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1. In your own understanding, explain the concept of Good and Bad.

-For me the word good and bad are abstract concept These two concepts are often considered as the
opposite of each other. For me The word good has many meanings. Some of these include moral,
welcoming, pleasant, correct, appropriate, high standard and decent and the word Bad is the exact
opposite of good. This word can be simply defined as harmful, wicked or immoral. Cruelty, unkindness,
selfishness, greed, sin, and callousness are some of the qualities of evil.

2. In your own words, differentiate Ethics and Morals.

-For me Moral refers to an individual's personal stance, principles and values of what is right and wrong,
whereas ethics refers to rules, principles, norms and values that are external to the individual, such as
the norms and values of a social community, occupational codes of conduct, religious principles, etc.

3. Compare and contrast Moral Reasoning from Moral Judgement.

-Moral reasoning applies critical analysis to specific events to determine what is rigth or wrong , and
what people ough to do in a particular situation. How we make day-to-day decisions like “What should I
wear?” is similar to how we make moral decisions like “Should I lie or tell the truth?” Moral reasoning
typically applies logic and moral theories, such as deontology or utilitarianism, to specific situations or
dilemmas. However, people are not especially good at moral reasoning. Indeed, the term moral
dumbfounding describes the fact that people often reach strong moral conclusions that they cannot
logically defend. So, while we likely believe we approach ethical dilemmas logically and rationally, the
truth is our moral reasoning is usually influenced by intuitive, emotional reactions.

4. Watch the video and make a reflection.

-based on the video I watched about it in the drug war it shows the killing of drug addicts due to the
"oplan tokhang" led by president Duterte. and it shows that there is almost always a case of murder
every day due to drugs. and most of the dead here are the poor and shown in the video how they can
pay for the burial of the dead by playing gambling. and based on the photographers some of the murder
cases they captured is surprising because they captured a pic of a dead man with both hands full of
blood but that victim's gun was very clean. and other victims are minor. And for others, drug wars have
been a big help because they have somehow reduced the crime of committing crimes in the areas. and
their place was better than before. many peiple died in unhuman killing that why many people calling
for thier human rights. According to the resident of being interview by the reporter they said that the
drug wars is good but many of them calling for the human rights.

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