DPP Newsletter July2006

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 July 2006





12th National Party Congress

Courageously Bearing Responsibility
July 22 – 23, 2006

For twenty years, the Democratic Progressive Party has led the fight for democracy and human rights in
Taiwan. We stand ready to fight to see our dream of Taiwan as a fully democratic and normal country,
standing tall in the international community.
Along the way, we have caused people to lose some trust in us, but we are ready to reform honestly. At
our 12th National Party Congress, we committed ourselves to the path of further reform and put in place
policies that will make this a reality.
During these two days, we held open discussions through a process that the DPP knows best, reflecting
the true DPP tradition of democratic participation.
The following major reforms represent the DPP today, ready to continue fulfilling the expectations of
the people and creating a brighter future for Taiwan.

Department of International
Democratic Progressive Party Anti-Corruption Measures
8F, No. 30, Pei-Ping East Rd.
Taipei, Taiwan I. Special Chapter on Integrity in the Party Constitution,
t. 886-2-23929989 ext. 305
f. 886-2-23214527 II. Agreement on Integrity in Politics
e-mail: foreign@dpp.org.tw
web: http://www.dpp.org.tw - Candidates running for public office must sign a pledge
to obey all registration rules concerning conduct and
Winston Dang
moral ethics,

Deputy Director:
- Legislators from the party are banned from taking other
Huai-hui Hsieh paying positions to ensure more professional politicians.
Michael Fonte
Active Recruitment, Meeting Future Election Challenges
Ping-Ya Hsu I. Increase women’s participation in politics by targeting to
reach a minimum x quota for women candidates, especially
with the upcoming single member district system in the next
legislative election,
II. System flexibility for greater participation at the grass roots
level, lowering the number of years that a candidate be a DPP
member from two years to one year,
III. Increase the DPP’s strongholds and speed the endorsement
process for “dangerous districts” with strong KMT influence
and low DPP support rate.

Open More Opportunities for Youth Leadership

I. Enlarge the DPP’s youth network and actively engage in
teaching youth early about the political process,
II. Open a space for youth to exercise actual leadership by
establishing the Taiwan Youth Democratic Union, which will
act as the independent youth wing of the party.

Stop Long-Standing Party Problems

I. Stricter control of membership application, attempting to
eradicate all fake members from the party,
II. Dissolution of party factions, forbidding party factions from
opening offices, holding press conferences or meetings and
recruiting factional members.


With its 20th anniversary approaching, the DPP’s original values remain intact, democracy and progress,
in order to implement democracy and shoulder the big task of reform. Today, however, we face
unprecedented challenges, including the people’s disappointment with the party and their dissatisfaction
concerning the party’s integrity. When facing the question of integrity, we must humbly reflect and institute
broad reforms, abolishing what is harmful and regain the trust of the people.

During these past years, the DPP has proudly held to a reform consciousness, becoming the only political
party brave enough to criticize itself. In domestic politics, the DPP courageously faced the burdens left by 50
years of Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) authoritarian rule, and the DPP devoted itself completely to reform
in order to lead the country towards deeper democratization. Internationally, as we faced the challenges of
globalization and the economic and political concerns regarding regional security that erupted with China’s
sudden rise, we have actively taken part in the international community to make Taiwan become a normal

Nevertheless, we must humbly reflect. In many respects, we have disappointed the people. This gives us
more reason to deeply self-examine whether a reform-minded and honest DPP has taken the necessary reform
steps to fulfill the people’s expectations.

During this National Party Congress, we passed critical motions to deal with the integrity issue, and we
have dealt with long-standing problems of the party. Passing these motions show the party’s determination to
deeply self-examine and take concrete steps to courageously reform.

As we face the public’s criticisms, we must confront these challenges with the utmost sincerity. We must
also bravely shoulder the responsibility of fulfilling society’s expectations and continue demanding more

We have confidence that we will regain the people’s trust nationwide, and that the DPP will continue
leading Taiwan in advancing democracy. We firmly believe that through unceasing soul searching and
courage, the DPP will breakthrough this difficult time and move forward strongly to face future challenges.

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