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Name __________________________________________ Date ___________ Period _______

Answer the following questions while watching the video. Highlight all final answers.

1. Define molarity?

Concentration Measurement that uses moles

2. What is the equation for molarity? M=n/v

3. What does the following symbols M, n, and V mean when calculating molarity?
M= molarity N= number of moles of solute V= volume of the solution in liters

Solve the following molarity problems. Show all work and highlight final answers.

4. What is the molarity of a 125 mL solution containing 0.050 moles of hydrochloric acid

M= n/v =0.050/0.125L = 0.40mol/L 1L=1000mL

125mL ( 1L/1000mL) =0.125L

5. How many moles of sodium hydroxide are in 38 mL of 0.50 mol/L NaOH?

V=0.038L M
MV=nV/V n=MV=(0.50mol/L) (0.038L) =0.019

6. How much 2.5 mol/L sulfuric acid should you use if you need 0.12 mol H 2SO4?

n/M=MV/M V=n/m=0.2mol/2.5mol/L =0.048L =48mL

7. How would you make 100 mL of a 0.40M solution of copper (II)sulfate (CuSO4)
n=MV = (0.40 MOL/L) (0.1 L)=0.04g/mol
Cu=63.55g/mol Convert moles to grams
S=32.07g/mol Cu2+ SO4 2-
O=9x16.00=144g/mol CuSO4 5H20
0.04mol (249.7g/1mol) =0.04x249.7=9.988g

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