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ar and
d Voca
y Unit 7
ammar Vocabula
V ary
st simple: be Clothes

1 Complete
C thee dialogue with
w was, wa
asn’t, were 5 Find nine items of clo
othing in the
e word snak
and weren’t. and write them
t in the order they appear.
A Hi, Jack. WWhere (1) weere / was youu this capdresstrousersshirtsskirtjacketsoc
B Hi, Marthaa. Mike and I (2) wasn’t / were at the 1 cap 6 _____
pool. What about you? ? 2 ______
__________ 7 _____
A Well, I (3) weren’t / wa
asn’t at the pool.
p I 3 ______
__________ 8 _____
(4) were / was at the shops.
s Tia annd Tim 4 ______
__________ 9 _____
(5) was / wwere with mee. 5 ______
B (6) Was / WWere Tia at home in the afternoon?
A No, she (77) weren’t / wasn’t.
w She was with Timm General
G ap
at the aqua arium.
6 Underline the odd onee out.
therre was / th
here were sandals
s jeans whhite shorts
1 ginger grey blondd blue
2 Match
M 1–5 to
o A–E to mak
ke sentence
es. 2 fat long wavy strraight
1 There wass B A a lot of people. 3 brown blond greeen blue
2 There wassn’t ___ B a man in a brown hat. 4 short slim
s wavy tall
3 There werre ___ C many jack kets left.
4 There werren’t ___ D very much h time. 7 Complete the descrip
ptions with the words. Use
each word
d once.
5 There wass ___ E a girl in a red dress.
d beard cuurly glasses green
long mousttache slim tall
st simple: regular ve
1 He is ba
ald and wearrs ________
3 Write
W the pas
st simple forms of the verbs.
v 2 She hass got ________________ eyes.
Present simple Past simple 3 She hass got ________________,
ask asked ________________ hair.
clean (1) ___
_ 4 She is ___________
_ ______ and
describe (2) ___
_ ________________.
enter (3) ___
_ 5 He has got a _________________ and a
love (4) ___
open (5) ___
tidy (6) ___
S for
f clothess

8 Put the wo
ords in the ccorrect orde
4 Complete
C the
e sentencess with affirm
mative ( ) orr
negative ( ) forms of the
e past simple. help / I / can / you / ?
Can I help you?
We cleane ed our room. (clean )
1 looking / I’m / for / nnew / legging
I didn’t pho
one Alana. (p
phone )
______ ___________ ______________________
1 They ____ ___________ __ to my storry. (listen )
2 you / what / are / sizze / ?
2 She _____ ___________ _ TV at the weekend.
______ ___________ ______________________
(watch )
3 colour / what / you / like / would / ?
3 He ______ __________ _ a question. (ask )
______ ___________ ______________________
4 We _____ ___________ _ pizza last night.
4 it / can / try / I / on / ?
(order )
______ ___________ ______________________
5 You _____ ___________ _ football in the
t rain.
5 much / it / how / is / ?
(play )
______ ___________ ______________________

Grammar Unit 7
Past simple: be Past simple: regular verbs

1 Complete the sentences with was / were ( ) or 4 Complete the table with the verbs.
wasn’t / weren’t ( ). arrest carry compare cry describe escape enter
Genoa was the home of the 'first jeans'. ( ) jump plan practise rob stay stop tidy travel try
1 Jeans _____ common among rich people. ( )
+ -d + -ed y + -ied double
2 In the 1920s, young boys _____ happy to wear
dresses. ( )
+ -ed
3 Short hair on European women _____ popular
until recently. ( ) ________ arrest ________ ________
4 Chanel’s real name _____ Coco, it _____ ________ ________ ________ ________
Gabrielle. ( ) ( ) ________ ________ ________ ________
________ ________ ________ ________
2 Write questions from the prompts.
the shoes / tight?
5 Write the affirmative and negative form of the
Were the shoes tight? verbs in the past simple.
1 Carla / at school yesterday?
ask asked didn't ask
1 brush __________ __________
2 how many people / at the show?
2 carry __________ __________
3 chat __________ __________
3 how much / the tickets?
4 rob __________ __________
5 try __________ __________
4 she my teacher / in 2010?
6 escape __________ __________
7 cry __________ __________
5 where / they yesterday evening?
8 compare __________ __________
6 how / the weather last weekend? 6 Write negative sentences using the past simple.
she / not wash her hair
  She didn’t wash her hair.
there was / there were 1 we / not go to the shops
3 Write sentences using There wasn’t or There
weren’t. 2 he / not stay the night
(many people to help us)
3 they / not open the door
There weren’t many people to help us.
1 (a place to eat sandwiches)
4 I / not try very hard yesterday
2 (many toilets)
5 the three suspects / not escape from the police
3 (a place to leave our bags)
6 you / not practise the violin at the weekend
4 (any parking spaces)
7 the food / not taste good
5 (big crowds)
6 (a good roller coaster)

1 1
Vocabulary Unit 7
Clothes 3 Look at the pictures. Then complete the
descriptions with the words.
1 Label the pictures with the words.
boots jacket leggings shirt
shoes skirt socks trousers

1 trousers 2 ________________
beard big blond dress fashionable glasses
black jacket long short slim small tall

He is a tall man with (1) __________, (2)

3 ________________ 4 ________________ ____________ hair and (3) __________ eyes. He is
wearing (4) __________ and he’s got a
(5) __________.
She is (6) __________ with (7) __________, (8)
__________ hair and (9) __________ eyes. She is
5 ________________ 6 ________________
wearing a (10) __________ and a (11) __________
and she looks (12) __________.

Extra vocabulary
7 ________________ 8 ________________
4 Complete the sentences.
General appearance We need to breathe air to stay alive.
1 G___________ keep our hands warm.
2 Write the words under the correct heading. 2 A h___________ protects your head.
big blond blue curly freckles ginger 3 When a plane comes back down to the ground, it
glasses green moustache slim straight tall l___________.
wavy well-built white 4 The Earth o___________ the Sun.
5 The police think Lee r___________ the bank; he
general appearance eyes
is a s___________. They a___________ him.
__________ big
6 The bank r___________ was wearing
__________ __________
b___________ jeans, a t___________ shirt with
__________ __________
long s___________ and a h___________ on his
hair style special features
__________ __________
Shopping for clothes
__________ __________
__________ __________
5 Complete the conversation with the words.
can changing dress help looking on size
hair colour
Small try you
__________ 1 Assistant Can I _____ you?
__________ 2 Customer Yes, please. I’m _____ for a _____.
3 Assistant Okay, what _____ are _____?
4 Customer I’m a _____.
5 Customer Can I _____ it _____?
6 Assistant Yes, the _____ rooms are just here.

1 2
ar Unitt 7
1 Complete
C thee blog about a fashion show
s with 4 Rewrite th
he sentencess using The ere was / we
ere or
w were, th
here was or there were. There wassn’t / weren’’t so they meean the sam
I was at a fashion show la ast week. (1) _________ The queeues were loong.
ots and lots o
of clothes! Th
hey (2) _____ _____ There were
w long quueues.
amazing and the people (3) ________ __ really 1 The ride
es were exciiting.
ashionable. In fact it was so popular (4)
( ________ __ ______ ______________________ ___________
a very long qu ueue in the morning.
m Fasshion 2 The foo
od wasn’t dellicious.
designers Ste ella McCartne ey and Victoria Beckham m ______ ______________________ ___________
5) _________ __ at the showw. (6) _____
_____ TV 3 The cro
owds weren’tt big.
caameras at thhe show, too.. This (7) ___
_______ ______ ______________________ ___________
antastic for m
me because I (8) _______ ___ on the T
TV! 4 The water was cheaap.
M friends (9)) _________ _ very happy for me. It ______ ______________________ ___________
10) ________ ___ a great day. 5 The peoople weren’t friendly.
______ ______________________ ___________
2 You
Y were at a terrible fas shion show
w. Write
e sentences in the past
afffirmative and negative 5 Read the timeline.
t Theen complete e the senten
simple. using the verbs in thee past simplle.
the clothess / amazing Key eventts of the 20thh century
The clothe es weren’t ammazing. 1911 Vinceent Peruggiaa walks out of
o the Louvre with
1 room / sma all and crowdded the Mona
M Lisa.
________ __________ ___________
__ 1926 Cocoo Chanel creaates the ‘Litttle Black Dress’.
2 clothes / innteresting 1930 American police ttake Al Capo one to the staation.
________ __________ ___________
__ 1964 Maryy Quant desiggns the minis skirt.
3 music / cool 1965 Train
n robber Ronnald Biggs es scapes from
________ __________ ___________
__ priso
on in London..
4 people / faashionable 1997 Andrew Cunanann kills designer Gianni
________ __________ ___________
__ Versace.
5 Stella McC Cartney / at the show
arrrest escapee invent (x2)) kill rob
________ __________ ___________
6 tickets / exxpensive Vincentt Peruggia roobbed the Lo
ouvre in 1911
________ __________ ___________
__ 1 Coco Chanel
C ________________ _______ in 1926.
2 The police _______ ___________ ________ in 1930.
3 Write
W questio
ons about thhe sentence
es in exercis
se 3 Mary Quant ______ ___________ ________ in 1964.
2 and then annswer them.
4 Ronald Biggs _____ ___________ ________ in 1965.
Were the cclothes amazzing?
5 Andrew
w Cunanan __ ___________ ________ in 1997.
No, they w
1 ________
__ 6 Correct the informatio
on in the sentences.
__ Al Capoone created tthe 'Little Bla
ack Dress'.
2 ________
__ No, he didn’t. Coco Channel inv vented the 'Liittle
__ Black Dress'.
3 ________
__ 1 Mary Quant walked out of the Lo ouvre with a
__ painting
4 ________
__ ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
__ 2 The police took Gia nni Versace to the station.
5 ________
__ ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
__ 3 Vincentt Peruggia brroke out of prison.
6 ________
__ ______ ______________________ ___________ ____
__ 4 Ronald Biggs desig ned the miniiskirt.
______ ______________________ ___________ ____
5 Andreww Cunanan kiilled Al Capo one.
______ ______________________ ___________ ____

1 1
ocabulary Unit 7
1 Look at the ppictures. Lab
bel the cloth
hes with 2 Read the example
e desscription. Write
sixteen of the
e words. descriptions for the o
other peoplee in exercise
e 1.
booots cap ca ardigan colla
ar dress ho oodie jacke
et 1 He is a 1short man w with 2long, sttraight, 3brow
jeanns leggingss sandals tight shirt shoes
s shortts d 4big eyes. H
hair and He 5is wearinng a cap and d has
skirt sleeves ssocks sweattshirt top baggy
b trouse
ers got a moustache.
hirt 1
generaal appearancce 2hair style//type (x2) 3haair
4 5
colour eyyes special features
1 2 ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
_________________ ___________ ___________ ____
_________________ ___________ ___________ ____
3 ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
2 5 _________________ ___________ ___________ ____
_________________ ___________ ___________ ____
4 ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
_________________ ___________ ___________ ____
6 _________________ ___________ ___________ ____

3 3 Complete the text wit h the correc

ct form of th
7 words.
breathe float glove
ves gravity helmet lan
4 orbit
o space station spa

We took offf from a basse in Russia this

t evening and
arrived at the
t Internatioonal (1) ____ ______________
six hours laater. In spacee, there's no
(2) ______ _________, sso you (3) __ ___________ ___
unless you u wear heavyy boots. We had h a
(4) ______ _________ too keep our body warm,
(5) ______ _________ too keep our hands warm and a a
8 4
(6) ______ _________ too help us
(7) ______ _________. W We (8) _____ ___________ the
Earth for foourteen dayss and then we went home e. We
didn’t visit the Moon. T he last astroonaut to
(9) ______ _________ oon the Moon was Eugene e
4 Complete the converssation between a shop
assistant (S)
( and a cu
ustomer (C)..
S Can I help you?
C Yes,, please. I’m looking for a top.
16 1 S ____ ___________ ___________ ___________
C I’m a Small.
2 S ____ ___________ ___________ ___________
1 _________
________ 9 ________
_________ C Do you
y have anyything in gree en?
2 _________
________ 10 ________
_________ S Yes,, how about tthis?
3 _________
________ 11 ________
_________ 3 C ____ ___________ ___________ ___________
4 _________
________ 12 ________
_________ S It’s on
o sale; it's ££30.00.
5 _________
________ 13 ________
_________ 4 C ____ ___________ ___________ ___________
6 _________
________ 14 ________
_________ S Sure e. The changging rooms are
a over here
7 _________
________ 15 ________
_________ 5 S (five
e minutes lateer) ___________________
___ ?
8 _________
________ 16 ________
_________ 6 C ______________ ___________ ___________
S Here e's a bigger ssize.

1 2
7 Appearances Extra Practice
7.1 Vocabulary

1 * Read the sentences and choose the correct words. 3 *** Answer the questions about clothes.

boots coat hat jeans shirt skirt 1 What are you wearing now?

1 You wear this on your head: ......................... .................................................................................................................

2 You wear these on your feet: ......................... .................................................................................................................

3 An item of clothing for a girl or a woman: ......................... 2 What do you usually wear at weekends?

4 You put this on when you go outside: ......................... .................................................................................................................

5 You wear this on your upper body: ......................... .................................................................................................................

6 An informal pair of trousers: ......................... 3 What do you usually wear in the summer?

2 ** Complete the text with the correct words. .................................................................................................................

cap dress jacket sandals shirt
4 What do you usually wear in the winter?
shorts socks trousers T-shirt
My parents are at work today. They must wear formal clothes so my mum .................................................................................................................
is wearing a (1) ......................... and my dad is wearing a pair of grey

(2) ......................... , a white (3) ......................... and a black

(4) ......................... over it.
I’m not at school today. It’s hot and sunny so I’m not wearing trousers. I’m

wearing some (5) ......................... and a blue (6) ......................... . I’m also
wearing a (7) ......................... on my head and some (8) .........................
on my feet. They’re my favourite shoes. I’m not wearing any

(9) ......................... with them.

Student’s Book 7.1 Unit 7 1

7 Appearances Extra Practice
7.1 Grammar
Past simple: questions with be

1 * Match 1–6 to A–F. 3 *** Read the text and write questions using the words. Then answer
the questions.
1 Was it cold yesterday? …..A Yes, he was.
My grandma, Lilian, was born in Paris, France, in 1927. She was one of
2 Were you in bed at midnight? …..B No, we weren’t.
four children. They weren’t all girls. Two of them were boys, Alexandre
3 Were your parents teenagers in the 1980s? …..C No, it wasn’t.
and Émile. As a young woman, Lilian became interested in fashion. She
4 Was Linda next to you in the lesson? …..D Yes, I was.
always wore beautiful and elegant clothes. Some of them were from
5 Were you and Frank born here? …..E No, she wasn’t.
Christian Dior’s first collection of women’s clothes in 1947, New Look.
6 Was your brother with you? …..F Yes, they were.

1 Lilian / French?
2 ** Order the words to make questions. Then answer the questions.
1 Monday / was / yesterday / it ?
2 she / an only child?
2 your grandparents / famous / were ?
3 Alexandre and Émile / her cousins?
3 born / was / in 1970 / your dad ?
4 Lilian’s clothes / beautiful and elegant?
4 yesterday / you and your friends / in town / were ?
5 there / any Dior clothes in her wardrobe?
5 was / born /your mum / in London ?
6 New Look / Dior’s first collection?
6 you / for school / late / were ?

Student’s Book 7.1 Unit 7 2

7 Appearances Extra Practice
7.1 Grammar
Past simple: questions with be

4 **** Complete the dialogue with was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.

Mia Were there lots of good shops in London?

Stella Yes, there (1) ......................... . There (2) ......................... an
amazing one called Paper Dress.
Mia Really? (3) ......................... there all the latest fashions?
Stella No, there (4) ......................... . There (5) ......................... clothes
from the 1940s, 50s and 60s.
Mia (6) ......................... there a Dior dress?
Stella Yes, there (7) ......................... . And there (8) .........................
two things from Dior’s 1947 New Look collection.
Mia Amazing!

Student’s Book 7.1 Unit 7 3

7 Appearances Extra Practice
7.1 Grammar
Past simple: be

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Complete the text with the affirmative or negative past simple
form of be.
1 It was / were sunny yesterday.
The fashion designer Christian Dior was born in 1905 in Granville, France.
2 I wasn’t / weren’t late for school.
He (1) ......................... one of five children. They (2) ......................... all
3 He was / were a fashion designer.
boys. Two of them (3) ......................... girls, Jacqueline and Ginette.
4 We wasn’t / weren’t at home.
Christian Dior (4) ......................... famous as a teenager. His first
5 They wasn’t / weren’t hungry.
collection of women’s clothes, New Look, (5) ......................... in 1947 at
6 You was / were born in 1999.
the age of 42. His dresses and jackets were beautiful and elegant. They
(6) ......................... baggy. Soon, Christian Dior (7) .........................
2 ** Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative past
simple form of be. famous around the world.

1 Her shoes ......................... ( ) strange.

2 My grandpa ......................... ( ) a designer.
3 I ......................... ( ) in bed at 11 p.m.

4 We ......................... ( ) hungry.
5 The tortilla ......................... ( ) delicious.
6 You ......................... ( ) here yesterday.

Student’s Book 7.1 Unit 7 4

7 Appearances Extra Practice
7.2 Vocabulary

1 * Complete the categories. 3 *** Write about the appearance of people in your family. Include:

blond beard green straight tall

hair (colour and style / type)
1 Hair colour: dark, ginger, ......................... eyes (colour and size)
2 Hair style / type: long, short, .........................
any special features
3 Eye colour: blue, brown, .........................
4 Body: short, fat, .........................
My uncle is tall and slim. He’s got ginger hair. It’s short and wavy. He’s got
5 Special features: moustache, freckles, .........................
freckles, but he hasn’t got a moustache.

2 ** Complete the text. ......................................................................................................................

bald beard blue curly fat glasses grey of average height ......................................................................................................................
My grandpa has got some (1) ......................... , white hair on his head. He
isn’t completely (2) ......................... . He’s got some hair on his face too. It
isn’t a moustache, but it’s a (3) ......................... . In the past, it was brown, ......................................................................................................................
but he’s very old now so it’s (4) ......................... . Grandpa isn’t tall or
short. He’s (5) ......................... and he’s a bit (6) ......................... . He was
slimmer when he was younger. Grandpa’s got big, (7) ......................... ......................................................................................................................
eyes, but he can’t see very well now so he wears (8) ......................... .

Student’s Book 7.2 Unit 7 5

7 Appearances Extra Practice
7.2 Grammar
Past simple: regular verbs

1 * Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative or negative past 4 exercise 4 / exercise 5 (they)
simple form of the verbs.
1 I ......................... (play) computer games last night. 5 5km / 25km (he)
2 They ......................... (study) for a long time yesterday. .................................................................................................................

3 You ......................... (not want) any breakfast today. 6 Gina’s bag / Emma’s bag (you)

4 She ......................... (describe) her house to me. .................................................................................................................

5 We ......................... (carry) all our books to school.

3 *** Write sentences about last night. Use the affirmative or negative
6 He ......................... (not help) me with my homework. form of the verbs.
watch a friend
I cook an instrument
2 ** Write affirmative and negative past simple sentences using the My parents phone the living room last night.
correct verb. (not)
My friend play to some music
carry clean complete cook listen play walk My brother / sister listen a film
tidy a meal

the drums / the trumpet (he)

He played the drums. He didn’t play the trumpet. My sister watched a film last night.

1 to music / to the radio (I)
2 breakfast / dinner (we)
3 the bathroom / her room (she)

Student’s Book 7.2 Unit 7 6

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