Introduction Social Research

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Presented by
BMT-LISSAH 2/20/2012

• Introduction
• What is research
• Social science research or social work research?
• Propose of SR
• What we can do with research
• Recent Trends in Social Science Research
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• Sciences are broadly divided into natural and

social science
• Social science includes various disciplines
dealing with human life ,behavior, social groups
and social institution
• They consists of anthropology, behavioral
ics,management,political sciences, psychology,
public administration ,sociology and social work
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• Social sciences are not exact sciences like

physical sciences. it always deals with human
nature and environment and which is so
complex. no one person is consistent from one
moment to another.
• A controlled experiment is not possible in social
sciences but it is sine qua non of empirical
( how the discipline gathered information?)
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Four Methods
( Knowledge Gathering)
• Research is intended to bring knowledge

• For this knowledge accumulation 1)tradition,

2)authority, 3)practical wisdom,4)problem
solving methods were applied (check)
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Problem solving method Phase-1


Phase -4
Evaluation Reserach Determining

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• Discussing Research in this context

• What you think about Research?
• Qualities required to become a good
reseracher? (your thoughts)
BMT-LISSAH 2/20/2012

• Composed of two words re and search
• Again, or over again/closely, carefully, to test or
to probe
• A noun describing a careful and systematic
study in some field of knowledge undertaken to
establish facts or principles
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• Research is a structured inquiry that utilizes

acceptable scientific methodology to solve

problems and create new knowledge that is

generally applicable
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Research( Defined as )
• “Research is an Endeavour to discover, develop and
verify knowledge –Rumnell

• Scientific research is a systematic and objective

effort to offer solutions to problems

• Research invokes cause and effect relationships and

helps to formulate policies and programmes

BMT-LISSAH 2/20/2012

• “it is systematic and objective attempt to study

a problem for the purpose of deriving general

principles” (Theodorson & Theodorson)

• “It is systematic investigation to find solutions

to a problem”. Robert Burns

BMT-LISSAH 2/20/2012

Social Science Research

• It is systematic method of exploring analyzing
and conceptualizing human life in order to
extend ,corrector verify knowledge of human
behavior and social life .it seeks to find
explanations to unexplained social phenomena
,to clarify the doubtful and correct the
misconceived facts of social life .
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Objectives of Research
• To discover new facts
• Verify and test old facts
• To understand human behavior
• To know connection between human activities
and natural laws
• To develop new scientific tools concepts and
theories –Extend the area of knowledge
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• To understand the functioning of the society.

• To study individual behavior and social action.
• To evaluate social problems ,their effects,
• To explore social reality
• To develop theories ( Tasks :Read Theories)
BMT-LISSAH 2/20/2012

• Becker 1989,Sarantokos 1998

• General goals
• Theoretical goals
• Pragmatic goals
• Political goals
• Mahr (1995)- Educational
• Personal
• Institutional
• Political
• Tactical
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Scope of social science research

• The fields are unlimited

• Every phase of social phenomena
• Every phase of human life
• Every stage of past and present development are
materials for the Social scientist
• Interdisciplinary approach
(Identify areas)
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Limitation of SS research
• Scientist :
• Complexity of the subject matter
• Human problems /refusal of respondents
• Personal values
• Anthropomorphization
• Wrong decisions
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Can be viewed as

•A systematic and scientific study of a

phenomenon to create new knowledge or

to increase existing fund of knowledge.

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• Activity undertaken with personal need or

purpose is not consider as research.

• Research shall be scientific, library

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• Royce A Singleton “ Scientific* Social Research

consists of the process of formulating and

seeking answers to questions about the social


• *What is Mean By A Scientific Method???

End of Part -1
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• Theodorson & Theodorson(1969)
• defining Problem
• stating the Problem
• Devise hypothesis
• Data collecting procedure
• Gathering data
• Analyzing data
• conclusions
BMT-LISSAH 2/20/2012

• Kenneth D Bailey (1982)

• Choosing research problem & stating hypothesis
• Formulating the research design
• Analyzing the data
• interpreting the results
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Basic Steps in Research



Causal observation Event inferences

BMT-LISSAH 2/20/2012

Research Process
1. Selection of Problem
2. Review of Literature
3. Formulating Hypothesis/Objectives
4. Preparing a Research Design
5. Data Collection
6. Analysis of Data
7. Conclusions/Suggestions
8. Research Report
Assignment Supply Format for Proposal and Start work on that)
BMT-LISSAH 2/20/2012

Types and Method of research

• Pure and applied
• Exploratory research
• Diagnostic study
• Evaluation study
• Action Research
 Experimental research
 Analytical study
 Historical research
 Survey research
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Pure &Applied
• It is also known as basic or fundamental
• It is initiated out of intellectual curiosity or
• Initiated for the sake of knowledge without any
intention to apply it in practice( Einstein theory
of relativity, Newton's law)
• It will lead to discovery of other areas like new
theory or refinement of the existing theory
• It lays foundation for applied research
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Applied Research
• It is problem oriented and action oriented
research initiated to find out solution to areal
life problem requiring an action or policy
• It always focusing for an immediate and
practical results
• Applied research have a vast scope in the fields
of technology, management, commerce
,economics, and other social sciences
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Exploratory research
• Exploratory study is a preliminary study of an
unfamiliar problem about which the researcher
has little or no knowledge
• It is ill structured and much less focused on
predetermined objectives
• To generate ideas, to increase the familiarity of
researcher about the problem
• To make a precise formulation of the problem
etc(more note )
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Descriptive research
• It is the simplest form of research. it is a fact
finding investigation with adequate
• t is more specific than exploratory research
• It is designed to gather descriptive information
information and provides information for
formulating more sophisticated study
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• The problem must be descriptive
• The data should be assessable to an accurate
• It should be possible to develop valid studies of
• It should lead itself to verifiable procedure of
collection and analysis of data
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• Identifying the various characteristics of a
community institutions or problem under study.
but it does not deal with testing of hypothesis
,but it can reveal the relationship b/w variables
• Usefulness
• Development of young sciences
• Highlighting of methodological aspects of data
collection &interpretation
• Prediction
• Providing facts
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Diagnostic study
• It is more or less same to the descriptive study
but with a different focus.
• It intends to discover what is happening ,why it
is happening ,what can be done about it
• It aims at identifying the problem and the
posssible solution for it
• Requirement
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Evaluation study
• It is one type of applied research .made for
assessing the effectiveness of social economic
programmmes implemented or for assessing the
impact of development project on the
development of the project area such as
determination of the results attained by some
activity designed o accomplish some values or
goals or objective
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• The propose of the study is asses or appraise the

quality and quantity of an activity and its
performance and to specify its attributes and
conditions required for its success or failure
• The change that brought by the project is also
assessed in evaluative study.
• Concurrent evaluation, periodic valuation,
terminal evaluation are different types of ER
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Action Research
• It is type of evaluative study.
• It is concurrent evaluation study of an action
programmme launched for solving a problem
for improving an existing situation
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Experimental research
• It is designed to asses the effects of particular
variables on a phenomena by keeping the other
variable constant or controlled.
• It aims at determining whether and in what
manner variables are related to each other.
• The factor which is influenced by other factors
is called dependant variables.
• And other factors which influence it are known
as independent variables
BMT-LISSAH 2/20/2012

• For eg: agricultral productivity /ph productivity

is determined by the fertility,
Irrigation,manuring etc.

• Qualitative & Quantitative Research?????

BMT-LISSAH 2/20/2012

Historical Research

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