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DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM Sales Circular No. D-10/2021 From (CE/Commercial, DHBVN Hisar To Alll CEs /SEs/XENs/SDOs/OP, JEs-I Incharge Sub office in DHBVN. ‘Memo No. Ch- 10/SE/Comml./R-16/387/2008/Vol-II Dated:- 27.04.2021 Subject: Levy of Advanced Consumption Deposit (ACD) on the electricity consumers in Haryana. ‘The methodology to review the ACD has been defined in HERC Electricity Supply Code (Regulation No. 29/2014) and amendments thereof. ‘The ACD review process for FY 2019-20 was deferred in the WTDs meeting held ‘on 10.07.2020 owing to COVID-19 pandemic. ‘The Hon'ble HERC, in its hearing held on 19.11.2020 on the directives issued in the Tariff Order dt. 01.06.2020, issued notice to ‘CE/Commercial, DHBVN, Hisar under section 142 for non-execution of ACD review process for FY 2019-20. Accordingly, in line with the above mentioned HERC regulations, DHBVN started charging revised ACD from the consumers. However, various representations have been received from Resident Welfare Associations of Hisar and Industries/Industrial Associations/ Resident + Welfare Associations of Gurugram/Bhiwani etc. in the state raising concerns on the revision of ACD charged through bills. Also, various Residents Welfare Associations and Industrial. Associations of Gurugram met the Hon’ble Power Minister, Govt. of Haryana on 12.04.2021 and raised their concerns regarding charging of revised ACD in the bills, ‘Taking cognizance of the widespread resentment amongst the consumers and ease out the burden of the consumer, it has been decided that:- ‘Owing to widespread Corona-19 pandemic, the ACD review process is hereby deferred for all categories of consumers. Also the additional ACD amount charged in the bills (paid/unpaid) may be adjusted in subsequent bills in the following manner:~ 1, For the consumers whose bills haven't been issued but are in process will be temporarily stopped & will be started only after rolling back of revised ACD. 2. For the consumers who have already deposited the bills along with ACD, the contra entry will be passed & refund /charging as the case may be on. account of revision of ACD will reflect in next billing cycle. Similar will be the case for those consumers whose due date has already passed but they have not deposited their current bills. Note:- The surcharge shall not be levied on account of additional ACD amount charged but not deposited on due date. The above instructions should be brought to the notice of all concerned for careful and meticulous compliance. \ BS ee For Chief Engineer /Commercial, DHBVN, Hisar

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