the live
21-day-old calf (calf No. 2) showing a bilateral
valgus deformity of the forelimbs, over-extension
of the fetlocks, disproportionate shortening
(length-to-epiphyseal diameter) predominately of
proximal limb bones, and reduced range of
movement of most joints. Calves Nos. 3 and 4,
periparturient mortalities, showed more severe
deformities with moderate-to-marked dispropor-
tionate shortening of proximal limb bones and Fig. 2. Midsagittal section of forelimb; calf No. 4.
supinatory rotation of the distal forelimbs and, to Distortion of proximal limb bones and irregular growth
a lesser extent, the hind limbs (Fig. 2). This plates are noted.
appeared to result from distortion of the diaphyseal
shafts of the long bones rather than from abnormal concavity and caudal convexity of articular sur-
direction of joint movement. The joints did not faces and loss of the central waist normally seen in
show significant laxity or fixation (arthrogryposis), the vertebral body (Fig. 3). Compression of the
and muscle mass appeared normal relative to the spinal cord was not evident except in calf No. 1,
size of the calves. where the spinal canal was virtually occluded in the
The vertebral columns showed variable kyphosis single cervical vertebra (atlas) presented for exam-
and lordosis. The atlas was irregularly distorted ination. Changes similar to those of the vertebrae
with increased concavity of the cranial and caudal were also identified in basicranial bones; distortion
articular surfaces. Growth plates of the vertebrae of basicranial bones appeared to lead to shortening
appeared distorted and showed variable thickness. of the ventral cranial vault and thus skull doming.
Irregular interlacing trabeculae of cartilage extend- Calf No. 4 showed a depression fracture of the
ing between the cranial and caudal vertebral cranial vault, fracture and displacement of the
growth plates traversing the vertebral bodies were basicranial bones with hemorrhage before death,
noted in all calves with variable frequency and considered consistent with trauma shortly after
extent along the vertebral column (Fig. 3). The birth (e.g., trampling by the dam).
significance of these changes is uncertain since the Examination of the limbs revealed longitudinal
authors have not identified studies characterizing shortening of the long bones, most marked in the
morphology of the bovine neonate spinal column. proximal limbs, with the distal limbs below the
The shape of several of the vertebral bodies metacarpus and the metatarsus relatively less
appeared distorted in calves Nos. 2–4, with cranial affected. The scapulae were normal in shape and
346 McLaren, Cave, Parker, and Slocombe Vet Pathol 44:3, 2007

Fig. 3. Midsagittal section of cervicothoracic ver-

tebral column; calf No. 4. D-shaped distorted vertebral
bodies are seen.

proportionate to body size. On longitudinal sec-

tion, numerous long bones revealed undulating
irregularities of the physes. These were thin and
irregularly wavy, with several stepped graduations
in thickness across the growth plate (Figs. 4, 5). In
calves Nos. 2–4, variably prominent growth-arrest
lines were visible in the metaphyses and epiphyses
(Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Midsagittal section of humerus; calf No. 3.

Marked longitudinal shortening and growth-arrest lines
in the metaphyses and proximal epiphysis (arrow)
are depicted.

The humeri showed marked bilaterally symmet-

ric diaphyseal shortening with mild outward
(supinatory) rotation of the distal epiphysis. The
elbows showed prominent lateral ridges and lateral
displacement of the axial ridges of the radial
articular surfaces, the radius and ulna were bowed,
and the distal articulation was markedly irregular
with numerous articular facets corresponding with
Fig. 4. Midsagittal section of hindlimb; calf No. 4. the markedly curving distorted proximal carpal
Note prominent distortion with irregularity of growth bones. All carpal bones were abnormal, misshapen,
plates of the femur and tibia. and difficult to classify (Fig. 6).
Vet Pathol 44:3, 2007 Chondrodysplastic Calves in Northeast Victoria 347

Table 2. Average length of 20 femora sourced from

normal calves at an abattoir in a nonaffected region
of Victoria.

Femoral Length
No. of Calves Mean Range
20 20.6 18.7–23.0

with measurements of the femora of young but not

age-matched calves from an abattoir (Table 2).
Previously measured skeletal elements of calves are
compared (Table 3).
The Student’s t-test was used to compare the
mean length of the femora from affected animals
(group A) with that of the femora from normal
Fig. 6. Carpal joint; calf No. 3. The carpus is animals (group N). There was a difference between
opened to reveal markedly distorted and irregular
the mean length of the femora from group A
articular facets leading to abnormally reduced range of
movement without arthrogryposis. (14.7 cm) and the mean length of femora from
group N (20.6 cm) (P , .001). The assumption of
independence of observations may not be satisfied
Hind limbs were similarly deformed, with the because femora were randomly selected after
femoral and tibial bones showing markedly de- boning and may represent femora from between
creased diaphyseal length and proportionally en- 10 and 20 animals in the N group. Poll–anus length
larged epiphyses similar to that of the forelimbs. (81.5 cm) and eye–anus length (90 cm) for calf
The femora showed shortening and marked distal No. 3 (closest to the smallest body weight group in
outward rotational deformity, with flattened troch- the referenced data) are less than those of average
lear ridges leading to laterally displaced patellae in calves in this source (90.3 and 100.8 cm, respec-
the severely affected calf No. 2 and laterally placed tively).18,25 However, variables including breed, sex
patellae remaining within the trochlear groove in and regional variations in average neonatal calf
calf No. 4. The distal femoral articular surfaces weight limit interpretation.
were asymmetrically distorted. The tibial crest was
spirally rotated from the proximal surface, with Histopathologic findings
medial elevation of the tibial plateau. The diaphysis The cases all showed widespread physeal and
of the tibia was medially bowed, and the distal metaphyseal abnormalities of varying degrees of
epiphysis was rotated inwardly (pronated), partial- severity. At the physis, the zone of cartilage
ly reversing the effect of femoral supination on the hypertrophy was irregularly reduced, consisting of
limb as a whole in calves Nos. 3 and 4. disorderly columns varying markedly in number
The articular cartilages of all cases showed and alignment along the growth plate, often with
irregular thickness, with some areas of erosion only 3–6 cells (Fig. 7), compared with neat col-
and prominent subchondral vessels. There was umns of 10–20 cells in control animals (Fig. 8). The
variable multifocal lifting and separation of the zones of resting and proliferating cartilage ap-
articular cartilages in calf No. 2, with suppurative peared relatively normal, although small multifocal
polyarthritis and osteomyelitis of the proximal nodules of increased numbers of proliferative
tibia. chondrocytes were seen in each case. Multifocal
Only skeletal elements were examined in calf cystic spaces were present both within the zone of
No. 1; abnormalities of nonskeletal elements were hypertrophy and interspersed between the degen-
limited to hypoplasia and lateral flattening of the erate/calcifying chondrocytes of the zone of miner-
tracheal cartilage rings and extensive primary alization, suggestive of failure of formation of
atelectasis, with only small areas of inflation of matrix or premature loss of chondrocytes and
the lungs in calves Nos. 3 and 4. matrix. These cysts showed basophilic granular-to-
fibrillar staining with toluidine blue and PAS,
Morphometric analysis suggesting abnormal cartilage matrix filling the
Measurements of skeletal components of calves spaces (Fig. 9). A high rate of osteoclastic activity
Nos. 3 and 4 are presented (Table 1) and compared was indicated in these areas by the presence of
348 McLaren, Cave, Parker, and Slocombe Vet Pathol 44:3, 2007

Table 3. Selected average skeletal measurements of normal neonatal beef calves.18,25

Measurement Range
Body weight (kg)* 31–33 41–43 53–63
Mean (SD)
Head length (cm)* 25.9 (0.89) 27.4 (0.85) 29.7 (1.46)
Poll–anus length (cm)* 90.3 (2.16) 94.3 (2.81) 107.1 (3.5)
Mean (range)
Metacarpal total length/ 6.25 (4.7–7.5)
diaphyseal diameter{
* 5 from Mee 199518
{ 5 from Tyler et al. 196125

abundant osteoclasts. Trabeculae within the pri- Sections of many long bones examined from all
mary spongiosa were short and irregular; a low cases showed variable osteopenia, with a reduced
proportion showed evidence of fracture close to the quantity of trabecular bone in the epiphysis and
physis, with osteoclasts present at the blunt distal medulla. Cortical lamellar bone was normal in
ends of trabeculae (Fig. 7). histologic appearance as was the perichondrial
The abnormalities of the cartilage matrix were collar, a lamellar plate of bone surrounding the
most clearly demonstrated by variable granular physis.
Alcian blue staining, compared with that of Sections of vertebrae examined from each animal
controls (Figs. 10, 11). showed irregular outlines of the cranial and caudal
The epiphyseal surface of the physis of the long physes due to variation in depth of both cranial
bones examined in calf No. 1 showed development and caudal aspects of the zones of hypertrophy and
of a band of mature bone horizontal and adjacent mineralization (Fig. 13).
to the physis (terminal plate), indicating closure of Sections of mandible demonstrated decreased
the growth plate (Fig. 12). The fused epiphyseal medullary trabecular bone, but lamellar cortical
and articular cartilages were apparently less affect- bone was within normal limits. The bones lining
ed. Horizontal metaphyseal trabeculae of bone the nasal cavity and turbinates were composed of
(growth-arrest lines suggesting periods of reduced fine irregular spicules of bone showing high
dam nutritional status) were found running parallel cellularity, numerous irregular growth-arrest lines,
to and at a short distance from the physes of some and irregular scalloped surfaces lined with reduced
bones in all cases (Fig. 5). osteoblast populations.
In calf No. 1, the atlas showed a pathologic in
utero fracture of a focus of ectopic cartilage,
disorderly proliferation of new bone, and cartilage

Fig. 7. Metaphyseal aspect of physis, femur; calf

No. 2. Reduced number and irregular arrangement of Fig. 8. Metaphyseal aspect of physis, femur; neo-
hypertrophic chondrocytes, presence of osteoclasts at natal calf control. Neatly aligned columns of hypertro-
abnormally truncated primary spongiosa, and irregular phic chondrocytes and long primary spongiosa are
resorption of cartilage are seen. HE. Bar 5 100 mm. compared with Fig. 7. HE. Bar 5 100 mm.
Vet Pathol 44:3, 2007 Chondrodysplastic Calves in Northeast Victoria 349

Fig. 9. Metaphyseal aspect of physis, femur; calf

No. 2. Irregular mineralization of truncated spongiosa, Fig. 11. Physis, femur; neonatal calf control. Com-
cystic space filled with faintly granular mucinous pare regularity of staining and physeal structure with
material, and irregular granularity of chondrocyte Fig. 10. Alcian blue. Bar 5 100 mm.
cytoplasm are shown. Periodic acid–Schiff. Bar 5
100 mm. mesenteric and prescapular regions all showed
a mild hypertrophy of follicles, consistent with
with altered staining characteristics and increased excessive immune stimulation; however, viscera
cellularity and proliferation of the periosteum. This and neurologic tissues showed no significant
caused distortion and compression of the spinal changes. Microbial cultures were not performed.
canal and cord.
The proximal tibial physis of calf No. 2 had Mineral analysis
bacterial osteomyelitis. A necrotic cartilage seques- In calves Nos. 3 and 4, portions of fresh frozen
trum was surrounded by clusters of degenerate liver were submitted for mineral analysis (Table 4).
neutrophils grouped around colonies of small The manganese concentrations detected in these
coccobacilli and associated with dense infiltrates unsuckled neonates were below the normal refer-
of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages and ence range; however, since this range was de-
a thick rim of fibroblastic connective tissue termined for adult cattle, further analysis is re-
bridging the physis, thus causing pathologic quired to assess the range for neonatal calves
fracture. In this case, lymph nodes taken from before reliable interpretation can be made.

Fig. 12. Epiphyseal aspect of physis, femur; calf

Fig. 10. Physis, femur; calf No. 4. Variably dense No. 1. Formation of a terminal plate of osteoid
and granular staining of physis is seen. Alcian blue. Bar indicates closure of the epiphyseal aspect of the physis.
5 100 mm. HE. Bar 5 100 mm.
350 McLaren, Cave, Parker, and Slocombe Vet Pathol 44:3, 2007

from the neural crest. The presence of abnormal-

ities of the physis not affecting the perichondrial
collar and diaphyseal shaft suggests the disorder is
limited to bone formed through interstitial growth
from cartilage and by endochondral ossification
but not by appositional growth, consistent with
The common causes of chondrodysplasia in-
cluding genetic defects, most toxic and nutritional
causes, and infectious agents were excluded se-
quentially by epidemiologic and pathologic in-
In the affected herds in this outbreak, no familial
link could be established, and the range of breeds
and crosses affected was felt to preclude any
possibility of a genetic etiology.
Fig. 13. Vertebral end plate physis; calf No. 2.
Irregularity of the physis and cartilage cores are present Vitamin A supplementation was rarely per-
within the vertebral body. HE. Bar 5 1,000 mm. formed; therefore, hypervitaminosis A was exclud-
ed. Many farms with diverse management practices
were affected; therefore, disease related to man-
agement procedures or therapeutic product admin-
istration was considered unlikely.
Serologic analysis for BVDV, Akabane and Aino Pastures had been bare for much of the gestation
viruses performed on these calves was negative as period in these outbreaks. While there was no
was that from numerous other animals from herds known access to any toxic plants, under conditions
affected during the outbreak (data not presented). of undernutrition, cattle will graze plants normally
The National Arbovirus Monitoring Program did rejected as unpalatable. The presence of toxic
not report any seropositive animal or insect vector plants during the lengthy period of development
detection in the affected regions during the and growth of bone and cartilage (from 40 days
gestation periods. onward), and not during investigation several
months later, cannot be excluded. The skeletal
changes within individual affected calves and the
These cases showed sufficient gross and histo- range of severity seen among cohort groups suggest
logic similarity and distinction from other reported a prolonged period of exposure extending through-
chondrodysplastic syndromes to constitute a recog- out the period of skeletal mineralization and
nizable clinical and pathologic entity. Disorder of growth, increasing the likelihood of detection of
the zone of cartilage hypertrophy with abnormal toxic plants. In this region of Australia, lupins are
growth and resorption of cartilage, particularly at not common, and oak trees are rare; aflatoxicosis
the physes of long bones and vertebrae, the was unlikely since there was little rain and silage
basicranial and turbinate bones, but excluding feeding was uncommon. No epidemiologic associ-
facial and mandibular bones, was observed. Gross ation could be made between bushfire smoke
and histologic features suggest a chondrodysplastic intensity and the congenital abnormalities.
disorder confined to bones of mesodermal and Infection with teratogenic viruses was unlikely
sclerotomal origin and not affecting bones derived since serology was negative and the lesions were

Table 4. Liver manganese, copper, cobalt, and selenium analysis from calves Nos. 3 and 4.

No. Manganese* Copper{ Cobalt (as vitamin B12){ Selenium (as glutathione peroxidase){
3 22 1.48 330 8.8
4 24 1.37 305 6.9
Reference 46–109 0.08–2.09 200–1,500 3.0–25.0
* mmol/kg wet weight.
{ mmol/kg wet weight.
{ U/g wet weight.
Vet Pathol 44:3, 2007 Chondrodysplastic Calves in Northeast Victoria 351

dissimilar to those expected with infectious defor- Evaluation of manganese concentration

mities. Viral culture and immunoglobulin G Normal reference ranges for manganese concen-
analysis was performed in other cases without tration are not available in neonates and work to
evidence of viral disease or in utero immune formulate these is still in progress, hampered by the
challenge (data not presented). Viral agents known difficulty in obtaining fresh tissues from normal
to cause congenital defects (e.g., BVDV, Akabane calves in the affected areas. This has limited the
and Aino viruses) tend to cause neurologic defects interpretation of manganese concentrations in
and arthrogryposis rather than deformity at the affected calves.
growth plate. No histologic lesions of the nervous Previous soil and pasture mineral analyses suffer
system were detected. Nationwide surveillance similar difficulty in interpretation of results due to
programs showed that insect vectors responsible regional variation in soil composition and numer-
for transmission of arboviral disease were excluded ous other compounding factors in manganese
from these areas throughout the period of gesta- absorption (e.g., variable manganese uptake by
tion; thus, Akabane and Aino viruses were plants, combination of pasture species, and in-
considered unlikely. terference from other elements).
Anecdotal and unpublished data on previous Our review of the literature suggests liver
Australian outbreaks similar to this case have concentration of manganese is most appropriate
suggested a possible association with long periods for analysis in these neonatal calves, although the
of drought, deformed calves tending to present element can be routinely detected in bone ash,
following prolonged dry conditions or in the blood, and hair samples.8,9,14 Liver samples are
seasons following early onset of more normal rain easily obtained by farmers or veterinarians. They
patterns, particularly in the southeastern regions of are simple to process, and liver concentrations of
NSW. Extensive investigations have always failed manganese are relatively high compared with
to ascertain a definite cause (A. Philbey, T. Ross, manganese concentrations in other tissues, which
personal communication). may allow more accurate analysis. However, some
Sequential elimination of reported causes of authors suggest that liver manganese concentration
deformities in this investigation led the authors to is less well correlated to deficiency states than
suspect involvement of manganese deficiency in the manganese concentrations in other tissues, including
pathogenesis. Histopathologic descriptions of ex- plasma and heart muscle, at least in growing
perimental manganese deficiency–induced deformi- animals.26 Reports of alteration in hair content of
ties have been sparse to date, although the gross manganese with environmental factors unrelated
pathology described is similar to that in affected to total body concentration and with hair pigmenta-
cases presented here. In a field investigation of tion have been identified, so this simple test was not
suspected manganese deficiency, narrowed irregu- used.9
lar growth plates with reduced zone of cartilage
hypertrophy were described in three 3-month-old Manganese in skeletal disease
calves, but the authors did not describe histologic Manganese is an essential trace element involved
changes in neonates.24 Growth-plate irregularity as a cofactor in several critical enzymatic pathways
with reduced and disorderly proliferating chondro- of glycosaminoglycan and collagen synthesis and as
cytes and absence of hypertrophic chondrocytes, a component of metalloenzymes, including super-
with residual necrotic remnants among fibrillar oxide dismutase (SOD), among other functions.
matrix, was described in another field outbreak Deficiency of SOD may be implicated in damage to
putatively associated with manganese deficiency.28 membranes of mitochondria, endoplasmic reticu-
Respiratory difficulty has been a common factor in lum, and golgi bodies and thus lead to loss of
this and in other investigations18,24 and may integrity, potentially leading to inability to synthe-
represent abnormalities of the tracheal cartilage size mucopolysaccharides.14 Manganese is also
rings leading to reduced luminal diameter, dis- essential in incorporating carbohydrates into mu-
torted nasal passages, or a combination of these copolysaccharides at the epiphyseal plate through
and other factors. Calves not so severely affected as manganese-dependant activation of some glycosyl-
to die in the perinatal period in outbreaks of transferases, which transport trisaccharides to link
postulated manganese deficiency have reportedly polysaccharide to protein in bone.8,16 Unlike many
shown limited-to-good clinical improvement with other metal-activated enzymes, similar metals such
time, if assistance is given to feed and stand, with as magnesium or iron are less effective than
reduction in deformation but residual stunting, as manganese at activation of these particular en-
noted in this outbreak.28 zymes.27
352 McLaren, Cave, Parker, and Slocombe Vet Pathol 44:3, 2007

The literature on manganese metabolism and dietary manganese retained after intestinal absorp-
deficiency has been thoroughly reviewed.9,14,26,27 tion according to the concentration of the element
Deficiency of manganese has been associated in the food and in response to deficiency.12
experimentally and clinically with reduced repro- Manganese concentration in tissues has been
ductive performance7,22 and skeletal abnormali- shown to change rapidly after birth and onset of
ties7,10,22,24,28 in calves and laboratory animals and suckling in calves if there is high manganese
with ataxia associated with abnormal development concentration in the diet, as indicated by radioac-
of the otoliths in laboratory rodents but not cattle.13 tive isotope studies of manganese metabolism.4
Young calves are able to rapidly incorporate
Manganese bioavailability supplemental manganese from oral and intrave-
Concentrations of manganese in plants vary. nous administration into tissues, and the percent-
Grasses are richer than legumes, and straw and age retained varies according to the dietary and
corn silage have particularly low concentrations.9 whole body concentrations of the element at the
Uptake of bivalent manganese by plants is more time of administration of manganese.4 Once
efficient than that of the trivalent or tetravalent suckling commences, it is probable that the
forms present in highest concentrations in soil. Low manganese concentration in liver rises rapidly and
pH soils have a relatively high proportion of more markedly than in other tissues. This is
bivalent manganese. attributed to the liver’s role in manganese homeo-
Discussion with nutritionists in this investigation stasis through storage in mitochondria and excre-
led to a suggestion that rumen pH may have tion in bile. Higher manganese concentrations were
a similar effect on bioavailability of manganese. At found more often in suckled affected calves of a few
the time of writing, investigations were being days old (data not presented) than in neonatal
undertaken to review the current knowledge of unsuckled affected calves in this outbreak. Results
this interaction and determine whether manipula- suggested that within a few days, the liver
tion of rumen pH rather than direct supple- concentration of manganese in affected calves
mentation of manganese may aid in improving approached normal levels despite the low concen-
manganese absorption (T. Parker, personal com- tration of manganese found in milk.
munication). The percentage of dietary manganese absorbed
Overall bioavailability from ingested plant mat- in adults is relatively constant. Manganese is
ter is low, with ,1% intestinal absorption in cattle. largely removed from first-pass portal circulation
It appears from some studies that high dietary by the liver, and peripheral blood has a very low
levels of iron, copper, zinc, sulphur, and, to a lesser concentration of manganese bound to a-2-macro-
extent, calcium and phosphorus lead to further globulin.
reduction in manganese bioavailability.8,9 Although The apparent difference in manganese absorp-
the soil in the affected area is high in granite, which tion may reflect the incorporation of the majority
usually has a high level of manganese, the bio- of dietary manganese into ruminal micro-organ-
availability of the manganese may be reduced by isms in adults, as evidenced by more efficient
high dietary intake of other elements in soil such as cellulose digestion by micro-organisms in the
copper, cobalt, calcium, phosphorus, and iron, presence of supplemental manganese.17 The reason
which show significant interference with manga- adult cows are unable to enhance retention of
nese.26 Under severe drought conditions, cows may manganese if deficient is unclear.
ingest a high volume of soil and dust, leading to Feeding of silage alone through winter in
altered dietary mineral balance. northern latitudes has been identified as a risk
Manganese has been shown in rats and sheep to factor for a condition known as congenital
be preferentially sequestered by the placenta in joint laxity and dwarfism, which has some similar-
conditions of manganese deficiency of the dam, but ities to experimental manganese deficiency.21 It is
this sequestration is insufficient to return the fetal postulated by some authors that this may relate in
manganese concentration to normal.11 Unlike part to manganese deficiency indirectly through
neonates, fetuses are not able to preferentially reduced bioavailability of manganese present in
concentrate manganese in the liver.14 It is believed silage.10
that manganese concentrations in the liver of In this outbreak, drought conditions may have
neonatal presuckled calves represent the manga- led to rumen content with a high percentage of dry
nese status of the dam.26 matter and thus a relatively high pH. Under these
Retention of absorbed manganese varies with conditions, it is postulated that manganese is
age; calves may apparently alter the percentage of present within the rumen mostly as poorly bio-
Vet Pathol 44:3, 2007 Chondrodysplastic Calves in Northeast Victoria 353

available forms and thus absorption may be acknowledged for his investigations into the effect of
reduced. One potential avenue of investigation at rumen pH on bioavailability of manganese, and his
present is analysis of the effects of rumen pH on assistance in planning therapeutic strategies. Staff at
manganese absorption; alterations of rumen pH Primary Industries Research Victoria for further path-
may be more readily achieved through the use of ologic investigations, including mineral analysis and
virology studies; Gribbles Veterinary Pathology for
supplemental grain feeding or dietary cation- serological and mineral analysis; and Regional Labora-
anion–deficit rations without the need to supple- tory Services Benalla for mineral analysis are gratefully
ment manganese directly. acknowledged.
Conclusion References
The outbreak was characterized by dispropor- 1 Abbott LC, Finnell RH, Chernoff GF, Parish SM,
tionate dwarfism, with reduced long bone/diaphysis Gay CC: Crooked calf disease: a histological and
length secondary to abnormality of the hyaline histochemical examination of eight affected calves.
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4 Carter JC Jr, Miller WJ, Neathery MW, Gentry RP,
lated cause at the time of writing. Confirmation of
Stake PE, Blackmon DM: Manganese metabolism
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consuming. Further studies are ongoing, and influenced by supplemental manganese. J Anim Sci
veterinary nutritional specialists are assessing 38:1284–1290, 1974
advice to be given to farmers in the area. Ideally, 5 Clark L: Hypervitaminosis A: a review. Aust Vet J
supplementation will be planned to provide a 47:5568–5571, 1971
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Acknowledgements 1990
We thank Professor K. V. F. Jubb for his support and 11 Hidiroglou M, Knipfel JE: Maternal-fetal relation-
advice regarding pathologic investigations of submitted ships of copper, manganese, and sulfur in ruminants:
cases and Associate Professor John Glastonbury for a review. J Dairy Sci 64:1637–1647, 1981
critical review of the manuscript. We acknowledge Josie 12 Howes AD, Dyer IA: Diet and supplemental mineral
Wilson, Dennis Miller, Paul Benham, Garry Anderson, effects on manganese metabolism in newborn calves.
and Dayle Tyrrell of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, J Anim Sci 32:141–145, 1971
the University of Melbourne, for assistance with 13 Hurley LS: Teratogenic aspects of manganese, zinc,
preparation of histology sections, postmortem examina- and copper nutrition. Physiol Rev 61:249–295, 1981
tions, photography, statistical analysis, and radiologic 14 Hurley LS, Keen CL: Manganese. In: Trace
interpretation, respectively. The many Department of Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition, 5th ed.,
Primary Industries Victoria field staff, Stephen J. eds. Mertz W and Underwood EJ, pp. 185–223.
Whittaker of the Rural Lands Protection Board, and Academic Press, Orlando, FL, 1987
Alex Stephens and Luzia Rast of NSW Department of 15 Kang QK, LaBreck JC, Gruber HE, An YH:
Primary Industries in particular must be acknowledged Histological techniques for decalcified bone and
for their field investigation work. Tony Parker is cartilage. In: Handbook of Histology Methods for
354 McLaren, Cave, Parker, and Slocombe Vet Pathol 44:3, 2007

Bone and Cartilage, eds. An YH and Martin KL, pp. 22 Rojas MA, Dyer IA, Cassatt WA: Manganese
209–218. Humana Press Inc, Totowa, NJ, 2003 deficiency in the bovine. J Anim Sci 24:664–667,
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upon chondroitin sulfate synthesis in chick epiphyseal a cause of crooked calf disease. J Am Vet Med Assoc
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elements on in vitro rumen cellulose digestion. Congenital skeletal malformations in Holstein calves
J Anim Sci 31:982–990, 1970 associated with putative manganese deficiency.
18 Mee JF: Nonhereditary disproportionate dwarfism J S Afr Vet Assoc 65:73–78, 1994
in a beef herd: clinical and pathological features. Ir 25 Tyler WS, Julian LM, Gregory PW: Bovine achon-
Vet J 48:93–105, 1995 droplasia. III. Standards of metacarpal indexes for
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Domestic Animals, eds. Jubb KVF, Kennedy PC, trols. Am J Vet Res 22:693–697, 1961
and Palmer N, 4th ed., pp. 28–29, 52–53. Academic 26 Underwood EJ, Suttle NF: The Mineral Nutrition of
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20 Ribble CS, Janzen ED, Doige CE: Congenital spinal ingford, UK, 1999
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21 Ribble CS, Janzen ED, Proulx JG: Congenital joint 28 Valero G, Alley M, Badcoe L, Manktelow B,
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Request reprints from Dr. P. J. McLaren, Gribbles Veterinary Pathology, 1868 Dandenong Road, Clayton, Victoria
3168 (Australia). E-mail:

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