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Ministry of Primary And Secondary Education

All communications should be directed to Glen View/Mufakose District Office
Telephone: 04-693330/ 0772 940663/0712940663 Glen View
Telefax: 04-690547

2 2019
Glenview/Mufakose District
Career Exhibition Report for 2018
Name of School Venue Facilitator Date Level Attendance
Glenview 1 Sec School Dr Katiyo Etra Mile Term 2 A Level 288 239 527
Glenview 1 Sec School Dr Katiyo Etra Mile Term 2 O Level 355 370 725
Glenview 2 Sec School MSU Term2 A Level 16 38 54
Glenview 2 Sec School Tel-one Term 3 A Level - 15 15
Glenview 2 Sec School Tel-one Term 3 O Level - 10 10
Kmbuzuma 1 Sec School CUT Term 2 A Level 25 35 60
Mufakose 1 Sec School Lawyers Term 2 A Level 42 51 93
Mufakose 2 Sec School Barclays Bank June A Level 45 53 98
Mufakose 2 Sec School Barclays Bank June O Level 40 45 85


-some secondary schools managed to conduct career exhibition through the coordination of
Guidance and Counselling Head of Departments.

-exhibitions conducted were beneficial to learners as evidenced by their participation and

contributions throughout the exercise.

-some schools managed to involve many learners since resource persons were invited to the school
resulting in quite a large number of learners benefiting from the program.


-due to cholera outbreak gatherings were temporarily suspended, as a result a District career
exhibition which was scheduled for third term at Mufakose 3 Secondary was affected.


-schools to be encouraged to conduct career exhibitions even at Primary level so that learners are
guided and get an understanding of career paths at a young age.

-there was need to invite resource persons in the Sport and Arts area to cater for learners who were
talented in that area.
-there was need to involve many learners in career exhibitions rather than concentrating on the
selected few learners.

-need for District workshops on how to conduct career exhibitions.

Compiled by E. Makwati

District Remedial Tutor

Glenview/Mufakose District

Harare Metropolitan Province

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