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Volume 49, 2001
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w w w. p u b l i s h . c s i ro . a u / j o u r n a l s / a j b
Aust. J. Bot., 2001, 49, 199–207

Floral morphology and embryology of two Australian species

of Citrus (Rutaceae)

Kerri Clarke and Nallamilli Prakash

Botany Building, School of Rural Science and Natural Resources,

University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia.

Abstract. The floral morphology and embryology of two species of Australian Citrus L. occurring in the most
southerly range of the genus, C. australasica F.Muell. and C. australis (Mudie) Planchon, have been studied.
Cytokinesis in the microsporocytes was simultaneous resulting in tetrahedral tetrads. Tapetal cells were bi- to
multinucleate and unevenly one- or two-layered. Microspore development was frequently asynchronous. Anther
wall consisted of a layer of endothecium, three to five middle layers and one or two layers of Secretory tapetum.
The ovules were anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate. Although multiple sporogenous cells that grew into
multiple megasporocytes were common, occurrence of twin or multiple gametophytes was rare. Development of the
female gametophyte was of the Polygonum type, with antipodal cells frequently persisting until after fertilisation.
Endosperm was of the Nuclear type while embryogeny was of the Onagrad type. Both integuments contributed to
the seed coat. Cells of the outer layer of the testa developed fibrous thickenings and secreted mucilage. Seeds were
monoembryonate and seed germination was hypogeal. The recent move incorporating Australian native citrus
species in to the genus Citrus was supported on the grounds of close embryological similarities.
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Introduction Prakash and Lim (1996) reviewed the embryology of the

Rutaceae providing a comprehensive literature survey that
Eremocitrus Swingle and Microcitrus Swingle were among highlighted the patchy nature of our knowledge about the
the 40 genera of Australian Rutaceae (Harden 1991). family and the need for more research even on such a popular
Mabberley (1998) presented a case for reuniting these two genus as Citrus. The current embryological study is
genera with Citrus L. and he recognised six Australian significant in that there have been (1) few such investigations
species—C. glauca (Lindley) Burkill (= Eremocitrus), of the Australian Rutaceae and (2) no investigations for any
C. australasica F.Muell., C. australis (Mudie) Planchon, of the native Citrus species that are among the very few wild
C. garrawaye F.M.Bailey, C. gracilis Mabb. sp. nov., and species of the genus known in the world, as all previous
C. inodora F.M.Bailey (= all Microcitrus). investigations have been on cultivated Citrus species.
Australian aborigines (Lazarides and Hince 1993) and Citrus australasica (= Microcitrus australasica (F.Muell.)
early European settlers (Anon. 1927) were known to have Swingle), commonly called finger lime, is found in northern
used native citrus fruits as a food source. There has been New South Wales (from Lismore extending northwards) and
renewed interest in Australian native food and medicinal south-eastern Queensland. Citrus australis (= Microcitrus
plants. The wide variation of fruit shape, size and colour of australis (Mudie) Swingle) known as Australian lime or
Citrus australasica (finger lime) have provided added dooja, occurs around Brisbane and further north in
potential for marketing native Citrus (Swingle 1915; Taylor Queensland.
Breeding experiments indicated that commercial citrus Materials and methods
species were closely related genetically to the native Floral and fruit materials of various developmental stages of Citrus
Australian species. The Australian species along with australasica F.Muell. var. australasica Swingle, C. australasica
Clymenia Swingle, Fortunella Swingle, and Poncirus Raf. F.Muell. var. sanguinea Bailey, and C. australis (Mudie) Planchon,
were able to be interbred (Mullins et al. 1989). There were were collected periodically from March 1995 until March 1997 from
two sites. Material was collected from disjunct populations of
problems, however, with intergeneric breeding, such as
C. australasica growing in naturally regenerated forests on private
pollen tube retardation, and ovule and seed sterility (Frost property at Mount Burrell, New South Wales. Viola orchard situated at
and Soost 1968; Soost and Cameron 1975; Barrett 1977; Bangalow, New South Wales, provided nursery grown pot plants of
Sedgley and Griffin 1989). C. australasica var. sanguinea and C. australis that had been budded

© CSIRO 2001 10.1071/BT99054 0067-1924/01/02199

200 K. Clarke and N. Prakash

onto ‘Troyer’ citrange rootstock two years prior to collection. Plants cylindrical or geniculate with a capitate or slightly clavate
often had floral and fruit material at various stages of development, stigma. Stylar canals were present in both species, arising
with unopened buds through to immature fruits on the same branch.
from the locules and terminating at or near the surface of the
The incidence of floral and fruit abortion was high in the cultivated
plants although flowering was prolific. Flowering in the wild plants was stigma. Each locule contained two rows of ovules attached
less predictable. Voucher specimens were collected for all the plants along the axis of the placenta.
sampled and deposited in the N. C. W. Beadle Herbarium (NE), Botany, It was common to find pistils with suppressed growth in
University of New England. flowers that had already dehisced anthers. Longitudinal
Microtechnique sections of such pistils revealed that they were in early stages
of embryo sac development. Often there were pistils with
Flower buds and fruits were fixed on site in formalin–propiono–alcohol
(FPA—5 mL formalin, 5 mL propionic acid and 90 mL 70% ethanol), aborted ovules; in some cases the ovules had aborted even
then stored in 70% ethanol. before the integuments were formed.
Fixed buds, fruits, and seeds were prepared for sectioning by Initiation of juice vesicles was not consistent. While some
following conventional methods (Bhandari 1997). Dehydrated ovaries had juice vesicles initiated during early embryo sac
specimens were infiltrated with and embedded in Paraplast for
development, in others they were initiated about the time of
sectioning. Longitudinal and transverse sections of small buds, fruitlets
and seeds were stained with either safranin and fast green, or with fertilisation. Carpellary outgrowths, initiated at the time of
Heidenhains haematoxylin, safranin and fast green—the latter fertilisation, occurred between juice vesicles.
providing superior results for pollen cytology. All prepared slides were Fruits of C. australasica had a thin leathery skin and
deposited in the Botany Building. varied in size, shape and skin colour, and colour of internal
Scanning electron microscopy juice vesicles. Citrus australasica var. sanguinea was
red-fruited, differing from the green fruited C. australasica
Scanning electron microscopy was used to observe the external
structure of pollen and pollen germination on the stigmatic surface of var. australasica. Fruits of C. australis were thick-skinned,
both Citrus australasica and C. australis. Stigmas and mature anthers small, round and yellow when ripe. The fruits were usually
that were previously fixed and stored in 70% ethanol, were subjected to many seeded, but in some samples of C. australasica there
critical point drying and sputter-coated with gold. Scanning electron were few or no seeds.
microscopy was performed with a JEOL JSM-5800LV Scanning
As few differences were observed in the embryology of
Microscope at 20 kV.
C. australis, C. australasica var. australasica and
Seed germination C. australasica var. sanguinea, the observations below apply
Ripe seeds of both species were placed on germination pads moistened to all three unless otherwise stated.
with tap water in Petri dishes under a temperature regime of 30°C day/
20°C night. Anther and pollen development

Results By the time petals became visible in the floral bud the
stamens showed a definite filament and a tetrasporangiate
Floral morphology anther with an apical oil gland. Once microsporocytes
The morphology of the flower in Citrus australasica was formed, the tapetal cells became bi- or multinucleate. The
broadly similar to C. australis. Flowers were axillary and anther wall had a well-defined epidermal layer,
occurred singly or in pairs. When in bud, the imbricate petals undifferentiated endothecium, three to five middle layers,
were white with a purple tinge at the base. They were regular and an uneven, 2-layered Secretory type of tapetum with bi-
and hypogynous. Floral parts were free with stamens that or multinucleate cells. Degeneration of middle layers
were partly fused at the point of attachment below the floral commenced at the microsporocyte and early tetrad stages.
disc. Flowers of C. australis were tetra- or pentamerous, with Anther development was asynchronous within the same
petals that were dotted with oil glands and reflexed when floral bud, particularly in the early stages of
open. In C. australasica, flowers were tri- or tetramerous, microsporogenesis. The development of microsporangia in
with petals reflexed or assurgent when open. the same anther was also asynchronous, as the two inner
Each flower had about 25 stamens in C. australis and microsporangia lagged behind the outer. Even in the same
16–20 in C. australasica. Anthers were tetrasporangiate microsporangium, there was variation in the stages of
with introrse and longitudinal dehiscence and had a microsporogenesis between basal and apical portions.
prominent apical oil gland in the connective tissue. During anther maturation, the middle layers became
The pistil was attached to a floral disc and was syncarpous obliterated leaving only remnant layers against the
and multilocular. Many lysigenous oil glands were found in endothecial wall. The endothecium developed fibrous
the ovary wall. The ovary of C. australis had six or seven thickenings, and epidermal cells remained intact persisting
chambers while C. australasica had three to five. The ovary in the mature anther. Developing pollen grains accumulated
of C. australis was subglobose with a cylindrical terminal cytoplasm and stained deeply with safranin, preventing
style and a hairy capitate stigma. In C. australasica, the observation of pollen mitosis, however, staining with
cylindrical ovary supported a terminal style that was itself haematoxylin allowed identification of 2-celled pollen. The
Floral morphology and embryology of Citrus 201

endothecium was one cell thick at the line of dehiscence but multiple sporogenous cells began to elongate. By the
two or 3-layered nearer the connective tissue. There was a functional megaspore stage, the inner and outer integuments
single longitudinal line of dehiscence and dehisced anthers reached the apex of the nucellar cap that was now six to eight
contained two empty pollen sacs. Pollen sacs of fresh mature parietal layers deep. At the 4-nucleate embryo sac stage the
anthers were filled with a yellow oily substance that outer integument extended beyond the inner integument. The
surrounded the pollen. mature ovule was anatropous and showed a well-defined
The spherical pollen of Citrus australasica was 20 µm in hypostase with deeply stained cells in the chalaza. The
diameter and pentacolporate. Citrus australis pollen had a nucellar cap could be up to 13 layers thick with starch grains
diameter of 17 µm across and was tetracolporate. Exine prominent, particularly in the micropylar region. The single
patterning for both species was reticulate. vascular bundle contained in the funicle terminated at the
chalaza and joined the hypostase. Elongated epidermal hairs
Megasporogenesis formed an obturator that developed from the placenta, the
Ovule initials were identified before the locules fused in funicle, or both. The obturator hairs in C. australis were
the pistil and the stigma differentiated. In pistils with composed of a single elongated cell (Fig. 2B) whereas those
suppressed growth, ovule initiation did not occur until of C. australasica were multicellular (Fig. 2C).
the pollen was almost mature. The primary parietal and Citrus australis occasionally showed twin nucelli; only
sporogenous cells resulted directly from the division of the larger nucellus contained an embryo sac. Normally two
the archesporial cell. Repeated divisions of the parietal rows of ovules developed from the placenta, but three rows
cell produced the many parietal layers that constituted were present in one sample of this species.
the nucellar cap of the mature ovule in Citrus
australasica and C. australis. In both species, five to Pollination and fertilisation
seven sporogenous cells were frequently observed. Pollen was attached to the mucilaginous papillae on the
Directly below the parietal tissue the sporogenous cells stigma and pollen tubes grew through the stylar canal to
enlarged to become multiple megaspore mother cells enter the ovary and into the micropyle. Pollen tube entry
(Fig. 1A). In most ovules, only one megaspore mother into the embryo sac was through a synergid (Fig. 3A).
cell persisted to undergo meiosis, producing a linear Triple fusion occurred before syngamy. The zygote lay
tetrad. dormant while the endosperm formed. Starch grains
appeared around the primary endosperm nucleus and the
Development of female gametophyte zygote at the time of fertilisation.
Only the chalazal megaspore of the tetrad was functional
(Fig. 1B). Following mitosis, a large vacuole separated the Development of endosperm and embryo
nuclei that had migrated to opposite poles of the embryo sac Endosperm was of the Nuclear type. In many ovules of
(Fig. 1C). Successive mitotic divisions resulted in an Citrus australasica, endosperm formed an inverted
8-nucleate gametophyte forming the 7-celled Polygonum horseshoe shaped structure in the centre of the embryo sac.
type of embryo sac (Fig. 1D). The mature female The zygote did not show polarity early in endosperm
gametophyte was located deep within the nucellus, under development. Despite active growth of the endosperm, some
eight or nine (to 13) parietal layers. Folds in the aging ovules degenerated. Divisions in the endosperm were
synergid gave the synergid a hooked appearance. The polar synchronous in the early stages of development.
nuclei remained separated until the time of fertilisation. The
three antipodal cells became shrunken and deeply stained, Seed development
but often persisted until after fertilisation. The few stages in early embryo development observed
The occurrence of multiple embryo sacs was rare, as only indicated Onagrad embryogeny. The many starch grains in
one instance of two binucleated embryo sacs was observed in the nucellar cap seemed to enlarge at the time of fertilisation.
a C. australis ovule, when all other ovules in the ovary were Juice vesicles and intercarpellary growths intruded into the
already at the mature stage. locule and surrounded the young seeds. Tannins were
deposited on the inside layer of cells of the inner integument
Ovule anatomy and the chalazal region. The nucellar tissue surrounding the
Both inner and outer integuments of the bitegmic ovule in embryo sac broke down as the endosperm grew while the
Citrus australasica and C. australis formed a micropyle that cells of the hypostase accumulated tannin and developed
is either zigzag (Fig. 2A), or straight, depending on the thickened walls.
evenness of integument growth. At the sporogenous cell As the seed enlarged, the endosperm expanded at the
stage, the inner integument could be seen as a rudimentary expense of central nucellar cells. However, the nucellus
protuberance from the ovular epidermis. The outer continued to produce new cells around its periphery. The
integument was initiated from subepidermal layers as the globular embryo in the young seed of C. australis, as seen in
202 K. Clarke and N. Prakash

Fig. 1. (A) A developing ovule in longitudinal section of Citrus australasica var. australasica. One
of the multiple megaspore mother cells (arrow) at early prophase I of meiosis (scale bar = 20 µm).
(B) The functional megaspore (arrow) of a linear tetrad of megaspores was situated at the chalazal
end of the developing ovule of C. australasica var. sanquinea. (C) A developing embryo sac seen in
longitudinal section of a C. australis ovule at the 4-nucleate stage of development. The two nuclei in
view were situated at the chalazal end of the embryo sac. (D) A mature embryo sac of C. australis in
longitudinal section was of the Polygonum type (scale bars = 10 µm for B–D).

transverse section, was situated centrally and surrounded by The outer integument became unevenly convoluted as the
the endosperm that had now become cellular near the epidermal cells differentiated into the outer seed coat. The
micropyle. The nucellar tissue, bounded by the inner young seed had a single vascular bundle in the raphe. The
integument, still constituted a significant part of the seed. globular embryo broke away from the small suspensor and
Floral morphology and embryology of Citrus 203

Fig. 2. (A) Uneven growth of the integuments formed a zigzag micropyle (m) in a mature ovule
of Citrus australis (scale bar = 40 µm). (B) Obturator in C. australis was formed by single-celled
hairs. (C) In C. australasica obturator was composed of multicellular hair (scale bars = 20 µm for
B and C).
204 K. Clarke and N. Prakash

moved down into the embryo sac, still surrounded by the periplasmodial type of development. Secretory tapetum was,
cellular endosperm (Fig. 3B). Endosperm in the chalazal however, the common mode of tapetal development in the
region, however, remained nuclear at this stage of Rutaceae (Davis 1966; Lim and Tinggie 1991; Johri et al.
development. 1992; Prakash and Lim 1996). In both species studied here
tapetal cells remained intact until pollen development was
Mature seed and germination almost complete and at no stage did the tapetal nuclei or
The mature seed in Citrus australasica was small, round on protoplasts move into the microsporangium.
top and flat underneath, about 6 × 4 mm, and was Pollen grains of Citrus australis and C. australasica were
cream-coloured with a patterned testa. The cotyledons were smaller than in other species of the genus where the pollen
thick and fleshy, and were surrounded by three remnant size ranged from 21 to 39 µm (Sedgley and Griffin 1989).
layers of cellular endosperm (Fig. 3C). About four cell Mature pollen of Citrus contained two cells (Sedgley and
layers of nucellus also persisted around the endosperm. Griffin 1989), excepting Citrus grandis (Burm.) Merrill,
Both integuments contributed to the seed coat although which had three-celled pollen (Banerji 1954). The reticulate
only a single layer of tannin-filled cells represented the pattern of the exine in our study was similar to that in Citrus,
inner integument. In the testa, the epidermal cells became Fortunella (Scora 1988), and other members of the Rutaceae
elongated, thickened and covered by a layer of mucilage (Davis 1966; Boyd 1992; Johri et al. 1992; Prakash and Lim
(Fig. 3D). Although the cotyledons are green, germination 1996).
was hypogeal in both C. australasica and C. australis and
resulted in single seedlings. Obturator
Obturator hairs were multicelled in Citrus australasica but
Discussion unicelled in C. australis. Unicellular obturator hairs occur in
Corner (1976) and Vaughan (1970), based on their work on Citrus grandis (Banerji 1954) and Poncirus trifoliata (L.)
seeds, demonstrated that genera and even species in Raf. (Boeswinkel 1978) and possibly in Severinia buxifolia
Rutaceae, could be differentiated based on embryological (Lim and Tinggie 1991). A two-celled condition was seen in
characters. Sometimes, although the characters were broadly Citropsis aff. tanakae (Boeswinkel 1978).
similar, the size and shape of various embryological
structures allowed demarcation. Ovule development
Megasporogenesis and embryo sac development in Citrus
Anther development appeared to be generally uniform (Osawa 1912; Bacchi
Microsporogenesis and pollen development in the Australian 1943; Banerji 1954; Soost and Cameron 1975) as with the
Citrus species was similar to that in other species of Citrus family Rutaceae as a whole (Johri and Ahuja 1957; Ghosh
and in other Rutaceae (Davis 1966; Johri et al. 1992), in 1974; Lim and Tinggie 1991).
showing simultaneous cytokinesis and tetrahedral Multiple sporogenous cells, known to occur in Citrus
microspore tetrads. (Bacchi 1943), were also present in both species we have
The non-synchronous microspore development among studied. Sporogenous cells formed multiple megaspore
anthers of the same flower and among microsporangia of the mother cells and could potentially develop multiple embryo
same anther, seen in the present materials, also occurred in sacs. In some angiosperms multiple archesporial and
Severinia buxifolia Ten. (Lim and Tinggie 1991). Citrus in megaspore mother cells were known to lead to
general was reported to have relatively synchronous anther polyembryony and apomixis (Bouman 1984). Multiple
development, although Horner and Lersten (1971) noted a embryo sacs, known in Citrus paradisi Macf. (Bacchi 1943)
difference in microspore stages between distal and proximal and Ravenia spectabilis Engl. (Ghosh 1974), were very rare
ends of the microsporangia in Citrus limon (L.) Burm.f. in our materials.
Tapetal cells in Citrus species (Osawa 1912; Banerji The antipodal cells of Citrus australasica and C. australis
1954; Horner and Lersten 1971) and Severinia buxifolia frequently persisted until after fertilisation, in contrast to
(Lim and Tinggie 1991) became binucleate before meiosis C. paradisi, C. aurantium L. (Bacchi 1943), C. grandis
commenced in the microsporocytes. In the species studied by (Banerji 1954) and Severinia buxifolia (Lim and Tinggie
us, some of the tapetal cells became binucleate even before 1991), in which they degenerated early. The polar nuclei did
the microsporocytes had rounded-off, and by early prophase not fuse prior to fertilisation, as was also the situation in
binucleate and frequently multinucleate tapetal cells formed Citrus aurantium and C. nobilis Lour. (Osawa 1912). On the
two layers around the microsporocytes. Horner and Lersten’s other hand, in C. grandis (Banerji 1954) and Severinia
(1971) report of the dissolution of tapetal cell walls in Citrus buxifolia (Lim and Tinggie 1991), the polar nuclei fused to
limon during the early microspore tetrad stage, with their form the secondary nucleus before fertilisation.
contents moving into the microsporangial cavity, was At times, in C. australasica and C. australis flowers could
interpreted by Sedgley and Griffin (1989) as indicative of effectively be staminate due to ovule abortion and retarded
Floral morphology and embryology of Citrus 205

Fig. 3. (A) Longitudinal section from a Citrus australis embryo sac, at post-fertilisation, with
primary endosperm nucleus (pen) in view. Pollen tube entry via a synergid (s) (scale bar = 10 µm).
(B) Globular embryo from a developing seed of C. australis in longitudinal section surrounded by
endosperm (ce) that has become cellular (scale bar = 20 µm). (C) Longitudinal section from a
mature seed of C. australasica showing the embryo consisting of massive cotyledons (c) and small
triangular area of the radicle and hypocotyls (white arrow) (scale bar = 500 µm). (D) Section of the
seed wall of Fig. 3C at increased magnification. The epidermis (e) of the testa had elongated
thickened cells and a well-developed mucilage layer. The single layer of tegmen (double white
arrowhead) was filled with tannins (scale bar = 40 µm).
206 K. Clarke and N. Prakash

ovule development, with embryo sacs that were 4-nucleate in Banerji I (1954) Morphological and cytological studies on Citrus
open flowers containing already dehisced anthers. Such grandis Osbeck. Phytomorphology 4, 390–396.
Barrett HC (1977) Intergeneric hybridization of Citrus and other genera
retarded or suppressed growth has earlier been recorded in
in citrus cultivar improvement. Proceedings of the International
other species of Citrus (Osawa 1912; Bacchi 1943; Soost and Society of Citriculture 2, 586–589.
Cameron 1975). In experiments involving Microcitrus Barrett HC (1990) An intergeneric hybrid of Microcitrus papuana and
papuana H.Winters (= Citrus wintersii, Mabberley 1998), Citrus medica. Fruit Varieties Journal 44, 113–117.
Barrett (1990) found that 75% of pistils in the flowers had Bhandari NN (1997) ‘Staining techniques — A manual.’ (Ultimate
Printers: New Delhi)
suppressed growth.
Boeswinkel FD (1978) Development of ovule and testa in Rutaceae.
III. Some representatives of the Aurantioideae. Acta Botanica
Pollination and seed development
Neerlandica 27, 341–354.
In Citrus australasica and C. australis triple fusion occurred Bouman F (1984) The ovule. In ‘Embryology of angiosperms’. (Ed.
before syngamy and the zygote had a prolonged resting stage BM Johri) pp. 123–157. (Springer-Verlag: Berlin)
Boyd WE (1992) ‘A pollen flora of the native plants of South Australia
before the onset of embryogenesis, as in Poncirus trifoliata
and southern Northern Territory, Australia.’ (Royal Geographic
(Osawa 1912). Embryogeny in the two Australian Citrus was Society of Australia: Adelaide)
of the Onagrad type while embryogeny of the few Citrus Corner EJH (1976) ‘The seeds of dicotyledons. Vols 1 and 2.’
species previously studied showed either Solanad or (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge)
Onagrad types (Davis 1966). Davis GL (1966) ‘Systematic embryology of the angiosperms.’ (John
Wiley: New York)
Structure of the mature seed in C. australasica and
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Fortunella margarita (Lour.) Swingle, and Citrus as a whole HJ Webber, LD Batchelor) pp. 290–324. (University of California:
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Seedlessness, seen as a desirable attribute in commercial Ghosh RB (1974) Embryological studies in the family Rutaceae.
I. Megasporogenesis and the development of the female
species (Sykes 1993), occasionally occurred in
gametophyte in Ravenia spectabilis Engl. Botanical Gazette 135,
C. australasica. 89–93.
Citrus australasica and C. australis showed hypogeal Harden GJ (1991) Rutaceae. In ‘Flora of New South Wales. Vol. 2’.
type of germination as also in C. sinensis (Schneider 1968), (Ed. GJ Harden) pp. 220–222. (New South Wales University Press:
C. grandis and C. reticulata Blanco (Frost and Soost 1968). Kensington)
Horner HT Jr, Lersten NR (1971) Microsporogenesis in Citrus limon
However, the two Australian species lacked polyembryony,
(Rutaceae). American Journal of Botany 58, 72–79.
so common in many commercial species. Johri BM, Ahuja MR (1957) A contribution to the floral morphology
and embryology of Aegle marmelos Correa. Phytomorphology 7,
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Various aspects of embryological development in Johri BM, Ambegaokar KB, Srivastava PS (1992) ‘Comparative
embryology of angiosperms, Vols 1 and 2.’ (Springer-Verlag:
Citrus australasica and C. australis were so similar to other
species of the genus that there is little justification, at least Lazarides M, Hince B (Eds) (1993) ‘CSIRO handbook of economic
on these grounds, to maintain a separate genus, Microcitrus, plants of Australia.’ (CSIRO Australia: Canberra)
to accommodate these species. We, therefore, support Lim AL, Tinggie DA (1991) The reproductive biology of Severinia
Mabberley’s (1998) treatment of reuniting the Australian buxifolia (Poir.) Tenore. Malaysian Journal of Science 13, 1–12.
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Mullins MG, Plummer JA, Snowball AM (1989) Flower initiation: new
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Grateful thanks go to Jim and Barbara O’Brien from Mount ‘Manipulation of fruiting’. (Ed. CJ Wright) pp. 65–77.
(Butterworths: London)
Burrell, NSW, and Judy and Ashley Viola of Bangalow,
Osawa I (1912) Cytological and experimental studies in Citrus.
NSW, for allowing access to plants on their properties. Journal of the College of Agriculture, Imperial University of Tokyo
Thanks also go to Dr Jeremy Bruhl for advice. Financial 4, 83–121.
support from N. C. W. Beadle Grants in Aid and Friends of Prakash N, Lim AL (1996) Reproduction in Rutaceae— A review. In
Botany Foundation to Kerri Clarke is gratefully ‘Advances in botany’. (Eds KG Mukerji, B Mathur, BP Chamola,
P Chitralekha) pp. 53–80. (APH Publishing: New Delhi)
Scora RW (1988) Biochemistry, taxonomy and evolution of modern
cultivated Citrus. In ‘Proceedings of the Sixth International Citrus
References Congress, Tel Aviv, Israel, 6–11 March 1988’. (Ed. R Goren,
Anon. (1927) Australian Citrus relatives as new stocks. The Citrus K Mendel) pp. 277–289. (Baliban Publishers: Philadelphia/
News 3, 5. Rehovot)
Bacchi O (1943) Cytological observations in Citrus: 2. Mega- Schneider H (1968) The anatomy of Citrus. In ‘The citrus Industry.
sporogenesis, fertilization, endosperm and polyembryony. Vol. 2.’ (Eds LD Reuther, LD Batchelor, HJ Webber) pp. 2–85.
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