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 NEWS, WATCH THE June 2006
INSTEAD.. ……...….….1






During this summer
Don’t watch the local news, watch the World Cup instead
There is more you can learn watching football this summer than watching Taiwan’s local television news. You
can learn that football, as the most popular game in the world, unites rather than divides nations, and that it is more
interesting than the disturbing condition of our local media today. Football players are viewed as heros by fans
worldwide thanks to their own merit, unlike Taiwanese media hosts who misuse press freedom for their own goals.
Even though our media hosts imitate football moves and apply them to Taiwanese society, unfortunately, they have not
been given the yellow card, and they have not been able to learn from their faulty mistakes, accusations and slander.
Football is all about teamwork, imagination, choreography, technical efficiency and talent. In Germany this
summer, a parade of football figures perform exquisitely, from tall to short, fast to slow, aggressive to passive, and
careful planners to spontaneous rookies. Our local media hosts are neither creative nor efficient in reporting the facts,
are dishonest about their motives and distort the truth with erroneous information. Without even mentioning media
hosts’ lack of talent, they think they are society stars, contributing only to Taiwan’s international shame.

Which one would

you rather watch?

Undoubtedly, football boosts national confidence as we have seen in Brazil. Despite poverty, crime and social
inequality, Brazilian football players have shown with determination how they can bring world class respect to their
country. Football by its own definition creates heros and makes countries appreciative of their own culture. We have
seen Brazilian citizens proudly wear their green and yellow national colors and wave their flags with all types of
football memorabilia. In Taiwan, on the contrary, we see political bickering, disunity and social instability caused by
our “media stars” of today.
The World Cup helps the local economy, while our local news brings down the stock index. In our
neighboring country, Japan, the World Cup keeps enthusiastic Japanese awake until the morning hours just to watch
their team play. All this time, Japanese demand for flat-panel displays climbs as more Japanese consumers desire
sharper images for the serious lineup. The TAIEX in turn, goes down with the more negative reporting, showing that
both local and foreign industries lose confidence in Taiwan.
Watching the World Cup this summer is good stimulation for the mind. It will make you learn about solidarity,
national identity and the international game order. On the contrary, watching the local news will deprive you of some
brain cells. All in all, your time will be better spent with your eye on the ball, not on the circus ring.

Department of International
Democratic Progressive Party
8F, No. 30, Pei-Ping East Rd.
DPP stands by President Chen
Taipei, Taiwan
t. 886-2-23929989 ext. 305 Chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party Yu Shyi-kun declared
f. 886-2-23214527
that President Chen Shui-bian had clearly responded and provided concrete
web: explanations to the ten accusations presented by the pan-blue alliance’s recall
motion against President Chen.
Director “President Chen has humbly presented himself in front of the Taiwan
Winston Dang
public and has shown his openness and perceptiveness to the accusations that
Deputy Director: have been presented to him,” Chairman Yu said.
Huai-hui Hsieh Chairman Yu was accompanied by DPP Legislative Caucus Convener
Ker Chien-ming, Chief Director of the DPP’s Policy Department Chao Yung-
Michael Fonte
ching and Central Review Committee Member Gao Jyh-peng at the press
conference held on June 20 at the DPP headquarters.
Editor: Chairman Yu said three main points are clear from watching the
Ping-Ya Hsu President’s televised speech:

1. In his 25 year political career, President Chen remains constant in his

beliefs. The opposition parties have ignored his accomplishments and have
presented accusations against President Chen with no evidence to back them up.

2. Everyone’s concern is focused on the development of Taiwan. In

President Chen’s report, we were able to see that the economy has improved.
We have also seen that government affairs have been handled appropriately,
structural construction of Taiwan has been promoted, and under President Chen,
there has been substantial improvement in Taiwan. Under appraisals by the
World Economic Forum (WEF) and the IMD Competitiveness Report, Taiwan
has grown in national economic competitiveness and has also reduced business
environment risks. These are all achievements made by the DPP administration,
and the pan-blue alliance should stop painting Taiwan in a negative light.

3. President Chen is worried that the current political conflict may cause
great damage to Taiwan and increase social tension and antagonism. The DPP
also expresses concern regarding social instability and hopes that each segment
of society understands President Chen’s report, and hopes that they do not quote
out of context.

Finally, the people of Taiwan want the pan-blue alliance to stop creating
political instability in Taiwan, malignantly employing the media to present
baseless accusations, and taking advantage of their majority in the Legislative
Yuan to delay necessary budgets for the betterment of Taiwan.

DPP Survey:
What do Taiwanese think about the recall motion?
Conducted at the Democratic Progressive Party Survey Center
Date:June 18, 2006
Sampling Number:1028
Sampling Error:±3.1%
Targeted :Nationwide voters older than 20 years-old
Method:Telephone, Random

Should evidence be provided when recalling a president?

Concerning the recall motion proposed by the opposition parties, some believe that in
order to recall a president, “evidence of guilt must be presented”. Others believe that the
recall is a “political move, and therefore, no evidence of guilt is necessary”. Which of
these two statements do you agree with the most?

Evidence of guilt must be presented for a recall. 63.7%

Recall is a political move and there is no need to present any 22.6%

evidence of guilt.

No opinion 13.8%

Should the recall motion be continued?

Due to the difficulty in obtaining a majority vote for the recall motion, some believe that
“the process of pushing for a recall is more important in order to teach President Chen a
lesson”. Others believe that “since the recall motion is unlikely to pass, then why should
we consume all our resources on this matter, and create political instability?” Which
viewpoint do you agree with the most?

Push for the recall motion to teach President Chen a lesson. 40.9%

Discontinue the recall motion and stop consuming all our 48.0%
resources and creating political instability.

No opinion 11%

70.5% of Taiwanese choose flood control over recall

The sequencing of bills discussed in the special legislative session

The Legislative Yuan just recently called a special session and the opposition parties
requested that the recall motion be discussed first followed by a discussion of the special
budget for flood control. Do you wish to see the recall motion discussed first or the
special budget for flood control?

Discuss the recall motion first. 15.5%

Discuss the special budget for flood control. 70.5%

No opinion 14%

Do you agree with a vote of no-confidence in the cabinet?

Some people have proposed to “push for a vote of no-confidence in the cabinet and
demand for a change in premier”. Others believe that “Premier Su has not been involved
in any crime and should not resign”. Which of these statements do you agree with the

Should vote for no-confidence of the cabinet. 15%

No need for a vote of no-confidence. 71.2%

No opinion 13.8%

43.9% believe accusations against President

Chen are to incite political conflict

Degree of authenticity in accusations

Reporters and publicly elected officials have used the media to make accusations. Some
of the content of these accusations are accurate and some are not. Overall, do you believe
in these accusations?

Absolutely believe & somewhat believe. 43.6%

Don’t believe somewhat & don’t believe at all. 35.9%

No opinion 20.5%

Objectives of these accusations

Do you believe that the objectives of these accusations are to “expose scandals” or to
“incite political conflict”?

To expose scandals 31.9%

To incite political conflict 43.9%

No opinion 24.2%

DPP affirms U.S. statement concerning cross strait stability

Concerning the June 8th remarks made by U.S. Department of State Spokesperson Sean McCormack concerning
President Chen’s public reaffirmation of his promises on cross strait issues, the Democratic Progressive Party would like
to express its deepest affirmation and gratitude to the Department of State for welcoming President Chen’s remarks.
In the State Department’s press release, President Chen Shui-bian was addressed as “president”. Given the current
political situation in Taiwan, this State Department note is very meaningful to the DPP.
Regarding the U.S. State Department’s call for Beijing to “take parallel steps to fulfill its obligations for regional
peace and stability, including by reaching out to Taiwan’s duly elected leaders”, the DPP would like to appeal to Beijing
to accept the democratically elected government of Taiwan and recognize that the solution to the cross strait dispute lies
in peace and democracy.
The DPP also fully supports President Chen’s June 8th statement in the meeting with AIT Chairman Raymond
Burghardt at the Presidential Office. President Chen said that as the country’s leader and commander-in-chief, his duty
and obligation is to protect the country’s sovereignty, dignity and security, as well as to seek the happiness of the people
of Taiwan.
Concerning these statements made by President Chen Shui-bian, the DPP expresses its full support to President
Chen’s determination to maintain stability in the Taiwan Strait and avoid any changes in the present status quo. The DPP
affirms President Chen’s consistent promise to maintain stability in the Taiwan Strait.
The DPP once again expresses its appreciation for the U.S. statement and appeals to the government in Beijing to
direct its discussions to the rightfully elected leader and respect the democratic government of Taiwan, as well as accept
democracy and peace as the only way to resolve the cross strait issue, communicating directly with the people’s choice
of leaders and collectively contributing to the security of the region.
Overseas activist Pan Guoping said that he hopes the
Tiananmen Massacre 17 people of Taiwan, regardless of political affiliation, will
recognize that human rights is a universal value, and that
years later everyone will speak about it and discuss it, especially in
China. It is very encouraging to the Chinese people who need
The DPP’s Department of China Affairs held a human rights but cannot talk about it.
discussion panel on the development of human rights in He also said he was very disappointed at Lien Chan and
China on June 3 to commemorate the Tiananmen James Soong, while shaking hands with the Communist
Massacre of June 4, 1989. Many prominent scholars on Party, said nothing about democracy and human rights. NTU
human rights and democracy activists from China Professor Chang Ching-hsi said that we should do everything
attended this meeting. we can to help China’s democracy movement and at least
Director of the China Affairs Department Lai I- educate more people about the truth.
chung summarized the sessions by commenting that the Director Lai concluded by outlining three directions for
key to future cross-strait interaction is not the question of future efforts. First, we need to educate everyone about the
independence versus unification, but on the values of truth of China’s human right records, such as an effort by the
human rights. Taiwan Foundation for Democracy to publish a “China
Hu Ping, the editor-in-chief of Spring in Beijing, Human Rights White Paper”. Second, to promote laws that
a magazine promoting human rights, said that just the protects dissidents and activists from China. Third, the DPP
fact that after 17 years from the massacre, no one is needs to make human rights the centerpiece of China policy
allowed to speak about Tiananmen in China is an in Taiwan.
example of how terrible human rights conditions are in
The panels provided the audience with a
comprehensive view of human rights in China, at the
same time stimulated debate on how to improve the
situation. Presidential Advisor Wan Ming called for
Taiwan to become a beacon of democracy for China and
enact the Political Refugee Law to show Taiwan’s
concern for human rights.

Ma Ying-jeou: Respect the Rule of Law!

After the KMT’s June 7 decision to move to recall President Chen Shui-bian, DPP Chairman Yu Shyi-kun,
Premier Su Tseng-chang, and DPP Legislative Caucus Convener Ker Chien-ming urged KMT Chairman Ma Ying-
jeou to respect the rule of law, end political battling, and stop creating social unrest.
“If the government or any party member violates the law, the DPP will absolutely cooperate with the legal
authorities and uphold the independence and impartiality of the judiciary system. The DPP will not protect its own
interests before the law,” Chairman Yu declared.
“From the Taiwan Development Corporation Case, we can see that even though Chao Chien-ming is President
Chen’s son-in-law, he was still detained according to law, and even minister level officials were called. Before the law
everyone is equal, and we must not question the rule of law.”
Yu added, “Taiwan’s democracy came at a great price. Therefore, we should let the legal system do its work
and let the evidence speak for itself, and not judge an issue politically.” Yu indicated that the ruling party will not
interfere with the legal process, and he hopes that the opposition party will respect the judiciary as well. “Ma Ying-
jeou was a former justice minister, and he shouldn’t set a bad example himself by obstructing the law.”
Yu also said there is no legitimacy in recalling President Chen. “Chairman Ma said on June 1 that he will not
support a recall motion until President Chen is found guilty. However, to this date there has been no evidence
implicating President Chen, nor has Chao Chien-ming been convicted. For Ma to claim that the case involves President
Chen now is a shift in attitude that is just baffling.”
Yu noted that when campaigning for the wife of former Taitung County Commissioner Wu Chun-li, who was
convicted of corruption, Ma had claimed that “sins do not transfer to relatives.” Also, Ma appointed the brother of
another KMT official charged with corruption as a KMT deputy secretary-general. Yu said he cannot understand how
Ma can explain his position.
Yu also said that the plan to dissolve the cabinet is a ridiculous notion. “Premier Su has just taken office and
has a high approval rating from the people, yet the KMT wants to dismiss him. This is a very obvious political
struggle. Premier Su is trying to promote legislation to resolve flooding and other social issues through an
extraordinary legislative session, but instead, the opposition parties are pushing to recall the president and dissolve the
cabinet—a very blatant political struggle at the expense of the people’s welfare.”
Finally, Yu emphasized letting the judiciary be independent and impartial, and urged Ma to not use political
struggles to interfere with the legal process.
Legislative Caucus Convener Ker Chien-ming indicated that many important bills and budgets are still waiting
to be passed, and the delays have damaged Taiwan’s economic competitiveness. Ker further emphasized that the
extraordinary legislative session is a special occasion to benefit the people of Taiwan, and if the opposition parties
continue the political struggle in the legislature it will become a nightmare for the Taiwanese people.
Premier Su said, “The rule of law is for people to be responsible for their actions. Only a few days earlier Ma
said there is no evidence implicating President Chen, but now he refuted his position for his own political gain. We can
oppose or even hate someone, but we cannot oppose the rule of law and the legal process, cannot go back to the
‘destroy the clan’ thinking of the past. Thus, as both I and Chairman Ma studied law, I urged Chairman Ma to stop
fighting against the law.
“During authoritarian rule, there had been many cases of political power interfering with the legal process, but
Taiwan is a democracy now, and the judiciary must remain out of the control of any individual, media, or groups;
rather everyone must protect the independence of the judicial system.
“Taiwan’s economy is doing fine, and the government is working hard on improving the economy and fighting
crime. However the stock market took a big hit because of the political demonstrations, and the demonstrations drained
police resources away from crime fighting.
“Furthermore, the Legislative Yuan is responsible for approving the national budget, and now with the coming
typhoon season, the people will again suffer because a crucial waterworks budget has not been passed; national
infrastructure construction could have created more than 10,000 jobs, but the budget for infrastructure has not been
passed either. By focusing on attacking the government, does Chairman Ma care about the people or does he only care
about his own political power?”

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