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Research Quarterly

Published by the Society for Human Resource Management

in Today’s
The Link to

Motivation in Today’s Workplace:
The Link to Performance
In today’s hyper-competitive marketplace, understanding what fosters and forwards employee motivation—and,
thus, organizational performance—is critical. Based on theories, studies, best practices, case studies and
resources about motivation, this solutions-focused research article presents valuable information for the senior
HR leader seeking competitive advantage.

Introduction go beyond expectations. It is the Employee Engagement

In today’s marketplace, where role of HR and organizational Engagement influences motivation.
companies seek a competitive leaders to foster an environment It is reflected in the extent to which
edge, motivation is key for talent for excellence. Through a founda- employees commit, how hard they
retention and performance. No tion of research, theory, studies work and how long they stay. People
matter the economic environment, and practical examples, this article join organizations for different
the goal is to create a workplace addresses the questions of what reasons, motivated by intrinsic and
that is engaging and motivating, motivates employees, what manag- extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic rewards
where employees want to stay, ers need to do, and what supports are reflected in actions believed to
grow and contribute their knowl- be important. Examples include an
motivation and, thus, performance.
edge, experience and expertise. employee who wants to help people
What Influences Motivation? by providing excellent customer
Motivation is generally defined
Motivating employees for better service or a senior manager who
as the psychological forces that
performance encompasses these gains a sense of accomplishment
determine the direction of a per-
critical factors: employee engage- from overseeing a large corpora-
son’s level of effort, as well as a
ment, organizational vision and tion. Intrinsic outcomes include
person’s persistence in the face
values, management acknowledg- responsibility, autonomy, feelings of
of obstacles. The direction of a
person’s behavior refers to the ment and appreciation of work well accomplishment and the pleasure of
many possible actions that a done, and overall authenticity of doing interesting work. Extrinsic-
person could engage in, while leadership. Chana Anderson, CCP, motivated behavior includes actions
persistence refers to whether, SPHR-CA, director of HR and a performed with the goal to have
when faced with roadblocks and member of the SHRM Employee material or social rewards, with
obstacles, an individual keeps Relations Special Expertise Panel, outcomes such as job security,
trying or gives up.1 says that motivation is influenced benefits, vacation time and public
equally by the employee and the recognition. It is the responsibility
The responsibility for motivation of managers to motivate employ-
company: “Motivation and engage-
is three-fold: it falls on the senior ees, with the goal for employees
ment is truly a 50-50 relationship
leadership, the direct manager and
between the employee and employer. to contribute to the organiza-
the employee. Numerous factors
Employees are expected to come tion. Managers can best motivate
are involved, from trust, engage-
to the workplace with the intrinsic employees by offering rewards
ment and values (individual and
motivation and desire to be success- that are meaningful to them.2
organizational) to job satisfaction,
achievement, acknowledgement ful, be value-added and contribute Vision and Values
and rewards. Motivation is essential to the obtainment of an employer’s Employees are often motivated dif-
for working autonomously, as well vision. Conversely, it is incumbent ferently. To develop a work environ-
as for collaboration and effective upon the employer to provide ment that promotes motivation,
teamwork. The ultimate focus resources, opportunities, recognition organizations need to know what is
of the organization is to success- and a cohesive work environment important to their employees and
fully retain talent, meet goals and for employees to be successful.” then to emphasize these factors. In

fact, some companies and research- without the other. To provide people that face-to-face interactions—no
ers are beginning to look at “work with meaningful work and rewards, matter how superficial—can lead
spirituality”—not in a religious organizations need to be successful. to significant improvements in
sense, but in a sense that what an And to be successful, organizations performance, and that motivation
employee does aligns with his or her need high-performing individuals. and performance increase simply
greater sense of life and purpose. The challenge is to design organiza- by an employee’s awareness of the
Aside from monetary gain, work tions that perform at high levels and impact of his or her job on others.
provides people with fulfillment on treat people in ways that are reward- Dr. Grant has observed this result
various levels, from earning a living ing and satisfying.” To describe this through studies of all types of
and “doing good work” to aspiring mutually beneficial relationship, jobs and roles in the workplace,
to a vision and ultimately having Lawler uses the term virtuous spiral, from customer service representa-
an impact on the quality of life. a relationship that occurs when the tives, managers, nurses, doctors
These reasons can change over time organization values its employees, and medical technicians to security
in response to changes in people’s and in return, workers are com- guards, engineers, salespeople,
home life and responsibilities. Fur- mitted to high performance.4 police officers and fire fighters—
ther, in response to drastic economic based on when people can directly
Leadership and Making
changes and natural disasters, com- see the impact of their efforts.5
a Difference
panies can change over time as well.3
In today’s pressure-cooker environ- Mini Case Study
Management Acknowledgment ment, performance is carefully noted In a study published in the Jour-
and Appreciation at all levels of the organization. No nal of Applied Psychology, Dr.
How employees are treated is a matter an individual’s title, everyone Grant found that lifeguards at
strong determinant of employee has the opportunity to lead in some a community recreation center
motivation and performance. capacity and have a positive impact who read about how their abil-
Edward E. Lawler III, author and on performance. Understanding the ity to avoid fatalities made a dif-
consultant for human resource value that can be achieved through ference were stronger leaders/
management, emphasizes that different roles is one way of provid- performers. Their work improved
“treating people right is funda- ing motivation, performance and by 40% in contrast to lifeguards
mental to creating organizational thus leadership skills. A recent article who merely learned that life-
effectiveness and success. It is also published on Knowledge@Wharton, guarding can be personally en-
easier said than done.” According titled “Putting a Face to a Name: riching. Grant points out that in
to Lawler, this includes “a highly The Art of Motivating Employ- today’s economy, where work
is often virtual without the end
user physically present, “it is im-
“Treating people right is fundamental to
portant for employers to build in
creating organizational effectiveness and systems that reinforce employ-
ees’ awareness of whom they
success. It is also easier said than done.”
are helping.”6 As HR leaders
work on processes and systems
complex set of actions on the part of ees,” emphasizes that workers have designed to improve motivation
both organizations and employees. better results when they can identify and performance, it is important
Organizations must develop ways to with those they serve. Specifically, to be cognizant of the issue of
treat their employees so that they are face-to-face interactions and task technology and how it can cre-
motivated and satisfied; employees significance (“what I do makes a dif- ate distance between employees
must behave in ways to help their ference”) are key drivers for motiva- and the end users of their work.
organizations become effective tion and performance. Research Dr. Grant suggests that focus on
and high-performing.” This win- by Adam Grant, Ph.D., a Wharton the mission of the organization is
ning combination for performance management professor, indicates that one way to overcome the chal-
requires a partnership between the making human connections is criti- lenge of a virtual workplace and
organization and the employees. cal for motivation, leadership and lack of direct interaction and is a
Lawler states: “One can’t succeed high job performance. He found successful strategy for creating

Motivation in Today’s Workplace: The Link to Performance 2

the energy for motivation nec- shift in what the top 20 leading high proportion of women in senior
essary to achieve high perfor- organizations value regarding leader- leadership, 91% make it easy for
mance and quality of service. ship. Specifically, the most valued people to work from home, and 91%
qualities in leaders are strategic have an appreciation of global issues
Leadership for Motivation
thinking and inspiring leadership. as a key job requirement. Finally, the
To reach the hearts and minds
In a press release, John Larrere, best companies for leadership focus
of employees, leaders need to be
national director of Hay Group’s on employee engagement through
authentic with an impelling vision.
Leadership and Talent Practice, and commitment and discretionary effort
“It is exceedingly important for
co-leader of the Best Companies for and on employee enablement, with
a leader of any organization to
Leadership Study, stated: “For orga- optimized roles and a supportive
communicate his or her vision
nizations to succeed, they will need environment, leading to financial
constantly to ensure that there is no
to understand what key leadership success, customer satisfaction and
doubt about the direction a team
elements are paramount in driving employee performance—all to drive
is heading,” says Ken Blanchard,
their organizations toward growth. organizational performance.9
world-renowned management coach.
It’s more than just getting people
He emphasizes: “One of the most In today’s economy, leaders need to
to produce the right outcomes. It’s
destructive traits a leader can have be mindful of economic pressures
about getting them to be passion-
today is arrogance—acting like when looking for ways to motivate
ate about their work and groom-
you’ve got it together all the time. employees. Some organizations
ing them to handle the challenges
On the other hand, one of the most find cost-effective ways to provide
ahead. The Best Companies for
endearing qualities a leader can opportunities through “develop-
Leadership have figured this out.”8
mental assignments,” where people
can grow their skills in other areas
“It is exceedingly important for a leader of any
to be ready for promotions when
organization to communicate his or her vision they may occur. A good manager
will take the time to consider ways
constantly to ensure that there is no doubt to motivate employees, whether
about the direction a team is heading.” performance levels are good or need
improvement. For the leader, it is
beneficial to take a step back and
have is to be in touch with his or According to this study, companies
consider, on a personal level, what
her vulnerability. It’s that side of are now focusing their efforts on
is motivating oneself. Important
a leader that keeps the vision from positioning for the future. To do
questions to ask are: 1) what are
crumbling under the pressure of so, 94% of the best companies have
your own values; 2) what keeps
circumstance.”7 In addition, leaders leadership development programs
you motivated; 3) how are your
need to connect the organization’s to enable employees to deliver on
own engagement levels; 4) are you
vision and values to the employees’ goals/strategies, 90% provide all
committed to the values of your
day-to-day work and help them see employees with the opportunity to
company; and 5) do you take pride
how the work they do every day develop and practice the capabili-
in your work and in your organiza-
connects to the bigger picture. ties needed to lead others, and 87%
tion? By taking the time to examine
have a sufficient number of internal
The 2009 study Best Companies for these questions and thoughtfully
candidates ready to assume open
Leadership conducted by Bloomberg answer them, a leader can gain a
leadership positions. In fact, 94% of and the Hay refreshed and even enlightened
the best companies actively manage
Group reveals that leading com- viewpoint to perform better—both
a pool of successors for mission-
panies were focused on leadership for him/herself and for his or her
critical roles, 83% invest a great deal
even during the recent economic staff—and be able to better optimize
in their people, and 80% promote
downtown. This annual study ranks for improvement. By identifying
growth opportunities. In addition,
the best companies for leadership three areas that need most attention,
95% use corporate social responsibil-
and examines how they develop for example, a leader can develop
ity to recruit employees, 66% have a
leaders. The 2009 study found a a plan and put it into action.10

Employees need to have acknowl- a SHRM white paper “The Sci- place: 1) meeting basic expecta-
edgment and respect and know ence of Motivation,” emphasize tions (hygiene factors) and 2)
that their contributions are valued. that “people join organizations for leading to increased performance
It cannot be stressed enough how specific reasons and usually with (motivation factors). Examples
demotivating it can be when manag- some purpose in mind.” The white of basic needs are a comfortable
ers do not recognize, acknowledge paper highlights the following theo- working environment, adequate
or appreciate employees and their ries that have shaped the concept pay, good relationships with co-
hard work. Two strategies that can of motivation in the workplace:14 workers and effective supervision.
help motivate employees are 1) to Motivation factors for high job
provide training (including cur-
■■ Expectancy Theory: Victor H. satisfaction include opportuni-
rent job, new technologies and the Vroom’s theory suggests that ties for recognition, advance-
ability to keep up with changes in motivation is high when employ- ment and professional growth.
the employees’ areas of expertise) ees believe that high levels of ■■ McClelland’s Needs for
and 2) promotional opportuni- effort lead to high performance Achievement, Affiliation
ties (promote from within).11 and high performance leads to and Power: In this theory
attainment of desired outcomes. from David McClelland, each
Positive and supportive leadership Maslow’s Hierarchy of
person has three needs: 1)
clearly makes the difference for an Needs: People seek to satisfy five achievement—strong desire to
engaged and motivated workforce. basic needs: physiological, safety, perform well; 2) affiliation—
In an interview with Hospitals and belongingness, self-esteem and being liked, having positive
Health Networks, Jo Manion, R.N.,
self-actualization needs. Abraham interpersonal relationships; and
Ph.D., points to the bottom line
Maslow placed these needs in a 3) power—the extent to which
for hospital and patient care, as
pyramid, with the most basic on an individual desires control or
outlined in her book, The Engaged
the bottom and self-actualization influence on others. People have
Workforce: Proven Strategies to Build
at the top. When the lower-level these needs to varying degrees.
a Positive Health Care Workforce.12
needs are met, the next higher ■■ Equity Theory: Formulated by J.
Since excellent health care is criti-
level begins to motivate behavior. Stacy Adams, this theory is about
cal for everyone at different points
■■ Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene people’s perceptions of fairness of
in life, employee motivation that
Theory: This theory from Fred- their work outcomes in relation to
results in excellent patient care is
erick Herzberg focuses on two their work inputs. It suggests that
one example of motivation that
factors applicable to the work- motivation is influenced by com-
all can relate to on personal and
professional levels (see text box).
Inspired Staff Make the Difference in Difficult Times13
Motivational Theories In the health care field, engaged and motivated employees make the dif-
As HR professionals seek to support ference in patient care. From her years as a nurse and executive working
their organizations in attracting in hospitals, Dr. Manion emphasizes that it is hospital leaders who hold
and retaining the best and bright- the key to promoting passion in employees for their work, thus retain-
est talent, motivational theories can ing essential talent and saving the organization money. By establishing a
offer insight into how to motivate workplace that promotes well-being, leadership can inspire staff, resulting
employees, what is important and in loyalty to the organization and to the patients and their families. “If you
what the rewards may be—with the have engaged workers who are happy to be there, who feel happy about
ultimate goal of improved and/or what they do, who feel respected, who feel honored, then they treat people
sustained performance by individual the same way: It ripples. Patients can pick up unhappiness in employees in
a nanosecond.” She urges leaders to know and understand their employ-
employees and the organization
ees. Also, through workforce mapping, HR leaders can better understand
as a whole. Motivation is at the
the demographics of the workforce, learn who plans to retire in five years
heart of performance, essential for
and then be able to look to the future for retention and hiring. The quality of
success for both the organization
patient service depends on an inspired and motivated staff.
and its workforce, as a group and
Source: The Engaged Workforce: Proven Strategies to Build a Positive Health Care Workforce (American
as individuals. Dr. Teresa A. Daniel Hospital Association, 2009)
and Dr. Gary S. Metcalf, authors of

Motivation in Today’s Workplace: The Link to Performance 4

paring one’s own outcome/input pany Pfizer illustrates the critical- workplace, with a chronological
ratio with others’. If an individual ity of professional development. review of research and theories
feels that the ratio is unfair (e.g., To develop key talent and engage from the end of the 19th century
underappreciated, paid less), that the company’s global workforce to the present. As pointed out by
individual’s performance may de- to improve its competitiveness, author Gary P. Latham, Ph.D., a
crease. In contrast, where equity Pfizer focuses on developing “Next leader in the field of motivation,
is perceived, employees are more Generation Learning Tools.”16 the practice of science is essential
motivated to continue contribut- Mini Case Study for “predicting, understanding,
ing their current levels of input In a survey of its workforce, Pfiz- and influencing the motivation of
for their current levels of out- er learned that 78% of respon- people in organizational settings.”17
comes. Motivation is usually the dents were reluctant to improve
highest when employees perceive
New Approaches
their education due to travel time
In addition to classic motivational
that they are treated with equity. to class and work commitments.
theories, a number of recent writ-
■■ Goal-Setting Theory: Ed Locke To address the need to retain
and Gary Latham are the leading ings contribute new ideas to the
talent and improve skills, Pfizer
researchers of this theory. The literature on workplace motivation:
partnered with Hibernia College
focus is on motivating workers to for a Master of Science in Phar- 1. Primal Leadership: Realizing the
contribute by meeting goals set maceutical Medicine program Power of Emotional Intelligence. In
to improve the overall perfor- for physicians and nonmedical their 2002 book, authors Daniel
mance of the organization. They professionals seeking to move Goleman, Richard Boyatzis and
suggest that goals that employees into leadership positions. Pro- Annie McKee bring together
work to meet are prime deter- viding flexibility, this program decades of research on leader-
minants of their motivation and allowed for an interactive self- ship. They argue: “The funda-
therefore performance. Goals paced study, online recorded mental task of leaders is to prime
need to be both specific (quan- lectures and live online tutorials good feeling in those they lead,
titative and measurable) and dif- for direct contact with faculty. and that occurs when a leader
ficult (hard, yet not impossible). Pfizer gained business benefits: creates resonance—a reservoir
selection for the program was of positivity that frees the best
Maslow’s work on the hierarchy of
seen as a reward by employees, in people. At its root, the primal
needs showed that when individu-
and 76% of students said they job of leadership is emotional.”
als strive to fulfill their potential,
felt valued by the company. As a This theory has significance for
they are happier. An article in the
result of the company investing bringing forth motivation and
Journal of Applied Management
in them, employees were more commitment in leadership and
and Entrepreneurship examined the
likely to say that they will stay employees for attainment of
influence of Maslow’s humanistic
with Pfizer. The online master’s organizational goals. In addition,
views on business training and the
program is seen as a strong ve- Goleman’s writing on emotional
challenges of motivating employees
hicle to help the company “build intelligence includes a critical facet
to learn.15 Learning and new skills
the knowledge, technical skills
remain an essential part of organiza- applicable to motivation: relation-
and leadership capabilities of
tional strategy to achieve competi- ship management/inspiration.
Pfizer’s employees,” noted So-
tive advantage. A benchmark survey “Leaders who inspire both create
eren Rasmussen, senior director
conducted at the height of the recent resonance and move people with
at the Department of the Chief
credit crisis found that 50% of com- a compelling vision or shared
Medical Officer at Pfizer.
panies were looking at technology mission. Such leaders embody
to improve their customer satisfac- Another resource on motivational what they ask of others and are
tion and business success, including theories is the book Work Motiva- able to articulate a shared mission
retaining staff and providing train- tion: History, Theory, Research, and in a way that inspires others to
ing to upgrade skills and attract the Practice. It offers in-depth infor- follow. They offer a sense of com-
best caliber of talent. The following mation about behavioral science mon purpose beyond day-to-day
example of the pharmaceutical com- frameworks for motivation in the tasks, making work exciting.”18

2. Psychological Capital: Developing “carrots and sticks” approach to ager as a role model, the following
the Human Competitive Edge. motivation, noting that tradi- key relationships are identified as
In their 2007 book, researchers tional rewards (“if-then”) do not essential for motivational success—
Fred Luthans, Carolyn M. Youssef give people what they want and, all inter-related and contributing
and Bruce J. Avolio present their in fact, tend to diminish intrinsic toward feelings of motivation:21
PsyCap theory with a compelling motivation and performance and
1. Organizational structure and
view of factors critical to motiva- can encourage unethical behaviors
processes—performance manage-
tion and performance. Resilience and foster short-term think-
ment, reward systems, training,
is a key component of PsyCap, de- ing. The three elements of true
interesting work—must be sup-
fined as “the capacity to rebound motivation—autonomy, mastery
ported by a clear vision, strong
or bounce back from adversity, and purpose—will lead to greater
communication processes, quality
conflict, failure, or even positive performance, particularly when
decision-making and an organiza-
events, progress and increased the objective is in the service of a
responsibility.” The PsyCap higher cause.20 tional culture of mutual respect.
resiliency process is not a linear ex- 2. Organizations need to pay atten-
perience; rather, the assets and risk A Study on Employee tion to the working environment.
factors—as a group—are both cu- Engagement and Motivation For example, too many meetings
mulative and interactive in nature, The Ashridge Business School, and poor meeting management
with implications for performance one of the world’s leading business will have a negative impact on
and the development of resiliency schools, conducted a study about employees’ level of motivation.
of leaders, employees and organi- motivation from the employee view- 3. The individual employee needs
zations. For example, confidence, point. While financial rewards were to know what motivates him or
hope and optimism are assets in often mentioned, the most common her and be aware of how work
the resiliency process. The resilient were intrinsic motivators. The top satisfies these needs. The manager
leader has the ability to grow in most important motivator was the and/or organization can sup-
times of turmoil, managing and work itself, followed by the need for port this process by facilitating
integrating assets, risk factors and work to be challenging and interest- opportunities for employees to
values. Such leaders use resiliency ing as well as valued and recognized meet, talk and share their views
as a tool to assist employees to see by the organization. The key moti- with colleagues and managers.
difficult times as opportunities for vators were praise and recognition 4. Colleagues: Working with people
advancement (career resiliency), from the manager and the organi- who respect and support each
thus owning more of the respon- zation, and celebration of success. other is positively motivating.
sibility for success for themselves The study also found that a very
and for the organization.19 As Lu- important theme is the employee A New Model for
thans notes, “The current reality is desire for autonomy and freedom to Employee Motivation
not if employees will need to draw do his or her job, the ability to make In their 2002 book, Driven: How
from their psychological capital decisions and the authority to deliver Human Nature Shapes Our Choices,
resilience in order to recover and the work in a way the employee con- researchers Paul R. Lawrence and
reinvent themselves, but when.” siders the best. Another important Nitin Nohria identify four basic
3. Drive: The Surprising Truth employee motivator is being trusted emotional needs/drives. These
About What Motivates Us. In his to get the job done—without being drives, based on research in cross-
2009 book, author Daniel H. micro-managed. Other key themes disciplinary fields such as biol-
Pink states, “The secret to high are communication, objectives and ogy, evolutionary psychology and
performance and satisfaction—at goals, and a shared vision. Ulti- neuroscience, are: 1) acquire (obtain
work, at school, and at home—is mately, the quality of leadership scarce goods, including intangibles
the deeply human need to direct is paramount to good employee such as social status); 2) bond (form
our own lives, to learn and create morale. Poor leadership will result in connections with individuals and
new things, and to do better by poor employee engagement and thus groups); 3) comprehend (master the
ourselves and our world.” Pink in poor performance. In addition to world around us); and 4) defend
challenges the organizational the critical function of the man- (protect against external threats

Motivation in Today’s Workplace: The Link to Performance 6

and promote justice). Using these is promoted by designing jobs that A recent SHRM survey report found
four drives, Nitin Norhia, Boris are meaningful and foster a sense that 58% of HR professionals overall
Groysberg and Linda-Eling Lee of contribution to the organiza- indicated that their organizations
developed a new employee model for tion. Performance management and offered some form of incentive
motivation, published in Harvard resource allocation are tools that can bonus plans: 50% offered a bonus
Business Review. They conducted increase the transparency of all pro- plan to executive employees and 45%
two major studies to find out cesses, thereby emphasizing fairness to nonexecutive employees. Incen-
what actions managers can take and building trust.24 Ultimately, tive bonus plans can promote high
to satisfy these drives and increase culture, performance, engagement, performance because the bonus is
employee motivation. The study job design and reward systems need usually tied directly to company
surveyed about 5,000 employees be aligned to maximize motivation. and/or individual performance. In
in two global companies (a finan- addition, some benefits programs
Recognition and
cial company and an IT services include employee recognition.
Rewards Programs
firm), as well as employees from Seventy percent of HR profession-
As emphasized earlier, for employees
Fortune 500 companies, about als indicated that their organiza-
to remain motivated, recognition
commonly measured work indica- tions recognized milestones such as
is essential. Direct line managers
tors: engagement, commitment, birthdays and service anniversaries.
have one of the most important
satisfaction and intention to quit.22 More than half of HR profession-
roles regarding recognition. Their
als said their organizations offered
These studies revealed that organiza- communication style—or lack of
some type of noncash, companywide
tional levers of motivation can influ- communication—stands out as
performance awards such as gift
ence certain drivers and motivational critical for successful recognition.
certificates or an extra day off.25
indicators. For example, a reward Recognizing good performance
system can satisfy the drive to is also a key factor in talent reten- Motivating the Millennial
acquire by discriminating between tion. Different types of reward and Generation
poor and good performers, tying incentive programs are effective at As highlighted in the SHRM
rewards to performance and provid- motivating employees. Motivation Research Quarterly, “The Mul-
ing opportunities for advancement. may be promoted through mon- tigenerational Workforce,” the
A good example is that of Sonoco, etary and nonmonetary rewards. Millennial generation brings forth
a manufacturer of packaging for new challenges for motivation and
industrial and consumer goods,
which took this approach with a Figure 1 | Twelve Important Ways to Motivate Employees
pay-for-performance system. The
Provide employees with the information and resources they need to do a good job.
company established very clear links
between performance and rewards Ask employees for their input by involving them in decisions that affect their jobs.
based on individual and group Find out directly from employees what motivates them.
metrics. As a result, employee satis-
faction and engagement improved, Personally congratulate employees for their excellent work.

and the company was named by Recognize the needs of employees.

Hewitt Associates in 2005 as one Establish good channels of communication—be (physically) accessible and available.
of the top 20 talent management
Use performance as the basis for promotion.
organizations in the United States.23
Have a promote-from-within policy.
The studies also found that company
culture is the most effective way for Publicly recognize employees for good work (if culturally appropriate to do so
an organization to forward the drive
to bond. Specifically, organizational Include recognition as part of morale-building activities to celebrate group success.
culture can create a strong sense of Have clear goals.
camaraderie by promoting open-
Foster a sense of community.
ness, collaboration, friendship and
Source: Adapted from Top 20 ways to motivate employees. (September 2008). SuperVision, 69/9, 26.
teamwork. The drive to comprehend

engagement. This group of young stand what motivates the Millennial than those that differentiate us.
workers has a distinctly different set generation and learn to use these In my experience, employees
of expectations than other gen- factors to the advantage of both everywhere want to feel respected
erations.26 Cam Marson, author of the employee and the employer. and treated fairly, to work for an
Motivating the “What’s in it for me” employer in which they have pride
Global HRM and Motivation
Workforce, notes that while Millen- and to have an opportunity to
In an interview about motiva-
nials expect to be accommodated by grow. What is critical is for HR
tion, SHRM talked with Kenneth
their employer, it is strongly recom- and business leaders to understand
Somers, a member of the SHRM
mended that young workers learn how these universals manifest in
Global Special Expertise Panel.
everything they can from the older varying cultures. Understanding
Somers has more than 30 years of
generations. He points out that the and applying those learnings with
experience in senior HR leader-
Millennial workers have a responsi- sincerity and consistency is the table
ship roles, working both domesti-
bility in the work relationship, too, stakes for successfully motivat-
cally and internationally in global
and that it is not all about them.27 ing performance across borders.
organizations. This exchange offers
Further, in a unique position in a close-up view of key aspects SHRM: What are some of the
time, Millennials are the first gen- about motivation and performance ways that HR leaders can create a
eration to be part of a truly global in today’s global marketplace. workplace that is motivating in a
economy. Most have had access global company, and why would
SHRM: In the global HRM
to technology all of their lives. A this make a difference for over-
context, when you think of moti-
2010 study by Accenture explored all performance—of employees
vation—regarding the individual
how students and young work- and, thus, the organization?
employee and as a key factor for
ers in 13 countries use technology
organizational performance—what Somers: There are many things
in their personal and professional
are some of the top issues that come that employers can do to stimulate
lives. The findings are important
to mind and why are they impor- greater engagement. If you agree
for HR and organizational lead-
tant in today’s global workplace? that the bigger challenge is to
ers because there is a direct line
create sustainable engagement,
to talent management. The study Somers: This is a place where the
it then follows that sustainable
points out that companies that “fail research and my own anecdotal
engagement flows from consistent,
to embrace Millennial behavior experience coalesce. Employees
high-quality people leadership.
are at risk of failing to attract and everywhere are recession and RIF-
Employers need to take these steps:
retain new hires, while also seeing weary. Those whose positions have
their competitive edge erode from not been affected by reductions are ■■ Communicate with staff on a
lack of innovation in information looking for signs that “it” is over. regular basis: Everyone under-
technology.” Regardless of country, Neither businesses nor governments stands the world has changed.
Millennials are jumping ahead of the have defined the “new normal.” Explain what is going on, how
boundaries of corporate IT. They Most people are hunkered down it affects the business and the
expect to use their own technology/ and only marginally engaged. The resulting impact on people. Tell
devices in the workplace, and 45% corollary is that businesses will be the truth without drama. But
of Millennials globally use social impeded in their attempts to tap into even more importantly, tell a
networking sites at work, even if employees’ discretionary capacity. story about where you are going.
there is a corporate policy prohibit- Engagement also flows from
SHRM: In your experience in
ing it. Additionally, 72% of Millen- people buying into a future
the global marketplace, what are
nials in India, 52% in the United and wanting to be part of it.
some of the primary motivators
States and 45% in China say that an ■■ Follow communications with
for employees and why are they
important factor in their choice of actions that are consistent
important for HR leaders and
employer is the organization’s use of with the messaging. If part of
organizational leaders to know?
state-of-the-art equipment.28 Thus, the future story is to capture
to be competitive today, HR and Somers: I believe there are more market share from a previously
organizational leaders must under- motivators we hold in common untapped segment, create and

Motivation in Today’s Workplace: The Link to Performance 8

implement measures that show ■■ Listen with genuine in- 10
Dewhurst, S. (2009, April/May). How to
regain your motivation for work. Strategic
staff you meant what you said tent. People want to be heard.
Communication Management, 13/3, 14.
and are acting on the message. They will not always agree 11
■■ Share status reports. This is part with your decisions, but they 12
Santamour, B., (2009, March). Inspired staff
of ongoing communications but will be more accepting if they can see you through hard times. Hospitals &
is particularly focused on letting feel they have had a chance to Health Networks, 83/3, 10.

people know “how we’re doing.” express views and/or concerns.


Celebrate successes and be candid ■■ Deliver on the commitments

Daniel, T. A., & Metcalf, G. S. (2005, May
1). The science of motivation [SHRM white
about needed course corrections. you make. In many geogra- paper]. Retrieved from
■■ Recognize achievements. You phies, you get only one chance /Research/Articles/Articles/Pages
may not be able to award big to demonstrate your reliability. /CMS_012666.aspx.
bonuses or significant merit 15
Wilson, I., & Madsen, S. R. (2008, April).
adjustments, but a lot can be Conclusion The influence of Maslow’s humanistic views
on employee’s motivation to learn. Journal of
gained by saying thank you Organizational success cannot be
Applied Management and Entrepreneurship,
and encouraging further de- achieved without strong leadership 13/2, 46-63.
velopment and success. and a focused, thoughtful work 16
Overton, L. (2009, February). Delivering
■■ Give feedback. Many lead- environment that promotes motiva- business results. E.learning Age, 6-9.

ers would prefer to crawl under tion. No matter the industry, HR 17

Latham, G. P. (2007). Work motivation: His-
tory, theory, research, and practice. Thousand
their desks in times like these. leaders need to be in touch with
Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
We need to be visible to be able what is important to employees 18
Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., & McKee, A.
to accomplish the prior points. and to work with senior manage- (2002). Primal leadership: Realizing the
And when it comes to manag- ment to foster a motivated work- power of emotional intelligence. Boston:
Harvard Business School Press.
ing performance, remember place based on trust, recognition 19
Luthans, F., Youssef, C. M., & Avolio, B.
that your teams know who is and acknowledgment, for optimal J. (2007). Psychological capital: Developing
pulling their weight and who is engagement and performance. the human capital edge. New York: Oxford
not. Engagement also depends University Press.

on people perceiving a leader’s

Endnotes 20
Pink, D. H. (2009). Drive: The surprising
SHRM HR Glossary: truth about what motivates us. New York:
ability to step up and do the right /TemplatesTools/Glossaries/HRTerms Riverhead Books.
thing—especially when it is hard. /Pages/m.aspx 21
Dent, F., & Holton, V. (2009, November).
Daniel, T. A., & Metcalf, G. S. (2005, May Employee engagement and motivation.
While the particular “how’s” 1). The science of motivation [SHRM white
Training Journal, 37.
of these ideas will vary from paper]. Retrieved from
/Research/Articles/Articles/Pages 22
Nohria, N., Groysberg, B., & Lee, L-E.
country to country and from /CMS_012666.aspx. (2008, July-August). Employee motivation:
culture to culture, I think the 3
Stanley, T. L. (2008, March). A motivated A powerful new model. Harvard Business
workplace is a marvelous sight. SuperVision, Review, 86/7-8, 78-84.
principles are fairly universal.
59/3, 5-9. 23
SHRM: Finally, in a global work-
Lawler, E. E. III. (2003). Treat people right! 24
How organizations and individuals can propel
place, what are three of the most each other into a virtuous spiral of success. San 25
Society for Human Resource Management.
important ways a manager can Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2009). 2009 employee benefits: A survey
Knowledge@Wharton. (2010, February 17). report by SHRM. Alexandria, VA: Author.
portray behaviors and attitudes that

Putting a face to a name: The art of motivat- 26

Society for Human Resource Management.
relate to employee motivation? ing employees. Retrieved February 18, 2010,
(2009). The multigenerational workforce:
from http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.
Opportunity for competitive success. SHRM
Somers: This is simple to say edu/article.cfm?articleid=2436.
Research Quarterly,1.
and, of course, harder to actually 6
Marson, C. (2005). Motivating the “what’s
do. But it boils down to these: 7
Blanchard, K., & Shula, D. (2001). The little
in it for me?” workforce: Managing across the
book of coaching: Motivating people to be win-
ners. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, generational divide. Charlotte, NC: Marston
■■ Model the corporate values— Communications.
all the time. If business lead- 8
Bloomberg Group.
Accenture. (2010, February 10). Young
ers behave consistent with the (2010, February). 2009 best companies for people in China and India are reshaping
leadership. Retrieved February 24, 2010, corporate information technologies.
espoused corporate values, those
from Retrieved March 3, 2010, from http:
in the population who don’t nies/index.aspx?id=156. //
subscribe will self-select out. 9
Ibid. .cfm?article_id=4937.

Project leader: Nancy R. Lockwood, M.A., SPHR, GPHR manager, HR Content Program, SHRM Research

Project contributors: Chana Anderson, CCP, SPHR-CA, SHRM Employee Relations Special Expertise Panel member
Margaret Fiester, SPHR, operations manager, SHRM HR Knowledge Center
Kenneth Somers, SHRM Global Special Expertise Panel member

External reviewers: SHRM Organization Development Special Expertise Panel:

Libby Anderson, MS, SPHR
Carol J. Cooley, SPHR
Charity Hughes, SPHR
Kim E. Ruyle, Ph.D., SPHR

Copy editing: Katya Scanlan, copy editor

Graphic design: Jihee K. Lombardi, graphic designer

Production: Kathy Jackson, production manager

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ISBN: 978-1-586-44200-2
SHRM Store# 62.37010


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