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Pairing Assignment: Essay (Responsible Professional Engineer)

“A Registered Engineer acting as an independent adviser or consultant shall not be the

medium of payment made on his employer’s behalf unless so requested by his employer; nor
shall he place contracts or orders in connection with work on which he is employed, except
with the authority of and on behalf of his employer.”

Prepared by: EH2206I



Date of Submission:

12th April 2019

Name of Lecturer:

Ir. Normadyzah Binti Ahmad

Faculty of Chemical Engineering,
UiTM Campus Shah Alam.
Responsible Professional Engineer

Engineering is a profession typically requires an extensive period of training and build the
knowledge and skills. Many occupations require extensive internship and training, and they
often require practical skills. However, the training characteristically required of professionals
focuses on intellectual content than their practical skills. This profession generally to make
decisions or results that affect the customer that using their products that they design, develop,
and manufacture. Many of these selections are based on their technical nature and the engineer's
academic training that has well-informed them for their resolution. The desired result is to
produce a product without defects and safe for the customers to use the products. Nevertheless,
the potential impact could be very harmful if the wrong decisions had made especially for the
new engineers. The new engineers must have experiences with enthusiastic to the potential
moral, social, political, and economic issues that they may possibly happen. As an alternative,
they focus on the mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering aspects of problem solving
but the ethical lessons unfortunately learned during an engineer's career only after some
unforeseen importance or ignored flaw. The intent is to educate and guide students through
ethical issues that they are possible to encounter in real world engineering situations.

Engineering also serves an ethically good end in the production of technology for the
benefit of humanity and have special obligations which including protecting the health and
safety of the community as this affected by technology. Therefore, engineers does not have
anything like complete control of engineering services because a license is not required to
practice the scope of engineering. However, the claim by engineers to be regulated by ethical
standards in compulsory ethical standards can be interrogated because they do not have a
license to practice. There are only licensed engineers are governed by a compulsory code of
ethics. Equally important, engineering codes of ethics typically insist that engineers adapt to
competence standards that have developed through engineering practices. Regulatory standards
and standards of competence are intended to provide some reassurance of quality, safety, and
efficiency in engineering. It is important to understand that they also leave extensive
opportunity for professional preference in engineering design and its application.

In Malaysia, the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) make the code of conduct for
registered engineers which the objectives are make the honor and dignity of the engineering
profession by using their knowledge and skills for the development of human welfare, being

honest and servicing with fidelity the public, their employers and clients. Also, the engineers
striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession and supporting
the professional and technical societies of their disciplines. Engineering is an important and
learned profession. As members of this profession, engineers are expected to exhibit the highest
standards of honesty and integrity. This career has a direct and vital impact on the quality of
life for all people. Accordingly, the services provided by engineers require honesty,
impartiality, fairness, and equity, and must be dedicated to the protection of the public health,
safety, and welfare. Engineers must perform under a standard of professional behaviour that
requires adherence to the highest principles of ethical conduct.

“A Registered Engineer acting as an independent adviser or consultant shall not be the

medium of payment made on his employer’s behalf unless so requested by his employer; nor
shall he place contracts or orders in connection with work on which he is employed, except
with the authority of and on behalf of his employer.”

The above statement is taken from the Code of Ethics by Board of Engineers Malaysia
(BEM). This code basically guide the engineers by giving restriction on the engineers to make
payments or placing contracts on behalf of his clients if he work independently or on behalf of
his employer if he work within a corporate or company. This statement compliment the IEM’s
Code of Professional Conduct which stated that a member acting as an independent adviser or
consultant shall not be the medium of payment made on his employer’s behalf unless so
requested by his employer; nor shall he place contracts or orders in connection with work on,
which he is employed, except with the authority of and on behalf of his employer. He should
have sense of obligations where he should know what is within his capability and power.
Accountability comes together with every decision he is making thus he should always keep
his integrity by doing the right thing for the benefits of others that is involved regarding to his
decision to bear the professional responsibility.

There are the ways in which an engineer, especially one that is a newcomer to the field,
can project as a responsible professional to the society without being guilty of violating based
the situation given. The first way is the engineers will act in professional matters for each
employer or client as faithful agents and shall avoid conflicts of interest. They should avoid all
conflicts of interest with their employers or clients of any business association or interest,
which could effects their judgment or the quality of their services. The professional engineers
shall not ask nor receive financial or other valuable considerations such as free engineering

designs, from material or equipment suppliers for specifying their products. Besides that, the
engineers cannot accept privileges directly or indirectly from contractors, their agents, or other
parties to deal with their clients or employers in connection with work for which they are
responsible. When in public service as members, advisors, or employees of a governmental
body or department, the engineers shall not participate in considerations or actions with respect
to services provided by them or their organization in private or product engineering practice.
They should refuse an engineering contract from a governmental body on which a principal,
officer of employee of their organization serves as a member. As a result, the engineers believe
a project will not be successful, they shall so advise their employer or client. Engineers shall
not review the work of other.

The second ways is they shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their
services and shall not compete unfairly with others. Engineers shall not pay nor offer to pay
either directly or indirectly such as any commission, political influence, gift, or other
consideration in order to secure work and exclusive of securing salaried positions through
employment agencies. They should negotiate contracts for professional services fairly and only
on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications for the type of professional service
required. They also should negotiate a method and rate of compensation adequate with the
agreed upon scope of services. A meeting of the minds of the parties to the contract is essential
to mutual confidence. The public interest requires that the cost of engineering services be fair
and reasonable, but not the controlling consideration in selection of individuals or firms to
provide these services.

Besides, an engineer should respect his employer or client amounts to respect for their
moral self – determination or self-governance. Making decision that is not within his capability
is immoral and this could occur due to failure in respecting people. He should refrain from
interfering with a person’s liberty or autonomy. According to IEM’s Code of Professional
Conduct, an engineer that are called to give an opinion that is within his professional capacity
shall to the best of his ability, give an opinion that is objective and reliable. He may only express
publically his technical opinion that is founded upon his competence and knowledge of the
facts in the subject matter. Anyhow, though sometimes, they (employers or clients) might refers
to the engineers for support and opinion, he should never take it as a green light for him to
decide what is the best for his employer or clients. Hence, respect their moral capacity to govern
their decision according to moral duties and respect for their moral autonomy.

Further, a professional engineer shall not accept assignment and assume responsibility
for coordination of an entire project and sign and stamp the engineering documents for the
entire project unless each technical segment of the project is signed and stamped personally by
the qualified engineer who has prepared the respective segment of the project. This prove that
one should always respect others autonomy unless a valid consent is given to them. Valid
consent is a consent that is given voluntarily and based on the information that a rational person
would want, together with any other information requested, and presented to them in
understandable form. Also, the consenter must be competent to process the information and
make rational decisions. Thus, without valid consent, making a payment or placing contract
without approval of employer or clients is wrong and immoral.

An engineer whose advice is not accepted shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that
the person overruling or neglecting his advice is aware of any danger which the member
believes may result from such overruling or neglect. So, if his employer does not accept his
advice, he need to ensure that the employer fully know the adverse effect of what could happen
to the society and environment. However, he shall not recklessly attempt to injure whether
directly or indirectly the professional reputation, prospects or business of another engineer.
Therefore, he cannot publically denounce his employer or clients even if they reject his
professional advice.

He should also have a sense of teamwork to enable him to work successfully with other
people. This include loyalty, respect, collegiality, cooperativeness and respect for legitimate
authority. Maintaining self – respect and integrity by providing valuable services to the
employer and clients. He needs to plant the desire to meet his responsibilities, respecting the
rights of others and contribute to the well-being of others. The specialization and division of
labour in a company has already provide the guide for the workers to know what is their scope
of responsibility and power. Losing perspective on one’s nature work might resulting in the
shifting of the fault and accountability to the wrong person as the roles become undefined and
the responsibilities are not clear. Thus, he should never cross the boundary of his authority as
a registered engineer shall undertake assignments only if he is qualified by education and
experience in the specific technical fields in which he is involved.

Engineers should uphold and enhance the honour, integrity and dignity of the
profession. He should not use association with non-engineers, corporations, nor partnership as
a shadow for unethical acts. An engineer shall not offer improper inducement to secure work

as independent advisors or consultants, either directly or through an agent. Neither shall they
improperly pay any person, whether by commission or otherwise for the introduction of such
work. As an employee, he should never conveys confidential information to the outsider
without the approval of his employer. A registered engineer shall not reveal facts, data or
information without the prior consent of the client or employer except authorized or required
by law or when withholding of such information is contrary to the safety of the public. He
should give proper credit for engineering work to those whom credit is due and recognize the
propriety interest of others. He should fulfil the terms of contract professionally by focussing
in doing his job right.

In conclusion, there are many ways for an engineer to project himself as a responsible
professional to the society without acting on their own by making payments and placing
contracts on behalf of his employer or clients unless a valid consent is given. In order for him
to bear the professional responsibilities, he must have sense of obligations, accountability,
integrity and praiseworthy in the fulfilment of their professional duties and must carefully
consider the safety, health and welfare of the public. Lastly, he should always follow the
guidelines and code of ethics provided by the engineering society present in the world such as
Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) and National
Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) and shall respond within reasonable time to
communication from any relevant authority on matter pertaining to his professional service.

(2014 words)


Charles E. Harris Jr, M. S. (2005). Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Cases. Canada:

IEM. (n.d.). Professional Conduct and Discipline. Retrieved from The Institure of Engineers

IET. (n.d.). Rules of Conduct. Retrieved from The Institution of Engineering and Technology:

Mike W Martin, R. S. (1946). Introduction to Engineering Ethics. New York: McGraw Hill
Higher Education.

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