Procedure: CP 20: Housekeeping Yes No: Notes

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Ocean Kinetics Ltd

Internal Audit Checklist 2020

Procedure: CP 20: Housekeeping

Yes No
4.1 Is a high standard of housekeeping, cleanliness and tidiness in place.


4.2 To avoid accidents are all walkways clear with no trailing hoses or machinery
blocking walkways or escape paths.

4.3 Do all employees use storage for the tools, Do they return to storage
equipment and materials that they use.
Do they report any uncertainties to the MD / QHSE Manager in order that
information, instruction and training may be provided as appropriate?

4.4 Do employees make an effort to maintain a tidy workplace. And return

equipment to the designated storage area.


4.5 Are all slips falls and trips reported (see CP 19 incident investigation and
reporting), even where no injury has occurred as a result.


4.6 Are all Compressed gas cylinders fastened securely at all times in an upright
position. When not in use, cylinders shall be secured within the appropriate
designated storage area. Are safety caps fitted at all times during storage.


4.7 Are sufficient covered skips or appropriate receptacles provided so that

rubbish can be disposed of promptly (see CP22 for waste handling,
segregation and disposal).


4.8 Has a drainage plan has been prepared for the site at Port Business Park,
Lerwick which forms part of the Emergency Response Plan (CD 12). Has
Procedure: CP 20: Housekeeping
Yes No
the drainage plan been reviewed and kept up-to-date. Is a copy on display
in the QHSE Manager’s office identifying the direction of flow and points
of discharge for both foul and surface drainage.


4.9 Are appropriate Spillage protection systems in place where materials,

particularly liquids, are stored or used. Are locations identified where
materials are stored and the location of adjacent drains. Are spill kits
installed where spillage is likely to occur.


4.10 Are the spillage of oil or other polluting liquid procedure in place and
displayed, (see CP22 waste handling, segregation and disposal).


4.11 If pollutants enter the site drains and escape from the site, immediately
inform the QHSE Manager or other Manager who shall take appropriate
action as per the Emergency Response Plan.


4.12 Are spills which cause pollution or which is potentially polluting recorded
on a Non-conformance Report (SF16), noting the circumstances and action
taken. Details of preventative action to avoid reoccurrence of the situation
shall also be recorded on the form.

4.13 Does the QHSE Manager or delegate make regular inspections of

housekeeping standards and record the results of inspections.

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